Chapter 8 - Brawl on Galuna Island!

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Happy: Last time on Legend of Roxas.

Happy is showing the S-Class request to Lucy.

Airel: Happy and Natsu stole an S-Class request from the board in the guild.
Airel talks Natsu and Happy about the Galuna Island request.

Natsu: Hey if we complete it, Gramps will make us an S-Class wizards.
It shows Roxas holding a knocked out Gray.

Lucy: What is up with this island's curse?
It shows the villagers turning into demons.

Roxas: Is that a monster encased in ice? What is it?
The group sees the huge dome of ice around a huge demon

Gray: Deliora... who would be foolish enough to revive this monster!?

Gray is seen looking up at the frozen demon with a glare.


The group looks on at Deliora frozen in the massive chunk of ice.

"Are you sure this is demon your master sealed away, Gray?" Airel asked the Ice mage.

"There's no doubt about it." Gray replied, not taking his eyes off the demon.

Natsu stepped out and punched his fists together. "We should have caught them and questioned them."

Lucy shook her head. "Not yet, we don't know enough about what's going on." She turned over to Roxas. "What do you think we should next?"

Roxas scratched his cheek sheepishly. "Getting more information sounds good... haha."

'He wanted to catch them too.' Lucy, Airel and Happy thought in unison.

Roxas walked over to Gray, who was staring at the frozen demon intensely. "Hey Gray, just what is this demon to you anyways?"

Gray clenched his fists. "This demon attacked my home village when I was little, I'm the only one that survived. My teacher Ur, sealed it away at the risk of her own life."

Roxas' eyes softened. So Gray had lost everything because of this demon, seeing it here was probably very painful.

"At the risk of your teacher's life?" Lucy asked. The way Gray had said that made her feel uneasy.

Gray nodded. "Yeah, and it's just sealed up. It's still alive."

Lucy gasped. "No way..."

"So we just have to destroy it right?" Natsu said and started walking towards the ice while cracking his knuckles.

Roxas put a hand out. "Wait, there's gotta be more to the story. Right Gray?"

Gray glared up at Deliora. "Ur used a magic called "Iced Shell" to seal it. It's an unmeltable ice."

"If it's unmeltable, then why did these people bring it here?" Airel wondered aloud. She also wanted to know why the frozen demon was brought here.

"Maybe they found out how to melt the ice." Lucy suggested.

Gray kicked a wall. "Damn it! Who would want to unseal Deliora?"

"Let's follow those guys and find out." Roxas said. Lucy was right. They clearly needed more information, and following those people would surly lead them to that information.

Gray shook his head. "No. We should wait until the moon rises."

Roxas nodded in agreement. "I think that's smart. This island's mystery seems to be surrounded by the moon. So we might find something out if we look around at night."

Natsu groaned. "But it won't be night for a couple hours!"


A Few Hours Later...

Natsu was snoring peacefully on the ground, with Happy nestled up on his stomach.

"Well, that was fast." Airel joked, laying against a rock.

"Aye." Happy said.

Roxas cracked an eye open and looked at him. "And he was just complaining about waiting too..." He too was laying on the ground getting some rest.

Lucy sighed. "Even though we agreed to wait, this is still boring." She then smiled as an idea came to her. "Open, Gate of the Lyre: Lyra!"

In a bright flash of light, Lyra appeared.

"Oh Lucy! You haven't summoned me in ages!" Lyra chimed.

"That's because I can only summon you in very certain times..." Lucy said with a sweatdrop.

Happy just sat there with a blank expression on his face. "Great another weirdo..." he muttered.

"Well at least she's not a downer." Airel said.

"Wow, I haven't seen this spirit before." Roxas said and sat up to greet the spirit. In the time of his childhood with Lucy, he knew that she really loved her spirits and treated them like friends. It was just like he was with everyone he met at the guild. So far, he had only known a couple of Lucy's spirits: Horologium, Cancer, Virgo, Plue, and Aquarius. Roxas chuckled remembering the reunion with the mermaid.

Upon seeing Roxas, a sly smile grew on Lyra's face. "Oh~? Is this the rumored Roxas I've been hearing so much about in the Celestial Spirit World?"

Lucy's face heated up. Just what were they talking about in the spirit world?

