Chapter 14 - Lucy Heartfilia

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Natsu: Last time on Fairy Tail: Legend Of Roxas
The group sees the guild hall torn apart by metallic pillars

Happy: Fairy Tail was attacked by Phantom Lord, they destroyed our guild hall and ambushed Team Shadow Gear.
It shows Gajeel attack Levy, Jet and Droy

Ariel: I can't believe I let my guard down around Juvia and Sol. Worse, They took Lucy.
Ariel fights Sol and lost.

Roxas: What they took Lu!? They are going to pay!
Lucy is being trapped by Juvia's Water Lock and she passes out.

Natsu: Come on, Happy. We need to go check on Ariel!

Happy: Aye!

Roxas: Hang on, Lu! I'm on my way!
Roxas grabs a Phantom Lord mage and says they are going to have a chat.


A few hundred feet outside of Phantom Lord, Roxas continued to drag the kicking and screaming Phantom mage. The fox slayer didn't look back, as smoke and fire billowed out of Phantom Lord's guild hall.

"'re gonna tell me where Lucy is." Roxas growled, his grip on the mage's shirt tightening.

"I...I have no idea w-who you're talking about..." The Phantom Lord mage said, before he suddenly howled in pain. The Phantom mage's entire body was engulfed in blue flames, as Roxas continued to drag him through the dirt.

"Speak up." Roxas said in almost demonic tone, as he shot the enemy mage a glare so fierce that it would kill weaker men. "If Lucy has a single scratch on her, I'll wipe you, your guild, even your Master of the face of Earthland!"

"O-Okay..." The Phantom Lord mage breathed out, as his eyes widened in pure fear. "I...I r-really don't know anybody by that name! But our headquarters is located in the hills straight ahead! Maybe she's over there!"

"Thanks for your cooperation." Roxas said, slamming his foot into one of the Phantom Lord mage's knees. The enemy mage roared in pain, as he felt his knee cap shatter. "Now, go crawl back to your friends and tell them what happened to you." Roxas payed the man little attention, as he cried out in agony. Turning his back to the Phantom Lord mage, Roxas began to make his way towards Phantom Lord's headquarters. "I'm almost there, Lu." Roxas muttered under his breath, as he began to sprint towards the hills ahead.


Lucy later wakes up in what looks like a prison cell. "Huh? What the? How did I get here?" she tiredly said to herself. Lucy suddenly flashes back to when she was trapped in Juvia's water. "Oh now I remember." She reached to her sides and found her keys were gone. 'I guess I must have dropped them in all of that. They also attacked Ariel. I hope she's alright, If Phantom Lord did anything to her...' Lucy thought.

Suddenly the door to her cell opened and she saw a person who had wide eyes, he wore a cream shirt with a red ribbon near the collar and there was a pin for the Ten Wizard Saints there, he wore a purple jacket with light pink borders and the inside of the collar was sea green, he wore a purple wizards hat that bended to his left. He attired maroon jeans.

"Who-who are you?" she asked

"I am the guild master of Phantom Lord. Jose Porla."

"P-Phantom Lord!"

"Yes, I apologize for putting you in a cell like this, but you should understand. You are being kept prisoner here."

"I don't care! Untie me this instant! And where is Ariel? If you hurt her..." Lucy warned.

"Are you talking about that Water Wizard that was with you? She was not our intended target, we have no reason to capture her, but she didn't even put up a fight against Sol, so I don't know what is important about her."

"I can't believe you! How could you do that to Levy and the others. I'll never forgive you!"

"Depending on your attitude we might treat you as a VIP, instead of a captive." Jose explained, smirking down at Lucy.

"What?" Lucy growled, her glare sharpening. However Lucy's tough facade dropped the second she felt a centipede crawl up her thigh. "HYAH!" Lucy let out a girlish scream, as she began to thrash around; trying to get the disgusting bug of her.

"See? You don't want to stay in this cell right?" Jose asked, an amused smirk still plastered on his face. "If you behave, we'll move you into a suite."

"Wh-Why did you attack us?" Lucy asked, sitting back onto her knees.

