Chapter 20 - The Onibus Town Players

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. I l know I haven't been updating lately like I usually do. Another story I've been working on had my attention. But I promise to update this one more now. Enjoy!


At the Magical Council Fiore Branch Building

Master Makarov was standing trial for the war that took place between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, all the members of the magical council were present as well as Siegrain and Ultear. During the proceedings Makarov was surprisingly sleeping through the trial and snoring could be heard, there was even a sleep bubble coming out from his nose and is grew and shrunk in sync with his breathing, much to the chagrin of all the members of the magical council, save for Siegrain and Ultear and the latter was slightly giggling at his actions.

"Uh, M-master Makarov, this is an important trial, I hope that you aren't sleeping." one of the frog judges said.

"Ah... O-of course not!" he exclaimed, suddenly waking up.


After the Trail had come to a close Makarov was sitting next to a friend of his, this was Yajima. "I know that this was a difficult trial, but to find Fairy Tail, almost completely innocent." Makarov began as he was talking to Yajima.

"You should be grateful, I helped vindicate Fairy Tail from trouble." Yajima said.

"I know, and I thank you for that. After the guild is rebuilt you should stop by some time, I will even treat you to some ramen."

"I would like twelve pork slices." Yajima requested.

"Isn't twelve too much for someone of your age?"

"Fairy Tail nearly broke every rule and regulation that has been set by the council...furthermore-"

"Fine, I'll give you twenty or thirty slices if you prefer."

"Twelve slices." Yajima said insisting twelve slices is what he was going to be sticking with. "You should be careful not to be reckless and go out of control, there are members of the council such as Org and Michello who are pushing for Fairy Tail to disband. Makarov stares at Yajima then to the ground. "You should think about yourself for a change Macky, you should think of retiring." he told the Fairy Tail guild master.


Meanwhile, while the Guild is being re-built. Mirajane has something to announce. "Everyone! the request board is back up!" this got everyone's attention. "I know there isn't a lot but now there are jobs available!" she happily said as she standing by the temporary bar area.

Once she made the announcement many of the mages began looking at the request board.

"Well they seem excited." Roxas said as he, Lucy and Ariel were sitting next to each other. He was eating while the girls where talking.

"That seems weird, when most of the other guys do is drink and do nothing all day." Lucy muttered. "By the way, have any of you seen Loke?" she asked.

"Loke? Refresh my memory again." Ariel requested.

"He is the one who is good with the ladies." Mira reminded.

"Right, I remember him." Ariel said folding her arms. "I remember he gave me a rose the other day, saying that I was a vision of timeless beauty."

"Yep, that sounds like him." both Mira and Lucy said.

"Why do you want to see him Lucy, have you finally fallen for his charms?" Mira asked.

"I dunno, Mira." Ariel muttered gesturing over to Roxas. "I believe Lucy has a thing for sliver heads."

"Oh?" Mira smirked.

Lucy turned a whole new shade of red from Mira's teasing and quickly shook her head and waved her hands in protest. "N-No! no that's not it at all, It's not like that. I just know that he was there, trying to save me when Gajeel took me, I just wanted to thank him is all. I already thanked Reedus, so..."

"By the way how are you spirits doing? I heard you dropped your keys again." Mira said.

"Oh well..." Lucy remembered that Aquarius made it clear to her never to drop her keys ever again.

"Didn't I tell you girl!? Never drop my keys ever again! HUH?" Lucy remembered and Aquarius had a whip in her hand and Lucy screamed in imagining that scenario.

"Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny. Is she always like that?" Ariel laughed.

"Mostly." Lucy said while Mira put her hand on her shoulder. "It would've been worse if Roxas wasn't there."

"Hey Lu, wanna take a job today?" Roxas asked, looking over at the blonde.

Lucy smiled. "Sure, it'll help get my mind of Aquarius butt whopping."

Roxas just laughed, before walking over to the request board.

Lucy then rubbed her sore backside. "Man, my butt just hurts from thinking about that."

Gray was behind the girls soon. "Want me to cool it down for you?" he said as his right hand was surrounded by icy winds, this earned him a glare from the blonde.

"I don't need your innuendo sexual harassment." Lucy said to Grey.

"Maybe Roxas could massage it to make it feel better..." Ariel said while chuckling.

"She would probably enjoy it." Happy snickered.

"I don't need you overt sexual harassment!" Lucy yelled and looked over at Ariel. "...And don't you start too, Ariel!"

Mira decided to get in on the jokes. "He could, but I dunno... they might get too kinky."

"All of you knock it off!" Lucy said pointing at them.

"I wonder what will happen if I make it hurt more?" Natsu said with his hand on fire.