Roxas grinned at the spirit. "That's me! Nice too meet you, Lyra."

Lyra blinked at the boy before cooing and hugging the mage in a full embrace. "Aw~ You're so adorable! It's nice to finally meet you Roxas!"

"Hehe" Roxas laughed a bit sheepishly as the girl let him go.

Lucy sighed. She wondered how the other spirits were going to react to Roxas. "Hey, do you mind playing a song, your choice."

"Maybe a song will be good for all of us." Airel agreed.

The spirit nodded happily and began playing on her harp and she began to sing a very soothing song and this made Natsu smile in his sleep, Happy sits on a rock and he looks completely calm. Airel was lying down on the ground and this made her smile as well, Lucy had her eyes closed as she listened with a smile as well.

'Not bad.' Roxas thought and leaned back onto his spot. The song was a bit sad, but it very calming and pleasant to listen too.

Gray had other thoughts on his mind and the song made him think of his master, Ur. Gray began to flashback to when he was first learning to used his Ice magic.

The song brought back so much and this forces a tear down Gray's face and Lucy was quick to notice this as Lyra finished her song. "Gray, are you crying?" she asked.

"I am not!" he denied.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Gray." Airel assured.

"I'm not ashamed of nothin, cause I wasn't crying." He said with a little more anger in his voice.

"Okay, we'll believe you." Lucy said. "Lyra, sing something happier." Lucy said to the spirit.

"Okay, Lucy!" she exclaimed happily.

Roxas got up and sat near Gray. He had a good idea what Gray was thinking of. "You know, even though I don't know much about this Ur person, but she died protecting someone important to her. So she's okay in my book! A real badass!" he grinned.

The ice mage grinned, if not a little.

Lucy smiled sweetly at the scene, a smile that wasn't missed by her spirit.

'Hoho~ The rumors are so true!' Lyra thought with a mischievous smile. She couldn't wait to tell the other spirits back in the spirit world.


Later on it was now night on Galuna Island the group was now fast asleep on the floor and they all felt a tremor which woke them all up.

"Huh? What's happening!?" Natsu yelled as he woke up.

"Is it an Earthquake!?" Happy asked

"No, it's not violent enough for an Earthquake." Roxas said and they all saw a purple light seeping through the roofs of the cavern and the light began to rest on top of the ice prison of Deliora.

"They are using the moon for something." Airel deduced.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Lucy yelled and Gray, Roxas and Natsu led the team out of the deep cavern and they got to the next floor and they saw a purple and white magic glowing magic circle.

"Check it out, there is a magic circle here." Natsu said.

"But no one is casting it. That means we have to get higher up!" Roxas said.

"Then let's hurry!" Gray led them out and they got to ground level and the sky was black with stars filling it and they looked up and saw the same light going right up to the moon and four magic circles of the same design as last time were now trailing the light. At the bottom of the light they saw a couple of people in weird clothing were chanting a spell that was in audible to the others.

"What are they doing?" Lucy asked.

"I know that spell." Said a girlish voice and they all looked back to see that Lyra was still there.

"You're still here!?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Hey, who are you?" Natsu asked

"I'm afraid you were asleep for that part." Airel said while rubbing the back of his head.

"This spell is actually the Moon Drip, this magic is ancient." Lyra said.

"What does it do exactly?" Roxas asked.

"This magic can nullify any kind of magic effect." Lyra explained and the group gasped.

"That means..." Airel began.

"They are trying to free Deliora!" Gray finished.

Roxas frowned. "Moon Drip...that's probably what's causing the curse on this island."

"Well what are we waiting for!?" Natsu yelled but he was then elbowed by Lucy and he fell back.

A man wearing a cloak and a helmet came into view.

"Cold Emperor, there are intruders on the island. We couldn't find them."

"Intruders?" The masked man said.

'That must be the leader...' Roxas thought and turned to look at the others, but frowned when he saw Gray's eyes wide like saucers. "Gray?"

"The villagers of the island are the only other people here. Destroy them. I don't want anyone to interfere, not when I'm this close."

"As you wish Cold Emperor."

Lucy gasped. "Destroy the village!?"

"But they had nothing to do with this!" Airel exclaimed.

"I can't stand this!" Natsu said.

"In that case, let's do this Natsu." Roxas said.

"Gotcha." Natsu said as they both fist bumped each other.

