Chapter 6 - Lullaby!

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. Special thanks to the reviewers and to the readers who Fav/Alert this story, I really appreciate it. Not much to say. So let's just dive right in. Enjoy!


Onibas Station...

"How could I have done that!?" Erza's voice rang out. "I was too focused on talking, and left Natsu and Airel in the train!" She turned away disgusted with herself. "It's all my fault! Hit me, will you!?"

"There, there, calm down." Lucy assured her.

"I can go get them if you want?" Roxas offered.

They all looked at him in disbelief.

"You, catch up with a train on foot? I'll believe it when I see it." Gray scoffed.

"Who said anything about on foot?" Roxas smirked before flying off towards the train, leaving everyone speechless. Even Erza seemed impressed by the mage's ability to fly.

"I had no idea Roxas was able to do that!" She said in awe.

Erza then walked up to the train station conductor and demanded that he stopped the train. She soon grew frustrated with his claims that they couldn't stop the train just because one of her friends didn't get off at the right stop. She noticed a lever on the wall nearby and pointed it out to Happy. "Happy."

"Aye!" The cat said. He then flew up and pulled the lever to stop the train.

"W-Wait!" The conductor sputtered as he watched the Exceed feline pulled the lever. The lights flashed and wondering pedestrians wondered if there was a huge accident.

Erza nodded in satisfaction before taking off to find a way for them to catch up with Roxas, Natsu, and Airel.

"This is getting out of hand isn't it?" Lucy moaned.

"Yeah, no kidding." Gray answered wearing nothing but his shorts.

"Where are your clothes!?" Lucy exclaimed not because she was excited but because she was astonished on how fast Gray stripped out of his clothing.


On the train...

"Speaking of Fairy Tail..." The man named Kageyama or Kage for short, continues to speak. Natsu was still in his sick-transportation mode. Airel was asleep by the window. "Mirajane's famous, isn't she? She's in magazines sometime, and she's beautiful. I wonder why she's not active any more. She's still young, too. And, I don't know the names, but I heard that the two new girls are cute. Do you know them?"

Natsu didn't respond and it was silence between them.

"I noticed that regular guilds have many cute girls...I envy you." Kage continued. " There are no girls in my guild. Would you please share some? Or so I'd say." He raised a foot and kicked Natsu in the face. "Don't ignore me. That's being discriminatory to Dark Guilds. Fairy Tail has been getting a lot of attention lately. You know, stuck up people like that annoy the hell outta me. Do you know what we call Fairy Tail? Flies...FLY SWATTING!"

"BE QUIET DAMMIT!" A fist punched Kage, sending him flying to the other side of the cart. Airel stood in the aisle, her fist surrounded in a swirl of water. Her face expression was that of a fierce dragon who just woke due to some idiot poking the hide with a stick. "Just when I was enjoying my nap, I hear this annoying voice and that's really irritating. How do you like the medicine I gave you? Fly punch!" Natsu stood up, wobbling because of the train's movement.

"Y-y-you Bitch!" Kage wiped blood from his mouth. Suddenly the locomotive screeched to a halt.

"What!? Emergency break!?" Kage stated as the train stopped completely. Some of the passenger's items spilled to the floor and this one item caught Airel's eyes. It was this skull flute. Natsu also saw it but he was focused on Kage and he smashed his flaming fist in Kage's face, a token of thanks for the kick he received earlier.

Ding~Dong~Ding. The train's intercom sounded.

"We've confirmed that the emergency brake was due to a false report. We'll depart shortly. We apologize for your inconvenience."

"Crap!" Natsu stated. "I'm outta here! Come on Airel!"

"I won't let you two escape! You guys picked a fight with Eisenwald! Don't think you can get away with it, you pathetic flies!" Kage was full of rage because his face was distorted by the punches.

"Same goes for you. We know your face now!" Airel and Natsu spoke in unison. "Making fun of Fairy Tail and all... We'll battle another time...LOSER EISENWALD!" That last part was Airel's because as the train pulled off, Natsu started getting sick due to the motion and couldn't speak that well. Grabbing Airel's hoodie, he jumped out of the window.


Roxas was quickly catching up to the train, and was now just behind the last cart. He flew up to the side of it and was about to grab on when Natsu and Airel suddenly burst through the window right in front of him.


The dragon slayer duo crashed into the surprised mage and they all fell onto the ground, tumbling to a stop.

"Ugg..." Roxas groaned in pain. "Why would you guys jump out of a train?"

