Chapter 9 - Just do Whatever!

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NatsuPreviously on Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas
The team see moon drip falling Deliora's frozen state

Grey: Lyon wants to revive Deliora so he can surpass my former teacher Ur.
The scene shows Reitei unmasking himself revealing himself to be Lyon

Happy: Lucy also made a stupid trap that Roxas and Natsu fell for.
Natsu, Gray and Roxas fell into Lucy's pitfall trap and Natsu gets angry.

Lucy: LET IT GO!

Ariel: Well the pitfall was kind of a dumb idea
Lucy pinches a grumbling Roxas' cheeks.

NatsuBut Gray got his butt kicked by that Reitei guy
Shows Lyon finishing Gray in his battle with him.

Ariel: With Gray out of commission, it's up to us to stop these guys.

Happy: Now, Ariel and Lucy are locked in combat with Sherry.                                                                        
Sherry attacks the girls with a giant tree monster.

 Ariel: Please, that chick's got nothing on us                                                                                                        
Misty and Lucy stand side by side, smirking.

Lucy: Yeah!


"So that is the power of Fairy Tail wizards?" Sherry asked, staring intensely at the two girls.

"I guess that means we're stronger than you." Lucy boasted.

"But remember I can take control of your spirits at will." Sherry said.

"Don't worry about that. I'm sure Lucy will be able to make them come to their senses." Ariel told her. "Besides, you'll still have me to deal with."

 "As, for me, I have a lot more powerful spirits that I can use." Lucy said and Ariel looked over to her.

'I wonder what she's got planned...' Ariel thought to herself.

Lucy took out a silver key. "Open, Gate of the Canis Minor! Nikora!" she yelled and some yellow globs formed into a bipedal white creature with a nose that had an appearance to the cone of an ice cream and he appeared to be shivering as well.

"Well, this has to be your strongest spirit if you are bringing it against someone who has the power to control them." Ariel said trying to sell the lie. 

"He's so cute, shouldn't have done that though!" Sherry outstretched her hands and two magenta magic circles appeared "Doll Attack: Puppeteer!" and a light purple beam of lightning hit the little white spirit and his eyes glowed light purple and it glared at Lucy.

"Plue? What's wrong?" she asked

"You seriously named it Plue?" Airel asked.

It began to attack Lucy and Ariel and began punching and kicking them relentlessly but this was having zero affect at all.

"What's happening?" Sherry asked.

"Looks like you fell for it!" Lucy said and she cracked her whip towards Sherry and missed. Ariel predicted her movements and she launched at Sherry, surrounded by swirling water.

"Water Dragon's Crash Dive!"

She then rammed into Sherry's gut, sending the doll mage flying back and colliding the wall. Ariel then made water shackles that kept her fixed to the wall.

"That will keep you there!" Ariel said, Sherry suddenly glared at the two of them.

Plue kept hitting them but suddenly he stopped and he was bowing to Lucy to try to apologize to her. "Eh, it's okay. You can go back now!" she said and Plue disappeared in a puff of pink smoke

"Doll Attack: Rock Doll!" she yelled a huge rock figure came out of the ground and one of them broke Sherry from her bonds and put her on it's head.

"We've been through this before. I can slash that thing to pieces if I wanted to remember?" Ariel reminded. But the Rock Doll arched it's arm backwards and it was going to punch the Ariel and Lucy. The water dragon slayer made another water shield, but is shattered and they both flew back. As soon as Ariel landed on the ground Lucy rolled behind her and she made a shot a blast of high pressured water at the rock monster before it exploded near the Rock Doll stopping it in it's tracks. 

"There's gotta be a way to beat this chick..." Ariel muttered to herself, as she and Lucy climbed to their feet. 'If only there was a source of water nearby.' As if her thoughts were heard, Ariel heard something. It was a bit distant, but she knew she heard it. 'Water.' She thought.

Lucy began looking through her key in a panic. "Do I have anything that can break rocks!?" She cried out. 

"Lucy! Follow me!" Ariel called out to the blonde. "I think I might have a way to beat this chick."

This got Lucy's attention. "Really? How?"

"Just follow me!" Ariel shouted before she took off through the forest.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" Lucy called, running after the dragon slayer.

"You two are not getting away from me!" Sherry yelled, ordering the Rock Doll to follow the duo.

Soon after, Lucy managed to catch up with Ariel as they were running through the trees.

"So, you said that you had a plan to beat her, right?" Lucy asked, looking over at Ariel.

Ariel nodded and kept looking ahead. "We hit her with a large amount of water."

Lucy looked at her a bit confused. "What do you mean?"

Ariel pointed up ahead. "The sea is that way from what I can tell. If we can get enough water to use against her, we'll be able and that chick and her rock doll away."

