Chapter 16 - Fairies vs Phantoms

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NatsuLast time on Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas                                                       Ariel and Gray finally defeat Juiva.

Ariel: We finally learned how to stop the Abyss Break spell.
The Phantom Giant is writing slowly after Sol and Juvia's defeat.

Gray: All we have to do is defeat Phantom's Element 4
Juvia has hearts in her eyes after he asks if they can fight again.

Ariel: By my count we have defeated three of them, which means there is one Element 4 left.
Mira and Elfman tells them about how to break the Abyss Break spell.

Roxas: The last guy is really getting on my nerves, but that won't stop me!
Natsu and Roxas struggle to beat Aria.

Natsu: Roxas is right Let's hurry up and beat this guy!
Both begin to glare at Aria as their battle continues.

Roxas: Yeah, I'm going to protect Lucy and Fairy Tail. I'm promise!
Shows Roxas's Fox form face full if determination.


Inside Magnolia a war between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord is currently taking place. On a roof close to the giant mage was Gray, Mira, Elfman and Ariel were standing looking at the slowed giant's writing speed.

"So all we must do now is defeat the Element 4 so we can stop this thing?" Elfman asked to make sure.

"Yes, the Abyss Break is powered by the four Elements. Water, Earth, Fire and Wind." Mira said.

"But how these guys use the elements is way different to ours." Ariel deduced. "According to what we gathered, Totomaru could blast fire of any colour and intensity. Sol was fast and flexible, he was also agile, yet he controlled the earth element, but all he could do is generate attacks made of sand and plaster and rocks. Juvia lacked the full control of water, yet she can turn it into a deadly weapon and shift her body to behave like water. Unlike me, she use it as well, water but depending on her mood her water can get very hot."

"That leaves one more." Gray said.

"Aria of the Heavens." Mira said.

"It would be safe to assume that Aria doesn't just blast air out of his hands or anything like that, considering what the Element 4 have been able to throw at us so far." Ariel said.


Meanwhile Natsu and Roxas were panting as it would seem they were taking a beating from Aria. "Well, I can tell this much. He's no pushover, that's for sure!"

"I'm not going to lose after coming this far!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh, you think so?" Aria asked and he outstretched his hand and a light purple magic circle appeared in front of him. "Airspace: Zetsu!" he exclaimed and he shot blasts of air from his hand. Roxas jumped in front of Natsu and tried to block them, but they began to explode and made light purple small explosions that exploded around them, causing both Roxas and Natsu took the full brunt of the attack. Roxas skidded to a halt and caught Natsu from flying back.

"Y'know you are really getting on my nerves!" Roxas angrily said as he grit his teeth.

Happy was watching in fear. 'It's impossible. Even Natsu and Roxas working together can't even get one hit on Aria.' The blue cat thought.

"Damn him, he really is strong!" Natsu said.

"Oh yeah! Who says!" Roxas then created nine fox flame spheres. "Nine-Tails' Wil-o-Wisp!"  The spheres then sped to Aria and there was a dust explosion made by the impact before he created nine more and they sped off. Roxas' ears then twitched. "Behind us!" He yelled and Aria fired another Zetsu attack and both The Fox Slayer and the Fire Dragon Slayer were hit by the air explosions.

"There will always be those that are stronger than both of you!"

Natsu punches his fists together and he cupped both his hands and put them in front of his mouth. "Is that right! Then take this! Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu shot a blast of fire from his mouth and they went through the space in between his hands and they sped to Aria but he disappeared. "Huh? Where did he go?" Natsu asked.

"This is the end for you Salamander, but first I must take care of one little detail." He appeared to the side of Roxas and he casted his Zetsu spell and this made explosions around Roxas and he flew back and he slammed into the wall.

"Roxas!" Natsu and Happy exclaimed.

"You... bastard." Roxas said climbing back to his feet, blood dripping from the side of his face.

"Why you!" Natsu began but suddenly Aria was now appeared a lot bigger than he was and he had his palms above Natsu.

"You will suffer the same pain that your master suffered! Airspace: Metsu!" suddenly two light purple magic circles appeared at Natsu's side and they were tilted and a yellow glow appeared under the Dragon Slayer he began to float and he was screaming out in pain. "This magic will reduce you to nothing."

"Natsu!" Happy exclaimed in dread.

"No, you don't!" Roxas yelled and launched off the ground towards Aria.

"My power is fading away!" Natsu said as his skin began to turn a sickly green like Makarov from before but suddenly Aria was kicked in the face and he fell to the ground and Natsu was freed from the spell.

"Erza!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Red? Is that you?" Roxas said as he made it to them.

