Chapter 7 - The Cursed Island

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NatsuPreviously on Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas.                                                          
The scene where Erza first battled with Erigor is shown.

Happy: Eisenwald tried to stop Fairy Tail, but they were stopped by Team Natsu.
Roxas is seen defeating Erigor, the Reaper.

Natsu: Then, We had to take care of Lullaby
Lullaby then transforms into a huge demonic creature.

Lucy: This really is Fairy Tail's Strongest Team!
Everyone in Team Natsu, except Lucy and Happy, attacks and defeats Lullaby.

Roxas: I think we overdid it.
Everyone looks at the now destroyed meeting building

Airel: Joining Fairy Tail...was best decision I ever made!
Roxas and the others are seen running from the other guild masters.


Lucy was now sitting at her desk writing a letter to her mother about the guild, the Eisenwald incident, and Team Nastu. When she finished the letter, she stretched and thought about what she was going to do today before a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Wow, for 70,000 jewel a month, you got this place dirt cheep." Said the voice.

"Intruder Alert!" Lucy yelled when she saw Gray had broken into her apartment, then delivered a powerful kick to his chest that knocked the wind outta Grey when she saw he was practically naked. "And no stripping in my house."

"Whoa, whoa, you got the wrong idea. I stripped before I came inside." Gray said matter-of-factually.

"Get out!" was Lucy's reply.

"Besides..." Gray started ignoring Lucy's order. "I came to remind you that, that was happening today."

"That?" Lucy questioned

"See, I knew you forgot. Remember what Natsu said after we got back that mission. He challenged Roxas to a fight. It's about to start."


Roxas and Natsu stood in front of the guild, face to face. A rather large crowd had gathered around them, news of their fight had spread like wildfire upon their returned from their battle with Lullaby.

"Natsu is going to fight Roxas?" One of the onlookers murmured.

"This should be a good fight!" Another exclaimed.

Lucy pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "Are they really going to fight?"

"Hey, Lucy. Glad to see you made it." Airel said.

"We should expect a good fight between these two." Erza said as she watched the two combatants stare each other down. She was looking forward to seeing how the sliver haired mage fought.

Happy and Airel, who were watching the two intently, saw the change in both boys' demeanor. Most of the mages wouldn't notice but they certainly did, Natsu and Roxas' whole beings spoke of power. With that in mind, the duo and a few others did the only thing the could in this situation.

"Put it all Roxas/Natsu on in the first round." The crowd bet at the betting pool run by Cana.

"How can you bet against your own friends like that!" Lucy yelled to them. "I could never do something like this, I don't want either to lose." Lucy said, though if one looked closely, they would see Lucy handing money to Cana behind her back with a note attached saying 'Put it on Roxas'.

"Get in the spirit Lucy." Gray commented.

"What's the Master gonna say about these two fighting?" Lucy asked in general.

"I'm curious to see what happens myself." Lucy looked down to find Makarov walking towards the duo. "Okay brats! I don't want to see the town get destroyed, so keep the magic toned down a bit will ya?"

The two nodded and started doing some light stretching. A little warm up before a sparring match never hurt anyone.

Natsu got into a fighting stance. "I'm getting fired up!"

"Ready when you are." Roxas said as he cracked his knuckles.

At the indication, Natsu ran straight at him with his burning fist reared back.

Roxas sidestepped and stuck his leg out, tripping Natsu in the process. "Charging head on with no plan?"

Rolling back onto his feet, the pink haired mage smirked. "I have a plan alright... To kick your ass!" He reared back his arm and launched himself at the mage once more. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Roxas jumped straight up as the attack hit the ground, causing a minor explosion. He could feel the heated dust from the attack rush past him as he began to fall. 'His hits are heavy, but hasty. Hehe! Sorta reminds me of my old fighting style.'

Looking up, the dragon slayer found Roxas falling right at him. "You can't dodge if you're in the air!" Taking a deep breath, he roared. "Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Seeing the attack coming at him, Roxas also took a deep breath before a unleashing a blast of blue flames. "Nine-Tail's Howl!"

The two attacks clashed together and created a large explosion that sent dust everywhere. As soon as Roxas landed on the ground, he and Nastu launched at each other and began to trade blows. They both leaned, blocked and deflected every punch they threw at one another before they broke apart and jumped back from each other.

Natsu then rushed in, jumped and threw a blazing roundhouse kick.

"Fire Dragon's Talon!"

Roxas raised his right hand, as if answering a telephone, and caught the kick on his shoulder and upper arm muscle. Natsu's eyes widened in astonishment as his attack was stopped as if it was nothing. The other warrior struggled for a moment as he felt the heat burning at his jacket then yelled as he threw his arm out, knocking Natsu off balance and buying himself the time he needed to get some space.

The sliver haired mage bounced back in a series of handsprings and skidded to a stop, snapping back into stance. Natsu got himself under control and resumed his pose as well.

A wind passed over the field, whipping at the two boys' hair in a frenzy.

"Wow, Roxas! You're good!" Natsu grinned.

"Yeah, you too." Roxas grinned back as he engulfed his hands in blue flames. "What do you say we kick it up a notch?"

Natsu's fists caught blaze. "Now you're talking!"

Neither fighter hesitated before speeding at each other again, eyes burning and fists ready to strike.

Their match was cut short by a loud clap. "There will be no more fighting. I am a messenger from the magic council."

Roxas looked at the messenger with a raised eyebrow. 'A frog?'

Seeing as he got their full attention, the messenger spoke. "The one named Roxas Eragon has been placed under arrest." The amphibian declared, getting a gasp from the crowd.

"Ehh!? W-What did I do!?" The accused mage stepped back, confused on why they would want to arrest him. He didn't do anything wrong...

Oh wait, he destroyed the building where all the guild masters met up.

Makarov walked next to him. "It's best just to do what the council say boy, it'll make things easier."