"Us?" Jose parroted, as he quirked an eyebrow. "Ah, you mean Fairy Tail." A twisted smile slowly spread across Jose's face. "That was purely a bonus. Just a bonus." Jose's creepy smile never left his face, as he crossed his arms behind his back. "Our true objective was capture a certain individual. That certain individual happened to belong to Fairy Tail, so we thought why not kill two birds with one stone..."

"A certain individual?" Lucy repeated in a confused tone.

"You're so naive that I can't believe you're a daughter of the Heartfilia family." Jose said, causing Lucy's eyes to widen. "Who else could it be? Daughter of the Heartfilia conglomerate, Lucy Heartfilia."

"H-How do you know about that?" Lucy asked, as she hung her head.

"I were hiding your social status from your guild." Jose replied with a slight chuckle. "However, I can't understand why the daughter of one of the richest men in Fiore would partake in such cheap and dangerous work, but..."

"So then you...kidnapped me?" Lucy asked, raising her head to look up at Jose.

"Oh no, don't be absurd." Jose said, as he waved dismissively. "It was none other than your father who hired us to get you." Lucy's eyes widened and a shocked look spread across her face when she heard this.

"No..." Lucy said through clenched teeth, lowering her head once again. "Y-You're lying...Why would he?"

"Isn't it normal for a father to want his pretty daughter to return home when she runs away?" Jose questioned, his smirk widening.

"He wouldn't!" Lucy shouted suddenly, catching Jose off guard. "He would never bother to do that!" The celestial spirit mage's head shot up, and she glared at Jose once again. "I won't ever go back! I will never go back to that hell hole! Not after the way, he also treated Roxas!" Lucy continued to stare at Jose defiantly.

"My, my, what a troublesome little girl." Jose said, releasing a light sigh.

"Release me at once." Lucy demanded, gritting her teeth.

"I cannot do that." Jose said, causing an embarrassed look to spread across Lucy's face.

"B-But I need to go to the bathroom." Lucy admitted, her face turning a deep shade of red.

"Tch, such a lame excuse, isn't it?" Jose asked, cocking his head slightly.

"No...I really mean it...can't...hold it...much longer..." Lucy said, as she began to squirm in place.

"Go right ahead." Jose said, pointing to a bucket behind Lucy. The blonde's jaw hung open, as she stared at the dirty bucket in the corner.

"A bucket!? Are you kidding me?" Lucy muttered under her breath, as he face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Ho, ho, ho it's such a lame excuse that you won't catch us off guard." Jose taunted, however Phantom Lord's master was surprised to see Lucy walk over the bucket.

"It'll have to work..." Lucy said, as she reached under her skirt to pull down her panties.

"You're actually gonna do it?!" Jose shouted, earning him a glare from the blonde.

"I said I had to go, didn't I?!" Lucy exclaimed, averting her eyes in embarrassment .

"What a shameless young lady, and such a foul mouth on her!" Jose huffed, turning his back to Lucy. "She's lucky I'm such a gentleman."

"Heh. Lucy Kick!" Lucy exclaimed, as she kicked Jose straight in the groin. The kick was so strong that it lifted Jose several inches off the ground. All the air left Jose's lungs as he collapsed to the floor. The man's hands instantly went to cover his crushed manhood. Phantom Lord's could barely breath, a few tears even escaped his eyes. "A classic excuse isn't so bad after all. So long." Lucy turned to walk out the door, but she was shocked to see that the door had been replaced by a large open window. "Eh?"

"Ha, ha, ha." Jose managed a pained laugh, as he continued to wreath on the floor. "It's a...pity isn't it? prison." Lucy's eyes widened as she stared at the ground far below. With a loud grunt, Jose managed to get back onto his feet. "How do me." As Jose neared, Lucy couldn't stop an image of her father appearing in her head. The blonde's jaw clenched, as she imagined going back to her previous life. "Now...come to me...It's time for your punishment...I have to teach you to fear the Phantom."