Natsu turned to the Armored Wizard. "You sure you should be moving around with injuries like yours."

Erza glares at Aria with angry brown eyes. "Erza's angry!" Happy yelled.

"So you are the one who drained the Master's power. You just drained his magic so he couldn't fight you."

Aria got up and he smiled. "The sorrow! It is sad that not only will I be taking the heads of the Salamander and the Nine-Tails, but also the head of the legendary Titania as well!" he said as tears streamed down his face. "Now that I am fighting Erza Scarlet. I will take this fight seriously." He took off his blind fold and he revealed purple eyes that weren't eyes at all but rather light purple circles that were cut into four with an 'X' cut.


Meanwhile Mira, Elfman, Gray and Ariel were running down the long halls of the Phantom Guild. "His eyes?" Gray asked as Mira had just told them about Aria's eyes.

"Yes, if you face Aria make sure he never revealed his eyes. When that happens the battle will be over in an instant." Mira said.

"He's not going to use some magic that turns us to stone will he?" Ariel asked.

"No, but his real power is revealed when he shows his eyes."


Suddenly outsides with the Fairy Tail mages,the Abyss Break circle began to glow signaling it was close to completion. "Tell me what's happening!?" one member asked.

"The Abyss Break is close to completion!" Cana exclaimed.

"But how did it charge up so quickly? It was moving slowly not too long ago."

"The last of the Element 4 must be very powerful."


Aria and Erza are still staring at each other. "Come fight me, Titania." He made wind circle around him. "I have activated the Airspace of Death: Zero. This is the magic that consumes all life.

"You use magic that consume's life." Erza said as a magenta magical seal appeared below her right hand and she held the blade in her right hand. "How is it that you can steal people's lives so easily? You fiend!"

Aria ignored her. "Why don't you just have fun, Titania." Erza sprints towards Aria while doing a battle cry. "Airspace: Zero!" he exclaimed and he blasted a huge blast of air with yellow particles but Erza was slicing through them easily. 'Impossible how is she able to survive the Airspace: Zero?!' Aria thought and he saw Erza jump up into the air and she was encased in a yellow glow.

"Heavens Wheel!" she requiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and she expanded her four wings and she descended to Aria with her arm's crossed and made a cross slash and sliced past Aria however many swords cloaked in light blue energy followed through and they struck Aria. "Blumenblatt!" she chanted and the swords that struck Aria disappeared and the Wind Mage fell to the ground with tears in his clothing. "Master should never have been defeated by the likes of you." She said after Aria was defeated. Erza transformed to her regular outfit without her Heart Kreuz Armour and she collapsed.

"Erza!" Natsu yelled and he caught her. "Stay with me Erza."

"She must have recovered after blocking Jupiter." Roxas said.


'I have a bad feeling about this.' Loke thought to himself as he rushed off. When he finally made it to the safe house, he saw Gajeel and two other mages fighting Reedus. Gajeel grabs Lucy and jumped up through a hole in the roof where Loke cut him off.

"Give Lucy back, or I'll have to take her from you by force." Loke warned.

Gajeel drops Lucy as she had been knocked out from when Gajeel kicked her. "We'll see how tough you really are." Gajeel said and Loke charged to him and his rings were glowing yellow and but he missed and Gajeel attacked him with his Iron Dragon's Pillar but he missed as Loke dodged his attack and he leaped towards the Iron Dragon Slayer and he just missed punching his head. 'What is with this guy I sense something odd with him?'

Lucy slowly stirs and opens her eyes and see that Loke is busy fighting Gajeel. "L-Loke..." she muttered before she passed out.

"Hehe, what are you exactly, you smell weird."

Loke clenches his fist but he suddenly starts 'glitching' as he began to feel his power fade. "Dammit, not now." He said.

"Too slow! Iron Dragon's Pillar!" he turned both his arms into pillars and he shot them at Loke and he flew through the wooden wall of the safehouse and he slid on the ground. "Gi hi. Chasing this girl wasn't as boring as I thought it would be." Gajeel said.


Inside the huge humanoid mechanical monster. Jose was watching from the main room. "I am dissatisfied with how things are turning out. The Element 4 are defeated. Where is Gajeel?" he asked the mages in the room but coming from the shadows was the person in question and he was holding Lucy under his right arm.

"You should have sent me to get her from the start, nothing can beat the nose of a Dragon Slayer." He said as he smirked.

"Is she alive?" one of the Phantom mages asked.

"Yes, we won't get the reward if she is dead, Gajeel." Jose said.