"...AND YOU'RE JUST THE DEVIL!" Lucy yelled.

"That's enough!" Erza yelled and a barrel was thrown to Natsu's head.

"Erza we were just playing around..." Gray said but it was clear that her attention wasn't to them, instead it was to a strong looking figure who was light skinned, had short but blonde pointy hair, he wore a yellow and black shirt with red jeans and he had grey shoes, he had a black fur coat over him but his arms were going through them.

"Huh? What's going on?" Roxas said as he walked back over to the group and saw the redhead talking to some guy he didn't know. "Who's the scarface over there?"

"Oh yeah, you didn't see him because you ran out the guild that day. That's Laxus, one the strongest members in the guild." Mirajane explained.

"That's Laxus?" Roxas said, looking back over at the blonde.

"Say that again, Laxus!" Erza threatened glaring at the man.

Laxus chuckled. "I'm saying we shouldn't have weaklings in our guild! Especially those two, whose names I don't know!" he said looking towards Jet and Droy. He looks to Lucy. "And her, the princess who caused the entire Phantom issue."

Roxas's eyes narrowed dangerously at that comment about Lucy.

"Shut up, Laxus! we already discussed this, the fault lies with no one, besides you have no right to talk about it, you didn't even help." Mira said.

He chuckled to himself again. "Of course I didn't, if I did, it wouldn't have turned into a huge mess like it did."

"Hey! You can't talk to them like that! Who do you think you are!?" Ariel said glaring at Laxus.

"I wouldn't be talking to the strongest person in the guild if I were you missy. Weaklings won't have a place in this guild, when I inherit it and become master. And those who stand against me, will be dealt with."

Ariel mock-laughed at that. "You become master? Oh please all I see is a blockhead who thinks he's too good for the rest of us, but really you're nothing but a damn coward! You call everyone weak, yet you choose not to help when your family is in danger. I don't care if you're an S-Class wizard, all I see is an arrogant pain in the ass!"

Laxus smiled. "Oho, you got a big mouth for a girl, why don't you just go back to your caring dragon...if it's even still around." Laxus mocked and Ariel glared dangerously at him.

"THAT'S! IT! You've earned yourself a ass kicking!" Just as she was about to lunge at him, Gray suddenly held the girl up under her arms.

"ARIEL, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!" Gray shouted, struggling to hold the feisty dragon slayer..

"Please Ariel! We need to think about this here!" Lucy added.

"I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!" Ariel continued.

Not liking what Laxus said about Ariel of the dragon that raised her, Natsu charged to Laxus and his fist was on fire. "Laxus! You bastard!"

"That's too much of a compliment for a prick like him!" Ariel mocked, still kicking.

Laxus dodged Natsu's fiery punch and he grabbed him and threw him to a table. "Enough of this time to show you all what real power is." he outstretched his hand and he threw a lighting blast to the whole group.

Roxas quickly appeared in front of everyone. "ROXAS! What are you doing?!" Lucy yelled. Roxas cocked his right fist back before he shot it forward, punching straight through the lighting, scattering it on impact. Part of the blast was redirected back at Laxus and had narrowly missed him as it sped past his headphones and it hit a wall far behind him and everyone was astounded as to how Roxas was able to punch and throw Laxus' lightning back towards him. Everyone was silent. Even Laxus was surprised, but he just chuckled.

"So you can punch through my lighting and throw it back at me huh? Not bad Fox Boy." Laxus said.

"I'd leave if I were you." Roxas angrily said. "I don't take kindly to those who talk crap about Lucy or the others."

Laxus smirked. "Oh, did I offend your little girlfriend? What are you going to do about it, twerp?"

The tension was intense and some of the guild members took a unconsciously took a step back.

"I rather not get into a fight right now, but make no mistake. If you talk about my friends like that again, I will put your ass in the ground, Scarface." Roxas threatened.

"Tch...I have no time for empty threats." Laxus began to walk the other way. "Once I take over this guild, I'll make all the weaklings disappear!" He laughed and disappeared in a bolt of yellow lighting.

Lucy sighed in relief after Laxus was gone. She went over to Roxas and saw he was still upset about hat just happened. She softly put a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Taking a deep breath, Roxas grinned at her. "Yeah, though I find hard not to punch that prick's teeth in."

"For a second, I thought you two were going to go for each other's throats." Gray said as he let go Ariel, who was still fuming.

"He thinks he can just walk all over us like that? Who does that guy think he is!?" she snapped.

"Laxus is actually the Master's grandson." Mira revealed and screams of surprise was made by Lucy.

"Wait, seriously?" Roxas asked, getting a nod in return.