Lucy took another glance at the ground below her. It was a extremely long fall, and there was no way she'd survive. But there was no way she was going to return to her father. As Lucy weighed her options, she began to feel a familiar magical presence rapidly approaching. The magical power was overpowering and caused her knees to grow weak, but at the same time it made her feel extremely safe and secure. There was only one person who's magic could make her feel like this. Then Lucy heard his voice, it was extremely faint but she knew she had heard. Taking once last glance down, Lucy took a deep breath. Moments later Lucy fell through the large window, letting gravity speed her decent towards the ground below.

"EHHH?!" Jose screamed, as he collapsed to his knees once again.

'I know I heard his voice. I know I sensed his magic. I'm sure he's here.' Lucy thought, feeling air rush past her as she raced towards the ground. "ROXASSSS!"

"LUCY!" Roxas exclaimed, as he flew as fast as he could as fast as he could. The scenery blurred by, as Roxas flew with incredible speed. As soon as the fox slayer was close enough, he felt Lucy fall into his arms. The sliver-haired fox slayer pulled Lucy in tight, and quickly spun around. Both mages crashed into a low stone wall, Roxas taking the brunt of the impact. Lucy had managed to land on top of Roxas, her large breasts pressing into his face.

"Phew. Made it just in time." Roxas muttered, sitting up with Lucy plopped in his lap. "Last time I checked, I was the only one out of both of us who could fly, so why in the world are you jumping out of a sky tower?"

"I...I knew it!" Lucy said, a warm smile gracing her face. "I knew you'd come for me Roxas."

"I told you. I'll always be there for you." Roxas said, as he tore apart the ropes binding her hands. "Are you okay though, Lu?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lucy replied, causing Roxas to let out a sigh of relief, before pulling Lucy in for a tight hug. "I'm glad you're alright, Lu. I was worried something happened."

"I'm fine, thanks to you Roxas." Lucy said, returning the embrace. After a few seconds, Roxas released Lucy and stood up.

"Alright, let's head back to the guild." Roxasa said and reached for her hand, but Lucy just looked down. A second later he heard whimpering coming from her. "Lu? What's wrong?" Roxas asked worried.

"It's all my fault, Roxas. The attack on the guild, on Team Shadow Gear, all of it is because of me." Lucy whispered, her voice shaky. "It's all...It's all my fault." Lucy turned to look at Roxas, tears pouring from her eyes. Roxas' eyes widen when he saw the pain and anguish in Lucy's eyes. "But I...still want to stay in the guild...I love Fairy Tail..." Lucy chocked back a sob, as she locked eyes with Roxas.

"H-Hey now!" Roxas said in a worried tone, crouching down next to Lucy. The fox slayer immediately wrapped an arm around Lucy's shoulders. "What's wrong Lu?! Of course you can stay with the guild! No one wants you to leave! I'm not gonna let these bastards take you away! You're not going anywhere!"

Roxas then stood back onto his feet. "Come on...let's head back to the guild." The fox slayer smiled faintly, helping Lucy wipe away her tears, before turning around and patted his back. "Hop on."

"Y-You're going to carry me?" Lucy squeaked, her face tinging pink.

"Yeah, you must be exhausted." Roxas said, flashing Lucy a toothy grin. "I can carry you back, no problem."

"O-Okay." Lucy stuttered out, as she climbed onto Roxas' back. The blonde wrapped her arms around Roxas' neck, as his hands grabbed ahold of her thighs. As Roxas stood onto his feet, Lucy felt surrounded in an overwhelmingly pleasant warmth and tingling sensation. Lucy let out content sigh, as she buried her face into the crook of Roxas' neck. Within moments of their departure, Lucy's eyelids became heavy; allowing sleep to overcome her.

Meanwhile at the top of the sky tower Jose was getting up from falling again and he had an enraged expression on his face and he had a magenta aura surround him. "How dare... that little wench do this to me! SHE WILL PAY!" he yelled out.


"Ow...that was such a cheap shot."

Ariel woke up in the same place where she was knocked out by Sol and her eyes shot open and he looked around. "Lucy! Lucy, where are you!?" She saw Lucy's keys on the ground and picked them up. "Bastards. I should head back to the guild, I have to at least let Mira know what happened to Lucy." she said, getting back to her feet and ran back to the guild.