"Sorry..." Natsu apologized, his head still spinning.

"That could've gone better..." Airel moaned, rubbing her head.

They all got up and dusted themselves off.

"Why did you jump out anyway?"

"There was this guy making fun of Fairy Tail and picking a fight with me. Then the train started to move again and I didn't want to be on that thing anymore. I think he said he was from a guild called... what was it? Ei... Eisen...wald?"

Roxas' eyes widened. "Did you say Eisenwald!? That's the dark guild we're after!"

"Oh, really? He also had this wooden flute thing with him that had a skull with three eyes." Misty added in.

"A flute with three eyes? That's weird." Roxas muttered.

They both heard a noise that was gradually getting louder behind them and they turned around to see a small vehicle driving towards them. As it got closer, they could see Erza in the front, Lucy leaning out of the window and Gray was on top of the roof.

"Roxas! Natsu! Misty!"

The vehicle came to a stop next to them.

"Hm. You really did get them." Erza said and motioned for them to get in.

"No more transportation... blurg..." Natsu choked out.

"Come on!" Airel said, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the car.

Roxas wasted no time and jumped into the seat next to Erza. "Follow the train! It has a member of Eisenwald in it!"

"What!? Why didn't Natsu or Airel get him?"

"Never mind that, let's go!"

The red head nodded and floored it.

"Misty also said that the guy had a flute with a skull that had three eyes." Roxas added.

Lucy poked her head out. "Did you say a flute with three eyes?" When Roxas nodded, she gained a worried expression. "I've heard of that flute. Lullaby, the curse song. Death Magic."

"Curse song? Like a magical song?" Gray asked, confused by her explanation.

"I've only read about them in books, but one of the forbidden magics is Death Curses, right?" Lucy checked.

Erza expanded on Lucy's words. "Yes, magic that sucks the life out of the person it is cast upon."

"Lullaby is even worse. Anyone who hears its song will be killed." This new information stunned the Fairy Tail mages. Erza then immediately took off even faster after the train. 


The group came to a stop in front of the station and found that there were Rune Knights trying to calm the people down.

Please stay back it's dangerous here." A station worker with a megaphone stood in front of the station shouting orders. "The station is temporarily closed due to a derailment. Please leave the premises." Erza walked up to the worker and put her hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Tell me, what is going on inside the station." She demanded.

"Huh? Who are y-?" The station worker was unable to finish his question before Erza grew impatient with him and head-butted him unconscious. She continued to use this method with two more workers before she got an answer. Meanwhile, Lucy had Natsu slung over her shoulders as she watched Erza's somewhat brutal methods.

"She doesn't have much use for people who don't answer right away, does she?" Lucy noticed with a sweatdrop on the back of her head.

"You're starting to understand her now." Gray answered with his arms crossed, once again wearing only his boxers.

 Airel and Lucy shared a look as the redhead did it a few more times until there was no one left.

Erza returned from beating the answers out of the station's staff. "Eisenwald's inside."

 "Alright, let's go." Roxas said, as he charged up the stairs.

All the mages gave a cry of agreement and started to head into the station except for two of them.

"Wait, why am I in charge of Natsu?" Lucy cried while she supported the still sick mage.

Airel spun back to her side and took Natsu off of her hands. "I've take care of him for you, Lucy."

As they walked through the station Erza informed the others of what had happened. "A small military unit went in to try and stop Eisenwald earlier, but haven't returned yet."

They then came across those soldiers who were strewn about the station. They checked on the soldiers to see if they were okay and Roxas then put them all on a wall out of anymore danger.

After that, the mages rushed further into the station and when they reached the platform they were greeted by the entire Eisenwald guild that were wearing malicious smiles.

"So you did come after all, Fairy Tail flies." A man that was floating above the station while leaning on a giant scythe that had a skull on the top chuckled darkly. He was a tall, lean, and slightly muscular man with spiky, silver hair that hung down on the left side of his face. His attire consisted of a black scarf, no shirt, a long ragged hakama skirt under a black cloth with a shorter cream skirt used as a belt, geta sandals, and bandages wrapped around his forearms that led to black gloves with a gray 'X' on the back. He had dark eyes and sharp features with several tattoos under his eyes, on his torso, and down arms.

"Are you Erigor?" Erza asked. The man chuckled again in reply.

Airel then began to smack Natsu to snap him out of his motion sickness induced stupor. "Wake up, Natsu! It's time to work."

