Chapter 24 - Jellal's Game

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A/N: This might be the longest chapter I have ever written and I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you do too. So sit back and enjoy.


Natsu was inside Millianna's room, as said dragon slayer still has the cat helmet over his face.

"Oh man, can you imagine the pranks that I'll be able to play on Happy, or Erza?" Natsu exclaimed. Behind Natsu, Wally had created his Polygon Rifle. "No wait. How would Lucy react?" Natsu said getting excited about the prospect of pranking his guild mates.

"This is the end for you, boy." Wally said aiming his rifle at Natsu.


At the same time. Simon, Roxas, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Lucy, Sho and Ariel were running up the outside stairs of the Tower.

"This is bad, I cannot contact Wally or Millianna." Simon said while he had his fingers to his forehead.

"Telepathic communication magic, yes?" Juvia figured.

"So what happens now? Do we just find this Jellal and rush him?" Ariel asked.

"Jellal won't be as easy to defeat as you think. Even with all of us working together, we may not be able to take him down." Simon explained.

Gray running alongside Juvia and Ariel began to get suspicious. "I still don't really trust this guy."

"Why not, he could have decided to kill you then and there, but Juvia did say he attacked you ice clone on purpose." Ariel said. "Still, he was part of the guys who kidnapped Erza in the first place so I get where you're coming from."

"I understand that you're weary of trusting me, however that doesn't change the fact that only powerful wizards working together can defeat Jellal." Simon said.

Sho was starting to slightly fall behind. Erza stopped for a moment to check on him. "Sho, are you okay?"

He nodded in response. "I will be fine, because I am with you, sister." Erza smiled to his response.

"What about Natsu?" Roxas asked running side by side with Simon.

"I wouldn't worry about him, he has a lot of untapped potential. The same can be said for you."


Simon nodded. "Once Natsu unleashed the power of the Dragons; and you, the power of the Kitsune combined. Both of you will be a force to be reckoned with."

"I know, that's what I'm afraid of." Roxas muttered, a image of his dark side coming to mind.


Back in Millianna's room Natsu had sneezed into the cat helmet and he screamed out in disgust. "Aah! I can't wipe around my mouth! Eww! Maybe I should take this off." Natsu now tried to lift the helmet off his head but it wouldn't budge. "Wait I can't take it off!"

"Goodbye, boy." Wally said. Before he was about to fire footsteps were heard and Wally fired his shot however it missed and made a hole in the wall. Natsu then noticed Wally in the room.

"Huh? It's the Blockhead!" Natsu exclaimed.

"What are you doing Millianna!?" Wally asked.

"You shouldn't bully kitty-cats!" Millianna yelled while holding Wally back.

"Are you nuts?! He's clearly not a cat!" Wally exclaimed. "You there, tell her!" he said pointing at Natsu.

Millianna looked at Natsu. The dragon slayer made a meowing sound while tilting his head.

"Jellal mentioned you before. Heh, taking down a Dragon Slayer would be dandy indeed." Wally said. He surrounded himself in yellow electric bolts which caused his body to split apart.

Wally's blocks were being sent towards Natsu, who expertly dodged them. Before one of the attacks was about to hit him. Natsu held up a huge cat plush toy.

"Cat-Barrier!" Natsu yelled.

"Enough with the cat thing already!" Wally said raising his voice. Natsu both saw more blocks coming their way. "Millianna, that boy is not a cat, but a human and he's an enemy!" Wally said while floating with his head and upper chest.

"The kitty-cat is an enemy?"

Natsu had formed fire around his fists and began blocking the projectiles. "Cat-Fire!" He exclaimed, making powerful jabs of fire that were exploding the blocks coming his way. In the midst of all this. Millianna's plush toys were being burned or destroyed in the process.

"Back me up Milli." Wally said.

Millianna then agrees. "It makes me angry that a human is pretending to be a kitty-cat when he's not! That is so un-spiffy!"

"You're one to talk! Coming from the girl with hair shaped like cat ears?! Seriously, have you looked in a mirror lately!?" Natsu spat surprised that Millianna would say such considering she was almost doing the same thing.

"Cat-cha tubes!" Millianna yelled and again, she formed a pink and white seal in front of her which shot her binding tubes towards Natsu's right arm.

"Wally! Get that fake cat!" Millianna said.

"With pleasure." Wally split again and many more blocks came speeding towards Natsu.

"Heh! This will be easy. Cat-Fire..." His fists didn't ignite which allowed the blocks to hit him. He flew back onto his back and slid near Millianna's couch.

"If you were paying attention, you'd know that those ropes restrict you from using your magic!" Wally exclaimed.

Millianna shot more ropes that wrapped around Natsu and he was powerless to get back up.

"Huh? Why can't I move?"

Wally aimed his Polygon Rifle at Natsu. "This is it, boy! Oh, I almost forgot to say my dandy catchphrase. 'From the moment our eyes met. Your fate was sealed.'" Wally said. He was about to fire at Natsu.

Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head by Happy with that robotic cat toy from before.

"Natsu!" Happy exclaimed.

"Happy, you're here!" Natsu happily said.

"What is that thing on your head?" Happy asked.

Angered, Wally began firing his Polygon rifle at both Happy and Momo.

"No!" Millianna yelled. "Don't shoot the kitty-cat!"

"Cats! Don't fly, the talking I'll accept, but they can't fly!" Wally exclaimed.

"Happy get this thing off me!" Natsu said as the blue cat was trying to get the restraints off.

"It's stuck on tight Natsu. I can't get it off you!"

"Then I have no other choice, it looks like I'll have to do that!"

"Secret Move..." Soon the cat helmet was now crying and its eyes had grown big. "Kitty in Distress!" Natsu yelled. Happy gave Natsu a blank stare with his wings out. He began to make crying kitten sounds and Millianna had tears going down her face. Soon she takes pity on the helpless kitty-cat and the tubes surrounding Natsu had been released.

"Huh! It actually worked!" Happy exclaimed in surprise.

"Milli! What are you doing!?" Wally exclaimed.

"The poor kitty-cat was in trouble."

"He's not a cat!"

"Alright!" Natsu exclaimed he made long thick whips of fire extend from his arms. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" his attack knocked out both Wally and Millianna. "Yes I got my revenge on the Blockhead, though Ariel is going to be mad."

