Chapter 36

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Hello!!! You guys should be very excited right now!!! Because you finally get to see, Lucy's costume! And Natsu's costume! And everyone else's costumes!!!!! That's really fucking exciting for me! And I can't wait for the next few chapters!!! Because I sense a lot of badassery come out way!!! Anyway this probably looks like a long chapter, but it's really not. It's a little more than normal length, and there's pictures added to it. Anywho! I would like to dedicate this chapter to SinnerChara! She is a new follower! Yay! Love you SinnerChara! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

I was leaning against the back of the couch as I waited for Lucy to come out of the bathroom, but she had been in there a while.

"Come on Luce, we've got to get going!" I yelled as I checked my watch. We had to leave, like right now. But after I didn't hear her respond I walked over to the bathroom door. "Luce?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just need a minute." She told me.

"You said that seven minutes ago." I said.

"I know I'm sorry." She apologized.

"You're worried about tonight." I said, not as a question, already knowing the answer. "You think that you're dream will actually happen."

"Yes." She said honestly.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked her.

"Not like I have a choice at the moment." She said.

"You have no reason to be scared." I said. "Because me and every single Fairy Tail member won't let that happen."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Cause we're Fairy Tail." I said like it was obvious, because it was. "You mean more to us than just a friend Lucy. You're family." I could then hear Lucy crying a little.

"Well crap, at least my 'paint' is water proof." Lucy laughed, as she made fun of me.

"You're a pain in the ass." I said.

"I know." She said. "Okay, I'm coming out now." I then backed away from the door, and it opened. And I felt my jaw drop down to the floor. Lucy was wearing a ivory dress, with white floral pattern, and a diamond beaded belt right above her hips.

I couldn't even say anything, she looked so pretty.

"What? Does it look bad?" She asked me, snapping me back to reality.

"No, no." I said as I continued to stare at her. "You look good." She looked down smiling and blushing to herself.

"You liiiiiiiike her." I could hear Happy in the other room.

"You look nice too." She told me. "Although, what are you supposed to be?"

"Really?" I asked her. "I'm supposed to be a bad ass Dragon!" Right before I tried getting Lucy out of the bathroom I had put my black coat on that had flames dancing all over the fabric.

"Well you don't look like it." Lucy said.

"Hey!" I yelled and she giggled. "Well, you ready to go?"

"Yeah." She said.

"Oh wait!" I said and ran into my room, and grabbed a small box off of my dresser. "Here." I said as I walked back out and handed the box to Lucy.

"What is this?" She asked, smiling, and then opened it. But once she saw it, she frowned. "Where did you get this?"

"A few days ago when I went and got pizza while you finished your story I passed by some booths and this old lady shoved into my face." I said.

"Then why didn't you return it?" She asked.

"I tried, but when I looked up, the booth was gone, and so was the lady." I said. "Her sent had even disappeared."

"Damn that woman." Lucy whispered under her breath.

"It's weird though, cause she knew your name and she. . . . . ." I started to say but stopped.

"What?" She asked

"She smelled a lot like you." I said.

"What?" She asked completely confused.

"She smell a lot like you do, except strawberries and chocolate instead of vanilla." I said.

"Well that's weird." She said.

"Yeah, and she told me to make sure you wore it today." I said. "What's so special about it?"

"A long while back ago, I was walking home from school, and I had stopped at her booth and she told me that this necklace, is supposed to have the heart of the Celestial Spirit Queen." She said looking at me.

"And that's a big deal?" I asked her.

"Are you serious? It's a huge deal! It's said that she had the powers of every Celestial Spirit that ever lived. She could control space and time. She was the most powerful being in all the worlds. And so much more!" Lucy said sounding excited.

"And?" I asked.

"She was trying to get me to take it, because she thought that I was her reincarnation." She told me. "But when I tried it on, it didn't react. Meaning I'm not the reincarnation."

"Then she tried to get you to take it, anyway." I said.

"Yeah, she thought that it would have been safer with me." She said nodding, but then her face became puzzled. "How did you know that?" She asked me.

"I was watching you from the roofs of the buildings." I said.

"That was you?" She yelled. "Wait then why did you have me just tell you everything she said? You're the one with Dragon hearing!"

"Yeah but it was loud." I said.

"You're an idiot." She told me, and then she sighed as she took the necklace out of the box. "Will you put it on me?" I nodded and took it from her. She turned around and moved a few stray hairs off her neck, and I clipped it around her neck. She turned around and showed me, it was a blue heart that was being held by a piece of gold and had twelve diamonds on it.

(I know, I changed the necklace! Well I changed it a lot! Because I couldn't find what I wanted until I found this one, so screw you . . . . . . . no I'm just kidding, I'm sorry, I love you!)