Roxas nodded hesitantly, but left with the frog. If the old man thought it was okay to go without question, then who was he to argue?


Roxas followed the messenger down a rather long hallway. They stopped suddenly when a man with blue hair walked into view. The guy must be important because his escort bowed with the most respect the blonde had ever seen.

"Roxas Eragon I presume?" The man asked.

Roxas nodded. "Yeah, and you are...?"

"I'm a council member, Siegrain." He answered, laughing a little at the teen's straightforward question.

"What does a council member want with me?" The Fox Slayer honestly just wanted to leave this place as soon as he could.

Siegrain grinned ever so slightly. "I find you interesting. I can't find anything to prove you existed until a couple of weeks ago. For someone who is powerful enough to defeat a demon from the book of Zeref in a single attack to go unknown until now... I find that intriguing."

"Well, I do travel a lot..." Roxas answered nervously. 

If the council member knew, he didn't show any signs of proving so. "And where might you have traveled?"

The sliver haired kept silent, thinking of a way to either fib his way out or maybe change the subject. He was pulled out of his thoughts though when Siegrain laughed.

"You don't have to answer. I was just curious."

Roxas raised an eyebrow when the man started to fade out of existence.

"I look forward to the next time we meet, Roxas Eragon."

Something about those words made the mage uncomfortable. He didn't like this Siegrain person.


"This is a bunch of crap!" Lucy cried, standing up to and looked at Makarov. "We were there too. Can't we give a testimony or something?" She asked the Master. She was very upset that the Council arrested her childhood friend and that she couldn't do anything about it.

"Unfortunately no." The Master started. "These assho..., ehem, elected officials, seem to think Roxas should be held responsible for the destruction of Clover."

"That just isn't right." Airel said, sighing.

Lucy looked down at the ground, frustrated and worried about how the trail was going. 'Roxas...'

Mira looked over at the blonde. "Lucy," She began. "I know you're worried about Roxas. We all are. But we just can't do anything right now. All we can do is just hope the trial goes well."


"Natsu, calm down." Gray interjected. "If the council says that something black is white, then it's white. They're the governing body of Fiore whose authority is nearly equal to the king."

"I said I don't care! I'll bring back Roxas no matter what! Even if it takes me days, I'll bring him back by tomorrow!" Natsu declared.

"Aye! You can do it Natsu!"

"Let's go, Happy!"

"Aye, sir!"

At that moment the door to the guild was kicked open as someone stepped in. "I'm back!" The familiar voice belonged to none other than Roxas Eragon who had a cheerful grin on his face.

"YOU'RE ALREADY DONE!?" the entire guild yelled in shock.

"I'm back everyone! What's up with the depressing atmosphere?" Roxas curiously asked.

"We were all worried about you!" Lucy said as she was the first to reach the mage and placed her hands on his shoulders. "How did the trial go?"

"The trial? Oh, right it went fine." Roxas sheepishly grinned. "They charged me with property damage, but it was covered after Lullaby was destroyed."

Everyone in the guild was in high spirits since they found out Roxas' trial was just a formality.

"You gave us a heck of a scare." Airel told Roxas, causing him to rub his head.

"I got worried something was going to happen." Lucy said as she sat next to Roxas.

 "Aww come on, Lu. You know I wouldn't leave you like that. You'd miss me too much." Roxas teased.

Lucy turned away and blushed. 'W-Why am I getting flustered?'

Mirajane giggled at the two before noticing the way Lucy was blushing around Roxas. A devious look dawned the barmaid's features for a split second. 'Oh my... This could be interesting.'

"Hey Natsu, what about your man to man fight with Roxas?" Elfman said to Natsu.

This stopped him right in his tracks as he turned to his friend. "That's right, come on Roxas! Let's continue where we left off."

Roxas hopped out of his seat, "Sure thing, I'm down for Round 2."

Erza spoke up, "That will be enough you two. There's already been too many events for one day."

"Let's go!" Both boys yelled, completely ignoring Erza. As they charged at each other, they missed way Erza's eyes narrowed at them. Faster than nearly everyone could see Erza was out of her seat and had punched Natsu so hard in the face, it squished in before he was sent flying back into a pillar where he would stay with his comically wide eyes possibly broken nose and mouth open with his soul floating out. She then used her other fist to plant Roxas' face to the ground. Roxas' face was on the cracked floor with Erza's fist smoking from the impact.

The brutality frightened a few people.

"Geez, I don't know what hurts more: That punch or my pride." Roxas said as he stood up with a bump, causing everyone to laugh.

It was then Master Makarov grunted. "Master you okay?" Mira asked concerned.

"Sleepy... He's back." Makarov answered.

When those words left the Masters mouth everyone in the guild started falling asleep.

Roxas was also starting to lose consciousness, before he released a bit of magic to get rid of the sleepiness.

With a flare of magic, the drowsiness faded.

Makarov grinned, impressed to see that Roxas could resist Mystogan's sleeping magic.

The front doors of the guild opened to reveal a man covered head to toe in clothing and bandages, with only a portion of his face visible.

"Hey! Was it you who put everyone to sleep!? What was that for?" Roxas steamed.

"A new member?" The cloaked man wondered aloud.

"Mystogan." The master greeted.

Roxas looked confused. 'Mystogan?'

The bandaged man walked to the request board and picked out a mission. He then placed it in front of Makarov. "I'll be leaving."

"Mystogan, I'd like you to meet our newest member, Roxas Eragon." The master gestured to Roxas.

The quiet man sent Roxas a nod and turned to leave the guild.

"Gramps, who was that?" Roxas asked.

"Another candidate for the strongest member." Makarov replied.

"Whoa!" Roxas said in awe before he remembered something. "I almost forgot I had something to do today. Sorry Gramps, I gotta go. Later!" He then took off out of the guild.

After that, everyone in the guild began to awaken.