Lucy's eyes widened at that before she smiled. "Yeah, and I got the perfect spirit in mind!"

The girls kept running until they finally reached an opening and saw they reached the beach. 

Ariel smirked. "Oh yeah. This is definitely more than enough to get the job down. You might want to get whatever spirit you got ready."

"Right." Lucy nodded, reaching for her keys to get Aquarius.

Sherry was on top of the rock monster's head and stared down at Ariel and Lucy, "You two have nowhere to run so you might as well give up."

"Please, you think we're scared of you? Don't make me laugh, Puppet Queen." Ariel taunted.

"Why you-! Get them, Rock Doll!" The rock monster started to swing its fist towards the girls but was too slow to catch them. Ariel jumped on the arm before engulfing her arm in swirling water and punched the appendage, causing it to shatter on impact. After that, she jumped back over to Lucy.

"Here goes!" Lucy took out one of her keys and prepared to summon, "Open! Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!"

A mermaid with long, blue fish-tail, light blue hair that reaches up to her waist appeared. She had on a dark blue bikini top and on each arm, she has a golden armlet and bracelet. She also has a headband, three piercings on her tail, and a golden belt at her waist.

Sherry was surprised that Lucy had another strong stellar spirit, "You have to be kidding me. You have two powerful stellar spirits."

Airel looked on in amazement. "Whoa, that's Aquarius?"

"Yeah, this is her." Lucy nodded.

Aquarius then said in anger, "What the hell do you want now!?"

"I'm sorry." Said Lucy. "But I kinda need your help right now."

"Honestly, I can't stand you sometimes. It's amazing that I still have a contract with you." Said Aquarius. She then noticed Ariel standing nearby. "And who are you?"

Starlight face went to fear as well because of Aquarius' attitude. She then said, "Uh...Airel Valliere. Nice to meet you."

Lucy pointed at Sherry, "Aquarius, Our enemy is that woman, attack her! You hate women like that, right?"

Aquarius was annoyed by the situation that she brought on. She had way better things to do, "Tch!"

Lucy was getting annoyed that she wasn't attacking, "I don't have time to deal with your bad attitude! Get over there and take her down, now!"

"You're still annoying as ever." Aquarius stated. "No wonder Roxas isn't together with you."

Flushed, Lucy shrieked "Would you stop bringing that up already!?"

Ariel just watched the exchange with a sweatdrop. "This is getting a bit awkward..."

Tired of being ignored, Sherry took the chance to attack, "Doll Play: Puppeteer!" Now that she controlled another stellar spirit she can put an end to this, "Aquarius! Obliterate them!"

Aquarius was annoyed now. She was one that never liked to be told what to do, "Fine I'll do it without you telling me."

A huge wave of water was brought and it splashed Lucy and Ariel. Sherry smiled at the event, but not before being taken by the water herself. All three girls were struck by the wave.

Aquarius had a smile on her, "I'll take my leave for now. Idiots." With that, she disappeared.

Soon a whoosh was heard from the wave as most of the water began to disappear in a whirlpool fashion. After most of the water vanished, it revealed that Ariel was drinking up all the water that Aquarius sent at them as every bit of it dissipated into her mouth. 

"Now that was some good water." Airel said, before looking over for Lucy. Turning to her left, she saw Lucy laying on the ground, face planted on the ground, along with Sherry.

"Lucy!' Ariel called out, running over to the blonde to help her out. "Lucy, are you okay?"

Lucy was struggling to get to her feet. "Leave it to Aquarius to always attack anyone whether it was friend or foe." Lucy said, a bit dizzy. Aquarius was a strong Celestial Spirit, but was one that wouldn't listen to her at all. 

The duo noticed Sherry was standing, but was in no better shape than Lucy was. "No, I refuse to lose to a bunch of girls like you!" She managed to get out, not knowing that the duo looked at each and nodded, determined to warp this fight up. They then took off toward the pinkette, with water swirling around Airel's fist.

"Well, you just did!" Airel and Lucy shouted in unison, before slamming their fists into Sherry's face, with enough force to send her flying backwards.

'I... lost." She thought. "Even though I lost, my love for Reitei will not falter." she said and she landed on the ground with swirls in her eyes.

Airel punched the top of the Rock Doll and cracks appeared all over and it cracked and shattered into huge pieces of rock. "Geez! It's not you're dying." 

" Yeah, don't be so dramatic." Lucy agreed.

"Angelica... Avenge me..." Sherry weakly said. Then Airel and Lucy heard the sound of a rat squeal and running towards her was the giant rat from before.

"What! That thing wasn't a doll!?" Lucy exclaimed. She could of sworn it was just one of Sherry's usual puppets.