"No wonder he was acting so uppity like he owns the place." Ariel said.

"B-but someone like him as guild master? That is just horrible." Lucy said now scared of the idea that Laxus may become guild master someday. "And because he is Makarov's grandson the chances are high that it may happen."

"I say we kick him out, there is no way he can beat all of us if we fight him together." Ariel said.

"It won't be that simple, it is the Master's decision to make, whether Laxus gets kicked out of the guild or not."

"Besides, we'd be lucky if we would even get close to him if we decide to attack him. He has the Thunder Legion watching his back." Gray said.

"The Thunder Legion. Who are they?" Roxas asked.

"They are Laxus' 'personal bodyguards'. They don't show up that much or talk to anyone except themselves and Laxus." Mira explained. "Here, are their names; Bickslow, Evergreen, and Freed Justine. They share the same thoughts at Laxus does."

"So either they are powerful, but not at Laxus' level, or they are just piggy banking off the power that Laxus has." Roxas said.

"Are you saying they could be kissing his ass?" Ariel asked.

"For lack of a better term, yeah." Gray said.

Ariel folded her arms and looked over at Nastu. "Hey, Natsu what do you say we find that jerk!"

"I'm in! I'm going to make that bastard pay!" Natsu yelled.

"Calm down, you two!" Erza said walking over to them. "Why don't we go on a job. It will take you mind off him." Erza said to Natsu. "Roxas, Gray, Ariel and Lucy can come along. We've been together since the Eisenwald incident, and the six of us, seven if you include Happy can make a team."

"Really, you would want someone like me in your team?" Lucy asked, before Roxas placed his hands on her shoulders with a toothy grin.

"Lu, we don't want someone like you. We want exactly you. This team would be nothing without you." He told her, causing her to smile happily.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"Well, I'm down for it." Ariel said with a smile.

The others began to chat among themselves. "They really are Fairy Tail's strongest team." Cana said.

"About time." Macao said.

"Yeah, took em' long enough." Wakaba said.

'I have to team up with him!?' Natsu and Grey growled as they glared at each other.

"Is there a problem?" Erza asked, glaring at them.

"Not at all!" they both said in fear.

Roxas then showed them the job he got saw the Lupenous job. "I already have a Job in mind. It's in Lupenous." He said.

"Sounds good." Erza said. "Everyone else agrees?"

When then team nodded their heads, Natsu pumped a fist in the air. "Alright, I'm all fired up!"


Night time had fallen and Master Makarov in his jester outfit was sitting on one of the unfinished walls of the Fairy Tail guild. 'The Next Generation huh? But if I was to retire who would I trust the guild to? Laxus could since he is my grandson but his anger makes him unsuitable for the position. Mystogan is a poster child for reculsion. Maybe Erza, though she is still too young.'

"Master!" he heard and he looked down and saw Mira.

"Oh, Mira."

"Thank goodness I found you. They have done it again!" Mira said as she held a stack of papers.

"Done what?" he asked.

"Erza and her team completed the Lupenous job, but they have destroyed the town." Mira said while oddly smiling as she showed Makarov the stack of papers. Suddenly scary organ music plays in the background and Makarov's eyes had turned black and his jaw hung out. "The magic council is demanding that you submit a report and a written apology immediately." she said spreading the message and Makarov had soon turned to dust and was blown away by the wind. "Master?"

"RETIRE!? AS IF THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! I'M NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO RETIRE AT THIS RATE!" he yelled out as he was jumping in frustration.


The next day Lucy was at the bar talking to Mira and the blonde had her head on the table. Lucy began the story "Yesterday was bad, we completed the job but-my teammates destroyed the entire town in the process." She finished looking annoyed.

"Natsu threw flames everywhere..." A figure of fire coming out of Natsu's mouth was seen and the sound of his screaming voice was heard.

"Ariel flung water everywhere and destroyed the road..." A figure of Misty making two spheres of water floating over her head was seen and the sound of water splashing was made.

"Gray froze everything..." A figure of Gray without his shirt and his hand had cold mists coming from it.

"As sweet as he was, Roxas made Natsu's fires worse when he tried to put them out with his Fox fire..." A figure of Roxas flying was made and the sound of him laughing was heard.

Lucy then muttered the last point. "And Erza..." the sound of Erza doing a battle cry was heard and the blonde shuddered at what she did the day before.

"It was horrible!" Lucy yelled and she planted her head on the table. "...And what's worse is that most of the reward money had gone to repairs for the town." she said. "Now me and Roxas don't have enough money for this month's rent!" Lucy said with endless tears falling down her face.

"Don't worry. I have a job that I have been holding onto Lucy, and it is right up your alley." Mira said as she winked to the girl. "And you don't have to worry about your teammates destroying anything."