"Hmm...Well let's see." Gajeel kicks her in the gut and she hits the wall of the room. She grunts painfully as this is the sign that she is still alive. "Is that proof enough?"

"Good work as always, Gajeel." Jose said.

Lucy went tumbling across the floor; sputtering and coughing up a mouthful of blood.


Roxas suddenly felt an aching pain in his chest. The fox slayer took a shaky breath, as he clutched a hand over his rapidly beating heart. 'Why do I feel like Lucy is in trouble?'

Later Jose makes an announcement. "Attention Fairy Tail. I want you all to hear this." Jose said as all the guild members inside the building were now listening.

Gajeel who was in the room as well began pulling Lucy up by her hair and this made her scream out in pain. 

AHHHHHHHHHH!" Lucy's screamed pierced through the air, causing everyone's hearts to drop.


Ariel, Mira, Gray and Elfman were still running through the halls when they heard Lucy screaming. "L-Lucy!?" Ariel said.

"No way? How did they get to her?" Gray asked. 

"We have to meet up with Natsu and Roxas so we can beat Jose together." Mira said.

"Sounds like a plan." Elfman said.


Natsu, Happy and Roxas heard Lucy's screaming. "No way...?" Natsu questioned.

"Lucy?!" Roxas said with anger.

Jose continued with his speech. "We have fulfilled one of our objectives. Now that we have captured Lucy Heartfilia, we can proceed with wiping you off the Earth." He said in a menacing tone.

Natsu clenched his fists and he grit his teeth. "Phantom Lord."

Hearing Lucy scream like that caused something to snap inside of Roxas. The fox slayer's heart was beating so fast, that he felt it would burst out of his chest at any moment. His's pupils completely dilated, and he began to shake in almost uncontrollable rage. The pressure in the air rose significantly as bulging veins formed on Roxas' forehead. Hot steam began to materialize into existence from his his body when suddenly, blue flames burst exploded around Roxas violently before he raised his head.


Erza had shielded her face from the heat, but was struggling as well under the powerful energy. Natsu seemed to be unaffected by the outburst, but he along with Happy watched Roxas in shock.

Without warning, Roxas flew forward down the hall; creating a large shockwave as he rocketed forward. The fox slayer was moving so fast that Happy had a hard time keeping up with him. Wild crimson fox flames encased Roxas' entire body, as he raced through the halls; completely destroying everything they touched.

'I'm going to destroy them all!' Roxas thought, sprinting towards where he knew Lucy and Gajeel would be. 'I'll make them pay, for everything!'


Meanwhile inside Porlyusica's house Makarov awakens and he gets up. "You shouldn't be getting up old man." The pink haired healer told him.

"No need to throw the 'old man' shtick at me." Makarov simply said.

"Walking to your death?" she asked as she knew what Makarov was going to do.

"I'm just doing what I can to protect my brats. It's my responsibility as a parent."

"I guess I can't stop you." She said.

"Thank you for everything, Porlyusica." Makarov said as he put on his blue robe and he walked out of the door.

'You never change, Makarov.' She thought as she looked to a picture of her and Makarov in their younger days when they were both in the guild.


Erza was now laying against a pillar, holding her arm while Natsu and Happy looked down the hall Roxas went down.

"Wow, I've never seen Roxas like that." Natsu said. "Those flames were intense."

"Aye, he must've been really upset when he found out they took Lucy." Happy said.

'Where did all that power suddenly come from?' Erza thought, as she stared down at her trembling hands. 'I'm still shaking from their raw power. I've never felt something so destructive or intense before...And I've never seen Roxas that angry looked like he was ready to kill somebody...Was it because they hurt Lucy?'

Soon, the group of Ariel, Mira, Elfman and Gray had found Erza leaning against pillar.

"Hey guys!" Ariel called out, getting their attention.

"You're all here!" Happy exclaimed.

"Erza!" Gray yelled as the group got closer to the trio and they saw that Aria was defeated.

"Is that..." Elfman began.

"Yes that is Aria." Mira said.

"You took a shot from that huge cannon and you beat Aria. How did you do it?" Ariel asked. "Come to think of it. How did you beat us here with your injuries?"

"I couldn't let Natsu and Roxas fight alone again." Erza said, as a small smile graced her face. "

"Hey! We've could've beat that guy!" Natsu said.

"So, you beat Aria all by yourself?" Gray asked, causing Erza to shake her head.

"No, Natsu and Roxas helped. I just came in and finished him off." Erza explained, before she let out a dry chuckle. "I must look pathetic. I didn't want you guys to see me in such a weak state. Looks like I've still got a long way to go, eh?"

Gray looked over at Natsu. "Looks like he beat the snot out of you, Pyro."

