Dragon Shield!

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Wendy's point of view:
"Wendy, just stop it already, it's no use you won't break those chains." Romeo exclaimed now fully conscious.
"I will because I'm going to get Reverentia I'll make her pay for what she did to you and all of us." I replied, struggling against the chains. I tried using magic but the chains repelled against Ethernano and magic energy. Even if I ate the air current, if I couldn't use my magic energy then I couldn't break free of this cell and save everyone. No I won't let it come to this, I'll save everyone...even though I'm weak and timid. Stop Wendy, you haven't got time to think like that.
"Wendy*sniffle* are we going to get out of here,*sniff* will I see mama and poppa again?" Asuka asked trying to hold back her tears. It made my heart wrench to see her cry, she reminded so much of myself when I was her age.
"Of course we will, Wendy is going to save you and everyone."
"You...you promise."
"I promise Asuka I will give everything I got to fight for fairy tail, I promise I will protect them!" I promised her determinedly. I intended to keep that promise. I struggled once more against the chains uses my entire body strength to push against the restraints that were holding me back. I kept on trying until Reverentia ventured inside our cell.
"Sweetie I suggest you stop struggling or you will face punishment far worse then pain." She spat harshly. I swear on my life she will regret everything she's done. I don't care what torture or suffering she throws at me.
"You can hurt me or you like, no pain is worse then seeing you hurt my friends!" I screamed to her face. No one has ever made me truly angry before not like she has anyways.
"Is that so? Very well then bring her in." Reverentia ordered the hooded guards next to her. What did they mean by her? Was it Lucy or Erza!!?
"Hey,let me go!" Wait that voice sounded so familiar it couldn't be..,
"CHELIA it's you!" No no they couldn't hurt her, they couldn't hurt my best friend. I won't let them! But I couldn't break free! The guards forced Chelia onto her knees facing Reverentia. A hooded guard came towards her with a securely heavy box. Her fingertips traced the handle before lifting it open. Inside was a severely dangerous, glittering sword. It looked as sharp as million of daggers and it screamed danger. What were they planning to do with her could it be...Reverentia picked up the sharp,silver sword an gripped the handle tightly. She positioned the sword just above Chelia's heart.
"NOOO!!!" I screamed.
"Wen-" She was cut off as Reverentia sliced the sword into her heart. She couldn't even say her last words. Chelia...my best friend....was murdered.
"I told you didn't I? I told you I would make sure you experienced something worse then punishment. Loss is the worst punishment and suffering someone can go through. Especially when she is your bwest fweind, oh how sweet." Reverentia said pretending to be sweet and innocent. Chelia...
"I bet that hurt...I'm sorry."
"No it's okay,you don't need to apologise."
"That was a lot of fun, here you go."
"Feels good." Wendy replied as Chelia healed her.
"Weird as it sounds, I kinda had fun to."
"Hey, do you think you and I could be friends?"
"Yeah,but are you sure you want a friend like me?"
"Aww c'mon that's no way to answer my question.Lets be friends from now on, what do you say?"
"Yeah I'd love to."
"You guys came to, Chelia?"
"Yeah, today's fight was great. Are your injuries okay?"
"Yes!All thanks to you."
"There you go being polite again."
"Ah, it's a habit."
"Let's play over there."
"Wait up, Chelia."
"Hurry up."
"This is fun, Chelia!"
"Yeah,that's the way!"
Chelia...you've always been there for me. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend then you. So why? Why did this have to happen to you? Poor, little Asuka was crying her heart out, she was to young, probably scared for life. Even Romeo was crying, he barley even knew her. That's when one single tear cascaded down my cheek bone, followed by many others. How dare she! How dare she kill my best friend! She didn't even let her say her last, dying words! She will pay! My body shook and magic circles surrounding me. Cracks formed in the restraints until they completely snapped into a million pieces. The magic exploded breaking the chains holding Romeo and Asuka. I fell to the floor but quickly broke free.
