Chapter 43

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If you do not have headphones, are alone, or don't care if anyone hears the song later in this. Get prepaired. Because if you don't listen to the song and read it. It's not going to be as good. So be prepaired to listen!

Hello! And look at this, we are one more chapter closer to ending! Yes this is not the last chapter, although I could just end it here and it would be perfect. But I'm not going to do that. Because I'm nice! So you should be thanking me! Anyway, you bitches better enjoy this fucking chapter cause let me tell you. It was a bitch to write. But you know what . . . . . . I think it was worth it! I think it's awesome, and I hope you think it was worth it too! And I hope you enjoy this song, because one of my bestest of friends helped me pick it out! foreverinfinityxx!!!! And she is the smartest, prettiest, pain in the ass you will ever meet!!! There happy? Since you made me go back and put this part in??? You better be. But anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Cryptic_Eyes! She is a fellow writer, and I have not read any kind of story lately on Wattpad, but her stories are great. And she was one of the people that incuraged me to write a story. I mean we never talked, but her stories inspired me to be a writer on Wattpad! So love you Cryptic_Eyes! Love you guys! And I especially hope that you enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

The music was blasting so loud that it was kind of hard to think, but because the beat was so good it made up for it. I decided to take my crown off and placed it on a table next to my award, that I got earlier. Then I walked up to the second floor, and out the balcony door, closing it on my way out. I walked over to the balcony and leaned against it, taking a deep breath as I calmed down from the mad house inside. Then I heard the music get louder and then got quiet again, so I looked over my shoulder.

"Hey." Natsu said, as he closed the door. "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh, just getting some air." I said as I looked out over the town. Natsu walked over and leaned against the railing with me. "What about you?"

"Checking up on you." He said. "How are you?" I took a deep breath again.

"I'm okay." I said. Natsu looked at me like I was lying. "Really I'm okay. Might not be in the morning. But, I'm okay right now." I said. Natsu nodded, and we were quiet for a few minutes, and I slipped my arm through his and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So." Natsu said. "You're the Celestial Spirit Queen reincarnation after all, huh?"

"Yeah. I was kinda shocked when I figured it out." I said. "But when I thought about it, all the trouble that my mom went through, just to make sure that I had the necklace. Made me realize that maybe I was the reincarnation."

"But what if you weren't?" Natsu asked.

"I would have been screwed." I said, then me and Natsu laughed a little.

"Thank you." Natsu said.

"For what?" I asked him as I looked up at him, with my cheek still on his shoulder.

"For saving me." He said.

"Why wouldn't I have saved you?" I asked him, taking my head off his shoulder.

"I don't know." Natsu said as he shrugged. "But I just wanted to thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome." I said, and then as I stared at Natsu, and he stared back at me, our faces slowly started inching closer to each other. And when there was only an inch left I closed my eyes and so did Natsu. Then someone sneezed, and me and Natsu pulled away from each other, and looked behind us.

"Gray you idiot!" Mira yelled as she started beating him to death.

"How much did you just see?" I asked, as I felt my face turn red.

"All of it." Levy said.

"Up until Gray ruined it." Erza said as Gray laid on the ground uncosious, and Mira looked like she was about to have steam come out of her ears.

"Great." I said, as my face heated up more.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Natsu asked getting annoyed.

"Well we saw you guys come up here, so we thought we'd join you." Gajeel said.

"That's a stupid reason." Natsu said.

"Also, Mira dragged us up here." Gray said as he sat up, finally awake.

"That makes more sense." I said.

"So you guys are together now?" Mira asked. I looked at Natsu and he looked at me too. But we looked away.

"No." We both said at the same time.

"Gray, I'm going to kill you." Mira said. Mira then went to lunge at Gray but Erza caught her, thinking that she was actually going to kill him. And then I remembered something.

"Oh, Erza!" I said. "We have a gift for you!"

"That's right! I alost forgot!" Levy said, as she and Juvia walked over to me.

"Juvia did forget." Juvia said.

"Well a while back ago, Levy and Juvia told me about your boyfriend." I said.

"Now, I'm going to kill you guys." Erza said and sarted to walk forwards with Mira still in her arms. I put my hands up.

"Hold on, you're going to like it!" I said and Erza stopped. "They also told me that he was arrested a while back, by the Magic Council."

"You have thirty seconds." Erza said.

