Chapter 15 - Showdown Between Water and Ice!

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Lucy: Last time on Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas
The Phantom Lord guild charges up the Jupiter Cannon.

Happy: The Phantom Guild attacked us! Erza used up all her magic energy to block Jupiter.
Erza blocks the beam from Jupiter with her Adamantine Armor but is knocked unconscious in the process.

Ariel: Now, it's up to us bring down Jupiter and the Elemental 4.

 Roxas, Natsu, Happy, Ariel, Gray and Elfman heads for Phantom's guild.

Natsu: Alright, I'm fired up now!

Roxas: They're not getting their hands on Lucy! I'll make sure of that.


Cana stands in front of the group now taking the leadership role since Erza was out of commission. "Stay strong everyone! We have defend the guild!" she exclaimed and the threw three yellow glowing cards at some of the shade demons and they disappeared as they were hit.

Alzack and Bisca were standing back to back and Alzack has his magic pistols while Bisca had her magic shotgun and they were firing at the Shade Troopers. "YEE HAA!" they both yelled while firing at them.

Meanwhile one of the Shade troopers was heading towards Wakaba and it goes through him and he then falls to his knees. "What happened? It feel like I lost some of my energy." He said.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM! They are cursed!" everyone looked towards Loke who turned one of the knobs on his rings and his fists were in a green aura and he threw light green energy waves at more Shades that were coming his way.

"That is right!" they all hear and it was Jose's voice again. "My Shade Troopers are indeed cursed and touching them will sap away at what is left of your life.

"So we can't touch them?" Alzack said.

"But who said we have to touch them to defeat them." Bisca noted.

Alzack aims his gun at a number of Shades coming his way. "Guns Magic: Sunlight Shot!" he chanted and he shot a very bright flash at the Shades and this bright flash was enough to make them burn up in the light as their robes burnt up, right down to the skeletal remains were nothing but ashes.

A green magic circle appeared below Bisca. "Requip!" and her magic shotgun disappeared and replacing it were two huge automatic rifles and she aimed them at the Shades. "YEE HAA!" she exclaimed as she began shooting down the Shades in front of her.

They saw that there were now a small number of Shades remaining. "It looks like there aren't a lot left." Macao commented but suddenly from the air many Shades began appearing and they joined the formation of the others.

"I don't get it? Didn't we defeat them?" Alzack asked.

"Geez these things are never ending." Macao said.

"If this keeps up, there will be no end to this." Cana commented. Suddenly Max is nearly touched by a Shade but one of Cana's cards go through him and he is saved.

"Thank you, Cana. Sorry, I'm just in the way right now, am I?"

"Pull yourself together! We must all come together and protect the guild at all costs! Phantom doesn't suffer the sadness of losing comrades." Cana said and behind her Macao destroys a shade with two purple flame whips in his arms. "They don't suffer from our Guild hall's destruction, we cannot let them beat us."


Natsu had tried everything he could think of to destroy the cannon from the outside but nothing worked. Now we find Natsu and Happy standing inside the Jupiter cannon looking up at a large lacrima as it gathered magic energy.

"This must be the thing we're looking for huh Happy?" Natsu asked.

"Aye Sir!" the blue cat shouted in agreement.

Natsu started gathering magic energy as a magic circle appeared in front of him. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" Shouted Natsu as he breathed a stream of flames at the large lacrima. The attack was about to hit when it suddenly changed direction and headed back towards Natsu. Natsu was too stunned to do anything as his own attack hit him head on.

"You fairies are so pathetic. How about you hand over the blond bimbo and we won't hurt you little fairies too bad. Or you can face the wrath of one of the element four, Totomaru of the conflagration." Stated a man in a ninja like outfit with fur around the collar.

"I'm not handing over Lucy so forget about it. You should be glad you're fighting me and not Roxas." Natsu laughed as he got into a fighting stance.

"And why's that?" asked Totomaru.

