Chapter 5: Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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Law slowly blinked awake with a low groan, she noticed that she was in a bed by a large window in a small and clustered house with walls reminiscent of tree bark. Books, Lacrima's and herbs were scattered around and within the two shelves across from her and her hat had been placed atop a desk. She saw the room she was in had two doors, one leading deeper within the small house and one most likely leading outside.

Law sat up and looked down at her hands, feeling the curse coursing through her veins in full force. She heard footsteps approaching the door to her right and turned to see it open, revealing a tall woman with a stern expression.

She was a slim and tall elderly woman with pink hair, tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face. She had reddish eyes, and a beauty mark located below her mouth, on the left side of her face. Her attire consisted of a dark green blouse with a tie around the collar, paired with a long matching skirt and simple shoes. Over this, she sports a crimson-colored cape, with a wide collar decorated by massive Dragon horn-like decorations protruding outwards, and edges adorned by white, arch-like motifs. This was Medicinal Advisor of Fairy Tail, Porlyusica.

"So you're awake." Porlyusica stated as she entered the house, shutting the door and placing the suitcase in her hands down.

Law didn't reply as she glared at Porlyusica and clenched her fists, ready to attack her at any moment.

Porlyusica noticed and rolled her eyes "Oh don't give me that, if I wanted to cause harm to you then I would've done so days ago."

"Days?" Law asked.

Porlyusica nodded as she walked over to a lacrima on a nearby desk filled with notes "You've been unconscious for three days. I surely expected you to die after seeing the little to no energy you had."

Law widened her eyes in shock as she processed the information while Porlyusica activated the Lacrima and it glowed for a moment until Makarov's face appeared within it.

"Yes Porlyusica?" Makarov asked.

"The child is awake, come fetch her already." Porlyusica answered as Makarov widened his eyes.

"Of course! I'm on my way!" Makarov exclaimed as the transmission ended.

Porlyusica sighed "So overzealous..."

"My sword." Law stated and Porlyusica turned to look at her "Where is my sword?"

"Ah yes," Porlyusica said as she opened the door to the other room and walked in, coming back moments later with Law's sword in hand but it was wrapped in a purple cloth as she walked over and placed it on Law's lap "I'm sure you know the reasoning behind this cloth?"

Law nodded as Porlyusica asked "Where did you obtain such a powerful thing?"

"None of your business." Law replied as she unwrapped the cloth and was surprised to see it in its sheath since she had left the sheath back at area she fought Explosivo and his guild mates in.

"Hmm..." Porlyusica hummed as she took a seat on the stool by the bed "The old fool usually comes to me with urgent problems and as annoying as it may be, I appreciate that he trusts me enough with such tasks."

"Urgent business like healing injuries I presume?" Law asked which surprised Porlyusica a bit.

"Yes actually, how did you know?" Porlyusica asked.

"I have knowledge in medicine and the fact that Makarov-ya brought me to you in my state of unconsciousness made it make more sense." Law explained.

"Very observant..." Porlyusica stated as she placed her hand onto Law's forehead who immediately gripped her wrist with a menacing glare "Calm down child, if you are so well versed in medicine then you know it's only natural for me to perform a routine checkup on you."

Law stared at her for a moment but slowly released her grip and lowered her arm, letting Porlyusica feel her temperature and continue her checkup by checking her eyes, mouth and ears with various tools.

"Your reputation precedes you." Porlyusica stated which made Law quirk an eyebrow at her "A lot of humans were found dead in the East Forest and those who survived were facing severe cases of post-traumatic stress."

"I'm a monster to you too huh?" Law asked.

"Not one bit." Porlyusica stated which caused Law look to at her in surprise "The Flaming Emperor guild was a dark guild, a guild of killers. While I will never accept any justification for the senseless violence humans enact upon each other, they knew what they signed up for and they knew the consequences for that kind of life."

Law contemplated her words for a few moments as she asked "Is Makarov-ya okay?"

"Oh he's fine, took him only a day to recover from his injuries." Porlyusica replied and Law let out a low sigh of relief.

The door to the house burst open to reveal Makarov who was huffing and puffing tiredly from his long trek to said house.

"Law!" Makarov exclaimed happily.