"What are you two doing?" Lucy asked sounding concerned.

"HEY!" Roxas yelled and this got the attention of the four and he jumped on the wall.

Natsu jumped on the wall alongside Roxas and he puffed his cheek and he blew a huge stream of fire from his mouth while Roxas performed the same action, with blue flames. "YOUR INTERUPTERS ARE HERE!" Natsu yelled.

Gray grunted as both Roxas and Natsu showed themselves. "Idiots!" and he stood up and the three glared at Reitei.

"Don't just stand there. Attack the village!" the masked figure ordered and they were about to jump up when...

"Water Dragon's Slash!"

With her hands engulfed in water, Airel swipes at the target in a claw-like fashion, unleashing slashing streams of water that can cut through most of the rocks.

"Where do you think you're going!?" She yelled at the three.

"Those villagers did nothing to you!" Natsu yelled and he and Gray began running towards Reitei with Roxas following.

"Should I sing another song?" Lyra asked while Lucy was watching the battle.

"No, just leave." Lucy said with annoyed voice and she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.

Meanwhile Natsu went to punch Reitei but he missed and he was kicked back. Roxas sped towards him but Reitei outstretched his one hand and a very light blue magic circle appeared and he blasted eagles made of ice and they stopped Roxas in his tracks and he flipped back and slid on the ground.

"So he's an Ice Wizard too? Well he seems tough, but that's just how I like my fights!" Roxas said.

"Wait Roxas!" Gray called out and the mage stopped and looked back. "What? Why?"

Gray ran at Reitei charging a magic attack. "He's mine!" A magic circle appeared and he slammed his hands to the floor after putting his fist to his left hand and this made a wave of light blue ice that was speeding towards Reitei. The evil figure did the same but he slammed his one hand to the floor and this made another wave of greenish blue ice and the ice waves collided and they rose higher and the collapsed.

"Lyon, do you have any idea what you are doing?" Gray asked and the group was surprised.

"Lyon?" Roxas and Lucy asked.

"Hold on, you two know each other?" Airel asked.

"You three go now!" Lyon said and they jumped high into the air.

"Hey, where are you going!?" Natsu yelled as he tried to run after them.

"Hold it Natsu!" Gray yelled and Lyon outstretched his hand and a greenish blue energy appeared on it and winds began to surrounded Natsu and he was then frozen as ice crystals grew on him and he was now encased in a diamond like sphere of ice and he would barely move as only his head arms and legs were uncovered by the ice.

Natsu charged at them and roared. "Like I'd let you!"

Lyon simply lifted a hand and Natsu's body was encased in ice, minus his head and limbs.

"Happy! Lu! Misty! Go protect the village!" Roxas yelled out to them.

"Aye sir!"

"Got it! Water Dragon's Crash Dive!" Airel nodded as she covered her body with swirling water and dove off the cliff and towards the village

"What about you?" Lucy yelled as the cat picked her up.

"Don't worry, I'll be meet you guys there!" Roxas said then looked at Natsu, whose torso was covered in ice.

"W-what's with this ice?" Natsu was having a hard time keeping balance.


Meanwhile in the air Happy is flying Lucy to the village with Airel beside, still covered in water. "We can't leave Natsu and Roxas!" Lucy yelled.

Happy began shedding tears. "If we are all taken out, then who will protect the village?!" Happy yelled.

"It must hurt you this much to leave Natsu behind." Lucy said.

"Don't worry, we will do our very best to protect the village!" Airel declared.

"Right!" Lucy nodded.

"Aye!" Happy exclaimed.


Gray walked over to the dragon slayer and pushed him down the hill.


Roxas watched the tumbling boy. "You obviously have some beef with this guy, and I'm sure Natsu will be fine, so I'll be going back to the village to help Lucy." He said before shooting into the air and taking off towards the village.

Gray never took his eyes off Lyon. "Thanks."


Meanwhile on a ship at sea there were bodies of knocked out pirates and the captain was at the helm nervously steering the ship. "But are you sure you want to go there!? There is a curse that turns Humans into Demons."

"I don't care!" a deep female voice said. "Now steer this ship towards the island. There are some rule breakers that need to be punished for their crimes!" the woman revealing herself to be Erza.