"Because if he heard you call Lucy a bimbo, you would be in the ground already." Natsu stated in a serious tone. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist." Natsu said as he lit his hands on fire and jumped at Totomaru. Said man just laughed as he waited for Natsu to get closer, then all of a sudden, Natsu punched himself in the face.

"Ow, what the hell was that?" Natsu asked.

"I can control fire no matter where it came from or what kind it is. You're attack are useless against me." Laughed Totomaru.

"Natsu, you need to think of something and quick, you only have about seven minutes left." Happy stated from the sidelines.

"Then I'll just have to use my bare hands." Natsu replied as he rushed the member of the element four. Natsu launched a punch at Totomaru's face. Totomaru side stepped and tripped Natsu, as Natsu fell forward, he landed on his hands as he spun and kicked Totomaru in the chest. Totomaru rushed Natsu, before Natsu could make it to his feet, and kicked Natsu in the side sending him sliding away.

"Natsu, hurry. You only have two minutes!" Yelled Happy.

Totomaru rushed Natsu again, this time with his katana drawn. He tried slashing at Natsu but Natsu was able to dodge each slash. Totomaru went to lunge at Natsu as Natsu side stepped the blade and grabbed Totomaru's wrist. Natsu bent Totomaru's wrist back and caused him to drop the blade. Natsu then kicked the katana sending it flying till it impaled the large lacrima.

Natsu was soon covered in flames as they grew bigger and burned hotter. "You can't use flames against me, it will never work." Laughed the element four member as he tried to manipulate the fire. His laughter soon died as he noticed that the flames weren't responding to his commands.

"I don't have time to play with you, my friends and family are counting on me to destroy this thing." Natsu said as he jumped toward the lacrima. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" Natsu shouted as the flames went to his feet and he kicked the katana straight through the lacrima destroying it.


Outside the Fairy Tail wizards were still fighting the shades and the cannon that was about to fire suddenly exploded.

"They did it!" Macao yelled and all the wizards cheered.

"Alright! We can do this! Stay strong everyone!" Cana yelled as she held her cards in between her fingers.

"AYE!" all the wizards from outside yelled.


Inside the remains of the room where Jupiter was before it exploded. "Oh yeah, I totally saved the day!"  Natsu cheered.

"Yeah, and now since you can't control my fire. It is time to crush you and Phantom!" Natsu said looking towards Totomaru.

Suddenly the room starts moving. "Oh no, don't tell me they are going to unleash that this room isn't stable to handle the movement!" Totomaru said.

"Movement, what are you talking about?" Natsu asked


Meanwhile outside the Phantom guild is transforming and now it had transformed into something that resembled a giant mecha and its red eyes activated. "You Fairy Tail kids should beg for forgiveness, for this is the end for you." Jose said in his satisfied voice.

"Let's focus on the shades!" Cana said. "We'll let Natsu and the others handle the giant!"

"Yeah, Natsu has a problem with transportation." Wakaba said.

"And since this has become transportation..." all the wizards who were outside had now turned white.


Inside Natsu was on the ground and his cheeks were puffed and Happy was waving a handkerchief in front of his face to cool him down. "You gotta get pull it together!" Happy said.

Totomaru then appeared in front of them. "Since you can't move... I will finish you off with my strongest move. You will be helpless against this!" Natsu braced himself. "Rainbow Fire!" but before he could initiate the attack, Roxas flickered in front of Totomaru and punched him in the face before he shot up into the air so high he became a glint in the sky.

"You okay Natsu?" Roxas asked, looking him over.

"Y-Yeah, just fine. I just want to get off this thing." Natsu said with a green face.

 The three head footsteps and they saw Gray, Elfman and Ariel running towards them. As soon as they got close to the trio, they saw Roxas' appearance had changed.

"Hey Roxas. What happened to you?" Gray asked.

"Yeah, you look kinda different." Ariel agreed.

"Makes you look a bit more manly to me." Elfman said.

Roxas rubbed his head. "It's kinda part of my Fox Slayer magic. I'll explain the rest of it to you guys later."