Kage then scowled when he saw Natsu and Airel. "You damn flies. Because of you two Erigor got mad at me!" At the sound of his voice Natsu's eyes snapped open.

"Hey! You're the bastard from the train!" Airel pointed her finger at Kage.

"What are you bastards planning to do with Lullaby!?" Roxas shouted at the dark guild. 

Erigor laughed and flew up to the station's speakers. "You don't know? What do train stations have?"

"He's flying!" Lucy stated in shock.

"He's using Wind Magic." Happy pointed out.

Erza was more focused on what Erigor was implying, "Are you planning to broadcast Lullaby?!" She was appalled at his plan and the deaths he would cause.

Erigor once again laughed at the Fairy Tail mages. "Thousands of nosy people are outside this station right now. Maybe if I were even to raise the volume the whole town might hear it. The Curse Song."

Airel bared her teeth in a snarl. "You would commit mass-murder on thousands of innocent people. Why?!" She demanded an answer from the so-called Reaper.

Erigor answered Airel's question with an evil grin. "For cleansing. A cleansing of fools who flaunt their rights while living their lives. Unaware that some people have had those rights stolen. It is a sin to live obliviously in this unfair world. So the Reaper has come to punish them."

"Your rights were taken away because you kept taking illegal jobs! How will this return your rights?!" Lucy yelled.

"We don't want rights. We want power! With that we can wipe the past clean and control our future."

"You're all idiots!" Lucy said.

"Too bad you flies will be unable to see the new age of darkness." The spiky haired mage said. He knelt down and sent out his shadow to attack Lucy.

She stepped back in fear of the sudden attack and would have been hit if Roxas hadn't grabbed her out of the way and Natsu hadn't burst to his feet and destroyed the shadow hand with his flames. "I knew I recognized that voice." He said before smirking at the mage. "Now we're on a real battleground, Kageyama." He told the mage.

The Fairy Tail mages squared up to the dark guild members as the tension between them rose. "There sure are a lot of them." Airel remarked.

"And we get to fight them all." Roxas said with a smirk.

"This is Fairy Tail's strongest team." Lucy announced. "Prepare yourselves."

"I leave the rest to you." Erigor told his guild. "I have a flute to play." He rose higher into the air and twirled his scythe. "Show them the power of Eisenwald!" Erigor then left by flying through one of the station's windows.

"Natsu, Gray, the two of you go after Erigor. If you work together you will be able to beat 'The Reaper." Erza turned to the two mages who were currently engaged in another one of their glaring contests. "Are you listening to me!?"

The pair suddenly became friends again at Erza's words. "Aye!"

"Then go!"

Natsu and Gray quickly left to chase after Erigor. As Eisenwald watched them run away they realized that they were going after Erigor and one of them conjured up shadowy threads and started to chase after them. "I, Rayule, will take them down."

"I'm coming too. That bastard has to pay! I'll come back for that girl later." Kageyama put his hand on the ground forming a gold and black magical seal, before he disappeared into his own shadow.

The remaining Fairy Tail members shifted into a battle stance as they prepared to take down the remaining members. "What are the four of you going to do to all of us?" One of Eisenwald's mages taunted.

Roxas gave off a vicious smile. "So, ladies..." He said as he cracked his knuckles and looked over the men in front of them "How about you take the ones on the left and I'll take the ones on the right?"

"Sounds good." Airel said, before she got into a stance.

 "Let's go!" Erza said as she summoned a sword from thin air and prepared herself for battle against Erigor's men, "I'll guarantee you that you won't see tomorrow." With that, she charged at them, swiftly defeating a few in a couple of swipes and switched her weapon to a spear to hit a mage that was about to use ranged magic.

"She can summon weapons?" Lucy asked in awe.

"That's Erza's magic, Requip magic, she can also change her armor to her advantage as well. A lot of people can use this magic but Erza can do it really fast." Happy explained.

Roxas chuckled and became outlined in a blue hue, "Don't worry guys, We'll try to keep some of your bones intact. Nine-Tails' Flare!" With a burst of speed, Roxas charged at the men and began to beat down any Eisenwald member he came across. Teeth were knocked out , bones were broken, and spirits were crushed from the assualt of the Fox Slayer

"Come on! He's just one guy! Everyone pull out your weapons and cut him down!" A dark wizard shouted. The Eisenwald wizards then requipped multiple weapons as they let out a battle cry charged at the slivernette.

