The mall

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No ones POV.
The 5 girls hang out for weeks. They laugh, sing, dance, what any group of friends would do. The 5 girls we headed to the mall when...
Dawn's POV
"Girls! I just had a great idea! Taylor, you've been here for about 3 weeks and you still haven't been to the mall!" I yell she just looks at me confused.
"What a, mall?" She asked and Ella looses it.
"You don't know what a mall is?!" And Taylor just shakes her head no.
"Oh no! Girl! Lets go, I'll drive." Ella yells and we all get into her car.
When we got to the mall Taylor stoped and stared at the huge building standing in front of her.
"Excited?" I ask and she turns to me with a huge smile. We giggle then I lead my friends through the huge parking lot. When we got to the building I was about to open the door when...
"Oh! Wait! I forgot my purse!" Minestra yells.
"We'll wait here while you go get it." It's told her. Minestra run back through the parking lot and towards the car.
"So, what do you think you might get Tay?" I ask her.
"Hmmm, maybe some new boots or some bangles." She answered.
"There's definitely a store in there that will have what you want." I say as Minestra walks back up.
"I'm back." She says an I grin to open the door but when I touch it a huge blue light flashed and every thing goes black.

Sorry it's so short but that's all I could think of. Also things are kind of crazy at school and my friend hurt her leg so now she's on churches. It's Ashley. The girl how plays dawn/dawnie. But I hope you like it. Again sorry it's so short

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