"So the cannon was destroyed then?" Ariel asked.

"Yep, but Mr. I'm afraid of transportation. Is taking a nap here." Happy said, gesturing to Natsu.

"Sheesh! You are so pathetic!" Gray said.

"What kind of a Man are you!? It should be you who is making the car sick!" Elfman said.

"That didn't make any sense." Ariel said, sweat-dropping.

"So what do we do now?" Roxas asked. 

Ariel spoke. "Well, Lucy is in a safe place so all we have to do is find Jose and the Elemental 4, right?"


Meanwhile outside the Super Giant Mage Phantom MK II. The shades were increasing in attack.

"Wasn't long ago that we had the upper hand!" Maco yelled and he jumped and kicked the air and made a very wide purple flame swipe that evaporated the shades coming to his direction.

Suddenly the giant mecha began writing a symbol in front of it.

"What is it doing?" Alzack asked while reloading his pistol.

"It's writing symbols but for what?" Bisca asked.


Mira was inside the guild hall disguised as Lucy and Cana was speaking to her from the gap between the wall and the outside.

"It is an Abyss Break spell." Cana said. "This magic can also spread its destruction to the whole of Magnolia."

"It is a truly destructive spell." Mira commented.


"...Is what they said." Happy finished as he was explaining the Abyss Break to the group.

"I can't believe him!" Roxas said with his fists clenching.

"Maybe he's bluffing, trying to get us to hand over Lucy." Ariel said.

"That's not manly at all!" Elfman exclaimed.

"Well we can't just sit here and cry about it!" Natsu shouted.

"We have to find the power source and put a stop to it." Gray said

"Then we should split up!" Roxas said. "Natsu and I in that direction!" Roxas said as he pointed to the doorways in the room. "Gray, you and Ariel head down that way. Elfman, you head down that door. If any of the Elemental 4 show up, give 'em hell."

The group nodded and went their separate ways.


The Magic circle will need about ten minutes to activate." Mira said. "We must find the source and destroy it."

"Yep, our allies inside it must have figured it out." Cana said.

"What! Who is inside?" Mira asked as she unintentionally kept herself out of the loop.

"Roxas, Natsu, Gray, Ariel and Elfman."

"Elfman! Cana, why is he there? He can't fight!" she exclaimed.

"Yes he can, he fought with us back at Phantom, he can handle himself."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Their grunts are one thing but fighting their most powerful wizards is another story all together."

"Don't worry, He is a Fairy Tail wizard."

"I am still worried, in his condition he cannot take a serious fight."

"We have all struggled to deal with the loss we have suffered. Elfman tried moving forward since then. Think about that." Cana ran back to join the battle.

Mira then looked to the ground and thought to herself. 'I was never the same since that day... Lisanna... Elfman found a way to move forward, so I will too.' She thought.


(Elfman's fight goes as canon)

Outside the giant Fairy Tail, the guild  was still fighting off the shades. "These things seem to just keep coming!" Macao threw a two purple fire streams at flying shades and the evaporated into black dust.

Laki had suddenly noticed that the giant's writing speed had slowed down. "Why is it moving turtlish?"

"Turtlish? Don't you mean slowly?" Macao asked. "Seriously who says 'turtlish'?"

"Shut up! It's how I talk and I like it!" she exclaimed while flailing her arms.

Wakaba looked up at it. "Now that you mention it, it has slowed down, but why?"

"Right now, I don't think it matters, we have more time. Now we should push forward so we can defeat the last of Phantom's shades." Cana exclaimed, before she looked to the giant's fingers and saw that Mira was freed from them. "So Elfman saved Mira, at least she will be safe." She was about to collapse but she just fell to her one knee.

"Cana!" Macao yelled now getting worried about her.

"Forget about me, just focus on the enemy in front of you!" she exclaimed and she threw more cards that exploded on a couple more shades while Macao sliced through one of them with purple fire whips.

"Heh, it always seems to be the women who are strongest in out guild." Macao thought as he chuckled.

