Chapter 41

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Hey guys! So this is really long! Like you'll need awhile for this chapter! Cause it's a little over 4000 words. And I usually do a maximum of 2000! More than twice as much! So you guys are probably going to like this chapter though. So I don't think you guys are going to complain that much about that! But I do know that you guys are going to complain about how this is the last chapter!!! Oh my goodness! Nooooooo! I don't want to do it! But I have to! I'm sorry! But you know what??? I've already been planning for a new story!!! I've got two ideas, but I don't know which one I want to do first. And I don't want to be working on two different stories at the same time. That would just be a clusterfuck! For me, and you guys! Anyway I'll explain more in a different part. Like I'll put up the summaries so that you guys can choose what you guys want me to do, and then I'll go with that story. Maybe I'll even explain a little outside the summary. *Smiles evilly.* Or maybe I won't. And be an asshole! Hmmm. I don't know, I like that second idea! Anyway I would like to dedicate this chapter to Shinoa26! She is a new follower! Yay! And I know, that was forever ago. . . And to the rest of you I didn't get to dedicate to a chapter, I sorry! Anyway, love you Shinoa26! Love you guys! Enjoy the last chapter!


POV: Lucy

Erza and Jellal had finally just got together, and Mira was now taking pictures. While Erza chased her. With a sword. And while that was going on I was talking to Suzie.

"You should go tell her." I told her, quietly.

"I know." Suzie said. "But I don't want to ruin the relasonship that I already have with her."

"Come on." I begged her. "What's it going to hurt that you tell her that you're her mother." I said a bit loudly.

"Shhhh!" She hissed at me.

"Seriously?" I asked her. "What's it going to hurt? If anything she might already know."

"What?" Suzie asked getting extremely nervous. "Did you tell her?"

"No I didn't tell her." I said reasuring her. "But she can read minds too. So maybe she knows from reading your mind?"

"No. No. That's not possible." Suzie said calming down a bit. "I blocked my mind from her when she was really little. There's no way she ever knows what I'm thinking."

"Oh." I said and looked at the table for a few moments. Then a thought came to me. "What about your husband?"

"What?" She asked.

"What about your husband?" I repeated. "Did he block her?" Suzie thought for a moment and then started to get nervous again.

"Oh god." She said." I don't know. I don't think so. Do you think he told her?" I shrugged and took a drink or my strawberry shake. "Ooooh. Someone hit me with a rock." Suzie said putting her forehead on the table.

"Why don't you just tell her?" I asked. "You're guild mates again. And besides, everyone else knows, do you think they haven't thought a second about it?" Suzie looked up at me even more nervous.

"Head. Rock. Me. Now." She said.

"Come on, look she's right over there." I said pointing over towards where Kiara was. She was at the bar talking with Levy about some thing. "Just go talk to her."

"But." Suzie started but stopped. "What if she rejects me?"

"I don't think she will." I said. Suzie took a deep breath and then stood up.

"Okay. Okay. Fine, I'm going." She said and walked over towards Kiara. When she got over there she asked Levy if she could talk to Kiara for a minute and Levy left the two be.

"Hey Luce!" Natsu said. I turned to see him walking towards me. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah. Just a minute." I said focusing back on Kiara and Suzie.

"Oh, did you finally get her to go talk to her about you know what?" He asked me, leaning on the back of my chair.

"Yep." I said and leaned back against his chest. And we both watched as they talked. A few minutes later Kiara hugged Suzie, while smiling. And they both started crying. "Okay, now we can go." I said while standing up, and Natsu helped me a little.

"Wait how do you know." Natsu asked me.

"Trust me." I said, trying to get my jacket on but was failing. "Their okay now."

"Alright." Natsu said as he helped me with my jacket.

"Bye guys!" I yelled to the guild and everyone turned and waved bye. Even Erza paused from killing Mira to wave bye. And then Natsu walked me home. For the first time in forever.