"Whatever it is, I'll take it!" Lucy said. "Anything has got to be better than potential destruction."


Later Team Chaotic was getting off the train at Onibus Town, where the job Mira gave Lucy was to be done.

"Wow, Onibus..." Lucy said, a bit surprised. "We haven't been here since that whole Eisenwald incident."

"Looks like everything went back to normal too." Roxas said, gazing around at the people who were going on with their lives.

"Hey Natsu, we're here!" Happy exclaimed, trying to get said dragon slayer up from his motion sickness.

"Don't make me move...." Natsu muttered as he didn't move from his spot.

Shaking her head, Ariel walked over to the pinkette. "Don't worry, Happy. I got him." She said, before she took Natsu's arm, wrapped it around her shoulders, and brought the dragon slayer to his feet.

"Thanks, Ariel..." Natsu whimpered out.

"No prob." Ariel said with a smile, making her way over to the others with Happy in tow.

"So, let me see if I got this right." Gray began to say. " Our job is simply using out magic to draw a crowd to some rundown theater, right?"

Lucy nodded. "Yep. Roxas and Natsu will impressed the crowd with their fire magic, You'll make amazing ice sculptures, Ariel will showcase her incredible water magic, Erza will equip into different armor and I'll have Lyra sing a song that'll melt their hearts. Normally performing isn't my job, but as an aspiring writer, this will be the perfect stage for me so I can gain experience and take the stage myself." Lucy said.

"Well whatever this play is, It has got to be better than the last job we took." Ariel said.

"Hey guys! I think we are here!" Happy exclaimed as the group finally arrived at the building.

They climbed up the stairs and began waiting. "So where is this guy? This better not have been a fake job?" Gray asked.

"Thank you, very much." a voice said from behind a pillar and a short man with two very round ponytails on top of his head and and is curved at the centre, the hair was a dark purple, and he had a small mustache above his mouth, and he seemed to have a long face. He wore a red suit and dark green pants.

"Ahh! Small creepy man!" Ariel exclaimed as he jumped back.

"I apologize. My name is Rabian. I am the Chairman of this theater." he said. "Please follow me." he said.

Roxas, then shrugged his shoulders and the group followed him inside.


They were inside the main dressing room for the actors. "So where are the actors?" Ariel asked.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask that too." Gray said.

"Thank you." Rabian said.

"For what, exactly?" Happy said to himself.

"You see all the other actors left because of bad reviews of the performances. But I even still wanted to pursue my dream, I even focused on it so much that my wife left me, the theater is all I have left."

Erza had her eyes closed. "That is a shame, but you don't have to worry... Cause your actors are here!" Erza put her right arm over her chest and she began to sing.

"Erza can sing!" Lucy exclaimed as the armored wizard was still singing in the background.

"Is she shining?" Ariel asked.

"How is that possible?" Natsu asked.

"She's doing vocal exercises." Happy exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're going to be actor- Wait what!?" Roxas exclaimed.

"Roxas!" Lucy said smacking his arm. "We'll be happy to help you, Rabian."

"Thank you very much!" he handed each of them a script.

Gray quickly noticed something. "Hey, doesn't the script seem kind of odd?" he said after skimming through it

Roxas began to examine it carefully. "Not really though I have noticed something, according to the characters there only seem to be spaces for four, main characters. Maybe we could spice it up a little?"

Rabian began to think. "Now that you mention it, we may need to try and include everyone." he said.

"I'll do it! This is my chance as an aspiring writer! I'll make it perfect" Lucy said with determination.

"Well, you said that you wanted experience on the stage, so this will be your first step" Roxas said.

"Are you sure you can do that, Lucy?" Ariel asked. "Not that I doubt you or anything."

"Don't worry." Lucy said. "If we change a few things here and there without effecting the main story..." She took out a pencil from nowhere and began scribbling on the script. "What do you think!?" she asked.

Rabian looked at it and his eyes sparkled. "It is brilliant, thank you very much!" he exclaimed.


In order to prepare for the show the entire group were doing rehearsals, They all had to memorize their lines which was tough for everyone, especially for Roxas since he had to play an extra role. So Lucy decide to help him out with this.

They also had the job of advertising the play. Happy flew in the air all over town dropping flyers from the sky. Roxas had gone to the other half of town and he was leaving a trail of flyers were ever he went as he was flying all over town while dropping the flyers.

During the week of preparation something unexpected happened.

Rabian walks over to them. "Hello, everyone. I am told that you have guests." he said.

They were confused. They all walked outside. "Well, what do you know as if doing this play wasn't enough?" Ariel muttered as she recognized the few from the group that had come to visit them.