The pirates who were still conscious began following her orders but not only out of fear but out of admiration of her strength, they also had hearts around them and eventually the captain began following Erza's orders with hearts in his eyes too.


Lucy, Airel and Happy were in the village and Lucy had just finished explaining the cause of their demon disfigurement and told them it wasn't the moon.

"So that is that, all we have to do is stop them!" she exclaimed.

"Huh? You're not going to fight, Lucy?" Happy asked.

"Yeah, I mean you and I can take those guys, no prob." Airel agreed.

"We could fight them, we have more numbers than they do, but they have more wizards than us." she said

"Uh, I'm not really sure of this plan." One of the villagers said.

"Oh don't worry!" she began rubbing her hands together. "I have a plan! To stop those mages in their tracks."

"This is not good." Happy muttered.

Moka walked to the two of them. "I see you have returned. So tell me! When are you going to destroy the moon huh?!" he yelled.

"Uh, well you see we have another plan and..."

"I don't care!" Moka yelled out as he glared at Lucy. "Destroy the moon!" he yelled.

"Get the chief away from here!" one of the villagers yelled and a gang of demon villagers took the chief away from Lucy.

"Time to put my plan into action! I'm so awesome!" she said.

"She is way too into this." Airel said to Happy.

"Aye." Happy muttered

She took out one of her gold keys this time around. "Open, Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" she yelled and after a doorbell sound was heard a woman who had shackles around her wrists ejected out of the ground and she had hot pink hair with a maids outfit and had blue eyes.

"Is it punishment time, princess?" Virgo asked as she came out of the dirt.

"What is with her?" Airel said, with a confused look.

"N-No!" she yelled. "I need you to do something for me."

"Very well. I shall do my best."

Later Virgo did as Lucy instructed. "Great work as always, Virgo."

"Lucy, I think you are stupid." Happy said pointing up at her.

"Whatever happened to 'if you can't say nice things'..."

"This trap of yours is never going to work." Happy continued to say. As they all looked at a covered pitfall trap that Virgo made.

"What are you talking about, there is only one entrance to the village, they will all come through the doors and they will fall right in." she explained.

"This plan is destined to fail." Happy said as a buzzing sound was heard.

"I agree, no one will fall for this." One of the demon villagers said.

"Same here." Said another villager.

"I am also condemned to agree." Virgo said.

"No offense Lucy, but it is kind of a dumb idea." Airel told her. "I just don't think anyone would be dumb enough to fall for it."

"What! Not you too!" Lucy yelled in disbelief.

Suddenly Roxas flew over the village gate and landed on the ground. "Hey guys! I'm her-ack!" The ground beneath him crumbled and the mage fell into a pit. "Ouch... what is this? A trap?"

Lucy, Airel and Virgo poked their head's over the edge and peered down. "Roxas! Sorry, I thought you were an enemy or I would have warned you!"

Roxas pulled himself out of the hole and dusted himself off. "You made pitfall traps? Do you really think the enemy would fall for this, Lu?"

Lucy tried to conceal her laughter. "You did."

Airel looked at Roxas with a blank expression. "I stand corrected. Someone was stupid enough to fall for it."

Happy walked over to Roxas. "I take back what I said about you being smart."

"It's not my fault!" Roxas turned bright red. "I- I just wasn't really paying attention is all."

Virgo popped out of the ground next to the pouting mage, having just made another pitfall trap. "Is it punishment time, Roxas?"

He gave the maid a blank stare. "Okay, what's up with you and punishment?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out." Airel said.

"What happened with Gray and Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"I left that Lyon guy to Gray, and Natsu's somewhere in the forest."

She gave him a questioning look.

Roxas shrugged. "Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine."

"It's them!" The gate guards yelled, Roxas watched as the gate started to open. "I still don't think they'll fall for it."

"Oh? Is little Roxas still mad about falling for such a "stupid" plan?" Lucy teased, pinching his cheek.

Roxas grumbled to himself and watched the gates open to reveal Natsu holding a bruised-up Gray.

"What are you guys doing here!?"

'So, Gray lost?' Roxas thought with a frown. That Lyon guy must be strong if Gray couldn't beat him. He knew Gray was about equal in strength to Natsu, and Natsu was no pushover when fighting seriously.

Lucy noticed Natsu was about to walk over a trap. "No wait! Don't come any closer!"