Not wanting to be left out, Airel suddenly ran forward against some of the dark wizards. While doing so, she produces a large stream of water from each of her arms, which, when it comes in contact with the foes, sends them flying away. "Water Dragon's Wing Attack!"

"Wow! They're amazing!" Lucy said in shock, as she watched all three mages take down the dark guild.

"Lu!" Roxas called out getting her attention, as he threw a wizard across the area. "What are you doing? Come on and join in!"

"Yeah, okay!" Lucy said with a determined grin as she pulled out a golden key.

"Open! Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!"

Cancer soon appeared in flash of light, holding his scissors.

"Is that a crab-man?" Airel asked, puzzled.

"Another fight, baby?" Cancer asked.

"Cut this fight short will you?" Lucy mischievously grinned.

In an impressive display of speed, Cancer breezed past the group dark mages before their weapons and hair were all cut to pieces. Most of the members of Eisenwald shrieked in surprise before they fainted in shock.

"Yes, I got them!" Lucy cheered to herself.

"Nice going, Lu!" Roxas called out to the girl before turning his attention to the remaining dark wizards. "Alright guys, let's finish this!" he stated,  jumping in front of them with his arms out. "Nine-Tails' Shockwave!" He called out as he clapped his hands creating a shockwave that blew back some of the wizards.

Airel then gather water into her hands before joining them, creating a very large sphere of water. "Water Dragon's Grand Splash!" She shouted and hurled the sphere at the the Eisenwald members, creating a very massive and destructive explosion of water upon collision.

Erza's armor glowed and changed into a dress-like armor with metal wings. Swords were floating in a circular formation around her form.

"Dance my swords!" Erza called out as the floating swords behind her headed straight for the members who weren't knocked out by Roxas and Airel. "Circle Sword!" 

"Dance my swords!"

The blades circled around her, cutting down the rest of the dark guild members.

'They're all strong!' Lucy thought.

Erza switched back to her normal armor and noticed a mage had avoided her attack and was running away.

"You four should follow him. He might be going to Erigor." Erza told them.

Roxas nodded. "We got it! Come on!" With that, the trio left, with Happy following them.


A Couple Minutes Later...

Lucy groaned. "Where did that guy go? We can't find him anywhere."

Roxas looked around. "I don't sense him anywhere in the station."

Airel sniffed around the area, "I can't pick up a whiff of them either. They gotta be around her somewhere...."


"What was that!?"

Roxas started running towards the explosion. "Let's go see what that was, someone might have found Erigor."

Lucy and Airel nodded before following.

When they met up with everyone they found out Kage, who was needed to get out of a wind barrier surrounding the station, was stabbed in the back by one of his comrades.

Roxas tried punching his way through the wind barrier. "Ow!" He cried out, as it had cut up his hand.

"Don't touch the wind, it'll rip you to shreds!" Erza warned them.

Lucy ran up to Roxas and looked at his injured arm. "Roxas! Are you okay?"

Roxas waved her off. "Yeah, don't worry. I heal fast, remember?"

Lucy then watched as the cuts closed right before her eyes. "Wow..."

Gray kicked a wall. "I can't believe we fell for this."

Natsu stared at the wall of winds. "Gramps..."

"What can we do?" Airel asked.

Lucy sighed. "I don't think any of my keys would work here either."

"Hey Lu, did you ever sign a contract with Virgo after we got back from that one mission?" Roxas asked. If he wasn't mistaken, that spirit had the ability to dig tunnels.

Lucy blinked. "Oh yeah! She can dig us a way out of here!"

She grabbed the key and began the ritual.

"Open! Gate of the Maiden: Virgo!"

A magic circle formed on the ground and a girl with pink hair wearing a frilly maid's outfit appeared.

Lucy and Roxas stared at her in shock.

"Uhh...who is that?" Airel asked.

"That's Virgo, she's a Celestial spirit." Natsu replied.

"Is that really the same spirit?" Roxas remembered her last form and shivered.

"She's like a different person." The Celestial spirit mage agreed.

"Would you prefer my other appearance?" Virgo asked and started morphing back into her former appearance.

"N-no your fine!" They both said quickly.

Shifting back once again, the maid bowed gracefully. "If that is what you wish, my mistress."

"Don't call me that." Lucy said and they proceeded to have a conversation about what Virgo would call her.

Erza walked over to Roxas. "What's going on?"

"That's a Celestial Spirit that can dig tunnels and stuff." He explained to the knight. "Hey Lu, we're kinda in a hurry..."

"How about, Princess?"