The Next Day; Forest Outside Magnolia

"Stupid old man..." Porlyusica, Fairy Tail's main physician, mumbled to herself as she mixed a potion. The pink-haired woman had a frown on her face, while she poured more ingredients into her potion. Porlyusica was a specialist in healing magical wounds, but she despised humans; so she moved deep into the forest by herself. Despite her hatred for humans, Porlyusica could not turn away the Fairy Tail that brought a battered Makarov to her door. When the potion was finished, Porlyusica set it down on a nearby table. Continuing to grumble to herself; Porlyusica walked up to Makarov and slapped him across the face.

"Hey! Take it easy!" Alzack exclaimed with a concerned look on his face.

"What are you doing to our master...I mean your patient!?" Bisca shouted in an angry tone. The green-haired cowgirl glared at the pink-haired healing mage.

"Tch, he rushed into that battle without even considering his age, and look at him now. He...really is such a foolish man." Porlyusica said, staring down at the incapacitated Makarov. Suddenly the pink-haired woman whipped around, and glared daggers at Bisca and Alzack. "How long are you humans gonna stay here?! Leave already!"

"No...well...we're worried about our master's condition." Alzack stammered out, as he scratched his chin.

"Please Porlyusica, allow us to look after him for a while." Bisca pleaded, clasping her hands in from of her chest. "We're really concerned."

"Go home." Porlyusica ordered, turning her back on the Fairy Tail mages. Bisca opened her mouth to shout at the woman, but Alzack quickly stopped her. "You're worried faces are like salt in a patient's wounds." Porlyusica sighed as she stared down a Makarov's weak form. "This is 'wind' lineage magic. Whoever did this to Makarov completely drained him of his magical power. As soon as his magic was drained, it floated into the air, and eventually disappeared. If we could've gathered some of Makarov's magical power before it disappeared, we could heal him faster. But it's far too late now, which means this will take a while."

"I-Is that so?" Bisca asked, earning a nod from the healing mage. "We'll tell everyone else then."

"What the hell are you still doing here!?" Porlyusica shouted, startling the Fairy Tail mages.

"We thought you wanted us to hear what you had to say!" Alzack exclaimed, as he hid behind Bisca.

"Go home already! You humans smell disgusting!" Porlyusica screamed, grabbing a nearby broom and wildly swinging it at Bisca and Alzack.

"KYA! EXCUSE US!" Bisca yelled, as she began to push Alzack out of Porlyusica's home. "Come on Alzack move you ass!"

"I'm going!" Alzack exclaimed, sprinting out of the house with Bisca right behind him. When Porlyusica was sure Bisca and Alzack were gone, she sighed and turned back to Makarov.

"You've caused so much trouble since the old days." Porlyusica said in a low tone; her eyes full of sadness. "For mages, their magic is like their life source. The greater the magical power one possesses, the more magical drain hurts. If you don't fight your could die like this." Porlyusica released a shaky breath, and gently placed a hand on Makarov's shoulder. "You're...really an idiot...please pull through...your children...they're scared and hurt...please they need you now more than ever."


Meanwhile all the Fairy Tail guild members were inside the underground storage room and many of the members were injured with some wearing casts.

"I can't believe we had to retreat! And right when we had them on the ropes." One of the mages said.

"Yes, but I am worried about the Master's condition."

Macao was reading a book while Wakaba was packing bomb lacrima into a sack. "I'm going to bring some Bomb Lacrima with me this time."

"Those Phantom members will pay, they stopped us from getting revenge."

"How are you feeling, Ariel?" Natsu asked the dragon slayer who stood next to him and the others.

Ariel shrugged. "Meh, not bad. I was just caught off guard, but I'm fine though." She then walked up to Lucy and handed her something. "Here, Lucy."

"My keys?" Lucy said as Ariel handed them to her.

"Yeah, I found them when I woke up back in Magnolia." Ariel replied.

"Thank you. This is my fault isn't it?"

"Lucy, no one is blaming you for what happened."

"But the only reason, they attacked the guild was because of me, this never would have happened if I had not run away from home."

"Well, no one knew your father was a maniac would send a guild that hates our guts to come and get you." Ariel said. "I mean he probably hired those nutcases cause he isn't man enough to ask you to come back himself."