Porlyusica dawned tick marks on her forehead and threw a nearby book at Makarov as she shouted "Don't slam my damn door!"

Makarov quickly recovered but now had a small red bump as he bowed his head in apology "Sorry!"

Law hopped off the bed, sword in hand, and put on her shoes, walking over to the desk and putting on her hat as Makarov stood up straight with a grin.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" Makarov exclaimed.

Law nodded with her ever neutral expression "You too."

Makarov sweat dropped 'I really thought she'd be happier to see me!'

"She's fine now so both of you get out!" Porlyusica exclaimed.

"May I know your name at least?" Law asked.

Porlyusica stared at her for a moment as if contemplating on whether to answer or not but she conceded and sighed "Porlyusica."

Law nodded "Trafalgar Law."

"Yes I know; I've seen the posters." Porlyusica replied as she stood up and grabbed her broom "But just so you know, I hate humans so..."

Law and Makarov widened their eyes fearfully as Porlyusica ran towards them "GET OUT!!!"

Law and Makarov tumbled out of the house as the door slammed shut behind them. They both stood up, dusting themselves off and Law was surprised to see the house was in fact a very large tree.

"Shall we?" Makarov asked and Law nodded as they both walked away from the house and along the forest trail.

"Porly-ya told me that I was unconscious for three days." Law stated.

Makarov nodded "Yes you were, I was worried about you."

"Why?" Law asked.

Makarov chuckled "It's only natural for a guild master to worry about the wellbeing of one of his children, you'll come to find that happens often at Fairy Tail."

"Are you sure you still want me in the guild after what happened with the Flaming Emperor guild?" Law asked.

"I do not like your methods but you saved mine and multiple lives that day, the aftermath of the battle was enough to tell me that." Makarov stated with folded arms "I don't know how you did it but leading Explosivo to an area that would dampen his explosion magic was smart thinking. He wasn't ranked as the best explosion mage for nothing, that crater was about the same size as all of Magnolia. If he did what he did in the area, we were originally ambushed then the East Forest and its inhabitants would have all died."

Law shrugged "I had the same thoughts so I did what I could to save as much of the forest as I could."

"I wonder how you managed to survive without suffering a single burn though." Makarov pondered.

"When I shapeshift, any form of damage I take will not affect my original body but it will force me to release more energy to maintain the form and the pain is still there." Law explained.

"So Shadow is essentially an armor for you?" Makarov asked.

"If that's how you want to see it I won't stop you." Law replied "What happened to the master of the Flaming Emperor guild?"

"Fortunately enough, he was apprehended by the Magic Council. Thank you for assisting me in defeating him." Makarov thanked.

"I didn't do much." Law shrugged.

"But you did, you made an opening for my last attack to land. If that didn't happen then I would've been in serious trouble." Makarov stated as he pointed at her sword "That is no regular sword."

Law nodded as she looked at it "I noticed that too."

"It seems to be cursed with Anti-Magic." Makarov stated.

"Anti-Magic?" Law asked.

Makarov nodded "The cut you made on Kai was not just your own efforts but it's affect as well. It made the magic flames around his chest disperse to allow a cut and create an opening and my theory was confirmed when I held it as I rushed you to Porlyusica, my magic was being drained when I held onto it and its sheath."

"I don't feel myself getting weaker as I hold it though." Law said.

"That is strange but the only explanations I can come up with for you is because this sword was specially made for you or your ability is not related to magic at all since I have never seen Take-Over magic at your level." Makarov guessed.

Law narrowed her eyes at him, he was close to figuring out the truth and she couldn't let that happen. He had told her to never reveal where her abilities came from or else that man would come for her again.

Makarov shrugged "Maybe some things are meant to stay a mystery, no need to ponder on such things now."

Law let out a low sigh in relief as they reached a large sign with the words 'WELCOME TO MAGNOLIA' written on it and past the sign was the town itself with multiple buildings and a lot of people walking around and enjoying their lives.

Makarov turned to Law and she sensed a different air about him as he looked at her with a serious expression that she didn't expect to see from him "Law."

Law stared at him with her own expression that mimicked his as he continued "Do you trust me?"