"Yo!" Makarov said as he stood in front of the group and this surprised everyone, particularly Lucy. Master Makarov and Mira had come along with a plump man wearing a magenta spagetti strapped shirt with pink and purple shorts he was bald, he had blushes on his cheeks and he had hoop rings that tied together to make his necklace, he also oddly wore lipstick. He also had small white wings on his back. He had the blue emblem of a different guild on his right shoulder. This was Bob, guild master of Blue Pegasus.

Another figure had light brown hair and wore black sunglasses and wore a wizards like hat with a spiked collar around it, he also had a collar of the same design around his neck he wore black pants. He was Goldmine, guild master of Quatro Cerberus.

Other guests included Yajima, Chief Moka and Lulu from Galuna Island, the Pirate who befriended Erza while going to Galuna Island. There was also the Eisenwald Chicken and he kept saying. 'Meat.'

"Sorry to come on such short notice, but we just came to watch you guys perform." Mira said.

Roxas looked slightly crept out. "Hey, is it me or is that that Man-Lady from before?"

"Easy Roxas, sure he's different but he can't be all bad." Erza said.

"Oh so you've noticed me?" he asked in a flirtatious tone. He quickly moved over to them. "It's been a while, handsome." He said and he closed in on Roxas.

"Okay... I'm all for attention and all, but this is a little weird... Um, Gray help...?"

"Sorry, I'd love to but I have to meet the rest of these guys."

"You're on your own, Whiskers." Ariel said as they both walked away from the two.

Meanwhile the rest of the group was getting acquainted with the others. "Hey I remember you." Gray said to Lulu.

"Y-yeah we last saw each other on Galuna Island, its nice to see you again."


Meanwhile the pirate was looking at Erza with hearts in his eyes. "It is so nice to see you again, captain." he said to Erza.

"Likewise." she brought his head to her chest armor and it made a loud clanging sound.

"Hey I remember you, you're the fake Salamander, you're here too?" Lucy asked looking at Bora who posed as the Salamander when Lucy first arrived.

"Salamander? You used Natsu's name. Not cool." Ariel said folding her arms.

"How's it going?" Natsu asked in a friendly manner.

"Are you back for another ass-kicking?" Roxas asked, appearing beside Lucy.

"No, nothing like that. After you punched me right in the face, I have decided that I will give up scouting for pin-up girls." he said and this surprised Lucy.

"Huh? That's what you were up to back then?"

"Yes, what did you think I was up to?"

"You tried to kidnap her." Roxas deadpanned.

"Lucy was thinking dirty thoughts." Happy said.

Soon Boze and Sue from Phantom walk towards them. "Hey, aren't you two from Phantom?" Roxas asked coming to the group. "You both got caught up in the carnage like me and Lucy?"

"Yes, but our guild was disbanded. So we've come to watch you perform." Boze said. "And we also brought a gift." and he gestured to Sue who was holding a cloth.

She blushed in embarrassment. "Its not very much though." she showed them and it was a pound of raw meat.

"Are you kidding, this is meat. This is the best gift you could have given us!" Natsu yelled.

"Meat!" the Eisenwald Chicken yelled.

"Hey, it's not for you!" Sue exclaimed.

"Aww thanks you shouldn't have-" Natsu began but suddenly he was kicked high into the air by Sue.

"NOT FOR YOU!" she yelled. "Its for the red dog." she said and an arrow was pointing to Happy and she was looking at him and he got exited that he would be getting free food.

"You guys think this girl is color blind?" Gray asked.

Ariel snorted. "Forget color blind, I think she is blind blind. If not then completely nuts."

Suddenly chief Moka appears behind Lucy. "So when are you going to destroy the moon huh?!" he asked with an angry voice.

"Are you serious!?" Roxas yelled in disbelief.

"But not as nuts as that guy..." Ariel continued.

"You're still on that?" Lucy asked as she sweatdropped.

Soon Lucy was lying on the steps of the theatre. "I can't belief I have to perform in front of everyone." Lucy said as she already looked exhausted.


Soon the end of the week came and the theatre is packed. Rabian looks through the curtains and he is filled with joy as soon as he sees the seats are full and he is elated. Makarov, Mira, Bob, Goldmine and Yajima had acquired seats at the top of the house and they looked down at the stage.

Roxas looked back and he saw the crowd. "Okay people, it's show time! The sooner we finish this, the sooner we get payed." Roxas said as he looked to the others in their various costumes.

"Okay, you're up Lyra." Lucy said to the spirit.

"I'll do my best!" the Spirit happily exclaimed.