"Like you look any better, Snow cone." Natsu snorted.

Mira then looked around and noticed someone was missing. "Speaking of Roxas, where is he?"

"Yeah, we also felt an incredible surge of magical power, and that wave of heat. It felt like Natsu's but so much more...intense."

 "It was incredible guys! Roxas just blew a gasket and took off."

"Huh?" Ariel asked.

"Aye...they were the hottest and most intense flames I've ever felt, besides Natsu's." Happy said, as he flew next to Natsu. "He started using them after he heard Lucy being hurt. As soon as Roxas heard her scream, he snapped. It was so thick in the air. Then out of nowhere his magical power just spiked, and his flames exploded outward and encased his whole body."

Before anyone could think any further, a sudden chill ran through the room. A shiver ran down everyone's spines, as the temperature in the room suddenly dropped. An incredible magical power began to draw closer, causing all of the Fairy Tail mages' eyes to widen. "T-This feels nothing like Master'''s so cold...and evil."

"Are you guys seeing this?' Ariel asked, as a black mist began to surround the room.

"W-What the hell is this feeling?!" Gray exclaimed, as his whole body began to tremble in fear.

"A man shouldn't be shaking this much!" Elfman shouted, trying to stop the chills that were running up his spine.

Nastu sniffed the air and his eyes widened. "Someone's coming!"

"It's gotta be Master Jose!" Happy exclaimed.

"My, my..." A deep voice echoed out, followed by the sound of slow clapping. "You all put on such an magnificent show." The Fairy Tail mages all spun around to see Jose's looming towards them. 

"It's Master Jose!" Happy exclaimed.

"The guild master of Phantom Lord!" Elfman said.

Ariel glared at the Wizard Saint. "So, he's the one who caused all this."

"I never expected you fairies to be so entertaining." Jose smirked as he began to walk towards the Fairy Tail mages. "I was following a rather large source of magical energy, but it seems I just missed it. Instead I found the rest of you pathetic fairies."

"No." Mirajane breathed out, her voice laced with fear. "He must be talking about Roxas."

"Jose." Erza growled, glaring at Phantom Lord's master. 

'His's so evil.' Mirajane thought, as she cupped a hand over her mouth. The white-haired barmaid had to suppress the urge to gag. 'It's so vile that it's actually making physically ill.'

"I won't let this bastard lay a finger on Roxas!" Natsu yelled, igniting his hands.

Gray and Elfman prepared to attack as well. Gray placed the side of his right fist on his palm and icy winds came from between them.

Elfman rose his arm into the air and it then a purple magic circle surround his right arm.

"Fire Dragon's..."

"Ice Make:..."

"Beast Arm..."

"Wait, don't!" Erza yelled.

"...Iron Fist!"


"...Iron Bull!"

Elfman's arm had turned to iron and Grey shot a spinning ice disk at Jose while Elfman and Natsu were going to punch him but he sends purple ghost figures in the shape of energy blasts towards the both of them which had stopped their movements.

"Dark Pulse!" he swung his arm and this set off a line of red explosions that sent Natsu, Elfman and Gray flying and they slammed into the ground the shockwave also got to Mira and Happy and they were rolling on the floor.

"You're going to pay for that!" Ariel said, glaring at Jose. "Water Dragon's Scales!" She ran close to Jose and she swung her arm, generating a very large number of scale-shaped masses of water towards Jose, but he avoided them easily. 

"I'm not done! Water Dragon's Wing Attack!" Ariel shouted and created two streams of water from her hands, shifting the water so that it would slice through any surface and she slashed Jose with her right water arm, but missed and left a clean slice on the wall Jose was now suddenly behind Ariel and he shot a purple beam made of ghosts at her and she crashed into the wall and she had lost control of her water as it was all around her and she was now unconscious.

"You bastard!" Erza roared as she charged at Jose. "Re-equip: Black Wing Armor!"

"Dead Wave!" Jose charged a ball of purple spirits and he sends it towards Erza as an energy blast and she is hit by the attack and out of the dust cloud the sound of her requiping her armour is heard and Erza steps out of the dust cloud now she was in a black themed armor that covered her chest and the sides of her torso but left the centre of her midriff exposed she had large guards on her shoulders and were black with light grey crosses on them she had black and bluish grey gauntlets on her arms and she had large guards next to her legs and in between those were silver edged plates that were shaped like feathers she had black boots that spread all the way to her thighs. A black inducement covered her groin area. Her scarlet red hair was now tied in a ponytail and she was holding a blade and she had dragon like wings on her back.