Law thought back to when they met and all they had gone through until this point. Makarov had been nothing but kind and trusting to her and she felt as if he meant every word about Fairy Tail. He not only fought by her side but he also chose to help her recover from the battle rather than taking her in while she was weakened. So yes at this moment, Trafalgar Law trusted Makarov Dreyar with her life.

"I trust you." Law replied.

Makarov nodded "The Magic Council called for your capture but after speaking with them, they agreed to have a trial instead. I'm telling you this because I want you to be prepared and to know I will be by your side throughout the whole ordeal, so trust in me to keep you safe."

Law was going through a mix of emotions after hearing that; she was angry that the Magic Council had found her and she was nervous on how this whole ordeal would turn out but if Makarov was going to stand by her then she had to trust in him.

"Alright, let's go." Law replied.

Makarov nodded as the two stepped into Magnolia and made their way towards the council base that was stationed in the town.


Law stood in the center of a dark room with a spotlight on her, they tried to take her sword but because of its curse she kept it with her anyway. Ten holographic figures stood above Law in a semi-circle while Makarov stood by the large doors of the room.

"Trafalgar Law, you stand trial for the death of multiple bounty hunters and dark guilds as well as the assumed destruction of Flevance." A loud booming voice spoke while Law's expression remained neutral "How do you plead?"

Law's eyes became shadowed by her hat as she remained silent, she then looked up at the main hologram with a glare "Not guilty."

This sent some members of the Council into a frenzy of whispers as Makarov hoped that this whole ordeal would end well.

"Silence!" The main member stated and the rest of the council quieted down "State your defense."

"I will not apologize nor expect forgiveness for killing people but do remember that those are the very same people that came after me in the hopes of taking my head for wealth and the other people are dark mages that have committed crimes akin to murder and much worse. I have not and will not ever spill the blood of an innocent but if I face enemies that have the intention of killing me then I will always have the same intentions for them in return." Law stated.

"Well this is an open and shut case then, we can't allow a murderer to roam around Fiore freely." One of the members stated.

"That may be true but Trafalgar has made a significant difference regarding the dark guilds." Another countered.

"He has made an impact with them." Another stated.

"She's a girl." Another member stated.

The one who mistook Law for a boy jaw dropped "What!?"

"And if Makarov has personally vouched for her then she isn't completely irredeemable." A short member stated.

"Please step forward Makarov Dreyar." The main member stated as Makarov moved and stood in th spotlight with Law "You said previously that the child had immense potential, explain."

Makarov nodded "Law has had to survive alone for years with dangerous and powerful wizards coming after her and yet she has defeated all of them. I have seen firsthand that Law has no intention of blindly murdering people but instead kills to protect, she fought by side against the Flaming Emperor dark guild and helped me in defeating their master Kai, who is in the same level of a Wizard Saint."

"Kai Gushiken!?" A member exclaimed in shock.

"The Flaming Emperor guild was defeated by you two alone!?" Another exclaimed in equal shock.

"An old man and a child defeated such a powerful dark guild?" Another Member asked with a smirk and a low chuckle "You two must be powerful."

"I beg of you. Please allow Law to join Fairy Tail. There she can learn how to care for others and to finally know a home while growing stronger with the right guidance." Makarov begged, placing his hand on Law's shoulder.

"It would be beneficial to have such a powerful mage fighting for good rather than gallivanting around with the dark guilds." A member stated.

"And this way would be easier to keep an eye on her." Another added.

The leader of the council hummed as he spoke "You make a compelling case and for that I will put the decision into the hands of the council, those for Trafalgar Law joining the ranks of the Fairy Tail guild raise your hands and those against keep your arms down."

There was a moment of silence as all the holograms remained unmoving until one of them chuckled and raised his hand, four others did the same and now it was a tie between five hands raised and five hands down.

"A tie..." Makarov muttered.

"One more question," A short member who had his hands down asked "How are you the only survivor of Flevance? What happened that day?"

Law sighed "I am still looking for the reason behind such a disaster, that is why I hunt down the dark guilds. I not only aim to stop them but I aim to find the truth and see who is truly responsible for the deaths of my family and all those I cared about."

The short member smirked as he raised his hand, making the votes six out of ten. Makarov grinned and Law smirked.