Airel got up. "What happened? What was that?"

"Was it Mystogan again?"

"His sleep magic is powerful."

Lucy looked around and noticed that Roxas was gone. "Where did Roxas go?"

"He said he had something to take care of." Makarov said, pointing to the doors.

"He left before we got to party." Mirajane said with a pout.

"So, the new guy can resist Mystogan's sleep magic huh?" A voice came from the second floor.

Everyone looked up to find Laxus leaning on the railing with a smirk on his face.

"Who's that?" Airel and Lucy asked.

"Another candidate for strongest member." Gray told them as they looked on.

As if awakened by his voice, Natsu's eye's shot open, as he quickly stood up and challenged Laxus to a fight, only for Gray to remind him he just got knocked out.

"That's right, if you can't beat Erza, then you sure as hell can't beat me." Laxus said. 

"What's that suppose to mean?" Erza said getting pissed.

"Hmph it means I'm the strongest." Laxus said cocky.

"Come down here and say that!" Natsu yelled.

"You come up." Laxus goaded.

"Fine by me!" Natsu yelled as he hopped over the bar headed for the stairs before a large arm suddenly smashed him into the ground. Everyone turned around to see Markarov with his arm out-stretched.

"Stay off the second floor Natsu, you're not ready yet." Makarvo spoke up.

"Aw, you got scolded." Laxus mocked Natsu.

"Laxus! that's enough outta you." The Master said.

"I won't let anyone take the title of strongest, not Erza, not Mystogan, or the geezer Gildarts." Laxus said as he walked out of sight. As he left, the lightning scarred mage's smirk grew to a malicious grin. 'Roxas Eragon huh? Interesting...'


Later Airel was trying to sleep in her room but we wasn't able to as she kept tossing around. Deciding the act of sleep would be futile she got up and slipped on her top before she walked to the window and looked up at the moon, high in the sky was shining through the curtains when she suddenly heard a creak of one of the floor boards coming from outside her door. She figured it would have been an intrude, since all the girls were asleep when she heard it again, she made her quietly over to the door. Taking a deep breath, Airel threw the door opened and glared at the possible enemy but what she was looking at was the shadow of a feline with wings and and and a tall figure with pink hair. Airel got out of her fighting stance as she saw both Natsu and Happy standing in front of her door, ready to knock on it.

"Hey, Airel." Natsu said in a whisper.

"Natsu, Happy? What are you doing here?" Airel asked, with a hand on her hip.

"We're doing a job!" Happy said.

"At this time? And didn't Master say you weren't allowed up here on the second floor?"

"Gramps gave us permission just now, right Happy?"

"Aye!" the blue cat exclaimed.

"Sure he did..." Airel deadpanned. After what happened earlier, she knew they were lying.

"You should come with us, Airel. It'll be awesome to have you with us."

"Well...I can't sleep anyway. So, I guess it couldn't hurt to come with you two. Who knows it could even be fun." Airel said to herself, then she thought about something. "Wait, is it just the three of us going?"

Happy shook his head. "No, we're going to ask Roxas and Lucy to tag along too."


"There sure are a lot of strong people in Fairy Tail." She said to Plue, she was on her way home for the night.

"Puu..." Plue responded as if to agree with her statement.

Walking up to her apartment building, she climbed the stairs and opened the door to her shared room to find Natsu and Roxas working out, with Airel sitting on the sofa.

"Well, Lucy's here." Airel said.

"Hey Lucy, hope you don't mind Natsu and Misty being here." Roxas said between crunches.

"Why are you doing here!?" Lucy yelled demanding an answer.

"Natsu showed up and wanted to work out, so I joined him." Roxas replied.

Natsu offered her a pair of dumbbells. "Wanna join us?"

"No, you wreak! Natsu, get out!"

"Why does Roxas get to stay?" Natsu whined.

"I told you! Because he lives here!" Wearing herself out from all the yelling, Lucy slumped onto the couch beside Misty.

Happy pat her on the head. "It's okay Lucy, we'll leave so you and Roxas can be alone."

Swiping at the laughing cat, Lucy noticed he was holding a flier. "What's that paper?"

Roxas and Natsu both smirked. "We're going on an S-ranked mission!"

Lucy's face turned into complete shock and fear as her hair stood up on edge. "Have you lost your minds!? None of us are S-rank mages!"

"But if we manage to pull this off, I think Gramps will be really proud of us." Natsu told her.

"This may be the dumbest thing you've ever done, Natsu." Lucy thought with a sweatdrop before looking over at her childhood friend. "Why are you even in on this Roxas? I can understand Natsu, but you?"

Roxas shrugged. "Because all the other mission requests are either too easy or too boring. Besides, I already finished what I had to do today, so I wanna try something new."

Lucy then looked over at Airel. "You're going with them too, Airel?"

"Well, from the vibes those guys give off, it sounds like they are bold or dumb enough to even try this job, I at least have to go with them to make sure nothing happens to them."

Lucy sighed in defeat. "Whatever, do what you want. But I'm not going."

"Oh yeah, I never looked at what the mission request was. What do we gotta do?" Roxas asked Happy.

"To save a cursed island!" Natsu and Happy both said with spooky faces.

Roxas looked in awe. "Sweet!"

Airel gained an excited grin. "I wonder if there'll be ghosts and stuff!"

"Great! We're leaving first thing in the morning!" Natsu turned to Lucy. "You're coming too Lucy!"

"What? No way!"

"Look, the flier says we get a golden key for doing this job. If you come with us, you can have it, Lu." Roxas said and handed her the flier.

Lucy looked at the paper to see if he was telling the truth. "Well, I guess I can't just leave you guys to do this by yourself." She said with an innocent smile. 

"Liar." Happy simply said. "You just want to get one of the 12 Zodiac Keys don't you?" Happy said.

"SHUT UP! CAT!" Lucy yelled as she got in Happy's face.