She charged towards Jose and he dodges a slash from her and he grabbed her leg and he threw her through a wall but she bounces her foot of a large chunk of rubble and she landed on her feet.

"How can you even stand, even after taking Jupiter head-on?" Jose asked, scanning Erza up and down. The scarlet-haired knight was panting heavily, and looked to be on the brink of exhaustion.

"My friends give me strength. And it is because I am fighting for those that I love, and if it is that I am fighting for I would throw away this body!" she exclaimed, gripping her sword hard with a glare.

"Erza Scarlet. It will be a pleasure to destroy you!" Jose said, forming a twisted smile on his face.


Lucy quietly whimpered as she hung from the wall by her arm, with iron bindings holding her in place; much like how Levy, Jet, and Droy had been strung up in Magnolia's southern park. Several kunai were impaled in the wall surrounding Lucy, and she winced as another one impacted into the wall just two inches from her head.

"Oh, damn it!" Gajeel cursed with a evil smirk on his face. "My aim must be getting rusty, because I was actually aiming for the blonde this time."

" really shouldn't be doing that..." A Phantom Lord mage stuttered out, as Gajeel twirled another kunai between his fingers. "We can't kill her...remember?"

"Eh? But I'm bored out of my mind." Gajeel said, taking aim at Lucy again. "Now...where should I aim for next...ah, I've got it...I'll pop those massive tits you've got...there big targets so I can't miss."

"J-Just stop it man!" Before the Phantom Lord mage could say anymore, Gajeel spun around and hit him with a powerful headbutt. The mage was instantly sent crashing into the floor.

"Shut the hell up." Gajeel growled, before he spit on the unconscious mage. "I don't give a flying dame who this girl is. From where I'm standing she's just another one of those fairies, a piece of trash. Who's gonna give a crap if I kill her?"

"I-If she died...master would get really angry..."

"Yeah! Angry at you!"

"Tch, who cares...I'll just blame it on you guys." Gajeel said, causing the Phantom Lord mages to back away in fear. "Man, this really sucks...even those fairy idiots are throwing away their lives just cause this bitch has some cash."

"Heh." A dry chuckle caused Gajeel to turn back to Lucy. He was surprised to see that the blonde had a defiant smile on her face.

"You say something girly?" Gajeel asked, his fierce red eyes glaring at Lucy.

"You guys really are complete dumbasses, aren't you?" Lucy said, causing Gajeel to quirk an eyebrow. "I feel so sorry for you fools, it might actually make me start crying."

"Is that right?" Gajeel asked with a shrug of his shoulders. "Huh, if you're able to bluff in a situation like this, maybe you're worth something after all."

"You jerks aren't even a little scared, are you?" Lucy asked with a smug smirk on her face. However, she winced as another kunai suddenly impaled in the wall on the other side of her head.

"What was that, missy? I don't think I heard you." Gajeel taunted, cupping a hand over his ear.

"You're the ones who'd be in trouble if I died." Lucy said with a smile, as she felt a familiar magical power rapidly approaching. But this time it was much stronger and more intense than she ever remembered. "There's no way Fairy Tail, or Roxas, would ever forgive you! That's the kind of guild we are!"

"H-Hey Gajeel, it's getting really hard to breath in here!"

"Yeah, it feels like there's a massive pressure hanging over me!"

"What's going on!? Now the room's starting to shake!"

"What the hell is happening!?"

"You'd all end up spending the rest of your lives cowering in fear from the scariest guild in the world; as they hunted you down to the ends of the earth." Lucy said, as she raised her head to lock eyes with Gajeel. "Roxas would personally find you, and tear you apart limb from limb."

"Interesting little theory you've got there." Gajeel said, as another iron kunai formed in his hand.

"Gajeel! I'm really starting to freak out here!"

"My hands won't stop shaking!"

"Why's it getting so hot in here! I feel like I'm being cooked alive!"

"Maybe, I should put your little theory to the test?" Gajeel asked, cocking his arm back. The iron dragon slayer took aim at Lucy's head, and threw the kunai.


"That's actually going to hit her!"

Lucy squeezed her eyes shut. 'Roxas!'

Seconds before the kunai could actually hit Lucy, the room began to shake violently. Then in a brilliant flash of blue flames, the floor to the room exploded. From the hole burst Roxas Eragon, with Gajeel's kunai in his hand. The kunai instantly shattered in Roxas' hands,as well as Lucy's restraints, causing the blonde to plop on the ground.. The fox slayer crashed into the ground; sending out a shockwave of fox flames. The scorching flames consumed all of the nearby Phantom Lord mages; sending them rolling onto the floor as they tried to extinguish the flames.

