The new member

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Ursa's POV
When we walk into the building I show Taylor to the main office.
"Well, here's the main office. I hope to see you ok some of my classes." I say with a smile as I turn around and run off to my locker.
When I reach my locker I see Ella and Dawn.
"Hey levu, Dawnie." I greet them as I start to unpack my backpack.
"Hey Major." They say in unison.
"I met Simone new today on the way to school. Her name is Taylor." I say just as I finish unpacking. I lock my locker, then we start down the the hall to home room. We walk into class to find our seats in the front of the classroom.
"So tell us about this Taylor girl." Dawnie says with a smile.
"Well...lets see. She seemed kind of shy, but that might just be because it's her first day here." I answer her.
"Who are the parents?" Ella asks me.
"She said her dad was captain Jack Sparrow, but she didn't mention her mother" I answer the next question. Thrown at me.
"Brrinng!" The bell screamed through the speakers and every one shot up and left the classroom. Dawnie and Ella aren't in my 1st period but Minestra is. But unfortunately we sit on the opposite side of the room form each other.
        The first few periods of the day went by fast, but I did find out that Taylor is in my 3rd period. So we walked to our lockers together. Her locker isn't that far form mine but it's still a walk. Once we have our lunch boxes we head to the lunch room.
        "Oh I have to get a drink I'll be back." Taylor says and walks off. She walked to the lunch line and I walked to the table with all the girls. I put my lunch on the table and start to sit down until.....
        "OMG! WHAT A FREAK!" I look over and see Evi, the evil gurney daughter, yelled at someone. Then that, some one, came into view. It was Taylor, and she had mash potatoes all down her black vest. My face turned a slight red and so did Ella's. Ella starts to get up but stops when I storm off. I walk with anger in my steps. Each step I take to louder it gets and the more it sounds like a stomp. Evi was about to through more food at Taylor but i interfere by grabbing her arm. She looks at me but just laughs.
         "What are you doing?" I ask in a stern voice.
         "Uhhhh, what does it look like? I'm throwing mash potatoes at the pirates daughter. You might need you eyes checked cause that was pretty obvious." She said rudely.
         "Ok....just because you think you mother is a queen you can do anything. News flash sweetie, your mothers no queen. NON OF OUR MOTHERS ARE QUEEN! There all Equal" I yell and every one stops and stares at me. I drop Evi's arm and turn to Taylor
"Now lets go get you cleaned up." I say and we walk out of the lunch room and down the hall to the bathroom. Then the girls come in.
"I'm so sorry about her Taylor. Are you ok?" Ella asks as she approaches us.
"Yeah I'm fine." Taylor said but I didn't really believe her.
"Hey girl, just always remember that you are who you are, you parents, grandparents, your whole family, and we will always accept you for who you are" Minestra says to her. Taylor showed a smile. We all shared a group hug.
"Welcome to the group Taylor." Dawnie said with a smile.

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