"Well, now that we got the team together, let's head out!" Airel declared, raising a fist.

The others grinned and began to prepare for their trip.


The next day at Fairy Tail was very much uneventful although they noticed that Team Natsu had hadn't shown up yet, so everyone assumed they must've went on a job.

Makarov was drinking his beer and Mirajane ran down the stairs looking panicked. "Master! One of the S-Class requests are missing!" she exclaimed.

Makarov didn't look like he heard her but he later spit out his drink as what Mira told him had finally finished processing in his head. "WHAT!" he yelled.

Suddenly many members of the guild began to speculate as to who would have taken the request, and the figured someone either really stupid or really strong, but the deliberating was stopped by a buff figure with a purple shirt and spiked headphones spoke up. "I saw a blue cat with wings fly up and rip it off."

"That was Happy? So that means it was Natsu who took it!" Mira figured.

"All I said that I saw a cat with blue wings take it, I never said that it was Happy, oh and I also caught glimpses of the new guy and those two new chicks going with them."

Both Mira and Makarov's eyes widened. "Roxas, Lucy and Airel went with them?!" Makarov exclaimed. "This is not good, they have never done an request before, let alone an S-Class request, they can't handle it!"

"Why didn't you stop them Laxus?!" Mira questioned glaring at him.

"I never thought Natsu would break the rules like that, and I never thought those three newbies would be dumb enough to go with them. I assume that they'll be expelled, and that is if they ever comes back."

"Laxus! You will go after them!" Makarov yelled.

Laxus performed a chuckle. "As if I have much better things to do, besides isn't everyone in Fairy Tail supposed to take care of themselves?"

"I could care less how you feel about them. The fact is, You're the only one who is strong enough to bring back them back!"

Grey suddenly stood up from his seat. "Gramps, I'll have to disagree with you there! I'll be the one to bring them back." The ice mage walked out of the building to find Team Natsu.


Hargeon Port...

The port was now filled people and it was also filled with sailors taking people to their destinations that would be across the sea.

"So, what's the plan?" Roxas asked while looking around the harbor.

Airel was holding the request as she began reading it. "It says that we have to head to Galuna Island, so we might want to take a boat to get there."

"Forget the boat let's just swim there!" Natsu yelled, shaking his head.

"WHAT!" Lucy exclaimed. "We are not swimming!" she angrily exclaimed.

"Well it's not a horrible option; I could use a tidal wave to carry us there." Airel added.

 "That's perfect! We can swim Lucy!" Happy told the blonde.

"WE'RE NOT SWIMMING!" Lucy said with her hair standing up on end again and flames were behind her.

 "Okay, you win. We'll just have to find a boat to take us there." Airel said as she held the request, much to Natsu's dismay.

They asked around to see if any of the sailors would help them, but the sailors all denied them passage the moment they mentioned the name of the island.

"No luck huh?" Roxas asked, and Lucy shook her head sadly.

"I guess we're swimming!" Natsu said happily, and he would have jumped into the water had Lucy not grabbed onto the back of his collar.

"I can probably fly us there if the island isn't too far out." Roxas suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"I wonder what flying is like..." Airel said.

"Mmm." Lucy hummed. She almost forgot about her first time flying with Roxas before.

"Found ya."

They turned around and found Gray standing behind them, and he did not look happy.

"Gray?" Roxas asked.

"Wow, I honestly didn't expect anyone from the guild to find us so soon." Airel stated.

Natsu glared at the Ice mage. "What are you doing here?"

Happy flew over to the Ice mage. "Hey Gray. Are you coming with us on the job too?"

He sent Happy a flat look. "No, I came to bring you guys back. If you come back now, maybe you can avoid being expelled from the guild."

Lucy's eyes widened. "Expelled!?" She had only been thinking about was the golden key, but they were breaking the rules of the guild. Of course they might get expelled for this!

"Forget it! If we complete this request Gramps will have to make us S-Class mages." Natsu said in defiance.

"You can get expelled from the guild?" Roxas thought out loud. "I didn't even know that was possible."

"Not only that, you don't want Erza coming after the five of you." Grey said turning to a serious face.

Suddenly Natsu, Lucy and Happy's face became frozen with fear. "Erza will come after us!" Happy said. "Help me Gray, I didn't want to do this, but they forced me."

"You Lying Cat!" Lucy screamed at Happy.

"You're the one who stole the request in the first place!" Airel exclaimed.

Roxas sighed and rubbed his head. "This is getting out of hand..."

"I'm doing this and you can't stop me." Natsu said and flames surrounded his fist.

"I'll drag you back to the guild if I have to!" Gray said while glaring back and he put the side of his right hand to the palm of his left hand and a cold wind was seen from the space in between them.

Suddenly a person walked up to them. "Excuse me, but are you wizards?" he asked. "Did you want to go to lift the curse?"

"Yeah." Natsu replied.

"That would be us." Airel added.

"Uh, yes." Lucy said hesitantly.

"We're from Fairy Tail." Roxas grinned.

"Come with me." He said directing them to his boat.

Lucy beamed. "Really? You're a life saver!"

Natsu turned his attention back to his rival. "Now all that's left is... Eh?" He was surprised to see Roxas holding an unconscious Gray over his shoulder.

"Was that really called for?" Lucy and Airel asked.

Seeing their stares, Roxas shrugged. "What? He wasn't looking so I knocked him out." He said and did a chopping mission with his open arm. "Let's go on our S-class mission!"


Night fell and the group was still on the boat with Airel beside Natsu and Happy and Roxas next to Lucy. Gray, who was tied up and couldn't move, just sat there with a glare on his face.

"Ugh... Plesae...! No more... Blurgh! Transportation...!" Natsu groaned.

"We should be there soon, just endure it for now." Airel told him, rubbing his back.

"Is he okay?" The man looked at Natsu worriedly.