Natsu looked down. "Huh?"

He poked the trap with his foot and he and Gray went crashing down.


Roxas sweatdropped. 'At least I'm not the only one.'

"Not you too, Natsu." Airel groaned, slapping her forehead.

"Who's pulling pranks at a time like this?" Natsu fumed from the bottom of the pit.

Happy flew down into the hole. "It was Lucy."

"How did you get here before the enemy Natsu? They left before you did, right?" Lucy asked quickly to change the subject.

"Yeah, they must be planning something." Airel agreed as Happy helped the two out of the hole.

"Okay, lets ready the pitfall again!" Lucy yelled.

"Still on the pitfall thing?" Natsu asked.

Suddenly they saw the green furred mouse Angelica and she was flying by using her tail as a rotor. "Does someone wanna tell me how that is even possible?" Airel asked. On top of Angelica was Sherry, Lyon and Toby and the mouse was carrying a bucket.

"No! My Pitfall trap is useless now!"

"Look at all of them, the look like Deliora's demon spawn." Sherry commented. "But that doesn't matter everything will be fine as long as Reitei defeats Deliora." She looked down the village. "Angelica do it now." The mouse did a loud squeak and it then dropped a drop of green liquid down and the drop was now heading towards Lucy.

"LU!" Roxas yelled and he tackled into her and manages to get her away from the poisonous jelly as it burned the ground below them.

"That isn't any ordinary jelly." Airel said and Angelica then spilled he entire bucket all over the air which would cover the entire village. "Not good!"

"Everyone, to the centre of the village!" Natsu yelled. "Let's go Happy!" he yelled.

"Aye Sir!" and as Natsu jumped Happy was now holding onto his back and he was making him fly through the air.

"I'll help too!" Roxas said and he soared up high alongside Natsu and he was making a blue sphere of flames in his hands and he was making it grow bigger.

Natsu ignited both of his hands in fire. "With a Flaming right hand, and a flaming left hand, when you combine the flames together..." he clashed his flaming hands together and he raised his arms into the air and this created a huge fireball above him. "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" he shot a huge fireball at the poisonous jelly.

Meanwhile Roxas created the massive sphere and threw into the air next to Natsu's fireball. "Nine-Tails' Raging Bomb!"


Both attacks impacted the goo and it then exploded and it spread our around the village rather than on the village itself.

Meanwhile the chief was at Bobo's grave.

"Chief you have to move!" one of the villagers yelled.

"No! I'm not leaving Bobo's grave!" the poisonous jelly hit the area where the chief was and suddenly Virgo was holding him.

"I have presented the subject for punishment." Virgo said.

"Nice work Virgo."

Natsu, Happy and Roxas descend to the ground.

The chief then gets up. "Bobo?" he said and suddenly his grave was kicked over by Yuka and Both Roxas and Natsu glare at the three of them.

"We were ordered to destroy the village and that is exactly what we will do, we will not fail Reitei!" Sherry said.

"Destroy four mages and fifty villagers; this will only take fifteen minutes." Yuka said while Toby howled.

"I guess it looks like we're fighting." Lucy said.

"Fine by me." Airel said, taking a stance.

"I'm a mage too so that makes Five!" Happy yelled.

"Don't leave me out of this. I'm okay to fight." Gray said getting up.

"No you're not." Natsu said as he walked to him.

"Don't give me that Natsu." Gray said and suddenly he was punched in the gut by Natsu and he was passing out. "I'll get... you... for... this." He said and he passed out.

"The injured should sleep it off." He said.

"Now, that's some 'tough love.'" Airel said.

"Gray!" Lucy said in fear.

"That is just Natsu compassion." Happy exclaimed.

"Now then." Roxas said, looking at the other trio of mages. "Let's dance."

"Angelica!" Sherry yelled and she jumped on her and the rat flew to charged into Natsu and he dodged but Lucy and Misty jumped on.

"Lucy! Misty!"" Both Roxas and Natsu yelled, respectively.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay." She yelled and she began kicking.

"You guys just focus on those two!" Airel shouted.

"Heh, nothing you do will stop Angelica." Sherry proudly said.

"Really?" Airel asked, looking over at Lucy.

Lucy nodded. "Then what about this." With that, they began ticking the rat.