"Ariel, don't say something like that." Gray scolded.

"No, she's right." Roxas said, gaining the team's attention. "That's exactly how he was. I know that because Lucy's mom let me stay for a while. He hardly paid Lu any attention, because of his work and he always looked at me like something you scrape off your shoe. I remember when Lu made him a rice ball when we were younger, but he was too focused on his work that he yelled at her, he threw the rice ball she made for him on the ground. What was even worse, it was her birthday, but he didn't even remember, much less care. So, when I confronted him about it, he shouted at me, saying he was tired of having a 'street rat' roaming his house, so he kicked me out. I haven't been back there in over 10 years. My only regret was leaving Lu alone with him."

"Wow, that guy sounds like a real a douchebag." Ariel said, angrily.

"Yeah, no kidding." Natsu agreed.

"But I gotta ask though. Why didn't you tell any of before?" Happy asked.

"I wasn't really hiding it...Roxas already knew, and I was planning to tell you eventually...But I ran away from home, so I didn't really feel like talking about it." Lucy explained, as her face suddenly contorted in anger. "My father never gave a damn about me, even after I ran away over a year ago...And now he wants me back all of a sudden. Father did all this to us, so that he can get me back. He's horrible." Lucy let out a shaky breath, and her saddened expression returned. "Although...all of this happened because I ran away from home in the first place...It's all my fault."

"N-No that's not true! Your father is the bad one!" Elfman exclaimed, trying in vain to cheer Lucy up.

"Elfman you idiot!" Gray shouted, punching Elfman in the arm again.

"Uh...I mean...It's all because of Phantom Lord..." Elfman quickly corrected his mistake.

"No, it's because of my selfish actions...I can't believe I caused everyone so much trouble." Lucy said, as her shoulders sagged. "I'm really sorry. Everything should go back to normal if I go back home, right?"

"Like hell it will!" Lucy was surprised by the sudden exclamation. She looked up to see Roxas grinning brightly at her. "Things could never go back to normal without you Lu!" Lucy's eyes widened when she heard Roxas say this. "I mean the term 'lady' doesn't really fit you. You belong in this nasty old bar, laughing and happily going on adventures with me and the others." The fox slayer approached the blonde, and once again placed his hand on her shoulder. "You did you say wanted to stay here. It won't do you any good to return to a place you hate." Roxas's grin suddenly widened, and he jabbed his thumb towards his heart. "You're Lucy of Fairy Tail now. I promise as long as you're with me, I'll make sure you can have fun with everyone without worrying about a thing."

"Roxas..." Lucy's breath hitched, as she felt tears begin to stream down her cheeks. The blonde had been completely moved by the fox slayer's heartfelt words. Choking back a sob, Lucy covered her face with her hands.

"Let it all out Lu." Roxas said softly, hugging the blonde. Natsu, Ariel and Happy smiled at the scene, while Elfman was crying as well.

"Tch, don't cry; it doesn't suit you at all." Gray chastised with an annoyed look.

"He's right!" Elfman exclaimed, as he continued to cry. "Men are weak to tears!" Gray simply grimaced, and returned to comforting Lucy.

Meanwhile Cana was sitting on a table and she flipped one of her cards and this card was in the centre of a few other cards that surrounded it. "It's not working, I can't seem to contact Mystogan." Cana said throwing her cards into the air with some frustration and she began drinking beer from a bottle that was in front of her.

Mira was looking at a Lacrima communication ball. "The Master and most of the others are injured, so we will need your help, Laxus." Mira said looking into Laxus' face as it appeared in the crystal ball.

"Ha, are you serious. I'm not going to help you. I just can't be bothered." He rudely said as he smirked.

"Please, Laxus. This is all to help Lucy." Mira pleaded.

"Lucy? Who is that? Oh she's that blonde newbie. Well I might come if she will become my woman." He smirked. Mira began to clench her fists. "Why should I come to fix the old man's mess? He is the one who started this war. Hey why don't you tell that old man to hurry up and retire so I can take his place as Master." He began laughing and the Lacrima orb began cracking and it shattered and Mira had tears going down her tears.

"Mira?" Cana said in surprise ans saw that she was crying.

