Chapter 19 - The Darkness Within

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Enjoy! ( I used this pic because I wanted Roxas's inner darkness to look like him) Also, I'm so sorry for updating for over nearly a month. I was going through a huge writer's block and had another story I was working on pull me away. But now, I'm back.


The sky was red in the town of Magnolia and the town looked like it had just faced a huge attack, buildings were broken down and it looked like there were some bodies crushed under rubble and buildings. There was a crimson glow in the middle of the town and Elfman had jumped up into the air and his arm glowed a gold colour and it became black and muscular.

"Beast Arm..." He exclaimed but a fiery, crimson magic claw had slammed into him and sent him flew to a building.

Mira had ran to him. "Elfman, are you okay?" she asked.

"Mira run." he weakly said.

They saw the crimson creature slowly walked up to them, crouched on all fours. The creature was blood red mixed with black streaks swirled into it and outlined in orange. It had a black mask-like face with empty glowing white eyes and mouth. Its hands and feet were clawed and mostly orange. However, the most noticeable and eye widening features were two long pointy red ears on top of its head and the four long red tails swooshing around behind it. Crimson flames blazed around its outline. It's body looked more like a fox.

Suddenly an orange-red magical circle appeared and the creature held it's breath and it's stomach grew and he was about to let out the attack.

"ROXAS!" Mira yelled. "Don't do it!" she yelled. "Don't let the power control you!?" she exclaimed.

"Nine-Tails' Howl!" Roxas exclaimed in a mixture of his voice along with a demonic voice. He shot a huge blast of crimsion fox flames from his mouth and it was speeding to both Mira and Elfman. However a figure had jumped into the fire and blocked it.

Erza had glared at Roxas in her Flame Empress Armor. "Stop it Roxas! Come to your senses!" she exclaimed.

However another Roxas who wasn't in his Nine-Tailed state had stood in front of Erza. "Erza, I'm right here!" he exclaimed. "That's not me!" however it would seem that Titania had not heard his voice and she charged towards the other Roxas and she tried to slice him but he dodged them, mostly because Erza was holding back. The other Roxas that couldn't be heard quickly realized that he would see parts of the buildings through himself, which meant that he didn't exist.

"What's going on?" he thought.

Meanwhile, the Nine-Tailed State Roxas had swung of his crimson tails at Erza which sent her to a wall and she dropped her red blade on the ground.

"T-this can't be happening." the real Roxas said in fear and he stared his shaking hands. "What is going on!?"

The other Roxas was suddenly attacked by large waterball, which pushed him back a bit. Then he was encased in ice spikes and Gray who was topless stood beside Ariel. "Calm down already, Roxas!" Ariel yelled.

"Forget it Ariel, this is why he wanted us to keep him out of the Nine-Tailed State, he can't control himself." Gray said.

"As if, the real Roxas is still in there!" Ariel exclaimed. The fox-shaped Roxas then used sheer strength alone to broke the ice off his body. Soon he let out a hollowing roar of that sent out raging winds, engulfing both Gray and Ariel.

"Any ideas!?" Ariel exclaimed.

"We have to take him out!" Gray made his ice bazooka appear and he aimed it at Roxas. "Its the only way! Ice Cannon!" he exclaimed and he fired the ice cannon and the cannonball of ice was speeding to Roxas, but he just punched through the cannonball, shattering it into many individual shards before swinging two of his tails and sending the shards at the two.

"Water Dragon's Shield!" Ariel shouted, barricading herself and Gray within a barrier of swirling water that blocked the ice shards though the constant wind had kept her off balance. The wind abruptly stopped and they both saw Roxas rear his head back with an intake of air; the inside of his mouth glowed bright red and accompanied by a "whirling" sound.

"Nine-Tails' Blazing Barrage!"

He then unleashed multiple red-hot crimson spheres out of his mouth, shooting them at Gray and Ariel.

"Ariel get behind me!" Gray yelled. "Ice Make: Shield!" he exclaimed and he made an ice barrier made with flower petals.

"Its not enough!" Ariel made a wall in front of Gray's shield and the spheres had failed to burst through.