Lucy nodded in acceptance. "That's fine."

Roxas sighed with a laugh. Of all the times to be picking a title for herself to be called, and she was okay with 'Princess' of all things?

"Then, here I go!" Virgo dove right into the ground as if it were water, creating a good-sized tunnel as she went.

Erza smacked Lucy in the back, knocking the girl flat on her face. "Good job, Lucy."

Roxas jumped into the tunnel. "Okay, let's go."

Everyone followed him in with Natsu carrying Kage.

Once they reached the other side, Gray stretched. "Sweet, we're out!"

Erza looked around. "Hey, where's Natsu and Happy?"

Lucy looked around as well. "Roxas isn't here either."

"They must've went after Erigor!" Airel said.


Roxas flew threw the air as Natsu flew with Happy at their max speed.

"I didn't think Happy could fly that fast!" Roxas yelled up at them.

"We gotta get to that Erigor person as fast as we can!"

"Aye sir!"

They soon saw Erigor up ahead and Roxas sped up and jumped at him, surprising the wind mage.

"Surprise!" Roxas yelled as he punched the guy right in the face, landing gracefully as Erigor crashed into the bridge.

The wanted man snarled. "How did you get out of the barrier!?"

Natsu landed on the ground with Happy in his arms.

"Natsu, I'm tired." The cat said sleepily.

"Thanks for the ride buddy, you rest up now." Natsu said as he laid his feline friend on the ground.

"Hey Natsu, sorry but I call dibs on this guy. He really pissed me off earlier." Roxas claimed and did a little stretching.

The dragon slayer grumbled but complied. "Fine. But when we get back, I wanna fight you." Ever since he saw Roxas beat Bora, he'd been itching to spar with the mage.

Roxas smirked and then charged Erigor. "Sounds good to me!"

The wind mage snarled. "What do you think this is a game!? Stupid brats, thinking they can defeat the Reaper so easil-"

He was cut off by Roxas who kicked him in his side, knocking the wind out of him.

"You wanna give me that flute before someone gets hurt?" Roxas asked nicely.

Erigor recovered and took to the sky. "Never! Eat this!" He blasted a wave of wind at Roxas, and he jumped straight up to avoid it.

Erigor met him in the air and brought down his scythe. Spinning around, Roxas kicked the blade away from him.

The moment the Roxas landed, he then charge magic power to his hands, as it became brighter and white.

"Whoa!" Natsu exclaimed in awe.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

 "Nine-Tailed Fox's Inferno!" Roxas shouted as he launched the magic it out, before it split into nine sphere and shot towards Erigor.

They were barely deflected by the wind but gave Roxas enough time to to charge at the Reaper  and move so swiftly that an image of him was left behind.

''He's fast!' Erigor thought as he looked around for the Fox Slayer. His thoughts were interrupted when an explosion went off underneath Erigor. The true Roxas flew at him with a firey blue fist.

"From under the bridge?! When did he-"

"Nine-Tails' Sacred Fist!"

The attack hit the dark mage right in the gut, causing him to howl in pain as Roxas launched him across the bridge until he tumbled to a stop.

Roxas calmed himself before walking over to Erigor. He knelt down and looked over his enemy. The mage was out for the count. Turning and giving his friends a thumbs up, Natsu and Happy cheered.

'Now to get the flute...' He thought just as the others in the magic vehicle skid to a stop behind them.

"N-no way Erigor was defeated!?" Kageyama yelled in disbelief.

Natsu began reenacting the fight, he covered his face with his scarf to look more like a ninja. "That guy didn't even see Roxas coming!"

Happy jumped onto Natsu's head and made a hand sign with his paws. "Aye! Roxas beat him in two hits!"

"Way to go, Roxas!" Airel cheered.

"Your boyfriend's pretty tough." Gray said to Lucy, and the girl flushed bright red.

"H-He's not my boyfriend!"

Gray put his hands up in defense. "Alright alright! Jeez, I'm sorry."

Erza looked at the laughing slivernette and noticed that besides the dust and wood flakes, he didn't have a scratch on him. 'He defeated Erigor without getting hurt? Just who are you Roxas...'

The group's attention was suddenly drawn to the magical vehicle when it turned on and zoomed passed them.



"What the hell are you doing!?"

"Victory's ours, flies!" The shadow mage yelled and waved the flute in his hands.

Roxas was about to chase after him when he realized he couldn't move.

Erza pointed towards the fleeting car. "Roxas! After him!"