"How long are you planning on wearing that thing?" Happy asked.

"It won't come off."


Jellal was sitting on his throne, in one hand he held a chess piece in the shape of a red dragon. The red dragon knocks over a piece that looked like a pink cat and the fire piece knocks over a piece that resembled Wally but was less blocky and held a bow and arrow. "Millianna and Wally have lost. Sho and Simon have betrayed me. The game can finally begin." He said to himself. He hears footsteps and he sees Vidaldus walking in the room.

"Jellal, we should hurry up and capture Erza so we can begin the ceremony. You should stop treating this as a game." Vidaldus said.

Jellal smirks and looks at Vidaldus. "Go." Jellal simply said.

"Are you sure?"

Jellal nods while he rests his head on his right fist. Vidaldus crosses his arms in front of him. He was surrounded in a wild red aura. Soon his appearance had drastically changed and was now shirtless with purple jeans that stopped at his knees, he had red and purple arm gauntlets with spikes on them. He had spiked shoulder armor. He now had make purplish black make up around his eyes and now had dark purple lipstick. He had boots that were black, white, and red. He had long black hair that stretched down to the floor. He also had a chest tattoo that was dark red and vaguely spelled the word 'Skeleton'. Soon two other people appeared next to him.

One of the figures was a woman with long bright pink hair with green eyes, she wore a loose kimono with very high, red sandals and had red lipstick on her lips, and she had a beauty mark under each of her eyes. The next was a very buff figure that wore green shorts with a rocket pack strapped to his back, had sweatbands on his wrists, and he also had wings, strapped to his back. His most unusual feature was that he had a face in the shape of an owl.

"Trinity Raven, of the Death's Head Cactus guild." Jellal said. "Vidaldus Taka." Jellal said looking at the new form of Vidaldus.

"Go to hell! Hell! I'll show the lowest pits of the ultimate hell!" Vidaldus exclaimed with a sickening grin on his face.


"Perhaps it is the fate of both love and life to scatter on the wind... Tonight shall be a festival." The woman known as Ikaruga said.


"Hou." The bird man Fukuro had tilted his head in the same manner an owl would.

"Special Raiding Squadron of Assassins, from Death's Head Cactus. Trinity Raven has arrived." Ikaruga said.

Jellal just gave a smirk and he looked to his chess board. In front of the figure of himself he put the pieces of Trinity Raven in front of him, next to Vidaldus piece.

"Now we can begin." Jellal said.


Natsu and Happy were still in the room figuring out their next plan. "We should go meet up with the others." Natsu said, as he finally got the cart helmet off.

"Aye." Happy said.

Suddenly Wally gets back up. "I'm not done with you Salamander!" he however held himself near the ribs as he was hurt.

"Don't bother, I had already gotten you back so we're done." Natsu said

"We're going to Heaven." Wally began.

"What does that mean?" Happy asked

"The true freedom that Jellal talks about. The world where we can rule..."

"Welcome, everyone, to the Tower of Heaven." Jellal's voice said as it was projected though out the tower.

"Jellal." Wally said in relief.

Natsu and Happy ran out of the room and they saw a golem with its thin eyes glowing red

"I am Jellal! The ruler of this tower!"


The rest of team Chaotic, Simon and Sho saw that the hall became dark with red eyes looking at them

"All of the pieces are in place." He said.

'Jellal!' Erza angrily thought.

"It's Jellal, his voice can be heard though the tower." Simon said.

Sho now began breath heavily while sweating.

He continued to speak. "I'm delighted all of you have come to see me; Now then..." Jellal was on his throne with Trinity Raven standing in front of him. "Shall we play a round of Heaven's Game?"

"A GAME!" Natsu yelled and Jellal saw this through a lacrima.

Jellal continued to speak. "The rules of this game are simple. I wish to use the beautiful Erza as my sacrifice to resurrect Lord Zeref."

Everyone was either surprised or angry. Sho looked scared and angry. "Jellal!" he said to himself.

"So playing with lives is nothing but a game to him, and we're his main opponents." Roxas angrily said to himself.

"Roxas..." Lucy said with a voice of concern.

"If I succeed, the gates of Heaven will open, crowning my victory. However; if you all manage to stop me, then you'll be the winner of the game. Also, I myself have enlisted three pawns to fight on my behalf."

"Three pawns?" Ariel asked.

"The only way you can get to me is if you defeat them. In other words, a 3 vs. 9 battle royal. Oh, there's one more surprise you should all know. It is possible that The Magic Council has the Satellite Square focused directly on this tower, and it's highly likely they will attack. With the ultimate Magic that returns everything to nothingness. Etherion!"

Everyone in the group looked on with concern.

Inside Jellal's throne room, Vidaldus looked at him. "That wasn't in the deal, Jellal! You bastard! We get hit with that and we're all going to hell!"

"Vidaldus, my dear..." Ikaruga began. "Might you be turning tail?" she asked.

Vidaldus made the 'rock on' sign with his hand. "No! The total opposite! Reverse!" he exclaimed. "This is the ultimate high! I've been waiting for a dangerous job like this!"

"As we speak, The Council are in the midst of voting on whether they should fire an Etherion Blast. There's no telling how much time is left, should the Etherion strike, complete annihilation is imminent. Not even you nor I could survive that; no players left to win, game over."

"Complete Annihilation?" Lucy asked with a scared voice.

"Etherion?" Erza started. "What is the council thinking? I don't believe it!"

Sho meanwhile looked like he was about to panic. He outstretched his right hand and soon Erza was trapped inside a card.

"Erza!" Gray yelled.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Ariel exclaimed.

"I'm not going to let anyone harm my sister!" Sho yelled. "I will defeat Jellal myself!"

Jellal smirked. "Let's have fun." The eyes disappeared off the walls.

"Hey, you trying to get yourself killed?! You can't beat Jellal on your own!" Simon exclaimed.


Natsu meanwhile had punched his fist to his open palm. "Now I'm getting fired up!"

"I suppose this Jellal guy is at the top huh?" Happy figured.

Wally who had followed them out of Millianna's room had hid behind a wall. "What are you doing Jellal? If Etherion is fired..." Both Natsu and Happy looked to him. "All we ever wanted was true freedom."