Growling, Roxas then covered himself in raging flames. "Nine-Tails' Spear Charge!" he exclaimed and he charged to the ice barrier while cloaked in fox fire and shattered through the barriers like they were foam walls and both Ariel and Gray rolled on the ground.

"Damn! He's taking everything we throw at him!" Ariel exclaimed while holding her arm. Suddenly one of Roxas's tails were speeding to Ariel and even through she made a another water shield, the tail forced itself through and the background became white and Ariel's body became nothing but a shadow in the whiteness and the tail had shot through her body and she fell to the ground but Gray soon caught her, she had lost the detail in her eyes and her eyes had closed as she fell into instant unconsciousness. Gray could luckily still feel her breathing, thought her breaths had become a little shorter.

"You Bastard! I don't care if I kill you! I have to stop you!" he exclaimed and Gray crossed his arms in front of him and a white-cyan magic seal appeared below him. "If this will save Fairy Tail from you, then so be it."

The real Roxas had his eyes wide open at the scene in front of him. "T-this is what I become?" he fearfully asked himself.

"Ultimate Freeze! ICED SHE-" he was suddenly hit by a whip. He saw Natsu and Lucy while Happy was floating above them.

"WE CAN'T KILL HIM!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Are you out of your mind!? He almost murdered Ariel in cold blood and you want to let him live!?" Gray exclaimed.

"Ariel or the others wouldn't want this!" Lucy exclaimed. "I can calm him down."

Gray held her hand tightly. "And let you get killed too? Face it! The Roxas you knew is gone, he would have snapped out of it by now, but look what he did to the town. You wanna tell me we can still stop him."

Suddenly out of one of the buildings several cards were sent flying at Roxas, but in his powered stated he had avoided it and he saw Cana holding more cards "Sorry Whiskers, but you are way out of control! We have to stop you!" she exclaimed. "One way or the other!" she and Gray charged to him and Roxas then took a deep breath and let out a powerful roar, which sent out a massive shockwave and engulfed both Cana and Grey, shooting them across the ground to a far part of town.

The real Roxas had a look of horror on his face as he now had to watch his friends getting defeated... by himself and his potential power. "I-I how do I stop this...?"

"What now!?" Happy exclaimed. "The guild is destroyed, he's injured the citizens and hurt Ariel, he defeated Gray and Cana."

"Roxas..." Lucy whispered.

Suddenly they saw Erza in her Heaven's Wheel Armor and she flew past Happy, Natsu and Lucy. "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Erza exclaimed as she summoned six swords to fly towards Roxas but he skillfully used his tails and knocked away every single one. He then shot more blazing spheres at Erza who easily sliced through them. She was close and was about to make her blade impale his midsection, however he grabbed it and stopped Erza in her tracks. Suddenly they were both in the middle of a huge air cyclone and an orange-red magic seal had appeared on the ground and it was heating up the air so much so that the air had turned into fox flames and Erza screamed in pain and she jumped out of the firestorm in her Flame Empress armor.

Natsu then began walking towards Roxas and he then pointed to him. "ROXAS! IF YOU DON'T STOP HURTING EVERYONE, I'M SERIOUSLY GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Natsu yelled.

Roxas had sprinted to Natsu and his fist was engulfed in flames and Natsu followed and both of their fists had connected and made a powerful shock-wave that made several more building crumble. The out of control Fox Slayer kicked the ground and he made a shockwave speed to Erza and it clashed with her midsection and she fell to her knees and Roxas had forced Natsu away with one of his tails and he extended his arm to inhuman lengths and grab Erza, trying to crush her.

Natsu, who was doing a battle cry had then kicked Roxas with his flaming foot and he slid on the ground, releasing the redhead. "Yeah, that did it!" he exclaimed by Roxas had gotten back up and let out a monstrous roar.

Soon Erza stood up, now equipped in her Black Wing Armor. "Sorry Roxas, but you have done too much, hurting the Master, endangering the citizens, trying to kill us, some things cannot be forgiven!" she yelled out and rushed at Roxas but Lucy had gotten in front of Roxas and Erza stopped her attack. "What are you doing?!" Erza exclaimed.