"I knew it..." Gajeel said, as he smirked at Roxas. "I knew I recognized your scent. But it feels...different somehow."

"Roxas..." Lucy said, tears of joy falling from her eyes. "I knew you'd come and save me." 

The sliver-haired fox slayer glanced over at Lucy, and snarled when he saw how bruised she was. His flames became even more intense when he spotted the kunai that were in the wall around Lucy.

"Don't worry Lu." Roxas said, his voice eerily calm and collected. "I'll make these bastards pay, for everything they've done. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it."

"So you've fina-" Gajeel was cut off when Roxas' flaming fist smashed into his face. The iron dragon slayer was sent flying across the room by Roxas' new incredible power.

"Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!" Roxas roared, as bright bluish-white flames licked his fist. The fox slayer stalked towards Gajeel with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "No more talking, Gajeel...just fighting." Scorching fox flames danced off Roxas' form; destroying everything they touched. "Out of my way." He said, as he shoved a Phantom Lord mage out of his path. The enemy mage howled in pain, Roxas' fox flames instantly searing his flesh with a second degree burn. The fox slayer glared at all the other Phantom mages around him. "My fight is with Gajeel...if you all stay out of this you won't be harmed. But if you try to intervene, I'll take you down as well." Almost instantly the Phantom Lord mages retreated as far back as they could.

"Damn that hurt!" Gajeel exclaimed, touching a had to the burn mark on his face. The iron dragon slayer's skin was a lot tougher than his comrades'. That didn't stop him from receiving a stinging first degree burn on his face though. "I don't know where this power came from Nine-Tails, but-"

"Nine-Tails' Spinning Claw!" Roxas roared, as he kicked Gajeel in the stomach with an blazing charged foot, filling the entire room with fox flames. All the air immediately left Gajeel's lungs, as he was sent crashing into a wall. Gajeel fell to the ground, but found that he could barely move. He could still feel Roxas' fox flames coursing through his body; nearly paralyzing him completely. "I said no more talking."

'It seems his flames have gotten stronger.' Gajeel thought, struggling to move his limbs.

"I've never seen Roxas like this..." Lucy said, as she rubbed her sore wrists while watching Roxas send Gajeel flying with a powerful stream of fox flames.

"Don't get so damn cocky!" Gajeel exclaimed, grabbing some iron debris off the ground, and shoving them into his mouth to rejuvenate his energy. Feeling the new energy coursing through him, Gajeel charged towards Roxas. "Iron Dragon's Club!" However, Gajeel's eyes widened when Roxas dodged his attack and caught it underneath his arm. Suddenly, Roxas' body was engulfed in bluish-white fox flames, which course through Gajeel's Iron Club into his body. The iron dragon slayer winced as the power surged into him. Roxas was surprised to see an animalistic grin spread across Gajeel's face. Without warning Gajeel launched a surprised attack. "Iron Dragon's Sword!" Gajeel transformed his other arm into a large jagged blade, and swung it at Roxas.

"I'm surprised you can still move. You're one tough bastard, I'll give you that. However..." Roxas said, as he stopped Gajeel's blade with his free hand. Gajeel was stunned to see that his attack was stopped so easily. "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to lay a finger on me." The hand stopping Gajeel's blade was suddenly engulfed in fox flames. Roxas's fox flames were so hot, that they began to melt the blade in his grasp. Gajeel roared in pain, and returned his arm to normal. The iron dragon slayer clutched his severely burned hand, which was already starting to blister. "I told you, I'd pay you back for everything you did. And I meant everything."

"You bastard. I'm going to kill you, then slaughter the rest of your guild mates!" Gajeel shouted, intensely glaring at Roxas. "It's time we put this to an end, Eragon!"

"Oh, I'm no where near done with you." Roxas said, as he cracked his knuckles. "I think after I beat your ass, I'll string you up like you did Levy and Lucy. Put you on display to warn others not to screw with Fairy Tail."

"You're going to wish we never met." Gajeel said, his entire body beginning to change. The iron dragon slayer's skin was being covered in metallic dragon scales. "Iron Dragon's Scales!" Gajeel shot forward, and tried to punch Natsu. But the pink-haired dragon slayer was prepared for this, and easily blocked Gajeel's attack with his arm. Roxas grunted as he was sent skidding back several feet.

"Uhg..seems you get a damage buff along with increased defense, I think you might even leave a bruise." Roxas said, as he inspected his arm. "But you're gonna have to do a lot more if you want to really hurt me."

"Shut up!" Gajeel roared, laughing forward and attempting to kick Roxas. The iron dragon slayer's kick was so powerful that it produced a gale. However, Roxas simply ducked underneath Gajeel's kick.