"How can such a person, be a part of Fairy Tail?" she woefully asked. "If that is the case, I will fight too." She said but Cana grabbed her shoulder.

"No, you can't help in the fight, as you are right now you would only get in the way, even if you used to be an S-Class wizard."

Roxas saw what happened. "Who was that guy? He looked like a real ass."

"Laxus Dreyar. He is one of our S-Class wizards." Cana said.

"That was Laxus? But he knows we are in a tough spot, why won't he help out?"

"I... I wish I knew, but he just wants to take over Fairy Tail when the Master eventually retires from being the Guild Master." Cana said.

"Don't worry." Roxas told them. "We'll get through this, okay?" Roxas said, putting a hand on Mira's shoulder. "Remember you told me the same thing a few days ago when this whole mess started. We need everyone to be strong, and we can't have you breaking down right now."

Mira wiped her eyes and looked at the fox slayer. "You're right. Thank you, Roxas."


Erza meanwhile is in the shower and she was simply letting the water hit her. 'With things as they are, how will we continue the fight?' she thought. She flashed back to telling the guild members to retreat and remembers their many retorts at her order. 'The Master is out of commission, Mystogan and Laxus are not here. Are we going to stand a chance when they attack us again?' Erza punched the wall in her shower. 'Damn how did things get like this?' she thought and she flashed back to when she buried her head in Gray's chest in order to get him to retreat with the others.

Meanwhile back in the storage area they all felt a tremor.

"What was that?" Roxas asked.

Suddenly Alzack rushed to the storage room. "EVERYONE OUTSIDE!" he exclaimed.

Soon all the remaining guild members were outside and they all saw a sight which would shock them greatly.

"What the..." Natsu said with his eyes shrinking in size.

"Is that a walking guild!?" Ariel shouted.

Inside the huge tower Jose was sitting at a chair. "Prepare the Magical Convergent Cannon - Jupiter." Jose said and a fake window opened up revealing a cannon that began stretching out to a long barrel that was aimed directly at the Fairy Tail guild.

"No way!" Gray exclaimed.

"He wouldn't." Roxas said suddenly a dark blue ball of energy began charging up in the barrel of the cannon and it became a huge ball of energy that began swirling in front of the cannon barrel. "He would! He's not bluffing!?" Roxas shouted in horror.

"EVERYONE GET BACK!" Erza yelled and she Requiped and she went from being in a bath towel to now in a silver and navy blue bulky armor, her gauntlets were silver and the waist down was silver armor covering her most parts of her torso was dark navy blue with some silver parts, she also had a dark blue navy blue helmet with a silver plating in front. The most noticeable part of the armor was the two, three bladed shields that were attached to her gauntlets as she stood looking at the cannon.

"You can't be serious. That is meant to take out the entire guild and some of the town with it!" Roxas exclaimed. "Are you going to try and block it?!"

"Don't tell me she's gonna try to stop that attack?!"

"Even with that armors amazing defensive powers, that's insane!"

"No! Erza you'll die!"

"ERZA!" Natsu shouted, as his heart thundered in his chest. The dragon slayer tried to rush over to the scarlet-haired knight, but Gray stopped him. "GRAY! LET ME GO NOW!"

"Natsu! You have to believe in Erza!" Gray exclaimed, trying his best to hold Natsu back.

The Jupiter cannon then fired the purplish black beam in the direction of the guild.

"I won't let you destroy our guild!" Erza exclaimed as she closed the shield on her gauntlets and after is closed a colossal aqua green, magic seal acted at a barrier and the Jupiter beam slammed into Erza's shield and the beam was being held in its place. But then as the beam was successfully blocked, Erza was blasted back by the shockwave and most of her armour was destroyed but her eyes shot open and she flipped and slid back on her feet but collapsed to the ground afterwards.

"ERZA!" Roxas exclaimed and he ran over to her along with Natsu and Ariel.

"Are you alright!" Natsu yelled as he held her head up.

Ariel quickly began to look oer her wounds with her water. "She'll live, the injuries she sustained could have been a lot worse." Ariel said, as the remains of Erza's Adamantine Armor had disappeared in a gold glow.