"JUST STOP!" she yelled with tears in her eyes. "This has gone far enough!" Lucy was close to breaking down into tears with all that she has seen. "Roxas is in a horrible place right now, he can't control himself. Just... let me calm him down." Erza then requipped into her Heart Kreuz Armor.

"You better know what you are doing, Lucy." Erza said.

Lucy slowly walked over to Roxas who was looking at her, she ran into it and she hugged him as tight as she could, ignoring the magic burning at her skin. "Please Roxas, you have to remember who you are! Look at how many people you've hurt!" She exclaimed. "Please come back to us! Come back to me!" she cried and Roxas had stood very still.

The real Roxas who was watching this had seen that his counterpart's state hadn't changed. He saw in slow motion that his right hand was heading to Lucy's midsection. "Lucy, NO!" the real Roxas yelled.

The fox-shaped Roxas had suddenly impaled Lucy in the gut and she lost the detail in her eyes. "Roxas...why?" was the last thing she said before she fell onto the ground with her eyes closed.

Happy was shocked and looked on in horror. Natsu and Erza looked furious.

The real Roxas had punched the wall and he was crying. He couldn't take it anymore, he had just seen what would now be his worst nightmare. "Why... WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!?" he exclaimed.

The figures of everyone had suddenly been blown away like sand particles except for Nine-Tailed State Roxas. The real Roxas was looking at himself in the Nine Tailed State from behind. He walked out onto the street where he saw it happen. "Why-WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?" He then angrily yelled.

The figure of himself turned around and made an evil smirk. "That is simple! You can't protect them! You can't protect anything!" Roxas in his Nine Tailed State yelled.

"W-What!?" Roxas yelled out in agony.

"You can't protect anyone!" suddenly the voice began to get deeper and more terrifyingly familiar. "You're pathetic!" it mocked as it walked towards Roxas.

"No. Who the hell are you!?" Roxas said and he looked up at himself and saw that the terrifying figure was standing in front of him.

"Who am I? I'm the true you. Your Inner Darkness!" he continued. But the voice had now completely changed. Soon his appearance began to change and look more human until Roxas saw that his counterpart look exactly like him, except he was wearing black and red organic-looking bodysuit, possesses golden-yellow eyes with slitted pupils, jet-black hair, paler skin and a muscular build.

"Ah! ME!?" Roxas yelled as his stronger counter part had made an orange-red magic circle in front of him.

"Now that I have control over your body, you're useless to me! BEGONE!" Roxas was paralyzed with shock as the dark fox flames were about to speed out of the Magic circle that was created and Roxas knew that it was the end for him.


"NNNNOOOO!" Roxas yelled and he got up from the couch that he was sleeping on in his and Lucy's shared apartment. He woke up in a cold sweat and he looked at his hands and they were shivering, not from drop in temperature but from an increase in adrenaline. He was panting heavily like he was just saved from drowning and needed to fill his air with lungs desperately. "It-it was just... a dream." he said to himself in between pants. Suddenly he placed his arm on the wall with a shocked expression. "No! More like a nightmare!" he saw that Lucy was still sleeping peacefully. He looked at his sliver Fairy Tail emblem on his left shoulder. He suddenly remembered the image of him impaling Lucy with his hand and began shaking but he quickly reminded himself that it was a nightmare and that none of it happened. 'My Inner Darkness...' Roxas thought. 'Is that what Dad was talking about...' he thought back to the horrifying images that he saw in his dream and he had hugged his knees close to his body as he sat up. "If I were to lose control again, everyone will get hurt... even..." he angrily got out of his covers and he walked up to the window and he looked up at the sky. 'I'm such an idiot...' he thought. He saw down in a meditative stance and began to concentrate as he placed his two fists together.

However unbeknownst to the Fox Slayer, there was a certain blonde watching him with concern evident in her eyes. 'Roxas...'


The sun was beginning to rise up and this was the signal for the birds to start chirping and Lucy had woke up and yawned before she saw that Roxas in the same meditative position since last night .

"Roxas...?" Lucy said with some sadness and she poked him.

Roxas's eyes shot open and he turned around and saw the blonde. "Oh, hey Lu..." he said trying to sound as happy as possible. Lucy could see the bags under his eyes indicating he hadn't gotten much sleep. "Did you sleep well?"