"Hey." Natsu began. "I don't know what kind of freedom you're talking about, but the freedom at Fairy Tail is awesome."

Natsu looked to Happy. "Happy, there are ways to cheat in a game right?"

"Aye sir!" the cat replied.

Suddenly Natsu burst through the walls and was shooting flames through the bottom of his feet and Happy was holding on to the back of him with his wings extended.

"Let's head to the top right away!" Natsu yelled.

"Aye sir!"

Wally had looked at the pair through an open window. 'Salamander...' he thought. 'That's... a nice scarf... you got.' Wally had passed out on the ground.

Both Natsu and Happy were flying to the top, but Natsu suddenly saw a glint speeding towards them. "Happy! You see that?"

"See what?"

"Hou, hoo, hou!" they heard both heard and they saw Fukuro on his rocket pack. Fukuro sped towards Natsu but he missed and nearly slammed into the tower wall.

"You're fast, Salamander!" Fukuro exclaimed.

Natsu tried getting away from Fukuro but he suddenly found he was behind him. The bird man threw a powerful punch that sent Natsu through a hole in the tower. Fukuro flew after him.

Inside, a huge impact was made. Natsu and Happy stood atop a steel cage. "Salamander!" they heard. Simon was standing in a door way.

"Hey, who are you?" Natsu asked.

"Natsu, he's one of Jellal's lackeys." Happy said.

"No! I'm not. I was with Jellal just so I could get close to him, so I could stop him." Simon replied.

Happy showed skepticism. "I don't believe you!"

"Wait." Natsu started. "That's true?"


"Okay, then who is this Jellal, why did he set up this idiotic game?"

"He's got a twisted sense of humor, and he somehow knew about Etherion firing. This is happening because his brother is on the council."

"So this is just some spat between brothers."

Roxas stepped out from behind Simon. "No, I believe it is much more than that. There is no way he would have just coincidentally known that this powerful weapon is going to fire on this very spot well before it happens. I feel something else is going on."

"Roxas, you're alright!" Happy exclaimed.

"Hoot! Hoot!!" A voice echoed around the room. Fukuro landed on the chains, with his arm folded.

"I will not permit you to break the rules!I will pass judgment on you in the name of justice! The Warrior of Justice, Fukuro, is here!" he exclaimed.

"A bird!?" Happy yelled.

"A bird is talking about justice!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Ironic isn't it." Roxas noted.

"Oh no... Dark Moment!" Simon yelled a dark purple magic circle had formed in front of him. The entire room went dark.

"I can't see!" Natsu yelled.

"It's too dark! I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!" Happy exclaimed.

"Everyone! Now's your chance! You have to leave!" Simon yelled.

"Not a chance!" Roxas engulfed blue fire around his hand to light up the area. He saw Fukuro moving around them at a fast speed.

"Look out!" Roxas exclaimed. He threw a fireball at the owl but he missed.

"Even in the dark the light of justice shines bright!" Fukuro exclaimed. He then sent Simon flying to the wall with a punch, he soon landed on a cage.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Natsu yelled looking at Simon.

"This... this must be the Assassin's guild. Death's Head Cactus!" Simon said with fear.

"Assassin's Guild?!" Happy and Roxas yelled.

"They don't do proper jobs. They are the worst kind of guild that specializes in assassination requests!" Simon added. "And the three person team called 'Trinity Raven' assassinated every officer in the Western Army during the Cabira War! They're a legendary team!"

"And that guy's one of the members of the squad? Er... flock?" Happy asked not sure what to call their team.

"I only eliminated evil!" he exclaimed.

Roxas's irises grew slightly bigger, before becoming slitted. He jumped towards Fukuro and threw a blue fire punch at Fukuro, but it missed. Roxas landed on the same cage that Natsu was on. "Eliminate evil...? Heh, that's pretty funny. To call rescuing a friend and stopping a mad man evil...?" Roxas growled at him.

"Salamander, Nine-Tails. Your evil deeds have reached our guild's ears! Today this warrior of justice will bury your evil!"

Natsu made flames engulf his wrists while Roxas was surrounding himself in a aura of blue flames.

"Guilds are places where people who trust each other come together. They are not places for doin' dirty work!" Natsu angrily said.

"Salamander, stand back! You can't fight members of these assassination guilds." Simon yelled.

"If you're going to punish us for evil deeds? Then I'll be glad to fix that warped sense of reality you have in that twisted head of yours!" Roxas said in a similar angry voice at Fukuro.

"That means you too, Nine-Tails! He sounds too powerful!" Simon exclaimed.

"I don't like those assassination jobs. I don't like the people who request 'em either. I don't like that you would call that a guild. And because I don't like 'em. I'm gonna bust you up!" Natsu continued.

"If defeating you will get us closer to Jellal, so be it!" Roxas said.

"LET'S DANCE, BIRDBRAIN!" both Natsu and Roxas yelled angrily.

"Both of you are so naïve. There is evil in this world that can't be left alive! Thursters!" small magical seals had appeared below his thrusters. "You are of those people who should best disappear!" Roxas quickly figured out what Fukuro was going to do. "Jet! Hoo-Hoo-Hoot!" he yelled as he punched Natsu but missed Roxas, as he flew to a higher chain Fukuro was flying around the entire room with Natsu on the end of his fist.

"Natsu!" Roxas exclaimed. He shot himself in the air and flew after Fukuro. 

Happy and Simon both saw Fukuro flying through the air with Roxas chasing him. "Hang on Natsu!" Roxas exclaimed.

"I'm not going to lose to fire, buddy!" Natsu yelled and while in the air he grabbed Fukuro and threw him to the bottom of a cage. When he slammed into it he saw Roxas speeding towards him feet first. He blasted powerful blue fire blasts from his feet which kept Fukuro in place before kicking him through the cage with both his feet. As they both fell it looked like Fukuro took no damage. "Thrusters! Again!" he yelled and as he flew he grabbed Roxas by the wrist and sped towards Natsu. The Dragon Slayer jumped over Fukuro but he felt his leg get grabbed and he flew up high in the air holding Natsu by his leg and Roxas by his arm. "Throw!" Fukuro threw both Roxas and Natsu to the ceiling of a cage.

Happy flew to their level. "Natsu! Roxas!"