"Are you excited?" Natsu asked me.

"Yeah." I said. "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."

"Yeah me too." Natsu said. I looked at him questionably. "I mean, my bed. I haven't slept in my own bed just as long as you have with yours."

"Really?" I asked. Natsu nodded. "Wow. I would have thought that you went home a few times."

"Nope." Natsu said. "I wanted to be the first person you saw when you woke up."

"Natsu." I said under my breath, as I stared at him. I then smiled and grabbed ahold of his hand and snuggled against his arm, resting my head on his shoulder. And he put his head on mine.

"I can't wait." Natsu said after awhile.

"For what?" I asked, lifting my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"For when you're even better." Natsu said. "Cause you still have a promise to fulfill." I looked at him wondering what he was talking about.

"What promise?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" He asked me, and I shook my head no. "The promise you made to me before we started our last mission." Then it hit me.

"Oh that promise." I said, giggling a little.

"Yeah that promise." Natsu said. "You owe me a whole month worth as many missions as possible."

"Yeah, yeah." I said, like it was no big deal.

"What's with that attitude?" Natsu asked as we approached my front door. I hopped up onto the steps and started to unlock the door. But Natsu grabbed ahold of my hand that held my key, that was waiting to be turned.

"Natsu can I go in?" I asked, very eagerly, wanting to get into my room.

"Not until you answer my question." He said, putting his other hand on my waist.

"Oh nothing." I said.

"What? Do you think that those missions are no big deal? Because if you do, we don't have to do them." He told me. This shocked me and I turned around to confront him, but he had a different idea. When I was facing him, he pushed me up against the door and kissed me on the lips.

'So this is what you were planning?'

I thought to Natsu.

'What do you not like it?'

He thought as he started to pull away. But I pushed forwards so that we were kissing again.

'No. I like it, a lot.'

I thought back, and I felt Natsu smirk against into the kiss. Then I pulled away.

"Your one cocky son of a -." I started to say but Natsu cut me off.

"Now be nice." Natsu said, twisting my house key to unlock the door. "Or will I have to punish you?" Natsu asked all seductively. I then felt a tingling feeling go up my spine and shivered a little. Natsu smirked again as he started to lean in, and I backed into the door pushing it open, and walked in. Leaving Natsu in the doorway.

"Are you coming?" I asked Natsu, halfway turned to look at him, as I hung my coat up on the coat rack. He walked in and closed the door.

"I suppose." He said smiling. He walked up close to me and leaned down to kiss me.

"I'm going to take a bath." I said as I headed towards my room. Leaving him at the spot. I smiled, to myself, as he complained in his head, out of frustration.

'Pain in the -.'

'Hey, be nice.'

I thought interrupting him.

"Well you are!" He yelled. And I don't think I've ever laughed as hard. When I stopped laughing to catch my breath I could hear him giggling a little in the other room.

'But you love me anyway.'

'Yeah, yeah.'

He thought back to me. I went over to my dresser and grabbed some pajamas, and then headed towards the bathroom. But as I walked passed my desk something caught my eye. I looked more carefully at my desk to see . . . . . my keys. I walked over to my desk setting my clothes down and went to pick up my keys but stopped.

"They've miss you." Natsu said startling me. I turned around to see he was only a few feet away.

"Do they know?" I asked him.

"No." He said shaking his head. "It's not like I could summon them to tell them that you're okay." I nodded understanding.

"I almost don't want to tell them." I said honestly.

"Why not?" Natsu asked me standing next to me.

"Because maybe it would be better if they went to some other Celestial Mage." I said.

"Why would you think that?" He asked me, sounding a little nervous.

"Because if they went to other Celestial Mages, they'd actually get used." I said. "Cause now I don't think I would need them to protect me. Since I can protect myself now."

"Don't." Natsu told me. "Don't you dare say that you won't need them. Because I know that you will need them. Even if you don't summon them, you will still need them. Because I know that just having them on your hip will keep you sane. Knowing that they are being treated properly. Because they are family. And that's what family does."