"Trafalgar Law, you are hereby found as innocent! By order of the Magic Council, you are to join the Fairy Tail guild and fight as an ally of the magical world." The head member stated.

Law nodded and the head member smirked "Trial adjourned!"


Law stared up at the large building with her mouth slightly ajar as Makarov laughed excitedly. The Fairy Tail guild resided in an imposing building consisting of three floors and incorporating several architectonic styles: it took on a shape reminiscent of a pagoda, with each floor being smaller than the one below it and sitting on the latter's roof. The roofs also bore great resemblance to those of real pagoda, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. On the highest roof, topping the summit of the building, sat a simple, round and pointed dome, highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings, which bore a flag on its point. The roof below the one with the dome, the middle one, housed a large banner with Fairy Tail's symbol on it, held up by a pair of vertical poles. The building's large entrance was again Arabian in design, with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit, and above it was the guild's name, topped by a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairies. Stylized heart shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous, large pentagonal windows located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller, arched windows partially covered by banners.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Makarov exclaimed as Law smirked at him.

Makarov walked over to the door and kicked it open "We made it back alive!"

Law's smirked immediately turned into a frown as she sighed and as they both entered she looked over the building. The inside was similar to a large lunch hall, and mainly consisted of wood, possessing a parquet floor and a mezzanine held up by wood beams overlooking it. Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar. The request board was located beside the bar. The second floor contained another request board. It is a brown, decorative board that is set off into its own area of the hall. It is adorned by velvet curtains, which are tied with golden tassels. The floor appeared to have a few, small round tables and chairs seated around the tables for sitting. In addition, there are also barrels, crates, and bags scattered in corners around the room.

There were only a few people in the guild, Law could count about 26 people. They now stood in front of the bar with all eyes on them, some with happy faces at seeing their master return and some with shocked and fearful looks once they saw Law and recognized her.

"Welcome back Master!" A man a slim, mildly muscular man of average height with short, straight, slicked back dark blue hair. He has linear dark eyebrows, dark eyes, and a prominent nose with a flat, rectangular front. The lower part of his face is covered in quite a large amount of stubble, which includes a thin mustache. He wore a dark blue long-sleeved shirt and dark green pants with black shoes.

"So who's that with ya master?" A man with a man of average height, distinguishable by his brown hair, which is kept in an ostentatious pompadour-like style that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly and fluffy tuft. His eyes either closed or semi-open and he had a cigarette in his mouth. He wore a yellow jacket with an orange shirt, brown pants and black shoes.

"Meet the newest member of our guild, Trafalgar Law!" Makarov exclaimed as everyone widened their eyes in shock and jaw dropped.

"T-Trafalgar Law!?" The blue haired man exclaimed.

"You mean The Shapeshifter of Death!?" The man with the pompadour exclaimed.

"Isn't he a murderous monster that kills anyone he sees!?" A guild member shouted.

"Does the Magic Council know about this!?" Another member exclaimed.

"Master are you sure about this!?" The man with the pompadour asked.

Makarov nodded "Listen well my children, Fairy Tail is not just like regular guilds. Fairy Tail is a home for wizards of any shape and size because we are not only guild mates but we are also a family. Whatever past we may have should not affect our view on others, Law is a person not only seeking redemption but a person seeking a family that can guide her in the right direction. So please, as a member of Fairy Tail, join me in accepting a new member of our family!"

The silence in the guild was deafening as they all stared at the two, knowing who Law was would deter anyone and what their master was asking from them was just plain crazy. The stories they told about The Shapeshifter of Death were terrifying but some could sense the magical power the child in front of them had and it was equal if not more than the master's so maybe the stories were not such a lie. At that moment, the Fairy Tail guild made their decision on Trafalgar Law.

Law sighed 'I knew it...things like these never go well-'

Law's thoughts were cut off by the guild cheering and celebrating as the members approached her with happy greetings and compliments. A bar maid came out of the bar with drinks on a tray and handed them to the members and the guild went on full party mode which shocked Law greatly.

As the guild cheered and celebrated, one member stayed sitting at one of the tables. It was a young girl with long brown hair and she was staring at Law with immense curiosity.

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