"Oww!" Natsu said.

"This guy..." Roxas slightly growled.

"Both of you are well built there. This will be a job worth doing!"

Simon looked on with worry. "Trinity Raven... they look even stronger than the rumors suggest. And there are three of them!"


Jellal meanwhile had taken Fukuro's owl chess piece and knocked over Simon's castle wall chess piece. "How pitiful, Simon. And the game has just begun." He puts a red dragon and a sliver kitunse representing Roxas in front of the owl. . "So now we have Fukuro vs. Natsu Dragneel and Roxas Eragon. I had hoped those two would have made it to the top, but perhaps they are at a disadvantage."


Meanwhile in an empty room. Juvia, Lucy, and Ariel were looking for Natsu.

"Natsu!" Lucy called out.

"Pyro!" Ariel yelled.

"Salamander!" Juvia yelled.

"Natsu at the very least is very sharp so he should be able to hear us from anywhere." Lucy stated.

"You think he's in a fight?" Ariel asked.

"Natsu is a magnet for trouble, so it wouldn't surprise me."

"Gajeel is also the same, which must mean his nose must be good too. Juvia wonders why Juvia is looking for Natsu with you, Lucy."

"Hey, I'm still here." Ariel said.

"My apologies." She soon had blushes under her cheeks. Juvia began to imagine past events in her head. She imagined Gray telling her that he is going after Sho for trapping Erza in a card, he told her that she will leave her, Lucy, and Ariel to find Natsu. She told him that she would do it for Gray's sake but complained about being stuck with her love rival as carnage would ensue. Lucy said that she tried not to be involved while Ariel told her that all that love rival stuff is in her head.

Soon a loud guitar riff interrupts Juvia's memory and colourless shockwaves come out from the holes in the room. "What is that horrible sound? A guitar?" Lucy wondered.

"Whatever it is! Make it stop!" Ariel yelled.

"Juvia thinks it is pretty good."

"Something is really wrong with you, seriously." Lucy said

"I second that." Ariel said.

They felt the noise get closer and in the hole. Vidaldus who was playing a unique looking guitar, had appeared in their vision as he was playing it wildly. Lucy and Ariel were the only ones covering their ears. He made a loud scream. "It's a live performance from hell! Destroy!"

"Get a haircut!" Lucy exclaimed.

"The Assassin's Guild, Death's Head Cactus. It means skull, get it. Pretty awesome name, huh?" Vidaldus said

"Two of the three warriors Jellal was talking about huh?" Juvia figured.

"Who the hell are you, Punk Rock?" Ariel asked.

"I am one of Trinity Raven, Vidaldus Taka that's me!" Vidaldus said, before his eyes widened and his hair stretched upwards. "ROCK YOU!" he flung his hair towards Lucy.

She quickly dodged it. "Look out Lucy!" Ariel yelled she tackled the blonde and moved her from Vidaldus' hair as it sped to her a second time. The duo then jumped out of the way again.

Vidaldus' hair had passed though Juvia which surprised Vidaldus. "You have quite an interesting body right there."

"You attacks will be useless on Juvia." She said in her monotonous voice.

"W-what are you!?"

"Juvia's body is made of water. Drip, drip, drop."

"Yeah you get 'em Juvia! I'll just get in your way and..." Lucy cheered.

"There is no attack that will work on Juvia."

"Now it's my turn!" Ariel said as he appeared behind Vidaldus. In slow motion, he saw Ariel grab his arm. "Water Dragon's Grip Strike!" Ariel blastsed the man with water at point blank range., causing him to slid back away from them.

"Nice going you two!" Lucy cheered.

"Now to finish this!" Ariel said.

"You leave him to Juvia, Ariel." She surrounded herself in water. "Water Lock!" she exclaimed and forced a sphere water to begin to drown him.

"Rock?" Vidaldus said misunderstanding what Juvia said. "You're a rocker too?" Soon he was inside a huge ball of water.

"You're nothing but talk."

"You're amazing Juvia. No wonder you were part of the Element 4. You'd be pretty scary as an enemy." Lucy said.

"Uh, let's not forget I fought her the first time we met." Ariel reminded while sweatdropping.

Vidaldus stopped floating inside Juvia's Water Lock and the water orb was now getting smaller. Vidaldus made all the water disappear. He waved his hair in the air and he performed a slight laugh.

"How did you make Juvia's Water Lock disappear?" Juvia asked in shock.

"And... Eww!" Lucy exclaimed in disgust.

"It is better to wash your hair out every morning with water." He stated.

"Wait..." Ariel quickly put the pieces together. "His hair can absorb water!"

"You're right, you're a smart one aren't you? But no oil or alcohol please... That would damage it."

"We're put at a real disadvantage if he can absorb water." Ariel said.

"Oh no." Lucy said worriedly

"But you girls aren't so bad looking." Vidaldus said.

Ariel had blue lines on her forehead. "I think I'm going to throw up..."

Lucy got close to Juvia. "There it is! An assault!"

"What are you talking about, Lucy?" Ariel asked.

"Being cute is the source of all my troubles."

"Yeah, sure we'll go with that." The dragon slayer replied not knowing how to respond to Lucy's comment.

"Eeny-meeny-miny-moe. Which-one-will-be-come-hell's-min-ion?" Vidaldus sang pointing at the girls. His finger stopped at Juvia. "You. All right, all set. You will become my succubus today!"

"Succubus?" Juvia said.

"Rock of Succubus!" he exclaimed he played a very loud tune on his guitar a purple haze was spreading towards Juvia.

"What is going..." the haze now looked to be going inside Juvia. "No! Stop it!"

"No! Juvia!" Lucy screamed.

"Juvia! What's wrong?!" Ariel asked.

"No! Don't come inside Juvia! No!" a bright flash came from Juvia when she began to slightly float upwards.


Inside Jellal's room he knocked over Juvia's piece which was a water urn with Vidaldus' piece. "So that's as far as the water woman goes, eh? And at the same time..." he put a guitar piece representing Vidaldus near two pieces that was a key and a blue dragon which represented Lucy and Ariel. 


"Juvia!" Lucy yelled.

"What's with all the steam?" Ariel asked.

Vidaldus had a smirk on his face. "Become my slave."