Lucy laughed sheepishly. "Don't worry about him. He's just really bad with transportation."

"I'm gonna die~"

"And stop complaining you wimp!" Gray yelled and headbutt Natsu in the face. "...Why was I forced to come anyway?

" According to Natsu, if you had went back to the guild,  They would've send Erza after us." Airel replied, while Happy and Lucy began to shudder in fear.

Lucy's eyes widened. "I can only imagine what she will do to us if she finds us."

"Erza is the scariest person ever." Happy stated.

Roxas looked to Lucy who looked nervous. "Don't worry about being kicked out of the guild, guys. If it comes down to it. I'll just tell them that it was my idea and that I begged you guys to come with me."

"What!?" Airel and Happy looked at him in shock.

"But why would you do that?" Lucy asked now surprised that Roxas would take the fall for them.

"You guys are my friends, it's the least I could do. Besides this way it will cause less conflict within the guild and hopefully you guys will be left off the hook."

"Roxas..." Lucy muttered.

Airel rubbed her head. "Wow."

Comical tears fell down Happy's face. "You're so nice!" he exclaimed.

"That's not going to work." Gray said and they looked to him. "Laxus saw Happy take the request and he also saw you guys leave, you might want to take the blame but they will never take your word over an S-Class wizard."

"Laxus?" Roxas asked in confusion. "Who's that?"

"Oh yeah, you didn't see him because you left the guild. Mira said he's one the strongest members in the guild." Lucy explained.

"Wait are you saying he's an S-Class wizard?" Airel asked Gray.

"Yeah, so is Erza and Mira."

"Mira is an S-Class wizard?" Lucy asked in shock. "She looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly." 

Gray began to chuckle. "That's where you are wrong , Mira used to be scary and her and Erza used to fight all the time, but that was before, Lisanna..."

"Who's Lisanna?" Airel and Lucy asked.

"...Never mind." Gray said as he tried to move around to get more comfortable in his restraints.

"So why did you change your mind?" Roxas asked the sailor, deciding to move the conversation along.

"My name is Bobo. I used to live on that cursed island. But I escaped." He responded.

Happy raised his hand to get their attention. "What kind of curse is it?"

"Those who step foot on that island are cursed..." He began and removed his cloak to reveal his demonic looking arm. "The demon's curse."

They gasped in shock at the man's arm.

"There it is, Garuna Island."

Off in the distance, they could see an eerie looking island.

Lucy shivered. "The island isn't really haunted, is it?" 

Roxas noticed something odd about the island as they got closer. "Hey, why is the island glowing?"

"I've seen many things, but glowing islands are pretty new to me." Airel said.

They all turned to see that Bobo was no longer on the boat. "...Huh?"

Lucy gasped. "Where did he go!?"

A deep rumble started rocking their boat. "What's that noise?" Natsu mumbled.

"A tidal wave!" The giant wave was rapidly making its way towards them. Their tiny boat didn't stand a chance. 

"Don't worry!" Airek made to boat ride on top of the wave and was trying to concentrate but she couldn't do it very well over Lucy and Happy's screaming and she moved in a flowing motion and the wave got smaller but it was still a bit difficult to manage and water was starting to seep into the boat as it was slowly breaking apart she then got it to slow, but they were quickly approaching the shore and the were approaching a rock. Airel had to move the rock out of the way but in doing so the boat was about to be hit by the wave and she then turned her head to the wave and took a a deep breath, gathering water into her mouth.

"Water Dragon's Roar!"

She then released it in the form of a concentrated, destructive blast and blasted the huge wave that was about to engulf them apart as the boat slid gently to shore.

After making it to the beach, everyone climbed out of the boat and began to catch their breath.

Roxas wiped his forehead with a sigh. "Phew! That was close!"

"We're saved~!" Natsu said and while crying comical tears. 


Lucy smiled thankfully. "Thanks for saving us, Airel."

"No prob." Airel grinned and took a look around. The sun was beginning to set, making the beach look rather ominous.

Seeing how dark it was, Roxas turned back to his resting group. "It's getting late. We should set up camp for tonight and look for the client in the morning." He then walked over to Gray and untied him. "Still gonna try and stop us?"

Gray rubbed his hands stared at the mage hard, but eventually sighed in defeat. "Well, I guess I might as well tag along."

"Really, Gray?" Airel asked, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Natsu had a point., if we complete this mission, Gramps will acknowledge us for doing so." He told them with a smirk. "It'd be annoying if you guys got to the second floor before me."


The Next Day...

"So, this is the village?"

They walked up to the gates and saw a sign that said: "Keep Out".

"Well, we found the village. Now what?" Gray asked.

"Check out that gate." Roxas said, whistling at it. "When they say 'Keep Out', they mean it."

"Hello? Is there anyone there? Could you open the gate?" Lucy called out in an attempt to get someone's attention.

After some time, they got no answer. "Do you think they're all sleeping?" Airel asked.

"I say we bust in!" Natsu said, smirking.

"No way!" Lucy exclaimed.

Two people looked over the top of the gate. "Who are you?"

"We're mages from Fairy Tail. We saw your request."

The guards looked at each other in confusion. "We haven't heard of anyone accepting our request."

She was about to say more when Gray stopped her. "There must have been a mistake."

"Show us your guild symbols!" They demanded.

In response Lucy lifted up her right hand and the Fairy Tail emblem was imprinted on her right hand, Roxas lifted his left jacket sleeve to reveal the emblem of the guild on his left shoulder Grey unbuttoned his blue shirt and lifted his black shirt and it revealed the guild emblem that was imprinted on the right side of his chest. Natsu and Airel turned to reveal their guild emblems of on their right shoulders. Happy moved the pack on his back and it revealed his green guild emblem on his back.

The person didn't answer and the door to the village opened and the five walked in to see a crowd of villagers assembled in the middle of the village the villagers were wearing some cloths and cloaks that were concealing parts of their bodies. 

