Chapter 40

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Yay!!! Chapter 40!!! I can't believe it!!! Look at how far we have come!!! And were still going! Which kinda scares me cause I don't know when this is going to end! But I'm not going to worry about that right now because nice things are going to happen! I'm not going to tell you what's going on this time though. And if you don't like that I'm not going to give you spoilers, you can go suck it! Sorry, I'm tired. . . . well I won't keep you guys from the surprise any longer. I would like to dedicate this chapter to amazing_grace2020! She's like one of everything for me! Voter, commenter, and follower! Yay!!! I know I'm still trying to catch up, cause she started reading this story quit a while ago . . . . I'm sorry! I'm trying! But anyway, love you amazing_grace2020! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Erza

Time Skip: Two weeks

It been about two weeks since Lucy woke up. And we still haven't stopped celebrating, but it seems that everyone's been starting to calm down though. Jellal had finally got back from his job the day after Lucy woke up, which was the day that we started our celebration. He hasn't spoke to me since he got home, he won't even look my way.

'Should I go talk to him?'

I looked down at my hands as I sat at the bar.

"Hey Erza!" Lucy said as she made her way over to me, a little slow. She had been at the guild, on recovery, since she woke up and hadn't gone home yet.

"Hey Lucy. How have you been doing?" I asked her as she sat down.

"I've been doing okay. Still a little slow at some things." She said.

"Well your body's still getting over laying still for almost three months." I pointed out to her. The moment that Lucy woke up we all knew that her muscles were going to need time to rebuild themselves.

"Yeah. I'm getting there though." She said smiling at me. Then after that it was quiet for awhile, Lucy just sat there waiting for me to say something.

"I'm going to guess that you didn't come over her to talk about how you're doing." I said.

"Nope." She said putting her head in her hand.

"You read my mind didn't you?" I asked her again.

"Yep." She said. I sighed to myself.

'Damn it.'

Lucy then started to laugh at me while I put my forehead on the bar counter.

"So what's going on with you and Jellal?" Lucy asked me.

"After we figured out that you weren't going to wake up for a while, Jellal asked me out on a date." I started to explain, with my face still on the bar counter.

"He did?" Lucy asked getting excited.

"Yeah." I said. "But I told him that I wanted to wait until after things calmed down a bit before we went on the date. And then he went to go finish his business on the job he was on before. And then you woke up, he came back. And now he won't talk to me."

"Have you tried to talk to him?" Lucy asked me.

"No." I said. "But he won't even look at me. And now, I don't know if I should go talk to him or not."

"Well, what does your gut say?" She asked me. I turned my head just enough so that I could see her.

"What are you getting at?" I asked suspiciously.

"Just answer the question." She said smiling.

"My gut says to wait it out." I answered honestly.

"And what does your heart say?" She asked me.

'So that's what you were planning?'

She giggled a little under her breath.

"My heart says . . . . " I started but stopped to think a moment. "It says . . . . go get em."

"Then go do that." Lucy told me. "Don't wait for love to find you. You got to get out there and go find it yourself." She then got up and started to walk away.

"But . . . . " I started but didn't continue. Lucy turned back to me.

"But?" Lucy asked me.

'I'm scared.'

'Of what?'

Lucy asked me.

"That it's not real." I said. "And that my heart will only get broken."

"Well how will you know if you don't try?" Lucy asked. "Besides if he breaks your heart, you got friends that will break all two hundred and six of his bones." Me and Lucy then busted up laughing.

"I guess I could give it a try." I said after I caught my breath.

"Thatta girl." Lucy said as she lightly punched my shoulder. She then gave me a smile and walked away leaving me with my thoughts.

'I can do this. I just have to ask him out for dinner or something like that. That's easy. Jellal already did it. Why can't I do it? I can do this.'

"Hey Erza can I talk to you for a minute?"

'Shit I can't do this.'


POV: Jellal

I finally got back from my job a few weeks ago, a lot longer then I had planned, and it just so happened to be the day after Lucy woke up. And I decided that I needed a break from work so I stayed to have fun in the celebration. Excpetually since I've got something to celebrate. We haven't stopped since it started.

'Maybe I should go ask Erza out now that everything is calming back down again. And maybe tell her the good news.'

I looked over at Erza, who was at the bar, and she was talking to Lucy. Lucy then started laughing at Erza and Erza put her head down on the bar counter.

'I wonder what they're talking about.'

"Hey Jellal, you got a second?" I turned around to see Natsu walking towards me.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked as Natsu grabbed a chair and sat across from me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

'Way to get to the point Natsu.'

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You haven't even looked at Erza since you got back from your job." He said. "Now what's wrong with you?"

"Umm. Nothing." I said not sure how to answer that.

"Nothing?" Natsu asked in surprise. "Come on Jellal I know you got a thing for Erza. And you haven't said shit to her. Why?" I sighed.

"Fine. When you guys started to rebuild the guild I asked Erza out on a date, and she said yes, but after everything calmed down." I said looking at the table, which somehow became extremely interesting.