Out of the steam Juvia walked out but had transformed into a new form. Her blue hair was longer and her outfit was more revealing as she wore a purple sleeveless shirt with laces on the front, a spiked bracelet on her left wrist and dark blue skinny jeans. She now had purple lipstick on her lips and had a red symbol on her stomach region. "Hell, hell, hell." She began. "Juvia will you show the lowest pits of the ultimate hell!"

Ariel looked at Juvia in horror. "What... what the hell?!" she exclaimed.

"J-Juvia!" Lucy exclaimed. "What happened!?"


Jellal knocks over Lucy's piece. "The spirit user is also out of the game, but I wonder..." he began to look at Ariel's piece. Does the water dragon stand a chance? Well, I suppose we'll see."


Ariel steps in front of Lucy. While glaring at Vidaldus and Juvia. "This isn't good!"

Vidaldus starts playing wildly on his guitar. Juvia starts headbanging. "Yeah, this is the best vibe!" she yelled out.

Ariel and Lucy had both covered their ears. "Man this guy is terrible!" Ariel shouted.

"Hey, w-what did you do to her?" Lucy asked.

"Heh, heh! You want to know babe? I used my magic to take control of her. Any woman who becomes my succubus will only obey my orders. Honestly, I thought about making all three of you my slaves, but that would have taken the fun out of our little game. Besides...I've always wanted to a cat fight between two women, but now I have a chance to see one against two. Ha! Ripped clothes, bouncing boobs. That is what I want to see."

 Ariel had disgusted look on her face, while Lucy covered her chest. "You're the worst!" they both said.

"I'm the worst? Well that's a compliment!" Vidaldus exclaimed. He strummed on his guitar and flames shot out of it.

Juvia smirked. "If you're both not going to fight then I'll drag the both of you to hell myself!" she exclaimed. She created a horizontal cyclone of water that went around Lucy and Ariel. Juvia who had turned herself into water had risen from the water around them.

"I have to stop this!" Ariel exclaimed. She ran to Juvia, however a fist made of water had punched her out of the cyclone.

"Ariel!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Now where were we?" Juvia said as her watery form moved over to Lucy. "What should I start with?" she asked. "It's too bad about the dress. It was really..." Juvia then proceeded to rip Lucy's dress around her chest by scratching through it. Lucy screamed while she covered her chest. "...Not good enough for you!"

When the water cyclone had ended Juvia in her watery form had gone back to the side of Vidaldus. "This is it! This is it!" Vidaldus exclaimed while still playing on his guitar.

Lucy had took the bandana that was on her head and tied it around her chest. She quickly ran over to Ariel and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, that really packed a punch though." Ariel now thought of a plan. "If she only takes orders from Vidaldus, then he's who we should go for!"

"Are you sure that would work?"

"We have to do something... otherwise, these two will keep playing with us, until Jellal gets bored. I'll try to destroy his guitar, it looks like the item that is brainwashing Juvia. You try to reach out to her, if there is any part of Juvia left in her, then you have to reach her."

"Got it!"

"Alright, I'm going for it!" Ariel began running to the duo.

"She thinks her plan will work on me, get her my succubus!" Vidaldus said while his tongue was stretching out. Juvia jumped towards Ariel, however the dragon slayer had jumped above Juvia, using her own water. She somersaulted and avoided Juvia's attack as she jumped high in the air. She then engulf both fists in spiraling water. "Water Dragon's Spiraling Fist!" Ariel was quickly approaching Vidaldus, but then saw a water whip coming towards her, courtesy of Juiva. Ariel crossed her arms and let them take the damage, this made her fly backwards and she landed on her back before quickly getting up.

Ariel looked to her side and saw Juvia headbutting Lucy. After this, the blonde mage found herself getting engulfed in a huge jet of water. While she floated around in it, a light blue hand grabbed her hair and threw her to the wall.

"Lucy!" Ariel exclaimed. She launched at Juvia and punched her in the forehead which sent her staggering back. She proceeded to kick the mage in the stomach which sent her rolling across the floor. "Are you okay, Lucy?" 

"Y-Yeah." Lucy slowly got up from the ground. "J-Juvia, you said you wanted to join Fairy Tail, right? Then stop attacking your friends like this." Juvia had dropped some of Lucy's hair while she had said this.

Vidaldus was still playing on his guitar while he swished his hair around. "Hey you! Hey you! Let's feel the vibe!" Soon he began jumping around on one foot behind Juvia while still playing. "Get her!" he commanded. Juvia smirked while water engulfed her right hand.

"Water Cane!" Juvia exclaimed while she was whipping Lucy's behind with a long whip made of water.

"Oh yeah! Keep the rhythm going! That is the soul of rock!" Vidaldus exclaimed.

He heard running and saw Ariel speeding to him. "Time to end this! Water Dragon's Scales!" She swung her arm, generating a three scale-shaped masses of water, and sending it to Vidaldus. He blocked two water scales and dodged the last one.

"You're a feisty aren't you? I like that, maybe I should have taken you instead. So my little succubus, destroy the dragon slayer as if your life depends on it."

Juvia smirked slowly got up. "Oh believe me, that's the intention." She then turned herself into a wave, before she speedily charged towards Ariel and she allowed herself to crash into her, the both collided with the wall, with Ariel taking the brunt of the impact she fell to her knees before collapsing to her stomach.

Lucy gasped. "Ariel, no!" she ran over to check on her "Are you okay!?"

Ariel got up and turned her to head to spit. "We need to stop them."

"Don't stop now!" Vidaldus exclaimed. "Destroy them! Do it as if she is stealing your lover!"

"Lover!?" Juvia exclaimed. Lucy was surprised.

"Oh, crap!" Ariel now knew exactly what Vidaldus had done.

"LOVE RIVAL!" Juvia turned herself into a wave and soon engulfed both Ariel and Lucy in a huge amount of water.

'It's no use. She's completely under her control. What do I do?' Lucy thought.

Ariel was by Lucy and created an air bubble for her to breathe in.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Die painfully inside Juvia!"


"Don't worry about me. We need to find a way to stop her!"

"Lucy...Ariel..." they both heard.

Ariel spoke up. "That sounds like..."

"Juvia!" Lucy finished.