"As if that will work." Suddenly Angelica began laughing. "Angelica! If you don't keep spinning your tail then..." suddenly she began falling. "Angelica!" Sherry yelled.

"Haha!" Lucy laughed before she realized that she and Airel were falling too.

"We're falling too!" Airel yelled and the rat slammed into the ground and both Natsu and Roxas sweatdropped.

"Well that was... something." Roxas said.

"Happy go and see if Lucy and Airel are alright." Natsu said.

"Aye!" and he spread his wings and he flew in the direction of the duo.

The two boys then turned to face Toby and Yuka with glares. "I'll take Dog-Boy and you take Bushy-Brows over there?" Roxas proposed.

"Sounds good to me." Natsu said. With that, the two launched at their opponents. Roxas punched Toby and Natsu flipped, ending up upside down and he puffs his cheeks and he uses his Fire Dragon's Roar on Yuka.

He lands on his feet and he sees that Toby gets up and Yuka has received no damage. "We were mages from a powerful guild; we won't be defeated so easily. Does the name Lamia Scale ring a bell to..." suddenly Natsu blasts both of them with a stream of fire from both hands. Yuka was behind a sky blue forcefield and he glares at Natsu. "Hey! Don't interrupt people when they are talking!"

"We are trying to defeat them! Not burn them alive!" Roxas yelled and he saw that Toby was rubbing his now bruised cheek and trying to put out some fire on his head.

"We don't care who you are or what guild you came from. All that matters is that you are getting in the way of Fairy Tail business, which makes you our enemies. That is a good enough reason for me to fight you!" Natsu yelled.

"Toby deal with the sliver headed mage. The fire wizard is mine!" and Roxas glared at Toby while Natsu glared at Yuka. With a moment's thought, they charged at the Lamia Scale duo.

"Show me what you got Dog-Boy!" Roxas yelled before Toby launched at him and began to try and scratched Roxas, but he dodged the swipes. "Whoa, you should really get those clipped."

"Your friend is pretty good, but I'm a lot better than Yuka!" he extended his green claws. "Paralysis Claw: Mega Jellyfish! These claws have a secret hidden within these claws..."

"Like... they'll paralyze you?" Roxas guessed.

"HAA! How did you know? You're one smart wizard."

"You're kind of a dumbass, aren't you?" Roxas asked rhetorically.

"Huh? Don't call me dumb!" he yelled and he kept trying to slash Roxas with his claws. "Haha! One touch from these claws and you will be shocked and paralyzed! Haha!" he yelled.

"Wait... you have something... like here..." Roxas then pointed to an area of the head that was close to the forehead and Toby touched it with the tips of his fingers and he was then surrounded by a greenish yellow electrical surge of energy surge all around his body and he passed out. "Like I said, a dumbass."

Roxas walked over to Natsu, who had already beaten Yuka, and he put Bobo's grave back in its rightful place. "These guys have done some terrible things. I'll make sure that I avenge the villagers."

"Come on, Natsu. We need to stop these guys from thawing out Deliora."

Natsu stood up and faced Roxas. "You're right! I'm heading out!"

Roxas pointed in the direction Lucy went. "I'm going to go check on Gray. After that, I'm heading to Lu, Misty, and Happy's location."

Natsu nodded and they went their own separate ways. Roxas looked over at where the girls landed. 'Their fight must have gone into the forest. Hope you guys are okay.'


Inside the ruins where the frozen figure of Deliora was. Lyon was looking up at it and suddenly a short figure with long green hair and a mask on his face was standing behind Lyon with the same group of wizards who were casting the Moon Drip.

"Lyon, why didn't you finish off the Ice wizard that went against you?" the figure asked

"Zalty, you know I have no taste for bloodshed." He replied.

"Ohh, but you wanted to have the village wiped out though. I shall take my leave." The figures began to leave.

"But...If I should face him again. I will show no quarter." He said and the figure known as Zalty smirked as he and his subordinates leave the cavern.


"Lucy! Hey, Lucy!"

Lucy who get up slowly looks up and sees Airel kneeling beside her. "Airel?"

The water dragon slayer let out a sigh before helping Lucy to her feet. "Finally, you woke up."

Lucy then looks around for Sherry. "Where's that weird chick?"