"Everyone, spread out and attack, away from each other, we mustn't clump together." All the members yelled in agreement as they would not let themselves lose to Phantom.

Laki was standing next to Alzack who was reloading his magic pistol and she noticed something. "Hey, Loke is not here, where did he go?"

"He said that he went to check out something he didn't like." Alzack said


Natsu and Roxas were now running inside the halls of the Phantom mech while Happy flew behind them. "I just came up with a plan, Roxas." Natsu said.

"Oh really, well any plan is good for me at this point, what do you have in mind?" Roxas asked.

"If we can beat Jose, then all of this will be over! SO we just have to find Jose and beat him."

"I could less who is we have to fight. Jose. Gajeel. The Elemental 4. They're all going down the same!" Roxas said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Have you two lost your minds!? Jose is just as strong, if not stronger than Master Makarov!" Happy exclaimed.

Natsu folded her arms. "What do yo mean? Someone's gotta take him down."

"But I'm telling you, he is too powerful!" Happy said trying to convince Roxas and Natsu to change their minds.

"We don't know how strong Jose really is, and frankly, I don't give a damn. Jose had the old man's magic drained so he couldn't fight. If you ask me, that bastard is nothing but a big coward and he's taking orders from an even bigger coward." Roxas began to clench his fists. "Going through these lengths to get Lu back. I know how Lucy feels and I understand what she is going through. So, I'm not going to sit here and cry about how strong these guys are. It wouldn't be fair to others who are fighting outside, and it wouldn't be fair to Lucy, we all made our beds when the Old Man announced we would be going to war with these idiots and there is now way I'm backing down from this fight, we've already come this far and you can bet they won't show mercy if we just run away again!"

"Roxas..." Happy said and he sounded sad. "I understand, but Erza isn't here and the Master isn't here. There is no way you two can beat the same guys who took away the Master's magic." Happy sadly said.

"Hey, we're still here." Natsu said as he put his palm gently on Happy's head. "There is no one left to defeat Jose, so we'll do it." Natsu said while smiling.

"You forget Hap, we're members of Fairy Tail, and from what I've picked up from this guild is that we don't back down from anyone. After we take down Jose and Gajeel we can brag about it to the others." Roxas then smirked.

"Now what do you say we find Jose and teach 'im a lesson!" Natsu said.

"Anything to disrupt Lu's 'Sorry-excuse- for- a' Dad's dumb plan. Sure, I'm game. Are you in Happy?"

Happy's sad face turned to a smile. "Aye."

"Great, now let's go find that punks!"

"Yeah, I'm getting fired up!"

Happy looked to the both of them. 'Master and Erza may not be here, but there is just something about Natsu and Roxas that give people hope.' Happy thought.

"Hey Happy, you comin or what?" Natsu rhetorically asked.

"Aye!" Happy exclaimed and they ran down the halls.

The three managed to run into a hall and they stopped. "It's too quiet." Roxas commented. His ears twitched and he looked up. "Above us!" Roxas yelled and shoot a blast of fox fire above him and Natsu, but it missed and Aria stood in front of them.

"The sorrow." He said with a gloomy voice. "It is so sad when the wings of a dragon and the tails of a fox are plucked away and rot when all that remains are the corpses. And it is devastating when rocks crumble to dust under stronger forces."

"What the hell?" Roxas asked with a very confused look on his face. "Uh, you shouldn't get into poetry, big guy."

"Be careful both of you, he is one of the Element 4." Happy exclaimed.

"Well, well, well. Just who we were looking for, you're going to answer our questions or we kick your butt all over this hall. Your choice." Natsu said flashing his smirk.

"My name is Aria, I am at the pinnacle of the Element 4 and I have come here to slay a dragon and a fox."

"You're outta your mind if you think we'll lose to you." Natsu exclaimed.

"Looks like if we want to get to Jose, we're going to have to kick your ass first." Natsu and Roxas charged towards Aria to begin the battle.