"Nine-Tails' Purifying Claw!" Roxas sprang off the ground, and smashed his blue flaming foot into Gajeel's chin. The iron dragon slayer was sent flying back; the iron scales on his chin starting to crack. Roxas winced when he landed back on the ground. 'Damn that actually really hurt. It was like punching a freaking wall.' The fox slayer peered across the room, and saw that Gajeel was slowly getting back onto his feet; chewing on more iron scraps.'Crap! I'm starting to run out of magical energy here, but there's so much scrap lying around that he can keep replenishing his magic!' Roxas' eyes narrowed when he saw Gajeel's cheeks begin to bulge.

"Iron Dragon's..."

"No you don't! Nine-Tails'..."

"They're both going to use a breath attack?!" Lucy exclaimed, before she dove behind nearby cover.

"Everyone down!"



Roxas launched a large blast of blue fox flames from his mouth, which clashed with the iron tornado that Gajeel fired. Both attacks briefly battled for dominance, before Roxas' won out. The fox flames pushed Gajeel's roar back, until they struck the iron dragon slayer. A blue fiery explosion rang out when Gajeel was hit. Roxas was starting to pant, as he tried to spot Gajeel through the smoke and debris. The sliver-haired fox slayer heard Gajeel before he saw him.

"Just as I thought." Gajeel's voice rang out through the smoke. When the smoke blew away, it revealed that Gajeel had indeed been hit. But he had sustained much less damage than before. "You're getting weaker, Eragon. What's the matter, running out of magical power?" Roxas continued to pant, as he glared at Gajeel. "Your breath attack may have done some damage to me, but it looks like your about ready to pass out. Is that all you can do?"

"Roxas..." Lucy breathed out, fear starting to spread through her. 'He's right. Roxas does look really worn out. He must've gotten into a fight on the way here.'

"Ha! I may be getting a bit tired, but I still have enough energy to kick your scrap metal ass." Roxas taunted, a smirk spreading across his face. "My flames aren't just normal flames, you know. Nine-Tailed Fox flames can obliterate anything, and I'll use them to destroy you." Blue fox flames exploded off Roxas, and cloaked his entire body. "If you don't start coming at me with everything you've got, I'm going to smash you to pieces, Black Steel." Roxas rolled his shoulders, and leveled a harsh glare on Gajeel before he took off his jacket, revealing a dark blue T-shirt underneath. "Well I think it's time we stop warming up."

Gajeel chuckles. "Let's see who's stronger: A Dragon or a Fox!" he said as he also took off his shirt to reveal his iron torso.

"W-Wha..." Lucy stuttered out, as she stared at Roxas with wide eyes. "He...he wasn't going all out!? Wait...W-why are those two stripping?"  

"Just how powerful are those two?" Sue asked.

"They are monsters!" Boze exclaimed.


Meanwhile all the shades were coming together and if formed a huge purple ball with lots of arms.

"I don't like the wavy arms of that thing!" Laki said.

"That's what you're concerned about?" Wakaba asked

The monster then floated over to the already broken down guild hall and it began punching it continuously.

"Our Guild!" Cana yelled with tears coming down her face. She was about to run towards it but Macao held her back. "Let go of me, now! We have to stop that thing!"

"And let you get killed!?"

Soon all the Fairy Tail wizards directed their attacks at the huge ball of shade ghosts.


"Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!"

"Iron Dragon's Fist!"

Both mages struck each other in the face, sending each other flying in the opposite direction. A large explosion rang out, which sent all the observing mages flying backwards as well.

"Heh, you're getting weaker and weaker, Eragon." Gajeel taunted, as he quickly got back onto his feet. "Before your attacks would almost completely injured me. Now they're just tickling me."

"" Roxas panted out, wiping sweat from his brow. "I've still got enough left in my tank to take you out."

"Well see about that." Gajeel said, before both mages charged towards each other again. Once the mages met, they unleashed a fury of attacks on each other. Roxas dodged one of Gajeel's punches, and reared back with a blue flaming fist.

"Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!" Roxas' punch connected with Gajeel's face, and sent the iron dragon slayer skidding back. Within seconds Roxas was on Gajeel again. "Nine-Tails' Purifying Claw!" However, Gajeel was able to dodge Roxas' attack due to his slowing movements. The fox slayer was starting to become sluggish and sloppy with his attacks. Gajeel quickly countered with an iron coated elbow to Roxas' jaw. Quickly recovering, Roxas hit Gajeel with another flaming punch.

"They're incredible..." Lucy breathed out, watching the two slayers decimate each other.