"I should be asking that. Are you okay? You looked like you had a nightmare last night..." Lucy said.

"It was just a bad dream, don't make it sound so bad."

"You looked terrified... Roxas what's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it Lu, I... just have some things to figure out." he said and he looked up. "I don't think I'll show up to help with re-construction today. Something is on my mind and I have to figure it out." Lucy blinked at Roxas as he turned back to the window with concern and worry in her eyes.

"O-Okay, just don't be out too long, okay?" She said in her worried tone. When Roxas nodded she quickly went to get a shower and got dressed. Once she was done she looked to see Roxas in the same position where she left him. "See you later..." She said softly, knowing he'd hear her as she slowly shut the door.

The last think she saw before the door fully shut, was of Roxas slumping forward and grabbing fist fills of his hair, heaving an heavy sigh.

'Roxas, what's wrong? And why won't you let me help?'


Much later, heading into the afternoon. At the building site for the guild, everyone was hard at work with helping with the reconstruction. Well, almost everyone...

"WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, FLAME BRAIN!!" Gray shouted at Natsu, who had 'unintentionally' knocked him upside the head with a a beam.

"WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME, STRIPPING POPSICLE!!" Natsu yelled, causing him and Gray to bash heads.

Ariel and Happy stood off to the side, Ariel holding a large wooden beam over her shoulder while Happy held a bag of nails, and the two had a sweatdrop running down their heads at the two.

"They're at it again," Ariel sighed. "I turn my back for one second and THIS happens! What even started this fight, anyways?!"

"Natsu wasn't watching where he was going and hit Gray with a beam, and it escalated till now," Happy informed, watching the idiot duo neglect to see a certain red head walk towards them, until their heads were forcefully pushes apart and the sound of cracking necks could be heard.

"That us enough, you two!" Erza growled, a fierce glare in place.

"Aaaand, there's Erza," Ariel sighed, as Happy nodded next to her. The two hear footsteps as they turn to see Lucy walking in their direction. Misty smiles and raises her free arm to form a friendly wave. "Hey Lucy! Morning!" Her greeting caused the three fighting mages to look in their direction, all of then happy to see. However, the whole group then saw the blonde walk over holding her arm with a sad expression.

"Hey Lucy, are you okay?" Ariel asked, placing the beam she was carrying down.

"Aye, you look upset." Happy said.

Natsu pounded his fist into his open palm, "Is it your dad? Should Roxas and I go and kick his ass?"

Gray raised his eyebrow as he looked around, "Speaking of which, where is Roxas?"

"I...I think something is wrong with him." Lucy said in a worried voice, her gaze falling to the ground ass he said this.

"What do you mean. Is he hurt?" Erza asked with worry.

Lucy shook his head. "He said that he had some important things on his mind, and that he had to figure things out. Last night, he looked like he was having a nightmare and woke up in cold sweat. I don't think he slept after that."

"A nightmare?" Gray asked.

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, he's been acting pretty different recently and it's making me worried. Even more so, every time I ask him he says it's nothing and that he doesn't wanna talk about it."

Happy flies up with a thinking expression. "He's been a little weird since the War against Phantom Lord, maybe it has something to do with that?"

Ariel nodded. "So where should he be now, Lucy?"

Lucy places a hand on her chin. "Well whenever he was upset when we were kids, he would go off into the woods and be gone for almost hours. Maybe he's in the forest now?"

"Then why don't you go check on him?" Mira said to the team, it looks like she heard a bit of their conversation so the S-Class Mage decided to give them an advice.

"Mira, do you think that's a good idea?" Ariel asked.

"Of course," she answered. " He probably just needed to clear his head for a bit. I'm sure he will appreciate your concern."

Erza nodded as she turned away from the Team towards town, "Then we shall look for him now. Let's go!"

"Aye!/Yeah!" Team Chaotic shouted as they followed after the red haired wizard.


Roxas sat at the base of a large tree, in the same meditative position he was in his and Lucy's apartment that morning. Giving a sigh of frustration, he stood to take another walk around when a voice spoke up.