"I... I can't... move!"

Erza ran over to him and looked to see what was wrong. It was like Roxas was frozen solid, minus the ice.

"Damn! He placed a shadow binding spell on you!"

"How long will it last?" He asked as he struggled against the spell.

"I don't know. Not too long hopefully, he seemed to be low on magic power."

They all ran off in the direction Kage drove, with Natsu carrying the frozen Roxas on his back.


Kage had reached the outskirts of Clover Town where he stood on the cliff side over the guild master's meeting building. The shadow mage had a bandage around his head and body due to the scrapes he suffered from being pulverized into the ground by one punch and the burns caused by Natsu. Kage victoriously grinned to himself. "If I play the Lullaby from here, they should be able to hear the music."

His musings were interrupted by a perverse giggling he heard directly behind him. Kage leapt in shock when he saw an old man dressed like a jester in blue and orange clothing. "HeeHeeHee! Wizards today are on a whole new level of hotness! Cover spreads are the best!" Makarov joyously said. "Now then I must be heading back." The Fairy Tail master got up from his stump before turning around to leave when the sound of Kage clearing his throat made him jump in fear. "THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! THIS IS SOLELY FOR MY RESEARCH!"

"You don't have to make excuses..." Kageyama deadpanned.

Makarov's eyes grew serious as he observed the young man's condition. "Are you sure you should be out here young man? You look injured."

"They're just minor scratches don't mind them. Fate just won't let me escape from these flies. Come to think of it, isn't this Fairy Tail's Master Makarov?"

"Well I must be going."

"Please wait! Would you please listen to a tune for me? The hospital wouldn't allow me to bring instruments inside." Kage pulled out the Lullaby flute as he held it close to his mouth.

"Hmm, I'm really in a hurry, but I suppose I have time for one song."

"I win Fairy Tail. Then listen carefully." Kage said as he brought the flute to his mouth. As the dark mage brought Lullaby closer, the words of his comrades justification for their actions rang through his head as well as Fairy Tail's intervention. Kage's thoughts shifted towards the words the, female, dragon slayer, the blonde and ice-mage imparted before he stole their four-wheeler.

"Why'd you bring me along anyway? Are you planning on using me as a bargaining chip for Erigor? It won't work since he's as cold-hearted as they come" Kage muttered.

"Because you need a doctor. Since everyone's left town, You'll just have to get one in Clover." Lucy told him.

"She's right. Sheesh, at least say 'Thanks'" Airel huffed.

"If you want to die, so soon I'll be happy to oblige, but all of you lot need to start thinking about the future. Not everything needs to be decided by life and death" Gray added.

Meanwhile on a nearby hill, the team arrived as they continued searching for Kage. The wizards and cats found Kageyama near their master and were about to intervene before a creepy voice stopped them.

"Shh, don't do anything yet. The good part's about to start."

A large, bald man wearing makeup and a pink female tank top and striped pants emerged from a nearby tree as he stared down the three males of the group. "Oh, you three are pretty cute~"

"What a creepy old man..." were the collective thoughts of the scared males as they shivered.

"Who's that" Lucy and Airel fearfully asked.

"That's Master Bob" Erza answered with a slight sweatdrop.

"My, you've grown Erza~ "

"In any case, we need to stop him before he plays that flute!" Erza said as she prepared to attack the dark mage.

"We said wait, the good part's about to start" Another voice added. The speaker was a dirty-blonde man wearing a spiked collar, dark shades, and a wizards hat.

"Master Goldmine!"

The master of Quatro Cerberus directed their gazes towards Makarov and Kage as they watched the scene before them unfold.

"Just blow and then everything will change!" Kage internally screamed.

(Insert Fairy Tail Main Theme Slow)

Makarov let out a sigh. "Nothing will change you know. Weak humans will always be weak, no matter how long you wait. However weakness is not always a bad thing. Humans are weak creatures from the start. Uneasy by ourselves, we form guilds where we have allies and friends. In order to thrive, we bind together and move forward. This combination may present many walls and it may take us a long time to get to where we're going, but as long as we believe in tomorrow and place one foot in front of the other we'll be filed with strength. Living a strong life means being able to smile! And not relying on something like that flute."

"I-I surrender" Kage uttered.

"Woo-hoo! Nice one Gramps!" Roxas grinned as he jumped from a tree and landed by the guild master followed by the rest of his companions.

"Your speech moved me!" Erza added as she slammed the master's head into her breast plate.