"Does it look okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, it looks good on you." I said, and she blushed a little. "Okay, now we can go." And we walked over to the door and slipped our shoes on, then I wrapped my scarf around my neck. I opened the door for Lucy and she walked outside. "Happy, we'll be back later!" I yelled into the house. "Don't wait up for us!"

"I didn't plan to!" He yelled back.

"Little shit." I said and we left the house. It wasn't sunset yet, but the sky was a orange and faded into pink and yellow. "Ready?" I asked Lucy.

"For what?" She asked me, I then scooped her up into my arms and got ready to take off. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" She yelled, I froze and waited for her to say she was ready. Then she grabbed her white high heels off her feet and held onto them with one hand, and me with the other. "Okay."

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I don't want to lose a shoe." She said, looking at me. "And if I did, you would be going and getting the damn thing. So technically I just saved you."

"Whatever." I said and took off, and we glided towards the school, which was lit up at the edge of Magnolia. And in a few short minutes we arrived and I waited while Lucy put her heels on.

"There you guys are!" Mira yelled as she and all the others came out of the school.

"We were wondering when you were going to get here." Erza said. Then as I set Lucy on her feet, they all gasped.

"What?" She asked them as they stared at her. Then she turned to me and looked like she was going to commit murder. "You better start praying if you fucked my hair up!" She said.

"No no no!" Juvia said saing me from the ferocious Lucy. "That's not why we're quiet, love rival's hair is fine."

"Then why?" Lucy asked.

"Your dress, looks amazing!" Levy said. "No, screw that, you look amazing!"

"Oh, thank you guys." She said calming down. "You guys look good to."

Gray and Juvia were wearing matching Eskimo outfits, and they were both wearing crowns.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked Gray.

"We're the Eskimo King and Queen." Gray said looking like he was about to beat the shit out of me.

"Boys!" Erza yelled and me and Gray hugged each other.

"Sorry!" We both said in fear.

Gajeel was wearing a white buttoned shirt that only had a few button buttoned, gray pants that tucked into brown boots, a red bandana was around his forehead, and he had a sword in his hip.

Levy was wearing an orange dress with a beaded bodice, and an orange skirt.

"No offence Levy, but what are you supposed to be?" I asked her.

"I'm a mermaid!" She yelled at me.

"More like a goldfish." I said.

"More like a guppy." Gray said and we both started laughing. . . . . up until we both got punched in the face.

"You can't call my date a guppy!" Gajeel yelled at us as well laid on the ground.

"Wait, date?" Lucy asked, as me and Gray got off the ground.

"Yeah." Levy said. "He asked me as we were on our way home earlier." Then Lucy started jumping up and down, clapping her hands as she giggled.

"I think Mira's rubbing off on her." Gray said, and then got hit in the face by Lucy's shoe. And I laughed at him as he fell back to the ground.

Erza was wearing a red dress that only went down to her knees, a red hood, and brown boots that went up to her knees.

(Remember this photo!!!!!)

Mira was wearing a pink dress an that had sleeves that started just below her shoulders and flowed all the way down to her wrists.

And then she also had on earrings, with pink beads, that made her ears look like elf ears.

"So?" Mira asked Lucy and me.

"So, what?" Lucy asked back.

"So are you two, here as a date?" Mira asked.

"What!" Lucy yelled. "No!"

"Are you sure?" Mira asked.

"Yes, we're not here as a date." I told Mira.

"Now can we go and see our good work at play?" Lucy asked.

"I guess." Mira said and we walked into the Academy.

"Wow, it looks better than I thought it would." Lucy said as we looked around. There was boards painted gray and were on the walls all the way around the room, making it look like we were inside of a castle, and the stage had stars on the curtains, and then there was lights that strung from the chandelier to the ceiling and it truly looked. . . . . . magical.

"You kids, did a great job." Someone said from behind us. We all turned to see Gramps, was standing there in a fancy purple shirt and was wearing a cloak over his shoulders, and a crown as well.

(Ignore the dog part.)

"You all look great to." Gramps added, as he took a drink from his mug.

"Gramps, are you wearing a dress?" I asked him.

"Shut up." He said and walked away as we just laughed at him.

"Well." Mira said. "Let's party!" She yelled and loud music started playing, and everyone started dancing.


Time Skip: Thirty Minutes

POV: Lucy

"Okay, I've got to sit down." I yelled at everyone and went and sat down at a table and everyone joined me.

"Dear god, why did I chose to wear heels?" Levy said, not really asking anyone.

"Cause they were cute." Juvia answered.

"Very true." Levy said nodding and we laughed at her a little. But our laughter stopped as the music did the same and a voice replaced it.

"If I could have your attention, please!" The voice said, and I immediately recognized the voice. I stood up and looked at the stage but no one was on it except for a very confused DJ in the corner. "I have a deal I would like to propose to you all." I looked all the way around the room, not seeing him anywhere. "Hand over Lucy Heartfilia, and no one gets hurt."


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