"Well well we'll, if it isn't little Roxas," a sinister voice chuckled, that sounded familiar to Roxas but he couldn't place it. Roxas turned to see a figure in the shadow of the tree he was meditating by, who wore a black and red organic-looking bodysuit, but his face was shadowed by the tree so Roxas could only see the smirking lower face of the figure.

"Who are you?" Roxas demanded, body tense in case the figure decided to attack.

"You know, after your little stunt, no on at the guild trusts you. They ALL think your dangerous." The figure continued, ignoring Roxas as he stopped a few feet before him.

Roxas blinked before he started to get mad, "What?! Get real! They're my friends! They would never think that!"

"Like they are right now? Face it, they're all scared if your power. And why wouldn't they? Your just a weak and pathetic child with a deadly pow-"

"Shut UP!" Roxas glared up at the figure as his hands were engulfed in his Fox Fire. The figure only chuckled menacingly.

"And of course there's your anger issues. Your hate is gonna be the end of you. You let it hold you back, while your friends like Natsu, Gray or Erza grow stronger every day!"

Roxas hesitated as he heard that. He didn't want to believe it, but deep down he knew THAT much was true.

The figure held up a clenched fist, "That's why you have to use that hate and grow stronger! Let it empower you! Your hate is your true strength! So stop using your so called 'love' to guide you. All it's been doing is leave you weak! Your 'friends and family's only hold you back! You've been alone with that hate, and look at your power now!"

Roxas grew angry again as the grass around his feet burned from his flames. "Look--whoever you are--you don't know the first thing about me. My friends and family will always be that! We're a team! And nothing will stop us! You trying to pick a fight or what?"

The shadowed figure started to walk away from him towards a thinner tree, all while shaking his head. "OH, grow up idiot. Your so called friends only use you as a tool, so I hardly call that friendship. Trust me, you'll always be a pathetic weakling if you stay how you are now. You just wait and see." As he began to walk behind the tree, Roxas yelled out in rage and threw a stream of fire at the figure. The tree fell over, but the figure was gone.

Roxas stared at the spot the shadowed man disappeared from. 'Who... was that?' he thought before letting out a growl of annoyance as he scratched his head roughly. With a sigh as his eyes changed color to their normal blue, he turned away and shoved his hands into his pockets as he continued on his way. His mind was a mess as he thought over what the man said.

'Let my hate power me? As if...'

He sighed again as he closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head to try and relax, until the smell of smoke hit his enhanced nose. 'Is that...pipe smoke?'

He walked backwards as he followed the smell and found he had walked passed the person smoking, one who surprised him.


The said man was sitting on a medium sized rock cross legged a few feet away from the Fox Slayer, seeming to not have a care in the world. At the sound of being called the older mage opened his eyes and gazed over his shoulder to see his young 'child' giving him a confused look.

With a wave and chirpy voice, he smiled. "Ah! Roxas my boy! What brings you out here?"

Shocked for a moment, Roxas gave an awkward smile as he scratched his cheek with his finger, "hehe, I really should be asking you that Master."

The older mage chuckled as he stood up on top to the rock he was on as he turned fully to the boy as Roxas approached him, "Oh, just a simple man enjoying this quiet morning." He then gave Roxas a more serious look, "Roxas, I view each of you as if you were my own children. And as a parent it is my job to know when one of my own are hurting and are troubled. Tell me, what has been bugging you?"

Roxas looked shocked at his Master for being able to see right through him. His face then becomes more cold as his fists clench. His gaze hits the ground as the hooded figure's words run through his head.

"Your 'friends and family's only hold you back! Family makes you weak! Your love is holding you back!"

The fox slayer put his hands in his pockets. "I had some sort of nightmare last night and I wanted to tell you about it."

The old man nodded. "Have a seat, I'd like to hear more of this dream of yours."

Roxas hopped up on top of the rock and sat down.

"So? You ready to share?"

"Yeah..." Roxas steeled himself and proceeded to tell Markarov of the dream he had the other night. Makarov stayed silent throughout the story, he is face neutral and unreadable. 

"...And that's what happened." Roxas finished, finally stopping. "Even though it was a dream, it felt so real. Like it all really happened." He looked down at his hands, which began to tremble a bit.