Gray and Ariel were running through a hall and they were still looking for the source of the Abyss Break. "Even if we do find the source of the Abyss Break. Won't it be guarded?" Ariel asked.

"You may have a point, but we can't let that stop us, the others are counting on us." Gray said.


They both climbed through a broken window on the roof and they saw it had begun to rain. "Huh? It's raining?" Gray asked.

"Rain..." Ariel muttered, before her eyes narrowed. "Wait, that means..."

"Drip, drip, drop." The both heard. "Juvia is the rain woman of the Element 4. Juvia is surprised at how you defeated the two of the Element 4. However, you shouldn't take Juvia and Aria lightly." She said while holding up her pink umbrella.

"I should've known it'd be you who caused it to rain." Ariel said, getting into a fighting stance.

"I won't hold back on anyone who decided to hurt my friends! Even if they are women or children, I will never forgive anyone who wrongs my friends."

Juvia had maintained her gloomy look at Gray and suddenly she had pink oval blushes on her cheeks. She quickly turned around.

"I give up, you win." She said.

"Hold on, did you blush just right now?" Ariel asked now curious about Juvia's actions and character.

"W-wait, tell us how to stop the giant!" Gray yelled.

"Something is not right. That was way too easy." Ariel muttered.

Juvia's face was slightly red and she still looked away from the pair and her heart was beating. 'Juvia must make him mine!' she thought. 'No turning back!' she yelled and she outstretched her arm and an sphere of water trapped Gray inside it and he was floating around in it.

"Gray!" Ariel yelled and she tried to eat Juvia's water lock, but suddenly the orb began to freeze and it shattered and as it did Juvia was gazing at Gray.

"Impossible, Juvia's Water Lock can never be broken." As Gray broke out the ice crystals were still flashing around him and Juvia began blushing again.

"So much for giving up." Ariel began and she engulfed her hands in spiraling water.

"So we meet again, Water Dragon Slayer." Juvia said.

"Yeah, now tell us how to stop the giant or..." Ariel paused in mid shock as she and Juvia had seen Gray take off his white shirt and reveal his chest which had bandages on and the dark blue Fairy Tail emblem on his right chest. "REALLY GRAY!?" Ariel exclaimed.

"You-you stripped?" Juvia asked. Her face became red and steam puffed from her ears. "Juvia's heart isn't ready for this, we should take our relationship a lot more slowly."

"Man, you are just a nutcase aren't you?" Ariel turned her gaze to Gray. "And you! I know it's habit, but do you need strip right now?!" Ariel asked.

"Hey I can't help it, it's something I picked up from my teacher okay!"

"Know what, Forget it. But since Juvia is occupied with her own mind we should strike now! Water Dragon's Scales!" Ariel swung her arms, generating a very large number of scale-shaped masses of water, which are rapidly sent flying at the Water Mage.

"Ice-Make: Lance!" Gray yelled and a light cyan magic circle appeared in front of him and he shot multiple lances of ice at Juvia but both attacks simply passed through her and both Ariel and Gray had their eyes widened.

"You physical attacks are ineffective on me, Juvia's body is made of water." Juvia explained as the parts of her body that were hit had simply passed through her and she was still holding her umbrella and she retained the same expression from before.

"You're made of water?! That is just freaky!" Ariel exclaimed. "Then this will be easy for me. Since I'm a Water Dragon Slayer, you attacks won't hurt me at all." 

"You have attacked me, so Juvia must be strong because both of you are enemies and we are at war."

"Hey, you're the ones who started it!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Let's get this over with." Gray said.

"It looks like Juvia is saying goodbye to the sweet flower of love." Suddenly a blue magic circle appeared in front of her "Water Slicer!" and she shot blades of water towards Gray and Ariel and they missed and it sliced through a pillar on higher ground. "Juvia can create high powered water jets that can even cut through steel."

"Yeah, we know!" Ariel exclaimed and she made a water arc and it sliced through Juvia's umbrella even though it sliced past the water mage. "Your body is made of water, what would be the point of using an umbrella?"