"Natsu." I said, smiling at how well he knew me about my spirits.

"And I know that they wouldn't dream of having anyone else for a master. And, lastly. You, are Lucy the Celestial Mage of Fairy Tail." Natsu said, smiling back at me. I looked at my keys and slowly put my hand out to touch them. When I was about an inch away I stopped and took a deep breath. Then I grabbed them firmly in my hand. Then a few moments later I was brought down to the ground as a large dog pile formed on top of me.

"Lucy!" All my Celestial Spirits yelled.

"Guys!" I yelled unable to breathe. After a few moments they all got off of me.

"Lucy you're alive!" Loke said as he stood in front of me. "How?"

"It's a long story." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Then give us the short version, princess." Virgo said. Then I tried to tell them a short version of what happened, but it ended up becoming the whole version. So I moved to the bed and sat down.

"So you went to the Halfway?" Mini, one of the Gemini twins, asked. I nodded.

"What was it like?" Gemi, the other twin, asked.

"A little scary at first, but then my mom showed up." I said. Leaning back a little on the bed.

"You saw your mother in the Halfway?" Aquarius asked.

"Yeah." I said answering her question. She looked down at the floor. She seemed a little . . . . jealous?

"Well, I guess we should let you rest up." Loke said. All the other Spirits agreed and were about to leave.

"Wait when do you guys want to rewrite our contracts?" I asked. "If you want to do that anyway." Then all of them smiled.

"I didn't have them get rid if their contracts with you." Loke said.

"What?" I asked.

"When you told me to get rid of our contracts, I didn't tell them to do it." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I had my faith in you." Loke said. "And now, I'm glad I did." I smiled at him.

'Even my spirits have faith in me.'

"Well then nevermind on that I guess." I said smiling as they all started to close their gates. When they were all gone I still sat on the bed.

"So you really saw your mother?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see Aquarius standing there. More like floating there.

"Yeah." I said.

"How is she?" She asked.

"I don't know, we didn't talk much. She explained what was going on and left." I answered. "Buy she was happy when I decided to stay."

"I'm sure she was." Aquarius said. Then she came over to me, and hugged me. "I'm glad too." She whispered to me and I hugged her back. "I guess I'll be seeing you." She said as she stood up and started to disappear. "Brat." She said smiling as she left. And I giggled a little after that.

"Well that's one less thing you have to worry about." Natsu said. I looked over at him, he was sitting at my desk with his chin on his hand, looking at me.

"Yeah." I said, agreeing with him. "Now at the moment there's only one thing that I have to worry mostly about."

"What's that?" Natsu asked me.

"A bath." I said, hopping up and off the bed. Then I ran into the bathroom. As I was in the middle of the bath I realized something. I forgot my clothes.


"Hey, Natsu!" I called.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"Could you bring me my clothes from off the desk please?" I yelled, I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

"I was waiting for you ask me that." Natsu said as he walked in, and set my clothes on the counter. "Hey do me a favor and close your eyes."

"Why?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"Just do it." He told me. I rolled my eyes and then covered them with my hands. I heard some noises and then I felt something move in the water. I peaked through my fingers and saw Natsu sitting across from me in the tub.

"What the hell are you doing?" I practically yelled at him.

"I'm taking a bath." He said like it was obvious.

"But I'm taking a bath right now!" I said pouting.

"Oh, come on. No pouting." He told me. Then I pouted even harder, sticking my bottom lip out and giving him puppy dog eyes. "Oh stop that." He giggled.

"Why can't you wait to take a bath, till after I'm done?" I asked him.

"Cause that would mean that I would have to spend less time with you." He said.

"Natsu you're going to be getting all the time you want with me when we go on those missions." I reminded him.

"Yeah but I want to spend time with you now." He said, and this time he pouted.