The duo then hears sniffing and look up to some rocks to see Sherry sobbing.

"This is horrible, Reitei won't recognize my love for him."

"Love?" Lucy said confusedly.

"Like I said before, this chick is crazy." Airel muttered.

"And you injured Angelica! These kind of actions won't be forgiven!" she exclaimed, before a sudden stream of water impacted her face and she flew back into a tree. After getting, up from the attack, Sherry looks down to see Airel with her hand out, indicating that she did it.

"How dare toy do that to me!?" Sherry yelled.

"You need to cool down, so I splashed you." Airel told her with a smirk.

Sherry face turned red from anger. "I'll make you pay!"

"Ha! Bring it on!" Lucy yelled, standing beside Airel.

Sherry yelled in anger and a magenta magic circle appeared on her right hand. "Wood Doll!" and suddenly a tree with a face on the trunk animated and it began walking to both Lucy and Airel.

They both jumped in opposite directions after it nearly struck them with a branch.

"Lucy, this is going to sound weird, but that tree is moving, right?" Airel asked

"Yes, yes it it." Lucy replied.

"Okay... just making sure." Then Airel's feet became engulfed in water before she jumped at the monster. "Water Dragon's Talon!"

She then kicked the tree's face and it began stepping back. Airel looked over at Lucy. "If you're going to summon a spirit, Lucy, now is a goo time."

"Right!" Lucy said and she took out a golden key that had a two sided axe at the end of it."Open, Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" She yelled and coming out of the ground was humanoid cow with a axe, Taurus.

"Now you can summon a cow?" Airel asked.

Taurus suddenly had hearts in his eyes as he gazed at Lucy. "Ah! Lucy's body is the best!" he yelled as he began gushing and moving his body about dreamily. He looked over at Airel and and his hearts shaped eyes grew bigger. "Moo! Another hot body! Today must be my lucky day!"

"Back off, perv!" Airel shouted, kicking Taurus in the face and sending him flying to a tree. "What a sleazeball." The cyanette huffed.

"AAH!" Lucy screamed and she ran over to Taurus. "Are you okay, Taurus?"

"Never better, Lucy." He said and he got back up. "You never told me, you had a sister."

"That's because I don't have one." Lucy told him.

"Making him say such things to please you. How indecent!" Sherry said.

"Hey, I don't make him say that! And I don't like it!" Lucy yelled.

"I'm getting tired of your screaming!" Airel said as she swings her arm. "Water Dragon's Scales!" she generated a very large number of scale-shaped masses of water, which are rapidly sent flying at Sherry but she dodged them as she jumped down from her platform.

"Let's do it Taurus!" Lucy yelled.

"Right, Lucy!" he yelled and he sliced the moving tree and it fell down as it was sliced in half.

"Nice job Taurus!" Lucy said.

'This girl is a Celestial Wizard. And not to mention she has one of the twelve zodiac keys.' Sherry thought as she avoided more water scales thrown at her by Airel. "Celestial Wizards like you are at a disadvantage."

"What do you mean by that?" Airel asked her.

"That doesn't matter, Go get her Taurus!" Lucy commanded but Taurus was unable to move his body. Sherry grins and the spirit attacks Lucy and he slices his axe at her and this manages to tear off her lime green shirt revealing nothing but a hot pink crop top on her torso.

"Lucy!" Airel shouted in concern.

Suddenly Taurus runs towards Airel. "No you don't. Water Dragon's Shield!" She barricades herself within a barrier of swirling water and propelled the barrier outward to send Taurus would flying back along with it.

"Hey, Lucy! Control your spirit already!" Ariel yelled.

"I'm trying!" Lucy yelled back. "Taurus! What's going on?" she asked.

"I can't control my body Lucy." He said and he then pins her down on the ground.

"My Doll Attack is able to control anything except humans, I can even use this attack to control Celestial Spirits!" Sherry said as she moved her fingers like they were puppets

Airel glared up at Sherry. "Since you're the puppet master, you left yourself wide open! Water Dragon's Wing Attack!" Ariel ran over to Sherry and tired to strike her with two streams of water, but she jumped high up back to her platform and Ariel made a water pillar push her into the air after her and she made a water wall stop her path. "Nowhere to run."