Airel laughed when Erza brought the old man to her armored chest. 'That looks like it hurts...'

"Good job Master!" Lucy congratulated.

"That was awesome Master!" Natsu said, patting the master's head.


"They're all fools... I don't stand a chance against them." Kage softly smiled.

Fairy Tail's victory was short lived as an evil laugh pierced the air. "You're all weak fools. That weak dark guild didn't have the guts to play me, so I'll take all of your souls myself!"

Lullaby began to float in the air before a magic circle appeared over the land. A giant wooden behemoth emerged. Lullaby had three, glowing purple-eyes, as well as a horned-shaped head. The massive being bent down as he looked over the mages. "Now whose soul should I devour first?"

"What'd you say!?" Natsu angrily responded before he turned towards his comrades. "Are souls edible?"


Before their argument could escalate further, a massive battalion of Rune Knights arrived behind Lullaby. "In the name of the Magic Council, we'll destroy you demon!"

"GET OUT OF HERE, SMALL FRY!" Lullaby roared as he opened his mouth and shot a blast of energy. The mountain behind the battalion was completely obliterated by its power.

"C-Captain the mountain's gone!" a soldier cried in shock.

"E-Everyone retreat!" the captain ordered as all Rune Knights immediately began to run in the opposite direction. Meanwhile every other wizard sweatdropped at the uselessness of the Fiore Army.

"You mages are so pitiful. I will consume you all." The demon roared, staring down at the mages below.

"We need to take down this monster at once!" Exclaimed Erza as she requipped into her heaven's wheel armor .

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu declared.

"Let's go." Gray said.

"There's no way I'm missing out." Airel said, standing beside them.

As the four wizards charged at Lullaby, another magic circle appeared in front of the demon. Erza then began slashing and hacking away at the demon wit her swords.

"Alright!!" Airel as she lauched towards the demon's face. "Water Dragon's Spiraling FIst!" She yelled as her arm was surrounded by spinning water before she then proceeded to bash it across the demon's face.

After that, Natsu suddenly surrounded himself in flames. "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!" shouted Natsu as he flew straight though the demon's body leaving a large hole.

Back on the ground, Gray was gathering magic for his own attack. He placed his hands together as a magic circle appeared in front of him. "Ice Make: Arrows" Dozens of arrows flew from the magic circle at high speeds impaling the demon leaving holes all over his body.

"You fools are beginning to annoy me. Fall to my song." Roared the demon in anger.

Everyone began to panic except Roxas, Erza, Airel, Gray, and Natsu, who just smirked. Because when the demon tried to play its song, it just made a bunch of random noises.

"Because of all the holes in its body, the song was disrupted. If only they would have done that on purpose." Said Happy with a shake of his head.

"What do you think all those attacks were for you stupid cat!" screamed Gray.

"Damn you all, I will crush you and devour your pitiful souls!" screamed the demon in anger.

"Roxas, aren't you going to help them?" Happy asked.

"Don't worry, I plan to." Roxas raised his right and began to create a white-blue orb of raw magic.

Makarov walked over to him. "Roxas my boy, what are you up too?"

When he got got close enough, he saw Roxas became outlined with in blue flames.

Makarov raised an eyebrow at the change.

Noticing the look he was getting, Roxas grinned. "Don't worry old man, I'll finish this with one attack."

He then caused the orb to grow in gigantic proportion.

Makarov gulped, the way the attack roared gave him a bad feeling.

"Hey guys, get out of the way!" Roxas yelled as he launched towards the now injured demon.

"Nine-Tails' Roaring Bomb!"

"Hah! Do you really think such a puny attack can defeat-"


Everyone gasped as the large blue sphere engulfed Lullaby, swallowing the demon in bright light.

"He obliterated the demon!"

"Who is that mage?"

Lucy stared at Roxas in disbelief. 'I knew Roxas was strong, but this!?'

Makarov sighed in relief. 'At least they didn't destroy anythi-'


Their cheering was cut short when the light attack flew right into the meeting building, destroying it completely.

Makarov gasped as hair literally fell from his head.

Roxas scratched his head awkwardly. "Whoops?"

"Fairy Tail! Retreat!"



While on their way back from their first job, Roxas and Lucy had decided to take a short in the town square at an outdoor restaurant.

"It's too bad we didn't get paid..." Lucy moped as she watched Roxas eat a few chicken legs.

Finishing his leg, Roxas leaned back in his chair and sighed. "It's not so bad. You did get that golden key, ya know?"