A short old man walked into the middle of the crowd with a staff with a silver crescent moon rock on the end of it. "I am Moka, the village chief." He said. "All greetings aside, there is something we must show you. Now, my people." He said and all the villagers took down their robes and cloaks and just like Bobo that had demonic parts on their bodies, this consisted of horns to demonic limbs, and even children were afflicted with this.

"They are just like the guy on the boat." Grey said as the group wasn't hugely surprised as they saw this apart from Natsu.

"There defiantly is something up with this island." Roxas added.

Natsu walked up to the chief. "Oh wow! Your sideburns are huge!" he exclaimed as his sideburns stretched down and were half the length of his body.

"Seriously, that is what you notice out of... oh wow, they really are huge!" Airel exclaimed. 

"That's longer than anything beard I've ever seen!" Roxas added.

"NOT THAT YOU IDIOTS!" Moka yelled at the trio as an anime vain was on his forehead. "I'm talking about my arm!" as he held up his purple claw. "Everyone on this island is suffering from the curse."

"Can you tell us what happened, how did this happen?" Gray asked.

Moka began to look up. "It started when the moon fell under an evil spell."

"An evil spell?" Lucy said.

"Ever since ancient times this island has absorbed the light of the moon, which caused it to glow as bright as the moon itself." Moka began to explain. "But as of three years ago, the moon's light turned purple and it covered this island in its glow."

"Look! The moon is coming from behind the clouds!" Happy exclaimed and the moon what was now a purplish white colour and this now made a glow that spread down to the village.

"Stand back! The change is upon us!" Moka yelled. The villagers began to change and they all suddenly became terrifyingly looking demons from the moon's glow they also gained horns and more demonic features on their bodies. "I am sorry if our appearance frightens you."

"Well if going back was an option, it isn't now! We have to help them." Roxas said.

"These poor people." Lucy said to herself while having a slightly horrified face.

"Oh man." Natsu started before going on. "YOU GUYS LOOK SO COOL!" he happily exclaimed. "Your horns look so awesome!" he said and Happy and Gray sighed.

"Natsu!" Lucy said before slapping the back of his head. "That's mean! They don't want to be like this!" she angrily said.

"Really? Well we should help them then."

"As you can see, whenever the moon comes out everyone turns to a demonic form but we return to normal before the sun rises, but some of us lose our minds and we never change back." His voice began to sound sad. "The only thing we can do for those poor souls is put them to death."

The group now was terrified but Roxas' face turned from terror to one of anger. "That is..." the group then looked at him. "That is a bunch of crap!" he yelled in anger. "They may have lost their human form but inside they are still themselves inside! Maybe they were dangerous, but to kill people that you have spent your entire lives with because of a curse is... is just unthinkable!" he yelled and suddenly his eyes to flashed red before going back to their normal blue and only Lucy saw this. She put a hand on his arm gently, causing Roxas calmed down and he sighed.

"I'm sorry you feel that we did was wrong, but if we wait too long they will kill us all." Moka said. "We've tried to capture them but they always break free." He said as he began to cry. "There is no way to reverse this curse, it has even forced me to take the life of my own son." He said as he pulled out a photograph and he dropped it letting the others see the person and they recognized the person as Bobo who brought them to the island.

"That's the guy who took us here on the boat. We just saw him yesterday and..." Lucy said as she realized a scary fact.

"WE SAW HIS GHOST!" Natsu, Happy, Airel and Lucy exclaimed in shock.

"Or his spirit..." Roxas added and now he began to feel bad for yelling at him before as it hurt him the most as he made a very hard decision.

"Please, lift the curse. If you don't it will only be a matter of time before we fall victim to it and die!"

Roxas walked to him. "I'm sorry for snapping like that before. You had to make a very tough decision. Whatever this curse is, I'm not leaving this island until it's broken."

"You and me both Roxas!" Natsu said. 

"We're going to fix this, I promise." Airel added with a nod.

"There is only one way to lift the curse." Moka told them and they began to listen. "The Moon... the moon must be destroyed!" he told them and all of their eyes widened as they had just heard they were now tasked with the impossible task of destroying the moon.


The group was no in a cabin and they were contemplating what to do about destroying the moon as they all knew destroying the moon was an unrealistic solution.

"I'm not sure about this job, you guys." Airel told them rubbing her face.

"How would we be able to destroy the moon?' Gray asked

"I wonder how many punches it will take?" Natsu asked and he raised his fist while holding his forearm.

"You're joking right?" Roxas asked. "There is no way that anyone can destroy the moon. No matter how powerful they really are, it can't be done." 

"But if we don't it will make Fairy Tail look bad!" Natsu exclaimed

"It's impossible Natsu." Lucy said in a shallow voice. "How would you even get there?" she asked

"With Happy, of course!" Natsu said pointing at the blue feline.

"Huh?! Not going to happen." Happy said while turning his head.

"Even trying to destroy the moon isn't an option, we'll all be old before we can even figure out how to get to the moon, much less destroy it. No there has to be another way..." Airel said.

"Maybe we will find something if we investigate around the island." Lucy said, when suddenly a shirt was thrown in her face and Gray was now in his silver necklace and his boxers and both Airel and Lucy shared disturbed looks on their faces.

"We'll do that tomorrow, right now I'm sleeping." The ice mage said.

"I agree, let's sleep now and we will investigate tomorrow, right Happy." Natsu said and he plopped down on one of the mats.

"Aye!" Happy said and he plopped down next to Natsu.

"Well, sleep doesn't sound like such a bad idea." Roxas said and he soon after everyone else fell asleep as well as, the group was going attempt to find out the roots of the island curse and on how to fix it.


The Next Morning...

Everyone was awake and they were about to leave to set off to find the source of the curse. "So, is everyone ready?" Roxas asked, stretching his arms.

