Chapter 26

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Sup??? So sorry it's been a little while. I'm still having a major brain fart. And that's making it a little hard to work with. And to prove that, this chapter is just me stalling. I really don't know what I'm going to next. Actually, I just remembered something!!! Nevermind to that bullshit! If I can work it right, it looks like I've got a good chapter and a half!!! Wahoo! Well I will stop talking, or writing, or whatever and get this shit done so I can work on the next chapter. I would like to dedicate this chapter to dawnxash! She is a new follower! And I know dawnxash, your probably thinking "BITCH I FOLLOWED YOU FOREVER AGO!" And yes your right, I'm sorry. I am running behind on my notifications cause people keep voting and commenting and a fuck ton of other shit! Not that I'm complaining, I mean I love you guys. But it's making this very hard! But anyway, I will get passed it somehow. . . . I think. Anywho, I love you dawnxash! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I was walking alongside Natsu, quite quickly to where Natsu was practically running to keep up with me.

"Come on, are you still mad at me?" Natsu asked me.

"Yes!" I yelled at him.

"Why?" He asked like he was innocent.

"First, you flew me up into the air and made me realize that heights weren't that bad." I started explaining why I was pissed. "Then, you dropped me and then made me fall towards the ground like it was no big deal. And then." I said pausing a moment to catch my breath, and stopped walking to look at him. "You completely screwed my hair up." Natsu then examined my hair a bit.

"It doesn't look that bad." Natsu said shrugging and sounding like the little liar he was.

"Shut up." I said and started walking at the fast pace I was before.

"Oh come on Luce." Natsu pleaded. "I promise it doesn't look as bad as you think."

"It was the first thing Loke noticed, and asked when I summoned him." I told Natsu, and he just looked disappointed that I just proved him wrong.

"It doesn't look that bad, to me." Natsu said and we walked up to the front door of his house. Natsu quickly unlocked the door and walked in.

"Says the one who doesn't even brush his hair, in the morning." I said and was walked in behind him.

"That's not true, I brush my hair." Natsu said, getting a bit grumpy. I closed the door and Natsu sat down on the couch and patted Happy a bit, and I walked up behind him and ran my fingers through his hair. And they did willingly.

"What the hell?" I asked and I continued to run my hands through his hair. "How is this possible?" I asked completely confused. Instead of there being tangles, it was actually well brushed.

'So soft and fluffy.'

"I told you, I brush my hair." He said and I looked at his face to see he had his eyes closed.

"Why do you look all relaxed?" I asked him.

"You are playing with his hair." Happy said. "It's an amazing feeling to have someone play with your hair, I should know."

"Hmm." I hummed thinking about why and how someone playing with my hair would feel nice.

"Have you never had someone play with your hair, just because?" Natsu asked.

"No, actually." I said.

"Really?" Natsu asked astonished. Then he leaned forward and patted the floor in front of him. "Take a seat."

"Why?" I asked as I walked around the couch.

"I'm going to play with your hair." He told me.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled at him. "You fucked my hair up enough today."

"Just sit." Natsu said looking a little agitated. I complained silently to myself but did as he told me to, and I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him, and happily sat on my lap and I patted his back. Then I felt Natsu's hands gently, and slowly run through my hair. After a while, I didn't really feel anything.

"I don't understand how this is supposed to feel good." I told Natsu.

"You don't feel it?" Natsu asked leaning forwards so he was looking down at me and I looked up.

"What am I supposed to feel exactly?" I asked.

"I don't know, Happy?" Natsu asked Happy for the words.

"It's like a relaxing . . . . . tingly feeling." Happy said shrugging.

"Oh, well I don't feel that." I said and looked down at my hands that were petting Happy.

"Hmm, well let me try something." Natsu said and I didn't look at him, just at my hands. Then his hands came into view and they went down and were lightly touching my wrists.

"Natsu, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Just close your eyes and relax." He said quietly in my ear. Then I closed my eyes and left my head hanging, as Natsu's hands slowly made their way up my arms and across my shoulders, and back down.

"Do you feel it?" Natsu whispered, and it made my skin crawl all the way up my spine. And I gasped at the feeling and I smiled.

"I think so." I answered. Then Natsu lightly dragged his fingers up and into my hair, right at the nape of my neck. I shivered at the feeling and leaned into Natsu's fingers as they tickled my entire body.

"Yeah, you are." Natsu said as he pulled his fingers out of many hairs.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Because I'm hungry." He said and I stood up, Happy in my arms.

"We ate not that long ago." I said and sat next to him.

"Luce, it's been hours." He said looking at me strangely.

"What do you mean hours?" I asked as I looked out the window and saw that the sun was nowhere in sight but the moon was high in the sky. I then felt my eye twitch in confusion. "How?" I whispered to myself.

"Time can really fly when you're relaxed." Happy said and Natsu walked over to the kitchen. Happy then sprung out of my lap and chased Natsu into the kitchen.