Gray ran past Ariel and he was about to initiate another attack. "Ice-Make: Battle Axe!" he yelled and he threw a huge arc made of ice but it simply passed through Juvia.

"I told you, with your skills it is impossible for both of you to beat Juvia, but both of you can still be saved. If you hand over Lucy Heartfilia to us then I will ask my master to withdraw our attack."

"No! There's now way in hell we'd give Lucy to you guys!" Ariel said.

" Yeah, Lucy is our friend and we won't hand her over, I'll give up my life for her, Ariel and all of Fairy Tail!" Gray yelled and Juvia's eyes widened.

'Give up his life for them?' she thought and suddenly an image of her spinning though space appeared. 'Could this Lucy and Ariel be... Love Rivals?' she suddenly began holding her chest. "My chest, it is pounding. It hurts!" she yelled.

"Hey are you alright?" Gray asked.

Juvia now had a scary face to her. "Juvia will not lose." She said in a deep voice. "LUCY AND ARIEL WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!" she yelled and boiling water explodes around her.

Gray now had a confused face.

"You're seriously jealous?" Ariel asked. "Besides, we're all just friends. Lucy likes..."

"SHUT UP!" Juvia yelled and she shot two water jets from her hands and they were speeding towards Gray and Ariel and they both dodged them. They sped back to Juvia and she went around her and they were speeding back towards the two.

"Gray get behind me!" Ariel yelled and she palmed the speeding jet of water, causing it to cool down and dispersed around the two of them before Ariel began to eat it. "Ah! Thanks for the drink!" she smirked, before taking a deep breath and released a burst of water form her mouth. "Water Dragon's Roar!"

Gray smirked and both slammed his hands on the ground., "Ice Make: Geyser!"

 Water and spears of ice made their way towards Juvia, who just was standing. She was struck by the two attacks but it seemed like it had no damage. Their attacks just kept going right through her.

The attack didn't hurt Juvia at all, "It's impossible for you to defeat Juvia. Please give up, There is still time to be saved." She moved out of the spikes and was once again standing.

Ariel cracked her knuckles, "You must be nuts woman. Giving up was never in my dictionary."

Gray was nodded in agreement, "We're not giving up. Fairy Tail is in danger and we will stop at nothing to save them! Besides, do you really think your asshole of  a master will let us go? You must be out of your mind. That guy could give a rats ass about us."

Juvia shook her head, "Master Jose isn't like that. He gave Juvia a home."

Ariel crossed her arms, "Then why are you out here and while he's cowering inside where it's safe. Your nothing but a pawn to him."

Juvia wasn't going to believe someone like them. They were the enemy, master Jose wouldn't treat them like that. They were loyal to him so he wouldn't throw them away like that, "No you're lying. You're Lying! Boil in Juvia's rage!" Juvia yelled. She blasted another blast of hot water at Ariel but Gray stood in front of her.

"Ice-Make: Shield!" Gray yelled and he made his flower like shield but the water thawed it out. "She's made of water, can't you control her?" Gray asked.

Ariel shook her head. "No, her magic and mine are completely different. So it wouldn't work. I don't have to worry about running out of water, there is enough rain to compensate, but we have to attack her hard at the same time." 

Juvia then blasted two hot streams at them. Gray dodged it and Ariel mimiced with her hands the appearance of a gun and then bends her index finger slightly. "Water Dragon's Bullet!" She then threw a huge water bullet at Juiva, causing the water streams to disperse into steam.

"If we're going to beat her, we'd better do it fast." Another hot blast of water was shot at them and they dodged it. Ariel made a huge steam cloud by heating the water on the ground and Juvia's vision of was clouded and Ariel charged to her as soon as it disappeared.

"Juvia will not lose to you!" she made a wave sped to Ariel after a blue magic circle appeared in front of her.

