Chapter 37

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Hola perras!!! That means hello bitches. I think . . . . I don't fucking know. Any way new chapter. And I already know that you guys want to kill me, and that feeling will increase by like 7. So yeah. I'm sorry. I guess I'll let you get to it. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to unicorns002! She is a new follower! So many new followers, since I started this story, my god! Anyway, love you unicorns002! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

"Bring her out the front door, when you're ready." My father's voice echoed out of the speakers. "However, I suggest you decide quickly, or this whole place will go up in flames."

"He's here." I whispered, to myself as I started to freak out hardcore. Images appeared in my mind. Of my dream. Bodies and blood everywhere. The school burning down. Natsu walked over to me and held my shoulders.

"Lucy! Lucy!" He said, trying to get my attention. "Lucy, you look at me!"

"He's here, and my dream is coming true." I said, and started crying.

"Lucy! Look! At! Me!" Natsu said shaking my shoulders. "It's okay."

"No it's not!" I yelled. "He's going to get me and I'm going to die from insanity, if something happens to any of you."

"Hey, hey, hey." Natsu said in a calm quiet voice. "If you ever go insane, just remember." Natsu paused a moment, until I was looking at him. "I'll be your anchor."

"How do you know that'll work?" I asked him.

"I just know." He said. "Just like I know that your dad's not going to get you."

"That's right, we won't let him touch you." Erza said, looking at me and everyone surrounded me. Smiling. Trying to give me hope. But it wasn't working.


POV: Natsu

"We gotta get you out of here." Gray said to Lucy.

"We can't!" Marco, one of the teachers in the school yelled. "All the entrances are guarded. We're not going anywhere."

"Or not." Gajeel said to Gray.

"There's one way we can go." Levy said, and looked at the main door.

"No way." Mira said. "If he's got people surrounding the place, then he must have more out front."

"We need to form a plan." Gramps said. "Alright everyone gather around and figure this out!" I then dragged Lucy over to a table and sat her down in one of the chairs. And sat with her for a while. "Natsu." Gramps said gesturing for me to come over.

"You wait, right here." I told her. "Everything is going to be fine." She nodded, not looking convinced.

"Natsu!" Gramps yelled at me. I looked at Lucy and was about to tell her something else, but Gramps yelled at me again, and I left Lucy in the chair. "We have an idea."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well we were thinking we could blow a hole in the roof and you fly her far away from here." Gray said.

"Me and Erza would would follow for a while, just in case there are people out there who can fly as well." Mira said.

"Freed, can work on putting a barrier around the whole school and right as you leave it forms." Levy said.

"No one would be able to follow." Juvia said.

"And this is the only way?" I asked.

"It's the only plan we have that could work so far, and we don't know how long we have left to come up with a new one." Gajeel said.

"And making a barrier takes time, especially to go around the whole school." Levy said. "I can help to speed up the process."

"Okay." I said nodding." Let's do it." I turned around to go tell Lucy, but she wasn't where I left her. Then I heard panting and looked to my left to see her running at the door.


"Lucy!" I screamed and ran towards her, and when I knew I wasn't running fast enough I started flying as fast as I could at her. But it was to late, she flung the doors open and ran outside.


POV: Lucy

"Lucy!" Natsu screamed behind me as I bolted for the door. I swung the doors open as hard as I could and saw my father standing there, smirking. Knowing that I was going to do exactly what I just did.

"Lucy!" Everyone cried out for me. Then all of a sudden I felt arms around me and I instantly started fighting them.

"No, Natsu!" I yelled, kicking like a five year old in his arms. "Let me go!"

"Lucy, I'm not going to lose you too!" Natsu said, and started dragging me back towards the school, but he bumped into something. "What the hell?" He asked as he felt around. There was an invisible barrier, and every time it was touched runes appeared.

"Lucy! Natsu!" Our friends started yelling as they beat on the barrier as hard as they could.

"No, no, no." Natsu said.

"Well, this is a surprise." A voice said, and we turned to look at my father. "Your faster than I thought. Natsu, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Dick, isn't it?" Natsu said as he put his body between me and my father. My father then got the look of annoyance on his face.

"Actually, it's Jude." He corrected Natsu.

"Close enough." Natsu said shrugging.

"Okay Natsu." He said as he took a few steps forwards. "I'm going to say this one, and one time only. So listen closely."

"Well, I don't listen. . . . . . . . so." Natsu said, as he put an arm around me.

"You can either hand my daughter over, and I leave your school alone." My father said.

"Or?" Natsu asked wondering what the other option was.

"Or I kill you, and everyone in this pathetic school." My father said smiling.

"You and what army?" Gajeel yelled.

"This one." My father said as people came walking around the school. And they easily out number me and Natsu, by a lot. There was seven other people besides me, Natsu, and my father.

"You had to open your mouth didn't you?" Gray asked.

"Oh, and we don't want to forget about the leader." My dad added and a boy walked around him and stood next to him.

"Ryder?" Natsu asked. "How the hell are you alive?" Natsu demanded as he tried to walk towards him, but I stopped him from moving.

"Well, I guess you could say I was given a second chance." Ryder said, smiling. Something about what he said sounded familiar. And then it hit me, and I stared at my father. And he smiled knowing I figured it out.

"You're a Celestial Mage!"

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