"I could use some more sleep. I hate waking up this early." Natsu said.

"You nearly kept me up all night with you snoring so you can't complain!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Well are we leaving?" Airel asked, stretching her arms over her head.

"Almost, just one thing." Lucy said and she took out a silver key. "Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation: Horologium!" Lucy yelled as she swung the silver key and the sound of a doorbell was heard and a whitish blue magic seal appeared and Horologium fell from above and he popped out black arms and legs,  and finally he popped out his head.

"The time is, seven forty-eight." The spirit said.

Airel was pleasantly surprised. One he had never seen a clock like that, and two he had defiantly never seen a spirit like that. "So that's another one of your spirits?" She said. "What can he do?"

Later on they were walking down the path and Lucy was inside the clock and it was walking with them. "So she travels inside it?" Airel said to himself.

"Yep, it's because she is lazy." Happy simply said.

"But why though I mean, the only people that are here are the villagers, I think."

"Yes, but this curse is freaking me out! She says." Horologium said.

Roxas grinned. "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing bad happens!"

Airel sweat-dropped. "Great even the clock talks for you."

"Anyway we come up with another way, destroying the moon just seems too impossible." Gray stated.

"What! I told you Happy and I would destroy it, right Happy?" Natsu said.

"I told you. That is not going to happen... the cat says." Horologium said.

"So what usually happens on these S-Class requests anyway?" Airel asked before she realized. "Oh wait you stole the request." He remembered.

Suddenly they heard large footsteps coming towards them from behind and way above the trees they saw a huge figure and they saw its eyes were glaring at them and they heard a very loud hiss.

"Woah! Now that is huge!" Airel commented and as it got closer they realized it was a rat coming towards them, however it still maintained its huge size.

"It's a giant rat! She says." Horologium said.

The humongous creature was a rat but had light green fur and it looked like it was wearing a maid's outfit.

"Yeah, there is something you really don't see every day." Roxas said to himself as the rat took a huge breath and it blew a huge and Gray stood in front of everyone.

He put his right fist to his hand and cold winds came from the space in between and a light blue seal appeared in front of him. "Ice Make: Shield!" and he pressed his palms on the ground and the a fan shaped barrier was made in between them and the rat belched a very foul gas and everyone covered their noses. Natsu was on the ground and he was covering his nose

"Oh god! What the heck is that smell!?" Airel exclaimed, covering her nose.

A typical alarm clock ring was heard and Horologium disappeared in a puff of white smoke and he was gone leaving Lucy and Happy out in the open.

Roxas thrust his arms out, creating a small shockwave that was carrying the smell away and he threw it back at the rat, however he wasn't surprised to see that it wasn't affected. "The smell doesn't affect it, but this rat doesn't seem all that strong."

Natsu quickly got up after covering his nose from the stench. "Roxas how high can you fly?"

"Very high, why?"

"I have an idea!" Natsu said and jumped on Roxas' back and this surprised the mage. "Now fly!"

Roxas then he jumped high up and flew up into the. Natsu jumped off Roxas' shoulders and he was now high above the rat. He held his hands in front of his mouth leaving open a for him to blow between his fists. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" he blew a huge stream of fire from his mouth as an orange seal was in between his mouth and hands the flames hit the rat in the face but it didn't look affected and Natsu realized how high he was and he began falling to the ground but Airel made a bubble of water that softened his fall.

"This thing is tough, I'll finish it! Ice Make: Lance!" and he made a light blue seal appear in front of him and he made lances of ice that flew towards the rat's face and it made impact but it looked even more agitated and he swung his arm towards Gray but Roxas jumped up at kicked the arm away, blocking the hit and looked at the rat. He looked behind him and he saw Natsu's fists on fire, Airel in a fighting stance and Gray being surrounded by a cold mist.

"Wait guys!" Roxas yelled out. "Let me try something." He said and he began walking up to the rat and as the rat tried to crush him he avoided the attack and he was now at the rat's side and he began rubbing it's fur underneath and it's eyes widen and he turns over to the side and Roxas begins rubbing its huge belly and he was running back and forth very fast so the rat could be comforted, eventually it started moving its right hind leg like a dog as it was enjoying the attention Roxas was giving it.

"Nice job, Roxas!" Lucy cheered.

"What did you do?" Airel asked in awe.

"I'm kinda good with animals." Roxas said as the giant mouse became docile and began to sleep but it was awakened when both Natsu and Gray knocked it unconscious and they began kicking and punching it as it was on the floor. 

"What are you doing!?" Lucy yelled and her eyes were bulging out of his head. "It's not a threat so why is that necessary?"

They all continued walking and Lucy and Happy were ahead and they spotted what looked like an ancient temple in the walls. "Hey, there's an old building over there. Let's check it out."

The group walked into the ruins and looked around. There was a variety of weird looking symbols scattered across the wall, most likely the language of a past civilization.

Lucy traced one of the symbols with a finger. "I wonder what they mean?"

 "Maybe we can find something in here that will tell us about the curse." Airel said, looking them over.

Natsu stepped on a particular spot on the floor. "Hey, I don't think this floor is sturdy enough to hold us." He said.

"Then don't step on it so hard!" Lucy yelled as the Dragon Slayer was stepping on the ground continuously and suddenly cracks began to form and they could all see it and the ground collapsed and everyone fell through.

"Wahhh!" They all screamed as they fell.

"Natsu you idiot!" Gray shouted.

Natsu and Gray hit the ground on the bottom, while Happy floated down and Roxas caught Lucy and Misty in mid-air as he slowly floated down too.

"T-thanks." Lucy said while he put her down.

"Yeah, thanks for the save." Airel said.

"Don't mention it." Roxas said absentmindedly before walking off. Something down here seemed to be calling at him, and it felt... familiar.

"Roxas?" She watched the mage walk off on his own down the cave.