The curtains opened and Lyra began to sing out to the audience with the song explaining the backdrop for the story. The story was that the beautiful Princess Yanderica was kidnapped and the only person who could save her was Prince Frederick. While Lyra was singing the spotlight had focused on Erza as she played the part of Prince Frederick, her hair was tied in a ponytail, she wore a cream and red accented robe and she had her sword at her side, she wore white pants and black, white accented boots. She had a sea green like cape that was tied around her shoulders and she looked as if she had an air of confidence.

However as soon as Erza was meant to say her first line, something unexpected happened. She looked frozen stiff in a stance when she was holding her sword out. "I...I a-am... P-Prince... F-F-Frederic-Frederick..."

The crowd was confused as they were now wondering what was happening.

Meanwhile the rest of Team Chaotic was at the back watching this. "Hey, Erza isn't moving, what gives?" Lucy asked.

"She must have that thing where she gets nervous for the real thing." Gray said.

"S-Stage Fright!? She can scare people no problem, but can't face big crowds?" Roxas asked in disbelief.

"Haha, the irony, haha." Ariel chuckled.

"This isn't funny, we have to do something." Lucy said.

"Am I going on next?" Natsu asked excitedly.

"No not you!" Lucy angrily said.

Erza was still stuttering through her lines. "I-I have ten s-swords!" she exclaimed and a magenta magic circle had appeared in front of her and she flung out ten swords into the audience and their confusion was replaced with fear.

"You could get killed watching this play!" Makarov yelled as he watched what was happening from above.

"Roxas, Ariel, you're up." Lucy said to the duo.

"Got it." Ariel said, as she read to her position.

Roxas nodded. "Okay I'm going in." he said and he walked onto the stage with his costume and he was dressed in a long brown robe that touched the ground he had a wizards like hat that was brown as well and he held a long stick that was meant to act as a staff. He also had a long white beard that covered the lower half of his face.

"Why hello there, you must be the Prince right?" Roxas asked in an old man's voice as he also hunched his back.

"Y-y-es t-t-that would be me."

"I am but a humble wizard. Now don't tell me, you are on a quest to save the Princess, but I warn you the path to her captors is very dangerous, knowing this do you still wish to continue on your quest?" he asked. He saw that Erza was still struggling with her lines. "Of course you would, now follow me and for we are about to pass through the Forgotten Swamp." he said the audience was still confused at why the Prince still wasn't saying anything.

The old man had led Prince Frederick to the swamp and the lights dimmed. "Fools!" A female voice yelled. "Who dare venture into my swamp?!" it asked and a trap door opened and it revealed Ariel who was dressed in a moss green dress that covered her entire body, her long hair was in front of her face so that it would give a more scary look.

"Oh no! It is the water witch of the swamp, her water magic is deadly." Roxas in his old man's voice said. Ariel made mist cover her side of the stage.

"Tell me why you have decided to cross my swamp?!"

Erza suddenly snapped out of her nervousness and she walked in front of Roxas. "I have come to rescue the Princess so step out of my way." she said though she was still moved as if she was a little stiff.

"As if, I am sick of the Princess, always so perfect. I wont let you save her because... I want to be your Princess?" Ariel said as she slightly shuddered at the lines she had to say.

"No I will not marry you, you are ugly and unattractive." Erza said.

"And you smell like... six month old seaweed." Roxas said.

"You have angered me, I will plant both of your pathetic souls at the bottom of my watery garden."

Happy meanwhile had performed a fist pump. "Yes she got every line!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you know she's going to get you back for making her a water witch you know." Lucy said.

"When do I go on?" Natsu asked in a bored voice.

"Not yet!" both Lucy and Happy exclaimed.

Ariel had then made a body of water surround her in a circle and eight tendril like arms came out of them. "You are no match for me!"

Erza ran, still a little stiff from her nervousness and she sliced the one of the water tendrils.

"Ha-Ha-Ha. Your stupid sword cannot cut through my water you love sick fool." Ariel said as the water witch.

Roxas stepped. "Step back young whippersnapper, I know of an ancient spell that can defeat the water witch and send her to the under depths of whens she came."

"Forget it old man I am a very powerful wizard, the most powerful in all the lands."

"Oh really...?" Roxas then began doing a very weird dance and most of the crowd had sweatdropped from this. "I cast Ignitis spell!" he then shoots a fox fireball from his hand and it sped towards Ariel but she blocked it with the water around her yet she fell to her knees.

"Oh no! I am melting!" Ariel lied on another trap door that had begun to sink and this gave the impression that she was sinking into the ground. "Oh whoa is me, you both have bested me and now I am dead because of my jealousy." she said and she was now under the stage.