"Well me and the girls wrote a couple of letter's to the Magic Council, and we made a deal." Levy said.

"What kind of deal?" Erza asked. "And you have twenty two seconds."

"The deal is that he gets one free night away from jail, and we have to keep an eye on him." Juvia said. Erza then looked completely shocked.

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"We're saying, turn around." I said and Erza turned around and there stood a tall boy with blue hair and a red tattoo under his right eye. He was in a tux, pointed blue ears were on top of his head, and he also had a long blue wolfs tail.

(See I told you to remember that photo!) (You know this one.)

"Hello Erza." He said. Erza then dropped Mira on the floor, with a loud 'thud'.

"Jellal?" She asked.

"It's been a while." Jellal said as he walked forwards. Erza then hugged him and he hugged her back.

"Unfortunately, the time that we were able to agree with was only a few hours." I said. "So he will be leaving at midnight tonight."

"It's perfect." Erza said.

"I really appreciate all the trouble you girls went through for this to happen." Jellal told me, Juvia, and Levy.

"No problem." We said.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Mira asked us.

"Because you would have been acting weird and she would have became suspicious." Juvia told her. Then Mira started crying.

"Sorry Mira." Levy said, as she patted her back.

"How about we go back downstairs?" Gajeel asked as he grabbed Levy's hand, and started pulling her with him.

"Yes and go enjoy a dance." Jellal said as he started walking with Erza.

"That is a great idea." Gray said and held out a hand to Juvia and she took it.

"Might as well." I said and started walking to the open door, to go back inside. But a hand grabbed my right wrist, and I looked to see Natsu. "Natsu?" I asked and everyone turned around to see what was going on.

"Lucy, I . . . . . . . ." Natsu started to say and his face got a little red. "I don't exactly know how to tell you this.  . . . but ummmm." He tried to say something.

"Alright everyone!" The DJ yelled. "We're going to mix it u a little bit, by slowing down! So boys grab your date, and show her how special she is!" He said into the mic and then got the song ready to play. Natsu then pulled me towards him.

"Natsu?" I asked and he put a hand on my waist and held my right hand in his left. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Doing what the DJ just said." Natsu answered me and the song started.

(Go slow when reading! I wrote this so it goes perfectly with the song, so when the chapter ends, so does the song! GO SLOW!!!!)

(HIT THAT SHIT! Other wise this whole scene is going to get screwed up!)

He then waited until the words started, before we started dancing in circles. And Natsu sang along with the lyrics.

"I think I want you more than want.

And know I need you more than need.

I want to hold you more than hold.

When you stood in front of me.

I think you know me more than know.

And you see me more than see.

I could die now more than die.

Every time you look at me.

Well I've seen you in jeans,

with no make-up on.

And I've stood there in awe,

as your date for the prom.

I'm blessed as a man,

to have seen you in white.

But I've never seen anything,

quite like you tonight.

No, I've never seen anything,

quite like you."

"Natsu, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Showing you how special you are to me." He said, I smiled at him. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw everyone joining us back on the balcony and they all started dancing in circle as well.

"Who knew the idiot knew how to be romantic?" Gray said.

"You're ruining the moment." Natsu told him.

"What ever." Gray said and then put his focus back on Juvia. Natsu looked back at me and started singing again, and this time I joined him.

"I'm blessed as a man,

to have seen you in white.

But I've never seen anything,
quite like you tonight.

No, I've never seen anything,

quite like you tonight.

No, I've never seen anything,

quite like you tonight"

"Am I just going to be lonely?" Mira asked everyone, and we all looked at her, then someone tapped her on the shoulder. "Laxus?"

"May I have this dance?" He asked Mira, as he held his hand out to her. She smiled and took his hand. And they started dancing as well. I then looked around at everyone, and an idea came to mind.

"Guys." I whispered, and everyone looked at me. I then gave them all kissy lips and they all flipped me off, and I giggled. Then I stared at Natsu and he stared at me. I smiled at him and he returned the smile back to me. He then started leaning his face coser to me and I pulled back a little and pointed up, he looked up at the sky and I waved my hand in the air and then a moment later there was dozens of shooting stars crossing the night sky. He looked back at me and then put his hand at my neck and slowly pulled me closer to him. And when we were less than an inch away, Natsu smiled and we kissed as the song ended. And everyone else around us were kissing as well.

'Best night ever.'

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