"I guess it can." I said as I walked into the kitchen, and moved a bunch of dishes over on the counter so I could sit on it. And I just kinda stared at the floor while Natsu dug around in the fridge and started pulling out stuff for sandwiches.

"You okay?" Natsu asked as he set the stuff down on the counter next to me and then handed Happy a fish.

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

"Come on, what's up?" He insisted.

"I just feel like . . . . . something bad is going to happen." I said.

"Like what?" Natsu asked as he put his sandwich together, and handed me one, and I started eating it, still starring at the floor.

"I don't know. Just something really bad." I answered.

"Hey?" Natsu said bending his body over so he was looking up at me.

"Hmm?" I hummed and looked up.

"You're going to be okay." He reassured me.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just tired." I said smiling.

"It's kind of late. How about you get some sleep?" Natsu suggested. I nodded and went and got ready for bed, finishing off the last few bites of my sandwich. And when I walked out of the bathroom, Natsu and Happy were nowhere in sight.

'They must have gone to bed already.'

I then laid down on the couch and covered myself with a blanket, and fell asleep.


POV: Natsu

I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was still dark out and had a few more hours of sleep before school and I rolled over, and I was facing my door. I closed my eyes and was about to fall back asleep before I heard a noise.

'Probably just happy getting a snack.'

I then glanced down at the door of the bed and there was happy laying there fast asleep. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking at the door, and saw that there was a little bit of light coming from the other side.


I wondered as I got up, and snuck up to the door and slowly opened it, and peeked to see that Lucy wasn't on the couch, and I got a little worried. I then snuck out into the living room and looked around the corner to see Lucy was at the sink. And the entire kitchen was clean. I let out the breath that I was holding in.

"Hey." I said and walked into the kitchen, and over to the sink. Lucy jumped a bit and looked at me and I saw tear stains going down her face.

"Oh, hey." She responded and wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist. "Sorry, did I wake you?" She asked me.

"No, you didn't." I said, knowing that I was looking at her with worry written all over my face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep." She said as she continued to do the dishes.

"Are you sure, cause that plate used to have paint on it." I said looking at the plate and saw that the paint, that created a design, was completely gone. Lucy sighed and put the plate down, and gripped the edge of the sink.

"I'm scared." Lucy said.

"Of what?" I asked and put a hand on her shoulder and she flinched away from me and backed away from me. "Are you scared . . . . . . . . . . . . . of me?"

"No!" Lucy blurted out at me and a few tears started to fall. "I just . . . . . . I'm just scared of what might happen to everyone around me."

"What do you mean?" I asked her and carefully got closer to her.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said as she backed up, all the way until she bumped into the counter.

"Luce, now you're scaring me." I said, wanting to know what was wrong. She just shook her head and looked down as I stood in front of her. "Luce?"

"Natsu, I think I've seen the future." Lucy cried as she hugged me and started to full out cry.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I had another dream." She said and I felt her legs give out and we sank to the floor. "But it was different than my usual."

"How do you mean?" I asked her, feeling a little sad seeing Lucy in so much pain.

"We were all at the school dance." Lucy said and started sobbing again. "And we all having fun, and then my dad showed up. And instead of killing that woman, he killed everyone in the academy. All except me, he dragged me all the way up onto a hill and he forced me to watch the school burn."

'What the hell is wrong with him?'

I hugged Lucy around the shoulders as she cried into mine.

"Lucy." I said getting her attention and she calmed down a bit with her crying in order to hear me. "It's going to be okay. He isn't going to hurt you, or anyone else. And it was just a dream."

"I know, it just really hit me hard." She said and hugged me a little closer.

"I can tell since you scrubbed the paint off the plates and the entire kitchen along with it." I said looking around the room to see that it was really spotless.

"Yeah." Lucy laughed and pulled away, and looked at her good work. "Sorry. Spetto always taught me when I was growing up that if I'm ever stressed or anything, to clean."

"And I can see you followed that." I said, and she punched me in the arm.

"Shut up." She said and I stood up and helped her up off the floor.

"Better?" I asked and she nodded. "Alright, now come on." I said and dragged her towards my room.

"Wait, but I'm sleeping on the couch." She said trying to pull out of the grip I had on her wrist.

"Yeah, but you don't do well, sleeping by yourself." I said and laid down in the bed. And looked at her and she started to back up, and before she could say anything, I pulled her into the bed and covered us in a blanket.

"Natsu, I promise I'm okay now, I can sleep on the couch." Lucy said and started to push herself away from me.

"No, your sleeping with me tonight." I said and turned her over so she wasn't facing me, or fighting me.

"Ughhh." She groaned as she gave up. "Can I at least sleep without you cuddling me?"

"Why?" I asked. "You don't like my cuddles?"

"No, no. They're okay." Lucy said. "It's just it's a little hard to sleep with a human heater wrapped around me."

"Oh, okay." I said, letting her go and scooted to the other side of the bed.

"Goodnight Natsu." Lucy whispered before falling asleep.

"Goodnight Luce." I whispered back and did the same.

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