"You'll be running soon! Rock Doll!" and she made a purple magic circle and rocks begun rising into the air and a huge rock golem formed and Sherry was on top of it and she glared at Ariel. "You and your friend have ruined my love for the last time!" she yelled.

"One, you are some kind of nut. And Two, you are really stupid if you think a monster made of rock with stop an Water Dragon Slayer!" Ariel yelled.

"What?" Sherry asked and the golem tried to punch Ariel but she jumped back and made a mimic with her hands the appearance of a gun and then bends slightly her index finger.

"Water Dragon's Bullets!" Soon a powerful piercing bullet of water was fired from her finger and pierced through the golem's body and he began screaming in pain.

"You won't stop me!" Ariel yelled and she engulfed her fists in spiraling water and punched the leg of the golem and crack began to form and the leg shattered and it was finding it hard to balance and it fell over. Ariel walked over to the torso and threw one punch before it shattered and broke, causing the golem to shatter and Sherry ran away from Ariel when she saw an ax fly to her and it nearly took her head off as Taurus had his body under control.

"That was for controlling me to attack my Lucy!" Taurus yelled.

"Since when did I become your anything?" Lucy muttered.

Suddenly Sherry avoided a rock that flew towards her. "I've had enough of you! Wood Doll!" suddenly two trees animated and they both grabbed Ariel and lifted her from the ground.

"Hey! Let me down!" Ariel yelled

"You're becoming a huge problem, Water Wizard."

"Coming from the woman who's always talking about 'Love this' and 'Love that'!" Ariel yelled.

"Taurus, finish off the girl!" she said as she retook control of Taurus' body and he forced her to the ground again.

"Hey you! I'm the one you want!" Ariel yelled as the trees were still holding her.

"I'll deal with you later." Sherry said.

"Close, Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" Lucy yelled "Hey why didn't it work!?" she asked as Taurus was still looking down at her.

"You cannot close the gate by yourself; the gate has to be closed by both the Spirit and the wizard who summoned them." Sherry explained.

"Close the gate, Taurus!" Lucy yelled.

"I wonder, are all Fairy Tail wizards this weak? Let's play Punch roulette, close your eyes Taurus." Sherry commanded and he did so and he began punching the ground and he missed Lucy's head.

"Lucy!" Ariel shouted.

"Taurus! Come to your senses!" Lucy yelled and another punched missed her head. "Taurus, remember the day we made our contract, you made that promise to me!"


-Flashback Begins-

Taurus and Lucy were in a field with cows and windmills in the distance.

"Oh so you are my master? But I never though my master would have such a nice body!" he yelled out with hearts in his eyes.

"Who would have thought that the Golden Bull would be such a perv." Lucy said. "Maybe we should hold off on creating the contract."

Suddenly Taurus looked at her with a determined face. "No, you can rely on me Lucy! I'll always protect you when you call out to me!" he said and he then he and Lucy then hi fived and Taurus had pink hearts in her eyes.

-Flashback Ends-


Taurus' eyes were slowly coming out of their light purple glow. "You said you would protect me Taurus!" Lucy yelled. He was about to punch her in the face but his fist stopped before it could touch her face and the spirit was then engulfed in a golden glow.

"Thank you, Lucy." He said before he disappeared into light yellow particles, closing the gate.

"Unbelieveable, she performed a Forced Gate Closure! I must have miscalculated her strength." Sherry said in shock.

Lucy got back up and she looked at her hands.

"I have reached a new level." She said to herself. "I've gotten stronger!"

"Great job Lucy!" Ariel cheered water engulfed her hands before using it to burst and snap the branches. Ariel touched the ground and she swirled around made a two more water bullets speed right through both of the trees. Then Ariel and Lucy stood next to each other with smirks.

Spiraling water then engulfed Ariel's fists. "What do you say we show this puppetmaster what happens when you mess with Fairy Tail, Lucy?"

Lucy pulled out her whip and cracked it. "Yeah! The real battle starts now!"


Finally, another great chapter! Let me know what you guys thought of it.

Next Time: The Final Battle on Galuna Island.

After Lucy and Ariel defeat Sherry, Erza arrives on Galuna Island to apprehend the heroes and return them to the guild for punishment for taking the S-Class job without permission. Will the the group be able to finish the mission or will Erza have to drag them back to the guild? Find out in the next chapter of Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas!

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