Chapter 10

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Hi!!! And yay!!! Chapter 10!!! Finally!!! It only took us forever to get here! Just kidding not really! Now there is something that I have thought about, and that is I don't think this story is going be as long and my first story. But that's okay, because I know it will get to mid to late 20's to early to mid 30's. So not that bad right? That's still a lot of chapters. So we will get very far with this! And then I also have that other story I could write, and also recently I have thought of a new story idea! And I think I might do the new idea after this because I don't think I'm ready to write the one the idea I already had. But I'm trying not to think about that so I don't get distracted from this story! But for in the future, know that I will most likely be asking for help again. And you butches better fucking tell me what you want to read!!!! Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to RayyRayy2000! She is a new follower, and voter! Yay!!! You can never not get enough of those!!! Any way, love you RayyRayy2000! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


Timeskip: Two weeks

POV: Lucy

Everyday since the day at the Library and the moment in the guild hall, nothing's really changed with Natsu. He's still mute, and a bit rude. But I'm still trying to get to him. I walked into the guild hall and walked towards Natsu's regular table in the corner.

"Hey, I got something for you." I said as I placed a brown sac in front of him and then another for me, then I sat down. He looked at me and then the sac and then back up at me. "Go ahead." I say laughing. He opens his lunch sac I made him to find a sandwich, a cupcake, and a juice. His eyes widened when he saw the cupcake, and it made me laugh.

'Its been two weeks and he still hasn't said anything to me.'

I started to eat my lunch as well, and continued to be focused on my thoughts. We were silent all the way up until the bell rang and I went to get up and throw my trash away, and at the same time I did, so did Natsu. And instead of rushing to class, he waited. I just stared at him, completely confused. I slapped my hand to Natsu's forehead and he looked at me weird.

"Are you sick?" I asked him. He gave me a look that asked what I was talking about. "Your waiting for me, you never do that." Natsu rolled his eyes as I removed my hand and we headed to our Reading Class.

'Am I warming up to him?'

We walked into our Reading Class, and we sat down at our usual seats. Natsu by the window, me sitting next to him. As class went on the sky outside darkened, and all the birds started to disappear from sight.

'It must be getting ready to rain.'

I looked over at Natsu and he seemed to have noticed the weather as well, because he looked like he was starting to get sad. I then got an idea, so grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it.

Are you okay?

I folded the paper, tapped Natsu on the shoulder, and handed him the note. He read it and rolled his eyes. I grabbed the paper and wrote on it again.

If you can't talk to me, could you at least write to me?

I handed it to him again and he read it. He sighed and looked out the window. I sighed and zoned out on nothing. Not really paying attention that I was staring at my hands, until a piece of paper was placed on top on them. I blinked and looked over to see it was Natsu who placed the paper in front of me. I opened it to see that he had responded.

Yeah, I guess I could do that.

'Yes! Improvement!'

I smiled to myself at m the improvement that I was making today.

Is something bothering you?

I tossed it at him. He read it and wrote and tossed it back.

Yeah, I was just looking forwards to going flying. I don't really like sitting still for very long. I got to be doing something.

'He's opening up!'

What's it feel like? To fly?

I folded the paper and tossed at him again this time aiming for his nose, and hit my target. He looked over at me as I was trying not to lose my cool, in the middle of class.

'Keep it cool, keep it cool!'

He read it and thought for a minute, before he wrote something on it and threw it back. And he had his own little target, that would be my boob. I glared at him at him and he almost smiled.

'Damn! I should get a reward!'

I open the note, and it wasn't exactly what I thought he was going to say.

It's not something that I can really explain. You would have to do it to know for yourself. I believe that it's a different feeling for everyone.

I looked away from the note.

'I could never do that, if I did . . . . there's no way it would end in a good way.'

I folded the note and tucked it away inside my bag. And then after that I didn't pay attention to the class or the teacher, or anything else for that matter. Then something that the teacher had said caught my attention. He was talking about the essay about the book we had to read. I had almost forgot about that.

"Turn it in and you can go ahead and leave." The teacher told us. Everyone got up and put their essay's in the basket next to the door. I walked over to the door slowly and I noticed that I was the last person to go out the door. And after I placed my essay in the basket and was out the door, someone was there waiting for me. It was Natsu.

"Hi." I said. He nodded and followed behind me. "Why are you all of a sudden wanting to hang around me?" I asked him, and he shrugged.

'Should I be complaining? I've been trying for weeks to get him to talk and all that stuff.'

I sat down at the same window that I always sit at and Natsu sat down across from me. I looked at him and he acted like this was completely normal.

'Okay, now this is just weird. I'm willing to give back that award!'

"Okay, seriously why are you hanging out with me?" I asked now starting to get freaked out. He shrugged and started working on his work. I mentally shrugged to myself and tucked my legs into my chest while facing Natsu, and started reading. But after a while, my legs started to cramp up. And I could stretch my legs out because the window seat could only fit two people.

'Damn, I usually stretch my legs out across the seat. But Natsu's there now, so I can't.'

I tried to move my legs a little, and get them to have blood flow again but it wasn't working to well. While trying to acheive blood flow to my legs again, I accidentally kicked Natsu. He looked over at me.

"Sorry, my legs fell asleep." I said. Without think Natsu grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs out straight and into his lap, and put his work on top of my legs. I started to blush really hard. But after a moment I kinda forgot about it, because I was enjoying the feeling of having my legs again. So I went back to my book, and took advantage of my comfortable feeling.

'This isn't so bad.'

I felt someone's eyes on me and I looked around to see that Erza, Mira, Gray, Juvia, Levy and Gajeel were all staring at me. I gave them a look that said 'what?'. They then pointed at Natsu, I looked over at him and finally prossed the position we were in.

'Shit, here it comes.'

I looked back over at the small gang sitting at the table, and they were all giving me kissy lips.

'There it is.'

I then gave them all my middle finger. Mira reached out like she was grabbing the gesture and held to her heart. I rolled my eyes and went back to my book, and not long after that the bell rang. I sighed as I moved my legs off Natsu's lap, putting my book in my bag, and stood up.

"Well I guess I'll see you later." I said as I waved to Natsu. He nodded and I walked away from him, smiling to myself.

'That was a big improvement today!'

Right as I was about to turn the corner to go back to the guild hall, I looked to see Natsu looking a bit sad as I walked away. He looked up at me and I gave him a smile and continued my way to Astronomy.

'Today wasn't that bad of a day.'

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