'Lucy... Ariel. Juvia does not want to do this. Juvia doesn't want to hurt her friends. Though it may be a bit presumptuous for me to address the both of you as my friends. Especially since Lucy is my love rival for Gray-sama.'

"I am not..." Lucy deadpanned.

"She's not giving that up anytime soon." Ariel stated. "You should tell her you have eyes for someone else..."

"Though. Juvia loves Fairy Tail. It is such a heartwarming place, everyone who is there seems to have fun. It is as if amongst the rain, the sun is always shining on Fairy Tail. Juvia had no idea it was possible to have this much fun in a guild. And then... just when Juvia thought I could be a part of that. I... I am nothing but a woman that brings sadness."

"Lucy, do you feel that?" Ariel asked.

Lucy nodded in response. "Tears, among her tears. Juvia's water is so warm."

Outside the huge water bullet Vidaldus was still controlling her The bullet crashed into the wall and Lucy and Ariel weakly stood up. "Juvia darling! Let's finish them!" he exclaimed. 

Juvia looked at both Lucy and Ariel. "This is the end of the line for you two!"

"Those who... those who shed tears for their friends will never be rejected from Fairy Tail!" Lucy exclaimed.

Juvia who was still possessed had a tear fall from her eye. 'Lucy...'

"Don't be so full of yourself! Because of you I have a brilliant idea!"

"How boring. Hurry up and destroy them, Juvia, darling!" Vidaldus commanded.

"Okay!" Juvia exclaimed. She was now surrounded in a tornado of sharp spinning water. "Prepare to be shredded to pieces with this! Water Jigsaw!" she yelled. She sped towards Lucy and Ariel making the tornado horizontal.

Ariel stepped forward. "No." Lucy said stopping her. "I'll deal with this."

"I hope you know what you are doing!" Ariel stepped behind Lucy.

"This is the end for you!" Juvia exclaimed however in her mind she was trying to tell Lucy to dodge her attack, yet the blonde mage stood still and looked directly at the attack.

Lucy had a gold key in her hand, she placed it directly in front of Juvia's attack as it seemed to have stopped at Lucy's arm. "Open, Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius!" a doorbell sound is heard, with it a huge cyan magic circle appeared where the key was. Right behind Juvia, Aquarius had risen.

"What!?" Vidaldus said.

"I get it!" Ariel said. "That was her plan!"

"She summoned a spirit using Juvia's body?" Juvia wondered aloud.

"As long as there is water. I can summon the most aggressive spirit, Aquarius!" Lucy said.

"It's all thanks to you, Juvia." However Lucy's happiness was short lived as Aquarius glared at her with no irises in her eyes signaling intense rage.

"Shut your mouth already! Stupid little girl!" she angrily exclaimed and a huge wave of water appear out of her urn. The wave was gigantic that everyone was frozen with shock as it engulfed everyone in the room.

Lucy was floating around aimlessly until the felt a hand grab her and Ariel pulled her onto a rock. 

"Didn't you already pay attention, I told you that my hair can absorb all water!" Vidaldus exclaimed with a sickening smirk.

"Ariel! I have to go find Juvia!" she exclaimed.

"I'm here!" the water mage yelled popping her head out of the water.

"Go!" Ariel exclaimed, as she stared to drink the some of the water. Lucy dived in and both she and Juvia were trying to reach each other's hands. When their hands locked a bright light had come from their hands.


Jellal in his room noticed a chip had just appeared and Vidaldus's guitar piece. "Hm... what it this magic? Those girls are fusing their magic. A Unison Raid!"


A huge cyclone was seen in the room. "What's going on!? My hair can't absorb all this magic!" Vidaldus exclaimed.

Lucy and Juvia who still had their hands locked used their combined magic power to send Vidaldus flying to the ceiling in a cyclone when he was about to fall he saw his guitar was still in his hand.

"I don't think so!" Ariel exclaimed as she was flying towards Vidalus and swiped her arms in a circular fashion. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Raging Sea: Retaliation Wave!" She created a powerful cyclone of water that ensnares Vidalus, barraging him with water.  The attack was so powerful, it sliced off Vidaldus's hair, not that it mattered considering it was a wig and it fell off after it was sliced. Vidaldus fell into the water and so did Ariel then Juvia, and Lucy followed. The huge pool of water soon disappeared.

The three girls were by each other on the ground.

Ariel was the first to get up and saw Vidaldus without irises in his eyes and his bald head had glistened. Lucy and Juvia followed as Juvia was back to normal.

"We did it!" Lucy exclaimed.

"That's true Girl Power!" Ariel added, as she and Lucy high-fived.

"And Juvia is back to normal." Juvia said as the three girls were now in a group hug. 'This warmth, it feel nice. This is the first time any woman has treated Juvia so nicely.' However they all faced a glare from Aquarius which had scared all three of them.

"You bimbo! Don't dare summon me in weird places like that again. Next thing I know, you'll probably summon me from a toilet bowl, right!? I'll kill you!"

"I-I'm s-sorry..."

"Super scary!" Juvia said.

"Meh, maybe a little..." Ariel added.

"Don't be so full of yourself, got it." Aquarius said in a calmer voice.


She floated a distance away from the girls. "I'm going on vacation with my man for two weeks." Suddenly her mood shifted to anger. "Don't even think of summoning me, got it!"

"Y-yeah sure." Lucy agreed still frightened by Aquarius as Juvia and Ariel still had surprised faces.

"Get yourself a boyfriend already... Hmph as if, even Roxas is way out of your league." Aquarius disappeared while a sign had impaled Lucy's head.

"Lay off!" she exclaimed.

"See, Lucy? Even the mermaid thinks you should get with Roxas." Ariel said with a smirk.

Lucy's cheeks turned bright red. "Cut it out, Ariel!"

"I had no idea, Lucy was madly in love with Roxas-san." Juvia said with her hand on her shoulder. "My apologies, former love rival."

"Not you too Juvia!?" Lucy exclaimed. Ariel just laughed.

"Relax I'm just kidding. 'For now' I guess now I know what you mean when you say Aquarius is scary."

"Anyway..." Lucy had dropped back first into a puddle of water. "We defeated him, I bet that wasn't Jellal's plan."

Juvia maintained a guilty look. "You and Ariel were the ones who defeated him, Lucy."