Ariel dove into the wave and she appeared high in the air and she looked down at Juvia. She began to gather the rain water around her, until it formed a large water sphere. "Water Dragon's Grand Splash!"  she blasted a huge just of water down towards Juvia and this engulfed her in water but she came out fine as her body wasn't effected since it was made of water.

"Just give up, You'll make it easy on yourself!" Juvia said and outstretched her hand. "Water Slicer!" she blasted slicing blades of water towards the dragon slayer, but Ariel dodged two of them and she turned the last one into a bullet of water and she threw it back at Juvia and she createed two streams of water from her hands and sped towards Juvia. "Water Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Juvia shot a torrent of scalding water from her palm and hit Ariel's 'wings', causing both attacks to cancel out. "You're amazingly skilled, Water Dragon Slayer." Juvia said.

"Sorry but we don't plan on losing." Suddenly Gray jumped high up into the air.

"So you were hiding, I apologize but Juvia will have to destroy you now!" she shot a jet of hot water up into the air and this sped towards the Ice mage.

Gray outstretched his hands and they were touching the water. "Freeze!" Gray began to freeze the hot water and the ice crystals spread and it covered Juvia's body and now she wasn't able to move when Gray landed on the ground he felt his left palm touch something soft and sort of squishy and he looked towards the frozen water mage and he saw that his hand was on her chest and Gray's eyes stretched out of his head when he realized what he had done and Ariel's face had become shock.

"Gray! What the heck are you doing!?" Ariel shouted. "We're supposed to be fighting her, not checking out her breasts!"

Gray quickly shatters the ice around Juvia and he quickly lets go of her. "Sorry for doing that..." Gray apologized as he looked away.

'He is so kind. Even if Juvia is his enemy. He may be Juvia's enemy, but I cannot bring myself to hurt him.' Juvia thought and she begins to tear up.

Ariel took a look at Juvia and it finally hit her. 'Hold on, Juvia couldn't possibly be... in love with Gray, right?' Ariel then snickered.

"What are you laughing at?" Gray asked.

"Nothing. Well just at how clueless you are." Ariel said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing really."

"Anyway, why don't we just start over?" Gray asked looking at Juvia.

"Juvia cannot hurt you."

"Is that your way of admitting that you cannot beat us."

"But Juvia is way stronger than Lucy. Juvia can protect you."

Gray once again has a confused face. "What do you mean by that?"

"Juvia, you want me to tell him? I have a feeling he's never going to figure it out on his own." Ariel asked. "Boys are known to be quite dense."

"What are you two talking about?"

"It is about the fact that I...I-I lo..." Juvia was blushing and suddenly it continued to rain harder.

"The rain has gotten stronger, it is really gloomy." Gray said and Juvia stopped saying anything else and the word 'gloomy' replayed itself in her head.

'Juvia should have known. He is just like them!' she blasted a huge stream of hot water that engulfed both Gray and Ariel.

'I'll just freeze it again.' Gray crossed his hands but the water wouldn't freeze. "That is weird how come I can't freeze it like I did last time?"

"It seems as if the madder she gets, the hotter her water is. But that's not going to stop me." Ariel thought as she was also engulfed in the water, but she was able to breathe just fine in it. She then began to cool the water down, before she began 'eating' it.

As Juvia is attacking she begins to recall her memories, at how other kids at her childhood would call her 'gloomy', because where ever she went the rain followed her they kept making remarks that she should move to another school so the rain will stop, because of this they never played with her and she was always alone. She spent a lot of her time making Teru Teru Bozu dolls since they were believed to ward off the rain, but as she made them, she found that they never worked and even the kids that called her gloomy had come across one of them and stepped on them and Juvia soon realized that even if she made a lot of them they wouldn't be at all effective as the rain followed her as she grew up. People who she was around always remarked how gloomy and depressing the rain was everywhere she went. She also recalled at how her last relationship with someone didn't work out because of the rain and how it was always brought with her.