"Oh yes we have cleared to swamp, however this is as far as I go, it is your destiny to save the princess." Roxas said in the old voice and he began to walk off the stage but he tripped because of the long robe and he fell on his stomach. "Oh my bad, my legs must not be as un-clumsy as they used to be. Hahaha." he ran off the stage. and he took a deep breath. He walked over to the others.

"What was that?" Gray asked.

"Excuse me for this robe being too damn long." Roxas said.

"And Happy, the next time you suggest to cast my character as a Water witch. I'll go all Water Witch on you if you know what I mean!" Ariel said glaring at Happy.

"Aye, if this happens next time, I'll give you a better role." Happy said.

"Hopefully, there won't be a next time." Roxas muttered.

Meanwhile on the stage, Erza was by herself and she was stuttering her lines again.

"Oh great, her Stage Fright, just kicked in." Gray frustratingly said.

"No worries I got this!" Lucy said and she ran to get prepared.

"Do I go on yet?" Natsu asked with hope.

"No Natsu." Roxas, Gray and Ariel said dully as he was proving to be a slight annoyance.

Meanwhile the curtains opened wider and Lucy who had her hair tied in huge bun with a princess tiara and she was wearing a dress. She was tied up by ropes and she was hanging from the top of the stage.

"Oh please save me my brave prince. I am the Princess Yanderica and I have been captured by Seighart and only you can save me." she said.

"Not so fast!" Gray suddenly came out and he was wearing a blue suit with a gold outline he had a red cape attached to his shoulders, he also wore white pants. Many of the girls in the audience had squealed at Gray's presence. "I am Julius and if you want to save the princess you must first defeat me in battle." he said.

The audience was confused thus far especially since Frederick has already found the Princess so quickly in the play.

"Y-y-you cannot b-b-beat m-m-m f-for I-I-I..." Erza tried to say as she struggled with her lines.

"I have to do something." Lucy muttered to herself. She took out one of her silver keys. "Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation: Horologium!" suddenly there was a huge puff of brown smoke and Horologium had appeared. "Oh great Clock, please assist the Prince as he is not feeling well." Lucy said and Erza was now inside Horologium.

Murmurs were heard from the audience as they now saw that Erza was inside the clock.

"Oh, we are so not getting paid for this." Roxas muttered.

"Aye." Happy agreed.

"Have a little faith, maybe Red will soon get over the stage fright thing... eventually." Ariel said to herself.

"It's pretty much gone out the window. Might as well improvise." Roxas said, as he went to change costumes.

"I will be the one to defeat you, Julius. She says." Horologium said.

The audience began to ask if the clock now speaks for the Prince from now. Suddenly Erza has a serious face and she exits the Clock Spirit and glares at Gray.

"Thank you great Clock you may go now." Lucy said.

"As you wish." and the spirit disappeared in a gold glow.

Gray had then summoned an Ice sword. "Let us dual with our swords!"

"You cannot beat me... I h-have t-ten swords!" Erza said while stuttering and a maroon seal had appeared in front of Erza and ten swords of the same design as the one Erza was holding had flown out and they had nearly impaled Gray as he didn't seem to expect that and they surrounded him in a circle.

"Aah! You have defeated me!" he yelled out and the audience was shocked as to how easy it was.

Erza had let Lucy down from the ropes. "Thank you for saving me my prince."

"It was no problem princess, now lets us go back home so that we may marry and have ten children!" Erza exclaimed and Lucy even had a shocked face.

This then shocked shocked the crowd even more.

"Isn't that moving a little too fast?" Yajima asked.

"My my." Mira said while smiling with her eyes closed.

Suddenly the stage began to shake and the crowd soon heard footsteps. "This isn't over Prince Frederick!" a voice yelled and Roxas had walked onto the stage and he was covered in bronze armor and he had a red headband wrapped around his forehead, he wore red puffy overalls and had a red shirt that was covered by the bronze armor. He wore bronze gauntlets on his arms. "It is I Seighart! And I will be the one to marry the Princess and we will have twenty children, instead of just ten. Together we will raise an empire! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" Roxas laughed as he looked to be really enjoying this.

Ariel had her eyes wide open and so did Happy as he was looking through the script. "It's not in the script, is it?" Ariel asked not even looking at the cat.

"Aye, he's free-styling." Happy simply said as he threw the script behind him.

"Your ten swords are no match for my..." Roxas created several blue fire balls that floated behind him. "Twenty Rocks! Mwa ha ha ha!"

"Get behind me princess I'll protect you!" Erza yelled and Lucy got behind her. Another maroon magic circle had appeared in front of Erza and ten swords shot out to Roxas but he hurled the fireballs to hit them back and hit every sword except for one that was caught by Roxas and he placed it under his left armpit.