"I can't believe this guy is going toe to toe with Gajeel now...he must be getting pretty tired..."

"I don't...believe it..."

"Damn you Eragon!" Gajeel roared, grabbing Roxas' shirt, and hitting the sliver-haired with a devastating headbutt. Roxas' vision went blurry momentarily from the iron scale enhanced headbutt.

Shaking off the attack, Roxas cocked his own head back and headbutt Gajeel, sending the dragon slayer tumbling back, and caused him to release his hold on Roxas's shirt. Gajeel steadied himself and ripped some iron paneling from the floor. The iron dragon slayer evilly smirked, as he took a large bit out of the metal.

"I'm getting real sick of watching you eat." Roxas said, glaring harshly at Gajeel.

"I'm all fired up now." Gajeel said, as he wiped the metal fragments from his mouth.

"Shut up, you're not Natsu!" Roxas roared, charging towards Gajeel. "Nine-Tails' Purifying Claw!"

"Too slow." Gajeel said, as he sidestepped Roxas's attack. "Iron Dragon's Club!" Roxas gasped in pain when Gajeel's attack slammed into his stomach. The fox slayer collapsed to his knees, and clutched his injured stomach. Roxas was breathing heavily as Gajeel stalked towards him. Without warning Gajeel kneed Roxas in the face; sending the fox slayer tumbling backwards.

"Fire. Do I have any celestial spirits that can use fire?" Lucy asked, frantically searching through the small pockets of her skirt for her keys. She then pulled out the new key she got from Galuna Island. "The new I just recently got..Sagittarius." Lucy pulled out Sagittarius' key and stood onto her feet. "I don't have a contract with it yet, but I've gotta help Roxas!" Lucy raised Sagittarius' key, and it began to glow bright gold. "I am the one who connects the road to the celestial spirit world! Thou shalt respond to my calling and pass through the gate!" The key began to glow brightly, as Lucy pumped more magic into it. "Open! Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!" A bright golden light shined in front of Lucy, and moments later a man in a horse costume appeared. "Sagittarius!?"

"Yes, you called?" Sagittarius asked, as he saluted Lucy.

"W-Wow." Lucy breathed out, staring at Sagittarius with wide eyes. "Uh...we'll make a proper contract later, but can you make fire?" Lucy asked, her eyes pleading for Sagittarius to be able to help.

"Sorry..." Sagittarius replied, as he shook his head. "My skills lie only in archery."

"Lu." Roxas said, getting the blonde's attention. The sliver-haired fox slayer was panting heavily as he spit some blood from his mouth. "Please stay out of this. It's way too dangerous, and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt any further."

"O-Okay." Lucy said, as she pushed Sagittarius out of the way. 'Damn it! I feel so useless right now!'

"Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!" Roxas rocketed forward, his right fist engulfed in bright blue flames. The sliver-haired fox slayer slammed his fist into Gajeel's stomach, but came to almost an immediate stop.

"Is that it?" Gajeel asked, as he hoisted Roxas up by his ankle. "Guess you're not so tough when you're hungry." A wicked grin spread across Gajeel's face, before he slammed Roxas into the iron floor. "Then eat some iron!" Tears formed in Lucy's eyes when she saw Roxas cough up a mouthful of blood. "I have no further use for you." The iron dragon slayer picked Roxas up by his head, and threw the fox slayer across the room. "Get out of my sight, you fairy trash!" Natsu went tumbling across the room, and came to a skidding stop just outside a large hole in the wall.

"Hell yeah!"

"Gajeel's the man!"

"He totally kicked that guy's ass!"

" way..." Lucy whimpered, tears flowing down her cheeks. The blonde tightly clenched a hand over her heart. "Roxas can't lose to him. Please, get up!"

"Take a good look..." Gajeel said, as he burst out into laughter. "At the thing you're all fighting so hard to protect."

Roxas slowly raised his head, so that he could gaze out of the hole in the wall. What he saw caused his heart to momentarily stop. The guild where he had spent most of the last months, the guild where he had met his best friends and forged everlasting friendships, the guild he called home was now a pile of rubble on the horizon. Roxas could hear the cries of his guildmates as they wept bitter tears. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Fairy Tail had fallen.

"N-No..." Roxas breathed out, clutching his fist. " can't be...I won't let it end like this....." Was all he was able to mumble before the world went black.


Next Time: Fairies vs Phantoms Part 2

As memories of his Arceus and friends come flowing into his mind, Roxas taps into a dark ounce of his power and continues his battle with Gajeel.

Meanwhile, Erza battles Jose as she is the only one left to stop him. Or is she...?

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