"Don't worry, I got this." Ariel said, before she ran towards Angelica who tried scratching her but missed. Water then began to swirl Airel's fist as she jumped up at the large rat.

""Water Dragon's Spiraling Fist!"

She then punched Angelica in the face, sending the rodent crashing into the ground with swirls in her eyes. Ariel landed next to Lucy and the girls grinned at each other.

"You know? We make a pretty good team, Lucy." Airel said.

Lucy grinned. "Yeah, we do. Not mention we showed that crazy chick that we're members of Fairy Tail!" With that, the two high-fived each other.

"That is unless the master banishes you all as punishment."

Ariel and Lucy heard the sound of a person walking towards them and they looked around and saw the person. Ariel's went wide at who it was. "Crap...!" she muttered lowly.

Lucy cheerfully got up. "Erza! It's you!" she exclaimed but she suddenly stopped and gave Lucy the eyes. 'Oh, I forgot! She must be here because we stole the S-Class request.'

"Lucy...Ariel..." she began. "Do you two know why I am here?" Erza asked

"Uh, to take us back... isn't that right...?" Ariel said very sheepishly.

"Promise you won't hurt us....?" Lucy said, terrified.

Suddenly Zalty was far away and he was looking at them.

"Lucy! Ariel!" all three girls heard as Ariel and Lucy saw Happy flying towards them. Ariel just sighed at the poor cat and pointed at the female knight, causing Happy to look at where she was pointing before he then saw the back of Erza and he quickly flew away far into the distance. He was seen flying across the sea...

The next minute he is being held by his tail upside down by Titania herself. "Where are Natsu and Roxas?"

"We don't really know." Misty replied. "We kinda got split up, but listen, Erza. There's this guy and his minion or whatever that are trying to revive a frozen demon. Not only that, but something crazy is happening to these people so we decided to help stop it."

"I do not care..." Erza coldly said.

Lucy was shocked at this response. "Well... at least let us finish the job. We can't leave things like this!" Suddenly she had a sword pointed at her neck. "You misunderstand, Lucy. I came here to punish some rule breakers. That is all. You have all betrayed the Master, this kind of action will not go unscathed."

With that, Lucy nervously asked. "W-Would you believe us if we told you this was Roxas' idea...?" 


The next morning Gray woke up with bandages all over him and he sees Roxas lying against some boxes next to him with his arms folded. Gray walks up to him and he tries to shake him awake. "Roxas, wake up."

"Not now, Lu... It's too early for training..." Roxas muttered. He slowly opened his eyes. "Oh It's you, Gray. How ya feeling?"

"Better than I was before." Gray replied, rubbing his head. "Where are we?"

"In a storage area." Roxas said and they both walked out of the room and they saw it was a tent, they were resting in.

"Where's Natsu?" Gray asked.

"I don't know... we kinda separated. After I checked up on you, I went to go find Lu, Misty and Happy. But when I got to their location, they weren't there. So, I came back here and fell asleep."

One of the villagers who was the girl who had a blue demon leg walked to them. "Thank goodness you're awake." She said to Gray. "You were brought here after the village was destroyed."

"Thanks for looking out for him." Roxas said.

Gray looked around and he saw all the villagers. 'Lyon you bastard! How could you do this!?' he thought and he looked around. 'At least no one from the village was hurt.'

"It was all thanks to Roxas, Natsu, Lucy and Ariel. That no one was hurt." The girl said. "Your guild mates told me to tell you to go to that tent as soon as you woke up." She said.

"Thanks." Roxas said and she walked away. "Okay, now that we are all together again, we can now find a way to defeat Lyon, but first I need you to tell me what happened."

"I told you, Deliora was frozen by the Iced Shell."

"No I mean from the very beginning. You and Lyon know each other. What happened up in the Northern Continent, with Ur and Lyon."

"I know what you meant. I'll tell you later alright, we just have to regroup with the others first before we do anything else."

Roxas sighed. "If you think that is best, then that is what we'll do, but I want an explanation, Gray."

They both walked to the tent and they saw a sight that made their hearts stop for a moment. They saw Lucy, Ariel and Happy tied to wooden pillars and they saw Erza sitting with her right leg over her left leg. Lucy and Happy were crying endless tears, while Ariel just let out a sigh.

"Gray, Roxas. You're late." She said and she had a black haze on her forehead and the feeling in her brown eyes showed very little emotion.

Roxas held his hand behind his head. "Heeeyy Erza. How ya doin?..."

Erza just stared at him for a second before she glared at Gray. "You were supposed to stop, them and here you are partaking in this mission."

"Look, you can blame me!" Roxas said. "I convinced Happy, Ariel and Natsu to steal the request in the first place, the reward was just too enticing for Lucy and the others to let go of. If you're going to get mad at anyone, let it be me."