"Aargh you stabbed me! No you have defeated me and my future empire..." Roxas then pretended to be dead and he stuck his tongue out. However he abruptly got up much to the surprise of the audience and they screamed out in shock. "If I can't have the princess, no one can! Come out my Dragon!" Suddenly there was yell/roar was heard and a huge dragon prop costume was lifted by Happy and inside was Natsu.

"Yes! This is my Que!" he then started to shoot flames from his mouth and the crowd could fell the intensity of the flames. "I am an evil dragon! Hahaha!"

Sue looked up in the crowd. "Its the Red Dog!" she exclaimed.

"We must team up to fight the dragon!" Erza said to Gray.

"No way, not after you killed my leader."

"Both of you run! I will hold off the dragon! You two try and escape." Lucy said.

Now the crowd was confused as it was now the princess who was fighting against the dragon, to them this was the last thing they were expecting.

Happy looked tired and strained from lifting the heavy costume while Natsu was spewing fire from inside it. He then dropped the dragon costume on the stage and a huge stream of fire had sped past Lucy.

Because of this now a part of her dress was on fire and she was screaming in terror. "SOMEONE! HELP ME!" she yelled.

"You got it Lu!" Roxas yelled.

"Whiskers wait!" Ariel yelled, but Roxas shot his hand forward, sending a huge shockwave out and the pressure engulfed Lucy as the fire had become bigger.

"KYAAAA!" Lucy yelled and she was running around.

"Crap!" Roxas said while he cringed. "My bad, Lu!"

"GRAY! ICE!" Lucy yelled.

"Alright hold your hor-" Erza had stepped on Gray's head as he charged up an ice attack. She was in the air and she slices up Lucy's clothes so much so that she had lost all of her clothes and Lucy screamed in horror.

"Holy cow..." Ariel said with eyes wide open as she was blushing.

"Wow...!" Roxas said, trying to stop his nose from bleeding.

The crowd was also screaming as they had also caught a glimpse of Lucy's body.

"This is out of control..." Makarov said.

"My my..." Mira said and had her eyes closed.

Erza's cape was now covering Lucy body after her clothes have been torn and she suddenly the underside of the stage had moved and Taurus had emerged from the floor.

"I'll protect you body Lucy-san!" he yelled but he was suddenly hit with a water sphere and blue fireball.

"Who invited you, cow!?" Ariel and Roxas yelled.

Everyone was now surprised as Roxas's character was supposed to be dead.

Gray then tried to freeze Natsu because he was burning the stage. Ariel saw this. "Hey Cork it!" she exclaimed and she made a water bubble shoot through the air and covered the dragon costume's mouth. As Roxas was trying to break everything up, he bumped into Erza, who glanced at Roxas and flames had covered her eyes.

"You will pay for this! Seighart!" Erza yelled.

"You're still in character!?" Roxas yelled and there was now fighting all over the stage and Lucy was close to backstage and Happy was next to her.

"The question we have to ask ourselves is... Why didn't we see this coming?" Happy asked as he stared out towards the stage.

"I wonder if the building will hold..." Lucy wondered, from the outside the building a huge gash had torn through the centre of the building and it crumbled and fell to pieces.

Many of the crowd were getting up from the wreckage.

"They've done it again!?" Makarov yelled.

"Seriously, just hurry up and retire Macky..." Yajima said.

"My my..." Mira said getting up from the rubble.

Lucy had gotten up and the crowd had looked at where the stage used to be and they all began clapping and a couple of whistles were heard.

"Wow, they actually liked it." she thought and she smiled.

Soon the entire cast had got up on what used to be the stage and they all bowed.


Soon they were back in the same dressing room some days later.

"Geez I can't believe they like it but I am done." Roxas said as he felt tired.

"I know what you mean." Happy said as he slumped down on a chair.

"Knock it off! You didn't even do anything!" Ariel said in an annoyed voice.

Rajima walked in. "I can't believe that you wizards can act well. Well you better get prepared for today's show." he said.

"Oh man, seriously how many shows do we have to do?" Gray asked

"You still have to do three more shows today." Rajima said and right after he said that Erza was doing vocal exercises.

"Seriously, I don't think fighting has come close to how tiring this is..." Natsu said.

"I just wanna go home..!." Lucy said with endless tears streaming down her face as she was crawling on the floor.


Next Time: The Truth about Leo

After a few run-ins with Loke; Lucy, Roxas and Ariel find out the truth about him.

Here's a brand new chapter for you all. Hope you like it. I'll try to update the next chapter today. See ya!!!

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