"Hey, no pouting Salamander!" I told him. He looked at me pretending to be sad. I leaned forwards, making sure my boobs stayed under the water line, and kissed Natsu. "And stop being sad, I like you better when you're happy. Smile." He tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing.

"Okay." Natsu said. "Only to see your smile." I then smiled and we both giggled. Then I sat down next to Natsu in the tub and he wrapped his arm around me.

"You really like to work it, don't you?" I asked him.

"When it comes to you yes." He said, and giggled silently in my head about how stupid that sounded. But then I realized how sweet that was.


Time Skip: About 20 Minutes

"Alright Luce, I think I'm going to head home." Natsu said. As he started to head towards the door.

"Wait." I said, from the couch. Natsu stopped and turned to look at me. "Will you stay with me?" I asked a little nervous. Natsu smiled, and then nodded. He then walked over to me and offered me his hand.

"My lady." He said as I took his hand and he pulled me off the couch.

"Please do not say that again." I requested.

"Yeah that tasted weird coming off my tongue." Natsu said, laughing a little. He then guided me towards the bed. When we were in front of the bed. He started to kiss me and then pushed me onto the bed and getting on top of me, not breaking the kiss.

"Natsu." I said against his lips. He pulled back and looked at me. "I don't think I want to go that far." I said a quite embarrassed, making me look away. He smiled lightly at me.

"Yeah I know." He said and I looked at him. "Can a guy not kiss his girlfriend to sleep?" And then he kissed my nose. Which made me giggle.

"I guess that's not that bad of an idea." I said and then we got under the covers, my head on one of his arms, and his other arm around my waist. After a little while I had closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Hey, Luce?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked back.

"Can I ask you a question? Even though you might not know the answer?" He asked.

"Go for it." I said.

"Okay, well right after we found out it would be a while before you woke up, everyone told me about your fight with Kiara." He started to explain. Right as I started to get really sleepy.

"Uh huh." I said working on becoming half asleep.

"Well before I died, we found out that if Kiara got hurt, so would you." He continued, as I kept driffting little by little.

"Uh . . . . huh." I more whispered this time trying to stay awake long enough to hear Natsu.

"And . . . well everyone told me that you were able to push the pain away. And not feel any at all. How did you do that?" He asked me. My eyes shot straight open. I was awake now.

"Umm." I hummed trying to think of how to answer the question.

"If you dont know, it's okay. I was just wondering." Natsu said as he tried to snuggle closer to me. But I pushed him away and sat up.

"No." I said. "I know the answer. I just don't know how to explain it to you."

"Well, try just telling me. Then work your way from there maybe?" Natsu suggested as he sat up as well. I waited a few seconds before I started to speak and then it finally came to me. Very simple way to explain it, but I'm tired so my brain is slow.

"Oh, okay. I know how to tell you." I said a little cheerful. "So, my guess is that you died before me and Kiara came out of the guild hall. And well I didn't know you were dead yet."

"Yeah, the last thing I remember clearly was leaving you in the guild hall." Natsu said looking away from me. Probably mad at himself for leaving, even though I made Erza carry him out. And he was poisoned. I grabbed a hold of his hand and squeezed it a little and gave him a smile when he looked at me.

"Well when I found out you were dead, I didn't feel any pain that I caused Kiara, after that." I said.

"Huh? Why?" He asked.

"Well I felt the worst pain that I could ever imagine." I said.

"What was that?" Natsu asked me, as I looked down at my hands. I didn't answer for a short while.

"Losing you." I answered, as I looked up at Natsu and gave him a small smile.

"That . . . that was your worst pain?" Natsu asked me, completely shocked. I nodded at him. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. "I'm sorry." He apologized into my chest.

"For what?" I asked him.

"For causeing you pain." Natsu answered.

"What are you talking about? You didn't hurt me." I said.

"But in a way I did." He said. "I hurt you, by making you think that I was dead. And you almost died as well." I was shocked at what he was saying.