"Phantom Lord are the only ones who have accepted Juvia! For who I am! I am part of the Element 4! A Phantom Lord wizard!" Juvia yelled after she subsided her water attack she turned her whole body into water and she charged to the both of them and Ariel stood in front of Gray with a glare on her face. "How can you be proud to be part of such a disgusting guild!? Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Whirling Vortex Wave!" Ariel swiped her arms in a circular fashion, creating a powerful cyclone of water that ensnares Juvia's Magic attack and sends it back at them, barraging her with Ariel's water and Juvia's own Magic Power. The attack was so powerful, Ariel made Juiva fly around her and Gray,  before sending her soaring into the sky. "Finish it, Gray!"

"We won't lose to someone like Phantom Lord!" Gray yelled and he released a huge burst of ice magic that was enough to turn all of Juvia's rain to snow and ice crystals. A magic circle appeared under Gray on the ground and he slammed his palms on the ground and he used Ice Geyser and Juvia was caught in his attack because she was weakened from Ariel's attack and she was encased in the ice crystals and she had lost the irises in her eyes and she flew up into the air off of the roof.

'I have lost, and Juvia will fall to the ground like a raindrop splatting into pieces after hitting the ground. A fitting end to an unwanted, gloomy rain woman." She thought but she was surprised when a hand caught her left wrist and she was kept from falling.

"Hang on, Juvia!" Ariel yelled as Gray caught her and she was also looking down and she created a water whip that wrapped around Juvia's other hand and she was lifted to the top of the roof.

Later she was lying on her back and she looked at Gray who was looking out into the distance off the roof. "Why did you save Juvia?" he heard and he looked to the water mage.

"Well we weren't going to let you die now were we? Sure you may be with Phantom, but I can tell it must have felt like the only home where you belong. But you don't have to be alone all the time." Ariel said. "Gray would have said the same thing, I'm just better at wording it."

Suddenly the rain begins to stop and through the clouds sunlight began to shine through. "The rain stopped?" Juvia asked.

"Yeah, it looks like it." Gray replied.

"Juvia has never seen the sun before."

"Really? Well what do you think?"

"It is more beautiful than Juvia had imagined it." She began to tear up.

"So, want to go another round?" Grey asked while smiling and Juvia she faints while her heart beats and she then stayed motionless with hearts in her eyes with some drool exiting her mouth. "Huh? What did I do? What happened?"

"Never mind, you're just clueless." Ariel said, shaking her head.

"Hey guys!" they heard and they saw Elfman and Mirajane running towards them.

"Oh it's you guys." Gray said.

"Well I see you two took care of things here." Mira said looking to Juvia who was on the ground.

"Yeah, we did." Ariel grinned.

"Why does the have a smile on her face?" Elfman asked.

"Who knows, she might be having a good dream." Gray said.

"Yeah, that's the reason why." Ariel said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, you should know that the Element 4 is the source of the Abyss Break's power." Mira said.

"Well that should make our jobs easier." Ariel said.

"Yes, now that there is only one member left we can still make it." Mira said.


Meanwhile Natsu and Roxas had bruises all over them and Aria was still standing. "I am surprised that you two are still standing."

Happy was watching the battle with a concerned look on his face. "I have never seen Natsu and Roxas in such a one sided battle." Happy thought

Natsu made his right fist engulf in flames and he sprinted to Aria. "I am surprised you can still attack." He made a circle invisible rainbow coloured screen appear in front of him and Natsu was pushed back.

"Guys what can we do!? We can't beat his magic since it is invisible."

"Give me a break. I don't care how strong this bastard is. I'm going to protect Lucy from all of you. That means I'll just have to fight harder!" Roxas exclaimed, getting to his feet.

"That's right, we are Fairy Tail Wizards and we cannot lose to you! Now I am really fired up!" he yelled as now both Natsu and Roxas glared at Aria as they were about to battle again.


Next Time: Fairies vs Phantoms Part 1

Natsu and Roxas continue to battle Aria, and they get unexpected help. Meanwhile Lucy is hunted by Gajeel and his team of two wizards and attempt to take her from the safe house but Loke drops by and tries to stop them from taking Lucy.

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