Makarov watched sadly as Roxas nearly broke down before him, listening and letting him get what was on his mind out into the clear. He knew that Roxas has been holding in secrets about himself since he first met the man, and knew those thoughts and emotions that Roxas were keeping in were going to hurt him in the long run if he didn't let others help him.

"I-I think my magic is t-too much!" Roxas said with his head down. "Fox Slayer Magic is controlled by emotions. And it has a terrible c-consequence." He continued, as he tried to control himself to explain. "There's the good side to it, which I call my Fox Fire. It runs off of my love for my comrades and my will and bravery, but there's also the bad side... The Flames of Hell..." He grew quiet as Makarov raised an eyebrow.

"The Flames of Hell? Please Roxas, what are they?" Makarov pressed softly.

"The Flames of Hell... They're what I call my more... negative side... I have a bit of anger issues that I've had since I was a kid, and grow hotter and hotter the more I'm angry and full of hate... The first time I felt it was when my dad left... when Lucy's dad kicked me out of his home to roam the country... so many times after that when I fought Gajeel to simple things that annoyed me at the guild. Its been becoming more easier for me to get angry lately, which only fuels the fire..." He looks up at Makarov, both with serious expressions on their faces, "And if that fire grows too big, bad things happen."

"Bad things, hm? Like what?" Even if he asked, Makarov had a feeling he knew what it was.

Roxas gripped his pants tightly in his fists he looked down at them, "Probably the destruction of Fiore itself. My dark magic would overtake me and turn me into a true monster, and the only way to stop it would be to kill its caster..."

Makarov rubbed his chin in thought at the silvernette's words, as Roxas looked downcasted. "I wouldn't blame you at all if you want me out of the guild. I might hurt someone... I might even kill some-GAH!" Roxas yelled out as a large fist hit him, sending him flying backwards until he hit flat up against a tree, before comically sliding down it to the ground with round white eyes. 

"Ow! What was that for!?" Roxas stopped yelling when he heard laughter. "W-what are you laughing for?"

"Now why would I kick you out for something as silly as that that?"

Roxas frowned. "Silly? I told you what I was like while only using a portion of that power! What would happen if I lost control!?"

"Your family would stop you." Makarov said with a serious tone, and Roxas' eyes widened. "I've told you once before, here in this guild we treat all of our guildmates like family. If one of us is in trouble, we help them."

Roxas touched his left shoulder, where his guild mark was. 'Family...huh'

Makarov stood up and with his arms behind his back. "Why don't you tell everyone about this and see how they react. Then you can decide whether to stay or leave."

Roxas was about to reply when he heard someone calling out his name.

"ROXAS!" he tuned around and he saw. Lucy, Natsu, Ariel, Gray, Erza and Happy coming towards him.

"Oh hey guys!" he said while smiling as they came to him.

Lucy then hugged him. "I was worried about you."

"I just had a nightmare that worried me a little." Roxas admitted.

"Oh yeah? About what?" Gray asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Now I wanna know!" Natsu exclaimed.

Erza then looked over and saw Markarov on the rock. "Master, what are you doing here?"

Makarov just smiled. "Ah, just having a nice stroll is all."

"Lucy why are you still hugging Roxas?" Ariel asked with a smirk on her face.

She quickly let go of him and she was blushing. "O-oh. I completely f-forgot. S-sorry Roxas."

"Don't worry about it." Roxas said with a chuckle.

Happy began to notice some things. "Hugging for a long time, worrying a lot about about Roxas, stuttering your words..."

"What's your point?"

"You liiiike him." Lucy's face was glowing red with embarrassment and slight anger.

Suddenly she was chasing him and Happy was laughing as he flew away from her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Erza asked Roxas.

"To be honest, I wasn't sure this morning and last night, but I think I am now." Roxas said.

"So, why didn't you come to the guild to talk to us? We could've helped you out." Gray said.

"It was a kinda...complicated why I couldn't tell you guys."

"Tell us what? Are you keeping secrets from us?" Natsu asked.

"No, It's not that. it's just... I'm ready to tell anyone yet. I will though, I promise."

Soon, the entire group then began walking back to the Fairy Tail guild.


Next Time: The Onibus Town Players

After a brief confrontation with Laxus Dreyar, Team Chaotic find themselves taking a job as actors in a play.

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