"And?" He said and gestured for me to keep going.

"And, I think she just said that so she didn't hurt my feelings." I said.

"So you think she doesn't like you?" Natsu asked, looking a bit confused. I nodded. "Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Natsu said looking like he wanted to punch me.

"What?" I asked, now completely confused.

"You really think she doesn't like you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered not knowing if I wanted to tell the truth.

"You know Erza is nicer to you then she ever has been to anybody else." Natsu said resting his chin on his hand.

"That's because we've gone through the same things as children." I said looking at the table again.

"Exactly." Natsu said getting a little excited.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You guys have been through a lot together. You guys understand each other better than anybody else would." Natsu said crossing his arms on the table.

"Okay. But that doesn't mean she likes me." I said getting worried.

"Or does it?" Natsu said. I then looked at him a bit confused, and he stood up, smiling to himself. "Jellal, you already asked her out. What would it hurt if you asked her again?"

"Me." I said slamming my forehead onto the table. Then I heard loud laughter coming from over by the bar, so I looked up to see Erza and Lucy laughing. I smiled seeing Erza smiling.

'Okay. This is weird to admit, but Natsu's right. It's not doing me any good sitting here, just staring at her.'

Then after a few moments Lucy left the bar counter and I saw that as my opportunity to go talk to her. I took a deep breath and then stood up, and walked over to the bar.

"Hey Erza can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her. I saw her flinch and she took a moment before she turned to face me.

"Yeah. Whats up?" She asked a little nervous. Her voice then made me nervous as well, and I felt my face start to heat up. "Jellal, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Well your face is just as red as my hair." She pointed out.


"Umm. . . . . " I started but then I stopped not knowing how to word what I wanted to say. More ask.

"Hey Jellal, can I ask you a question?" Erza asked not looking at me.

"Yeah . . . . sure, what is it?" I asked, getting a not so good vibe.

'Great this will give me time to think a little better.'

"Why haven't you talked to me since you got back to the guild?"

'Or not.'

"Umm. Well I just thought that you would want to hang out with your friends, expectantly since Lucy woke up." I said honestly. Partly.

"Well you're one of my friends as well." Erza said.

'Well that confirms it! She doesn't like me! Fuck you Natsu!'

"Oh." I said disappointed. Erza looked at me surprised.

"What?" Erza asked, a bit forcefully.

"Umm, it's nothing." I said scratching the back of my head.

"No, what is it?" Erza said more demanding. "What is it Jellal? Do you not find me as a friend?"

"No that's it. Sorta, anyway." I said the last part more under my breath. Erza then stood up from her bar stool and it fell over, which caused everyone to look at us.

"What do you mean by that?" Erza asked raising her voice.

"Nothing, I don't think." I said, starting to freak out.

"It's a simple question Jellal. Do you find me a friend or not?" Erza asked.

"Yes, I do. But I don't really want to." I said raising my voice a bit due to my nervousness.

"Now what the hell does that mean?" Erza asked even louder than before.

"It means that I want to go out with you!" I yelled. Erza then looked completely shocked, either because I yelled at her or because I said that out loud in front of the guild. Or both. But I didn't really give a shit at that moment. "I don't want to be your friend Erza, because I want to be more than that to you!"

"More than that?" Erza asked under her breath.

"Yes! I want to be able to call you mine! I want to be able to hang out with you everyday, more than just friends!" I yelled.

'Screw my shyness! I'm telling her everything, now.'

"You want to know why I've been at the same job for the last six months?" I asked. Now was the time that I was going to tell her what was really going on, on my "job". "Because it wasn't a job!"

"What do you mean it wasn't a job?" Erza asked.

"I've been working with the Magic Council for the last six months so that I could get rid of my criminal record!" I said, answering her question. "You want to know why I've been doing that? So that I could finally join Fairy Tail, and get to see you everyday!" Erza looked completely shocked. So shocked that she wasn't blinking.

'I did it. I told her!'

After a few moment Erza still didn't move or blink, she just stared at me.

'But now I think I broke her.'

"Erza?" I asked her trying to get her attention. She finally blinked snapped out of it.

"You did that, for me?" She asked still a bit in shock.

"Yeah." I said. "Now Erza Scarlet, will you go out on a date with me?" She didn't move for quit a few seconds. But then she did move, she grabbed ahold of the collar of my shirt.

"Screw the date." She said, and then smashed her lips to mine. I was very surprised by this action that I didn't move for a small moment and then I did by kissing her back.

'I did it! Well, more like she did it for me. Well that's Erza for ya.'

When we finally pulled away from each other everyone in the guild cheered. I looked at the guild and they were all happy for us. But then I looked at Erza and her face was redder than her hair. Which you could actually compare he face to her hair since they were side by side. And her face was definitely brighter. I laughed at her and she laughed to.

"Does this make us official?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled.

"It sure does." She said, and then I kissed her.

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