Roxas looked down at the ground, his eyes shadowed by his sliver bangs as he was shaking in anger. 'First they destroyed the guild, then attacked Levy and her team, hurt Gramps, kidnapped they tried to wipe us out again!? They've crossed the line now!'

Jose saw that they all survived but that Erza was down for the count. "What! So she blocked it!" he exclaimed. He began to speak over the microphone. "So you survived that, but you won't survive the next firing of Jupiter's cannon. Tremble in the fifteen minutes it takes to recharge!" he exclaimed.

"Why would you tell us that, you moron!?" Ariel exclaimed.

"Hand over Lucy Heartfilia right now!" Jose demanded.

"Sorry, we're not selling her out to you! You want her; you're going to have to come get her yourself!" Ariel exclaimed.

"But you'll have to go through us!" Natsu yelled out.

"Lucy is one of us! We'll never hand her over." And all the guild members said they would defend Lucy to the very end, this got Lucy to put her hand over her mouth and she began to cry. As she is touched by how much they were willing to help her, but at the same time she felt extremely guilty as she saw this as her fault in the first place.

"We would rather die than hand her over to you!" Erza exclaimed.

"OUR ANSWER WILL NEVER CHANGE YOU BASTARD!" Roxas roared, as he lifted his face which, unknown to anyone, had changed. His whisker-like marks widened and thickened in shape, along with his eyes that became red and were slitted. His teeth became sharper along with his nails suddenly growing longer. His face was now contorted in anger; veins bulging on his forehead. "I WON'T LET YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON LUCY! WE'RE GOING TO KICK ALL YOUR ASSES!"

"All we have is fifteen minutes before that thing fires again right?" Natsu asked.

"Yes, that is what he said." Cana replied.

"They we only have one option, get on that thing and blow it up!" Ariel said "That way they will have no way of attacking us from range."

"Ooh I like that idea!" Natsu said and he ran to the edge. "Let's go, Happy!"

"Aye sir!" he exclaimed and he lifted Natsu into the air and they flew towards the cannon.

"I'm going too! Those bastards are going to pay!" Roxas said, before shooting off the ground and flew towards the Phantom Lord guild as well.

"We're going to help too!" Gray said as Elfman and Ariel ran beside him as the three were going to infiltrate Phantom.

"Yeah, I wanted to get payback on those mages who attacked me and Lucy!" Ariel agreed.

"Man!" Elfman yelled.

Cana held her cards in her hand and crossed her arms. "We'll handle things back here." She said with Wakaba and Macao standing behind her.

Jose looked on. "Fine you have two choices be blown away by Jupiter or be destroyed by my Shade creatures!" he exclaimed and coming out of the windows of the Phantom mech were ghostly soldiers that had dark purple hooded capes and had nothing but red eyes on their faces.

"Ha! He's bluffing, there is no way he will fire on his own." Wakaba said.

"No, he'll fire alright. Those aren't real people, they are ghostly soldiers that he can command at will. That is his Shade magic. He can command them at his own will even from far distances." Cana explained.

Meanwhile Mira takes Lucy's hand and takes her to the front of the guild, but Loke was able to see this.

"Lucy, you have to come with me." Mira said.

"No! Everyone is out there fighting for me, I can't just stand back and do nothing."

"Sorry, Lucy. But this is for your own good." Mira put her hand on Lucy's forehead and the blonde slowly fell to sleep and Mira caught her. "Reedus, take Lucy to the safe house." Mira told him.

"Right!" he painted a purple boar on his stomach with a carriage and it suddenly appeared and Reedus rode it to the Safe House located somewhere in Magnolia.

Mira looks towards the other who were about to begin fighting. 'I know I can't do much but...' Mira's face began transform and it took the shape of Lucy's. 'I have to protect my guild mates.' She thought.


Next Time: Showdown Between Water and Ice!

Roxas, Natsu, Ariel, Gray and Elfman storm Phantom Lord and began their battle with the Elemental Four and the guild members. Also while trying to find out how to stop the Abyss Break, Gray and Ariel run into Phantom's rain woman, Juiva. Will they be able to stop Phantom once and for all?

Find out in the next chapter of Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas !

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