Lucy brought out her newest golden key and smiled. "That's true. I'll have to sign a contract with her later. Though to be honest, I'm kind of scared to...."

"That's true..." Roxas said with a sweatdrop. "Do you think I could meet back up with the other spirits you have?" Roxas asked. He hadn't some of Lucy's other spirits in a while and was wondering how they were.

"Sure, they always wanted to see you again." Lucy said and when he nodded she grabbed her keys, growing a little excited to show off her magic to Roxas again. She stood up from their table and raised a silver key into the air.

"Open! Gate of the clock: Horologium!"

In a flash of golden light, a grandfather clock with arms appeared.

"You called, Ms. Lucy?" The clock asked in a very polite manner.

"Hey, Horologium!" Roxas said and stood up to get a closer look. "Great to see you again."

Horologium bowed. "Likewise, Mr. Roxas. It's nice to see you again as well."

Roxas shook his with a chuckle. "Roxas is fine."

"Well then, if that is all then I shall return to the spirit world. Farewell Ms. Lucy, Roxas." With that said, Horologium disappeared.

"Bye Horologium!" Lucy said and began to shuffle through her keys to decide which spirit to show him next. 'Maybe I'll introduce him to Taurus next...they haven't met yet.'

"Hey, do you still have Aquarius?" Roxas suddenly asked. "Cause If I remember correctly, she was the one who caused that tidal wave back at the port and I don't think Natsu or Happy could have done that."

Lucy felt proud that Roxas acknowledged her magic. Not that he never did, just hearing him say it brought her happiness.

"Yeah, that was her." Lucy said nervously. "I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to summon her for something like this. You know how she was before." There was a large fountain not too far from where they were sitting but...

"Aw, come on~!" Roxas grinned hugely. "I'm sure she's not that bad anymore. What's the worst that could happen?"

If only Roxas knew.

Having given up to his pleading, Lucy brought out Aquarius' key. 'Well, it shouldn't be too bad. I'm sure she still like Roxas. He's really easy to get along with...'

With her mind somewhat at peace, Lucy dipped the key into the fountain.

"Open! Gate of the water bearer: Aquarius!"

Light shined in the water as a form rose to the surface.

Roxas was in awe. He always wanted to meet Aquarius again after such a long time. She stil was beautiful, to say the least. Her elegant form was floating in the air as she cradled a large urn. She looked so calm. 'I wonder if she's has that same scowl-'


'Yep, she does.' Roxas thought, mentally sighing.

Lucy's eyebrow twitched. "Stop doing that when I summon you!"

"Stop summoning me when I'm about to go on a date with my boyfriend!"

Lucy cringed at the mermaid's tone of voice, she knew this was a bad idea. "Sorry... It's just Roxas wanted to meet you again-"

"HUH!? That's what you interrupted my date for!?" Aquarius shouted before her eyes widened, "Wait, Did you say Roxas?" She then looked over at the slivernette.

"Long time no see, Aquarius." Roxas said.

Suddenly, Aquarius's attitude change completely. "Roxas! It's great to see you again. I see you've grown a lot as well."

Roxas just grinned "Thanks."

'What's with that change of attitude?' Lucy thought, sweat-dropping.

Aquarius smirked. "I see your taste in men has improved... This one definitely fine in my book."

Roxas rubbed his head sheepishly.

Lucy fumed. "He's not my boyfriend!"

Aquarius blinked and stared at them blankly for a couple seconds before bursting out with laughter. "Ahaha! This might actually be pretty fun!"

Roxas sent Lucy a questioning look and the girl muttered a silent apology.

"You two!" Aquarius yelled after regaining her composure.

"Huh!?/ Hmm?" They both answered at the same time.

"I'm going to leave for my date now. Have fun~!" She said and waved at them sweetly before disappearing, leaving the two mages by themselves once again.

"Well, that wasn't so bad." Roxas said.

"Yeah. For a minute, I thought she was going to kill me..." Lucy muttered before they continued on their way.


Well, that's a wrap for this chapter! hope you all enjoyed it. This was really fun to write. Thank you all for the favorites, follows, and reviews so far!

How did you like that Roxas vs Erigor fight? Did Roxas win too easily?

Next Time: The Cursed Island

After Happy steals an S-Class request and him and Natsu convinces Roxas, Lucy and Anna into doing it with them. What kind of curse awaits them on the island? Will they be able to remove it? Find out next time in the next chapter of Fairy Tail's Fox Slayer!

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