"But it was still you in the end." I said playing with Natsu's hair.

"Huh." Natsu said, looking up at me a little bit.

"It was you that I heard." I said. "I heard you calling me from the other side. You made me choose to live."

"But I'm still the one that didn't protect you enough so that none of this happened." He said, with tears starting to slowly form.

"Why?" I asked, smiling at him. "Everything that has happened after me taking Kiara out of the tree, has been good."

"How so?" He asked tightning his grip on me a little more.

"Well, let's see what happened first?" I questioned myself thinking back to the beginning. "First, Kiara was taken out of the tree. Then she got a separate body, and I got mine back. I found out that she's one of my great aunts. Then she got to take control over her body again. Fairy Tail and the world got saved. Levy and Gajeel started dating. Gray and Juvia started dating. I woke up from my coma. Then you and me started dating. Everyone that was in Shadow Fang joined Fairy Tail. Jellal and Erza happened. And now Suzie finally gets to spend time with Kiara, as her mom." I stopped a moment to take a deep breath. "Now tell me none of that is good."

"You got thrown into the street, and badly injured. I lost you. No body really slept well, or even ate well. The guild got destroyed." He said pausing a moment. "And then you and me died."

"Yet here we are. Together. And the guild has been rebuilt. And everyone is fine." I said, and Natsu looked up at me. "Nothing bad happened, from the choice that I made to save Kiara from that tree."

"But-" Natsu started to say but I cut him off.

"But nothing Natsu. Everything, and everyone, are fine. And here we are together." I said. "Why are you so upset about the past?"

"Because I hurt you." He said.

"No. You saved me." I said. Putting my hands on both sides of his face and made him look at me. "When Medusa went after me and Loke, and she sent us flying you broke my fall. When Kiara was still inside my body and was fighting you in the guild, I heard you and I kept fighting to get out. And then when I was in the Halfway, I heard you calling me, so I chose to live." I paused a moment to wipe away Natsu's tears that were slowly forming. "You saved me."

"But I still feel responsible for something." He said. I smiled at him. I then brought his ear to my chest and waited a moment.

"Do you hear that?" I asked him. He nodded in response. "That is what you are responsible for." After a moment I felt a smile form on his face, and he giggled a little. I turned my head so that I could see his face while he continued to listen to my heart beat. He was smiling and had his eyes closed as he listened. "What?"

"Your heart beat is so soothing to listen to." He said looking at me, while smiling.

"Do you feel better." I asked, returning the smile.

"Yeah." He said, while nodding.

"Can I sleep now?" I asked him feeling the sleepiness start to take over again.

"Yeah." He nodded again. And we laid down in the same position we were before. After a few minutes Natsu slid out from under me and I opened my eyes a little to see him laying himself on top of me.

"Natsu what are you doing?" I asked half way down the passed out road.

"Trying to fall asleep." He said putting his head to my chest.

"How?" I asked, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"By listening to your heart." He said.

"Goodnight Natsu." I said smiling as closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Luce." He said. "I love you." He said and tightned his grip around my waist. And I wrapped my arms around his neck. I quickly thought about the letter I wrote ealier after my bath.

'Now I know for sure that I made the right choice. I can't wait till I get to see you again, so I can tell you all about the adventures that I've had, and will have with Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail. And to top it off, I'm pretty sure I've found the one. Till I see you again. I love you mom.

-Your loving daughter (Who is now a Pure Light Soul Universe Dragon Slayer) Lucy'

"I love you too, Natsu."


We did it!!!! Yay!!!!!! And, Noooooooo! At the same time! I don't want it to be over! And I bet you guys don't want that either! So like I said, I will publish one more part to explain the two stories I want to write but don't know which one I want to write first. That's why I'm going to ask you guys to help! I will explain it all in the separate part. And I will see you then! Love you guys!

And if you guys have any questions about something from in the story that your still curious about, please ask! I will respond to all of the questions that you ask, as soon as possible!

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