"We all did." Ariel added.

"It feels as if this has brought the three of us closer together. I am so glad. We are friends now aren't we?" Lucy said looking at Juvia.

Juvia's eyes sparkled. "What is this? Rain is falling from Juvia's eyes..." Juvia then put her hands over her face to wipe the tears.

"Yeah, that's an interesting way of putting it." Lucy said.

"We should rest here and replenish some of our strength." Ariel suggested.

"Yes. Juvia will."

"Then we'll just stay here for a while." Lucy said. 


In Jellal's room Vidaldus's piece was down. "A Unison Raid? The same technique that many priests spend their entire lives practicing... only to never succeed. Even if it is a coincidence, it is still an amazing feat." Jellal said. He now looked up with anticipation. "Despite being young girls, they live up to the expectation of being Erza's friends." Jellal then silently laughed to himself.


At the headquarters for the Magical Council. The decision was still being deliberated on whether or not to fire Etherion.

"In regard to the use of the destructive weapon. Etherion. We have four approvals and five disapprovals. In such case. We have come to a decision to not fire Etherion."

Siegain was gritting his teeth while this was being said. "Hold on!" he exclaimed. "Do you people understand how grave this situation is!?"

"Stand down Sieg! You're said that plenty of times already. We will look for a peaceful solution to this matter."

"Peaceful... At this moment while we argue with ourselves and waste more time, Jellal is getting closer to raising the dead! Can't you all feel it? This trememdously malicious magical power brought forth as an omen to resurrect people from the dead."

"What are you implying, Siegrain?" one member asked.

"I tried not to reveal this information, for if it got leaked, it would result in mass panic. But now I have no choice."

"What are you talking about?"

"Tell us everything!"

"The Black Wizard Zeref!" Siegrain exclaimed. Every single member of the council was shocked with the exception of Ultear.

"Is that the truth?!"

"Yes it is true. Jellal is planning all of this." He calmly said. "After all, he is my twin brother." Many murmers were now heard among the council members who haven't voted on firing Etherion. "I ask for another vote."


The sun was beginning to set over the horizon in the tower. Inside it however it wasn't as calm.

Inside the huge room where Fukuro was fighting Natsu and Roxas. The owl man was flying towards Roxas.

"Hou-hoo-hoot Kick!" Fukuro yelled. As his kick flew towards Roxas, the fox slayer dodged the kick and engulfed his fist in blue-fire. "Nine-Tail's Sacred Fist!" he then punched the owl in the face, sending him towards Natsu.

"Fire Dragon's Talon!" he engulfed his right foot in flames and gave a roundhouse kick to Fukuro's face. The owl man crashed onto a cage.

Roxas landed beside Natsu. "Did that work?"

When the dust cleared they both saw Fukuro looking like he didn't have a scratch on him. "Did you really think your attacks would work on me? Hoot!"

"He's fighting on par with both Natsu and Roxas. That Fukuro is good!" Happy said.

"Obviously, he is part of Trinity Raven." Simon reminded.

"Hou-Hoot! I'm going to drop the hammer of justice on you, hoot!"

"Natsu!" Roxas exclaimed.

"We'll drown him in fire!" Natsu said with a grin. Natsu puffed his cheeks and held his hands in front of his mouth like a trumpet while Roxas puffed his cheeks too. "Fire Dragon's Roar/Nine Tail's Howl!" They yelled as Natsu shot huge flames from his mouth and Roxas shot a huge blast of blue fire towards Fukuro. The attacks hit him but they saw he jumped up onto a higher cage as both of their attacks missed.

"You will pay for your crimes! Missile-Hou-Hoot-Hoot!" he yelled. Magic circles appeared on the boosters of his rocket pack and he fired it towards both Natsu and Roxas who managed to avoid it by jumping out of the way.

"Did you really think that would hit me!?" Natsu exclaimed as he saw it follow him. He jumped into the air as it was still on his tail.

"Elevate up!" the rocket pack followed Natsu into the air. "Arms open!" mechanical arms came out of the rocket pack, they grabbed Natsu, and they flew him around in a huge circle. "Around the World!" he exclaimed.

Simon and Happy looked up with fear. "His techniques are ridiculous, but fearsome."

Roxas had a very blank look on his face. 'If he keep spinning Natsu around like that...'

Natsu who was being spun now felt nauseous as his cheeks puffed and he began to sweat.

"It couldn't be!" Happy yelled.

"It is!" Roxas said.

"I am well aware of your weakness, Salamander!" Fukuro revealed.

"This is bad, that thing is a vehicle!" Happy said.

"What's that!?" Simon asked.

"Natsu can't handle vehicles!"

"Going for the kill when your opponent is weakened, that is the true essence of hunting!" Fukuro exclaimed.

"Not when I'm around!" Roxas flew at Fukuro and planted both his feet on his chest. The Fox Slayer jumped off his chest and threw many punches at Fukuro who was dodging them.

Meanwhile the rocket pack had let Natsu go and he fell through the air.

"Now! Capture-Hou-Hoo-Hoot!" his beak suddenly grew to a huge proportion and Natsu had fallen on his mouth.

Simon and Happy were shocked as Natsu looked like he was being eaten by Fukuro.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Happy exclaimed.

"Natsu!" Roxas charged at the owl, but Fukuro kicked him with such force that it forced him to skid across the floor.

"Don't think I forgot about you, Nine-Tails. It is my responsibility to see you put down and I will make sure that happens." Fukuro said, still in the process of eating Natsu. 

"You bastard!" Roxas exclaimed. However he sensed he presence falling towards them. A figure landed in front of Roxas.

"Gray?!" Roxas and Simon exclaimed.

"What's going on here!?" Gray asked sounding worried.

They all looked to Fukuro and he had finished swallowing Natsu whole.

"He swallowed him!" Happy exclaimed.

"Damn!" Roxas yelled.

"I digest the magical power of those whom I devoured!"

Happy got mad and flew in a fast speed towards Fukuro. "GIVE HIM BACK!"

Fukuro grinned. An orange magic circle appeared in front of his mouth. "Fire-Hou-Hoo-Hoot!" he blasted a powerful stream of fire from his mouth which had hit Happy.

"This is..." Simon began.

"Happy!?" Gray exclaimed.