"Where are you going?" Airel called out to him.

"Hey! Why did you only save Lucy and Airel!?" Natsu steamed before noticing Happy landing softly on the ground with his wings. "And why didn't you catch me!?"

Happy shrugged. "I was too surprised."

As Natsu began to chase Happy around the cave, Gray picked himself up and noticed Roxas walking away. "Where's he going?"

"Hey guys! Get over here!" Roxas called out to them. "You gotta see this!"

They all ran down the tunnel too where Roxas was.

"What is it... Roxas..." Lucy said as now she and Roxas were both looking at something that was huge, Natsu, Gray, Happy and Airel joined them and the big structure was a huge demon shaped creature accept it was imprisoned in a huge mound of ice that took a very complicated shape, the monster looked utterly menacing to the group, but one member of the group found it extremely traumatizing even though it was in a state of suspended animation.

Gray began to step forward "T-that's impossible." He said to himself as he walked to the ice prison

"Gray what's wrong?" Airel asked trying to comfort him.

"It's Deliora."

"Deliora?" Happy repeated.

Roxas looked at the creature intensely. 'It's giving off the same feeling as Lullaby... What could this mean?'

"Roxas? What's wrong?" Lucy asked.

Roxas snapped out of his thoughts and laughed. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"How? How could this happen?" Gray began to say loudly. "How is it here!? What the hell is it doing on Galuna Island!?" he yelled.

"You've seen this thing before?" Natsu asked.

"T-There is no way..." Gray said as he looked like he was slightly panicking, but he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Gray, try to calm down." Lucy said as she was trying to calm the Ice wizard.

"Gray; I know this will be hard for you, but can you tell us more about this Deliora?" Roxas requested.

"This is Deliora, the Demon of Destruction." Grey said. "But why is it here? It doesn't make any sense?"

"I don't think anyone knows, and I for one don't want to stick around to find out." Airel said. "Hold on, this may have something to do with that curse?"

"You really think so?" Lucy asked.

"Clearly from Gray's reaction, this Deliora is not supposed to even be here, so this may be a stretch but someone may have brought him here." Airel deduced. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming towards them.

"There are others here?" Roxas whispered to himself and he saw the others heading to a hiding spot behind some boulders.

After they hid two figures entered the cavern. One of them was a young man with blue hair and he was quite short, he wore a green coat that stretched to his knees, one feature that stood out was his thick eyebrows, the other figure was even weirder and he had a dog like face and he only wore a pair of blue jeans and he also had dog ears which completed the canine look.

The blue haired figure began to speak "The voices seem to be coming from down here, I hate being awake during the day." He sighed. "So, Toby you were exposed to the Moon Drip? I mean, you have those pointy ears."

"I told you, they're a fashion statement you jerk!" the dog faced human yelled.

"I was just teasing you." He said while chuckling. "You don't have to be so mean about it."

"Moon Drip? Could be that the name of the curse?" Lucy whispered.

'What the heck is moon drip?' Roxas thought.

"Hold on, they might tell us more if we listen." Airel said.

"Yuka, Toby." A feminine voice called out and a young woman joined the two in the cavern and she had violet hair and wore a pink and black dress, she had long black boots and a scarf that gave the appearance of feathers. "Something terrible has happened."

"What is it, Sherry?" Yuka asked

"It's Angelica, she has been attacked, and I'm so sad." She sadly said.

"It's name is Angelica?" Natsu whispered and he saw Lucy glaring at him and Gray. "What?"

"We would be fine if you two didn't decide to attack Angelica after Roxas calmed her." Lucy scolded.

"I didn't know it was on a first name basis now." Happy muttered.

"You're sad because someone beat up your stupid pet rat?" Toby said.

"Angelica is not a rat." She said defensively. "She is a brave hunter, prowling the jungle to protect us. She is... love." And a pink heart was suddenly seen above her and Roxas, Airel, Lucy and Happy sweatdropped.

"Wow, that chick's crazy." Airel muttered.

"Aye." Happy agreed.

"Intruders you say." Yuka said bringing back the attention of the others.

"And it's almost time to begin collecting moonlight again." Sherry sadly said. "Oh this makes me so sad. This news will displease the Cold Emperor, we should get rid of them before he finds, yes we must find them before the moon's first light."

"Agreed." Yuka said with a satisfying grin.

"If they were here, then they've seen Deliora, and that only means we can't allow them to live. We shall give them the gift of eternal rest; we'll give them... love." She said and this earned a puzzled face from Toby.

"Um, you're talking about death right...?"

Happy tugged on Roxas' leg and he had a rock in his paw and he threw it and it made a noise and the three looked behind them. Thinking it might have something to do with the intruders they decided to look for the source of the noise and they left the cavern.

"That was a close one." Airel said as she sighed. "I wonder who this 'Cold Emperor' is?" she asked.

Meanwhile Gray had his eyes fixed on the ice prison that froze the beast known as Deliora.

"Gray, what do you know about this thing?" Lucy asked.

Gray began to explain. "It was sealed away inside a huge glacier. In the Northern Continent, a decade ago an immortal demon ravaged my hometown. My master, Ur, the woman who taught me my magic sacrificed everything to seal it. I don't know if this has anything to do with the curse, but that demon doesn't belong here. We have to find out who this cold 'Cold Emperor' is." Grey began clenching his fists. "If he had tarnished Ur's legacy, he's going to regret the day he was born!" he exclaimed.


Finally finished! Sorry if this chapter was too long. I'll try to make the next one shorter.

Next Time: Brawl on Galuna Island!

The heroes discover that a cult of wizards on the island is using a spell called Moon Drip to revive Deliora, which they reason to be the cause of the island's curse. Gray also recognizes the cult's leader as another one of Ur's former students. Will they be able to stop the curse and Deliora form being revived? Find out in the next chapter of Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas!

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