Chapter 25

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Hello! I hope you guys are excited!!! Its 4th of July, and I was going to publish this yesterday for the fireworks video (in the media) but then I got caught up in a bunch of shit for today. So watch the video so we can all celebrate 4th of July together, even if we don't watch it at the same time. That doesn't matter, though!!! And I know you guys are probably like "WTF! I was looking forward to actual fireworks!" Well suck it up butter cup! So watch the video, and then read the chapter. Or the other way around. Or just read the chapter. I don't care. Do whatever! Anywho, I would like to dedicate this chapter to HongKong_! She is a new follower! Yeah! Love you HongKong_! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter! And enjoy your fourth of July! (even if you don't celebrate it.)


POV: Lucy

"Natsu! Where are we going?" I asked while laughing, as Natsu dragged me down the hallway.

"You'll see." Natsu said. Then we walked out of the school and into the schoolyard. Then Natsu crouched down a little, in front of me. "Get on."

"Woah, woah." I said waving my hands in the air. "Natsu you know I'm afraid of heights." I said.

"Yeah, I know." Natsu said standing up straight and turned to look at me.

"So why are you trying to get me in the air?" I asked him. He then walked over to me and we were only a few inches away from each other.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes." I said a bit hesitant.

"Then you have no reason to be afraid." He told me and backed up and crouched down again for me to get on his back. But I still didn't get on.


Flash Back:

"I promise I'll keep you safe." Natsu whispered in my ear as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.


I stared at Natsu's back and finally took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around Natsu's shoulders, and he scooped my legs out from underneath me.

"You ready?" Natsu asked spreading his wings open and the bandages fell off, revealing wound-free skin.

"No." I said.

"Well, too late to turn back now." He told me and got ready to take off.

"Wait, wait, wait! I change my mind, let me gooooooo!" I said but it was too late. Natsu took off into the air and I looked down at the ground as everything got smaller and smaller. I started to hyperventilate and was unable to look anywhere else but the ground.

"Luce." Natsu said getting my attention, and I was able to look at him still scared out of my damn mind. "You can't keep looking behind you in life, you have to look forwards at one point or another." And I followed what he just said to me, I looked out in front of us, and saw all of Magnolia. And I was able to stop hyperventilating.

'It's beautiful.'

I then felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey." Natsu said getting my attention, and I looked at him as he looked over his shoulder at me. "No crying." I laughed a little.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I said, wiping the tear off my face. "I can't believe I've been missing out on a view like this." I said as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"You're not scared anymore?" Natsu asked.

"At least for the moment." I said.

"Well, now you can answer your own question." Natsu said. "What's it feel like to fly?"

"'It's not something that I can really explain. I believe that it's a different feeling for everyone.'" I said quoting Natsu. "Sound familiar?"

"Yeah yeah." Natsu said and took us a little higher. "Can I ask you something?"

"'You can ask me anything.'" I said quoting him again.

"Alright, enough with the quotes." Natsu said sounding a little annoyed, and I giggled a little. "Why were you so afraid of heights?" And then I stopped giggling. And I laid my cheek on his shoulder and tightened my grip around him. "Luce?"

"My dad." I said. "My dad used to drag me to the top of the stairs in the house, and then throw me over the edge of the railing. I was lucky I didn't have that much control of how easy my spirits came and went. One, or sometimes more, would show up at the bottom and catch me. Without them, I would probably be dead." I then started to cry a little and I tried to hold it back.

"Lucy, I promise one day, he will pay for what he's done to you." Natsu told me and I started to full-out cry. Then Natsu stopped fly and carefully moved me to the front of his body, So I was facing him. He placed his left arm around my waist and held my cheek in his right hand, wiping my tears away.

"But that's the thing." I said trying not to look at him but he forced me to anyway. "I don't know if I want him to." I said.

"What?" Natsu asked completely confused.

"I mean I want to get away from him, for good. But I don't know if I could live with myself knowing that I caused someone else pain." I said honestly. "Whether they deserve it or not."

"Lucy, if he is going to be in any kind of pain, I will probably be the one causing it. Along with every other member of Fairy Tail." Natsu told me. "Not you." I laughed at what he said, but I don't know why.

"That's another thing, I don't want them to know." I said.

"Why? Cause you're so screwed up?" Natsu asked me. And laughed a little and nodded. He went to say something but I didn't let him say it.

"I know what you're going to say, we're all screwed up." I said. And Natsu smiled at me.

"It's the truth." Natsu said. We both laughed a little.

"Why are you so easy to talk to?" I asked him.

"That's not a question you should be asking me, you are the only one who knows that answer." He said, both arms around my waist. And I think I did know the answer, but I didn't know if that was the truth or not. "Do you trust me?"

"I already answered this question." I said laughing a little.

"Yeah, but do you?" Natsu insisted.

"Yes." I said.

"How much?" Natsu asked.

"With my life." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Natsu Dragneel, I Lucy Heartfilia, trust you with my life! No matter what happens!" I said loudly, wanting him to shut up already.

"Alright." Natsu said. "Remember you said that." And then he released the grip he had around my waist, which was the only thing keeping me in the air.

"AAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as I started falling. After a moment of falling, I turned so I was facing the ground. I then started gasping for air.

"Hey!" I heard someone say, and looked to see Natsu falling on his side with his head in his hand, as he looked at me.

"Natsu! What the hell?" I asked. He then flattened out in front of me and stretched his hand out to me. I took a hold of it and tried to pull myself to him, but he pushed me back so I was falling and our hands were connected.

"You said that you trust me." Natsu said.

"I kinda want to take it back now!" I yelled at him.

"Trust me." He said and he started leaning headfirst back towards the school at an angle. "Come on!" He yelled back at me.

"Asshole!" I called after him and took a deep breath.

'Okay, I can do this.'

I leaned forwards and followed behind him and was soon next to him.

"See? You got this." Natsu said.

"Shut the hell up, and stop it." I yelled at him. He then took a hold of my hand and smiled at me. I looked forwards to see that we were extremely close to the ground, only about a hundred yards. "Natsu." I said warningly and looked at him to see he was still staring at me.

"Don't worry." Natsu said and quickly pulled me into his body. "I've got you." Then Natsu opened his wings and quickly landed with ease. And once my feet touched the ground I slapped Natsu's arms off of me.

"You're such an ass." I told him and grabbed my bag, off the ground and walked into the school, right as the bell rang, signaling fifth class was over. But before I could walk all the way into the guildhall Natsu grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking.

"What did you think?" Natsu asked me.

"I think you're a dick." I said and walked over to a table, but I didn't summon a Spirit yet. "It was pretty cool." I said before Natsu walked down the hallway. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it." He said and walked to class. I then summoned Loke for my lesson and when he showed up, he just kind of looked at me weird.

"What?" I asked him, not knowing if I wanted him to answer.

"What's up with your hair?" Loke asked and I pulled a small mirror out of my bag and saw that my hair looked like a rat's nest, time twenty.

"God damn it Natsu!"

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