Happy who now had soot on him had bounced on an empty cage, as he was almost knocked out by the attack.

Simon quickly figured what was going on. "He digested Salamander's magical power, and turned it against us!?"

"How do you like that?!" Fukuro said as he now had some of Natsu's spiky pink hair on his head.

"This is the power of an assassin's guild."

"Finishing Move!" Fukuro yelled as he shot Natsu's fire towards Happy who braced himself to take the hit. An explosion was seen and the cage fell. When this happened. Roxas was seen holding Happy as he was now levitating in the air.

"That was too close." Roxas said.

"Roxas..." Happy weakly said.

Gray looked to Simon. "Aren't you supposed to be following, Sho and Erza?"

"We were, but they stalled us." Simon replied.

"If we don't make this quick, there's going to be trouble. Jellal claimed he was going to use Erza as a sacrifice for his ritual. I don't know who can fight against Erza when she is serious, but being trapped in that card will leave her exposed to all sorts of danger." Gray said.

"It was a bad idea to tell Sho, everything at once. I never thought he would react that way." Simon said.

Roxas landed on an empty cage. "Roxas..." Happy said getting his attention. "Save Natsu."

Roxas turned to Fukuro and gave him a death glare. "Don't worry Happy. I'm going to end this, I promise." he gently placed the blue cat on the cage ceiling.

Fukuro's stomach moved. "Digestion has begun! In about ten minutes, Salamander's body will be liquefied! And when that happens all of his magical power will belong to me, hoot!"

Roxas jumped to the cage that Fukuro was standing on. "Roxas! What are you doing?!" Gray exclaimed.

"Fukuro has gone way too far. I'm going to defeat him." Roxas said as he faced the owl. "I'll only say this once, Hooters. Spit Natsu out!"

"Don't be so full of yourself, hoot!"

Roxas then towards Fukuro. "Bring it on!"

"Ha ha! Fire Dragon's Roar!" Fukuro yelled. The owl man used Natsu's attack to engulf Roxas who was screaming in pain.

"Careful!" Simon yelled. "He can use the same Magic as Salamander!"

Roxas made the flames disperse away from him. He was smoking from the attack but remained in a stance. "Good to know." He said, wiping his cheek.

"You used your flames to stop Salamander's flames, hoot! But if you are Salamander's friend you should know how strong his flames are."

"You're funny." Roxas said. Fukuro was now confused. "Natsu's flames aren't way hotter! You're nothing but an imposter! One way or another, I'll beat you!"

Fukuro charged to Roxas while his fist was covered by Natsu's flames. Roxas was avoiding his punches without much effort. "And Natsu is much faster than that!" Roxas ignited blue fire to hist feet and performed a quick spin kick at Fukuro, which sent him back slightly.

"Don't get cocky!" he charged toward Roxas only this time his entire body was now engulfed in Natsu's flames. Roxas thrusted out his fist, which blasted a very powerful shockwave at Fukuro using both his hands which was actually able to put out Natsu's flames. "You put out my flames, hoot!"

"Only one difference! They're not your flames!"

Simon was looking on. "Incredible, Fukuro is part of Trinity Raven and yet. Nine-Tails doesn't even look even a bit terrified. Even without Magic, he looks like he can fight Salamander on equal footing."

"We need to get out of here so we can find Erza." Gray said. He saw an explosion, and Roxas dodging a stream of fire. "Roxas, you have to wrap it up!"

Roxas looked at Fukuro's stomach. "He's right Natsu doesn't have much time!"

"Justice will prevail, Nine-Tails!" Fukuro yelled. His fist was covered in flames. Roxas emulated this action and his fist was covered in blue fire. When both of their fists collided Fukuro was surrounded in a backlash of fire while Roxas was in a backlash of blue flames. Fukuro's punch was much stronger and this sent Roxas back to another cage where he flipped once and landed on his feet.

"You know nothing about Justice! Nine-Tail's Charge!" The Fox Slayer surrounded himself in a aura of blue fire he charged towards Fukuro which made a hard impact and sent the both of them slamming into the wall. After the impact, Fukuro had spit Natsu out. Roxas flew high up into the air "Nine-Tail's Paw Thrust!" he then blasted a powerful gust of air with both his hands. This hit Fukuro and he fell down the abyss of the room. Roxas landed on the cage and exhaled.

"Natsu!" Happy cheered as Natsu was unconscious on the cage ceiling.

Gray and Simon met Roxas on the cage, Happy flew over to Aang's shoulder.

"A-Amazing!" Simon said after seeing how Roxas managed to beat Fukuro.

"We should hurry." Gray said.

Roxas looked at the group. "He's right. Sho doesn't know what he's doing, that's why we have to stop him."


Meanwhile at the council headquarters the decision was being made. "Eight approvals, one disapproval..." as the leader of the council said this. Yajima was giving him a hidden glare. "Therefore, permission is granted to launch an attack on the Tower of Heaver using Etherion. The council approves this!"

Panic was going on all around the council headquarters. "Etherion will be fired in one hour! Start preparations immediately! Hurry up!"

Siegrain was in his quarters and Ultear while holding a lacrima was there alongside him. He heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

On the other side it was Yajima, he then walked into the room. "Pardon me."

"Yajima." Siegrain said.

"Sieg... are you absolutely sure about this?" Yajima asked. If you give it another thought. There might yet be another alternative."

"You may not agree with out method..." Siegrain began. "But Zeref's resurrection is something we must not allow. You are aware of this, Yajima?"

Yajima made a big sigh. "I am no longer certain. You will take full responsibility for this, right, Sieg?" he asked.

"Of course, each and every one of them will be take-"

"I mean all of the lives you are going to take!" Yajima yelled. "We are talking about killing your own brother. You will have to carry his loss on your shoulders for the rest of your life!"

"I will accept! I will bear the weight of Jellal's loss." Siegrain simply said.


Jellal was in his throne room and he had an evil smile on his face. "So, what will you do? There isn't much time left... until the decent of the light." Jellal said to himself as night had fallen outside of the Tower.


Next Time: Race against Etherion

While Etherion is being prepared to fire. Sho meets the final member of Trinity Raven, Ikaruga. Simon also reveals to Natsu and Roxas, Erza's plan on how to stop Jellal.

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