Erza glared at Roxas. "Do you take me for a fool, Roxas? I can see through your lie."

"Fine, you can't blame me for trying. What are you going to about this?" he asked.

"We are all going to find Natsu and we will leave." She said.

Gray then spoke up. "Erza, we cannot leave like this. The people in the village are suffering because of some bad people here."

"What of it?" she asked coldly.

"Are you serious? You may not have seen it, but people in this village are suffering effects from this 'Deliora that these people are trying to resurrect." Roxas said.

"Are you telling me you would turn your back on these people?" Gray angrily asked. "I seriously misjudged you Erza."

Erza outstretched her hand and a maroon magic circle appeared and a sword came out of it and she drew it towards Gray. "I really don't care about any of the crap you just told me! All that matters to me is that you broke the guild's rules and you won't get away with that!" She drew the blade towards Gray's neck.

Roxas was shocked and he got between Erza and Gray before, to everyone's surprise, grabbing Erza's sword by the blade. "You would really draw a sword on your own ally because he wants to help these people? You know, when I first met you, I really began to respect you, but all that I see in my eyes right now is a stubborn girl who loses her top if she doesn't get her own way!"

Ariel, Happy, Lucy and even Gray were completely shocked. "He spoke like that to the great Erza?!" Happy exclaimed.

"She's the great Erza, now?" Ariel asked.

"Roxas..." Lucy muttered.

Erza looked at Roxas in shock before she glared furiously at him. "What did you say?!" she said now glaring at the Fox Slayer.

"I didn't stutter. Using violence to get your own way is something that I am not alright with." Erza gripped her sword tightly. "Go ahead, try and strike me down. You'd only be proving my point!" Roxas said. "But let it be known that if you hurt my friends, especially Lucy, it will be me you have to watch out for!" Roxas warned and Happy and Lucy's jaws fell to the ground.

"Wow, you sure got a protective boyfriend, Lucy." Ariel remarked.

"H-He's not my boyfriend!" Lucy denied, blushing bright red.

Roxas then let go of the blade. "I've made my decision. Sometimes I just gotta do what I gotta do." He said. "I would never turn my back on those in need."

Erza just continued to stare at him.

Roxas stared back, his determination not wavering in the slightest. "So if you want to stop me then go ahead." Gray then walked up to Roxas and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well said, pal. My thoughts are the same. It wouldn't sit right with me to leave these people to their doom." Gray said and looked Erza right in the eye. "What do you think, Erza?"

After a couple of seconds, Erza freed Ariel, Lucy and Happy and walked passed Gray and Roxas. 

"We will find Natsu, and then we will complete this job." Ariel, Lucy and Happy jumped up and they looked elated. "Don't get the wrong idea; your five will still be punished." And they now had somber looks on their faces.

Soon they began walking down to find Natsu, Roxas, Lucy, Ariel and Happy hung back behind Erza and Gray. "Hey, Roxas. Thanks for sticking up for us like that." Ariel said.

"Aye! That was pretty cool." Happy agreed.

"I told you guys. You're my friends and I always look out for my friends." Roxas told them before he felt a tap on his arm. He looked over at and noticed Lucy was looking at him. "Something wrong, Lu?"

She blinked and blushed, just realizing she was staring. "Huh? N-no, nothing's wrong." Seeing the smirk from Happy and an amused look from Ariel, she reddened even further. "It's just that...what you said was really sweet."

Sora grinned and threw an arm around Lucy, "Anytime, Lu. I got your back."

Lucy blushed at the closeness. "T-Thanks."

"She likes you~" Happy said while giggling to himself. 

"S-shut up, you stupid cat!" Lucy yelled.


The group was now running towards the temple and Gray was explaining the reasons for Lyon's current actions.

"I don't get it." Airel spoke. "What does this Lyon guy hope to gain by unsealing that demon?"

"He wants to defeat Deliora, because Ur was unable to, so in his mind if he would have surpassed Ur if he defeats Deliora."Gray replied.

"Hmm. I understand now, because this may be the only way to know if his skill has surpassed his old master's by now." Lucy said.

"Aye." Happy said.

"That still doesn't justify everything he has done, he may want to prove that he has surpassed Ur, but there is a better way than making others suffer." Roxas said. 'What would he sacrifice the villagers for something like that?'

"But he is wrong." Gray said and Roxas, Ariel and Lucy were surprised. "While it is true that Ur is no longer with us right now... Ur is... alive..." Gray said and all in the group but Erza gave shocked faces.


That's where I'm going to end it guys, thank you so much for your support. If you have any question or comments about the story so far, please send me a PM because I love the the feedback. That wraps it and I'll see you on the next chapter of Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas!

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