"SKY DRAGON ROAR!!" A powerful gust of wind blew the guards away and threw Reverentia to a brick wall. She smirked at me. Then a dark magic surrounded her, teleporting her away from here. How dare she run away from me! I turned towards Romeo and Asuka.
"If Chelia was here, that means the other guilds were here, meaning more kids are here, so we have to save everyone." As much as I wanted to get revenge on Reverentia there were kids and wizards who needed to be released, if I can't save Chelia then I'll make a promise to her to save everyone else, that's what she would want. Besides I almost let the anger get to me, I don't want to end up hurting my friends as well as Reverentia. I scavenged one of the guards and came across a set of keys. Me,Romeo and Asuka all ran out of the cell. There were several cells next to ours all containing kids from many different guilds. This must be the prison zone where all the kids are kept. Myself and Romeo and Asuka rushed to all the cells, letting all the kids free.
"Listen, stay by our sides and you'll be kept safe." I ordered the kids from many different ages. We all ran outside the prison zone, knocking out many guards in our way. Everyone was desperate for freedom and I was desperate to save fairy tail. Eventually we crossed paths with Reverentia once more. We all came to a sudden halt. My eyes burned with fire, glaring her down. She just smiled and waved at me sweetly.
"So I have some great news for you all, your guilds or as you like to call "family" have been transported somewhere else and this place is about to go BOOM with you in it, meaning this place is going to set on fire and your going down with it, goodbye it was nice torturing you." With that she vanished and a rumbling sound echoed throughout the prison cell. Pebbles and bricks felt to the floor, smoke arising from them. I could smell the scent of ashes and fire behind us and above us.
"Everyone we have to get out if here now, follow me!" I demanded. We all ran as fast as our tiny legs could take us, fear pushing us father and father from the fire beast which was now after us. I saw an window nearby. We all jumped through it smashing the glass into shards made of glass. We were about to fall head-first onto the floor but I used my wind magic to break out fall. We all ran into the forest nearby, climbing onto the hills and watching the destruction below. The fire raged destroying anything it touched. A shiver ran down my spine knowing we were close to death. It was then that I realised that Reverentia was more then just a threat. She murdered people with no mercy, it didn't matter how young or how old they were, whether they were boy and girl or man and women. She would kill wizards and people for her own seek enjoyment. I felt a sharp tug on my sleeve. I looked down to see Asuka stranding beside me, her hair hung low her covered her face. She looked towards me directly and tears were overflowing from her eyes.
"You promised me...promise me you'd protect everyone protect Mommy and Daddy but you...*sniff* broke that promise!" She screamed at me crying her heart out and slamming her tiny weak feasts on my leg. I grabbed her two tiny hands and looked her straight in the eye.
"Asuka,I haven't broke that promise, I intend to keep it,in fact..." I walked onto the top of the hill and faced everyone.
"I promise to everyone here I will find and protect your family, but it's not something I can do alone. If you are to scared or worried it's fine but I want is all to form together, create a new guild dedicated to protecting and finding our families. So who's with me!" I shouted at the top of my voice raising my hand, showing the fairy tail sign. I looked at everyone and no one put their hand up, until Romeo shot his hand up, showing the fairy tail sign. He looked at me seriously and silently nodded his head towards me. I nodded back and smiled at him thankfully. Asuka next to him hesitated still crying and shaking but eventually she put her hand up as well. The kids who which most of them were older then Asuka looked down in shame,that she put her hand in the air. It may take a long time, but I will protect this guild and fairy tail. It may even take years of training but Reverentia will regret ever letting us escape. And if I go down, she'll go down with me for Chelia's sake. For fairy tail's sake. For this new guilds sake. I will save everyone. Romeo walked towards me and stood next to me.
"Wendy just remember that I'm a member of fairy tail, just like you are so I will always fight with you, after all you are the master now."
"Huh" I replied confusingly.
"Well your the one who's starting this new guild and we need a master so you should be the master, I couldn't think of anyone who would play the role better then you." Romeo said kindly.
"By the way, what will the guild be called?" I smiled at him knowingly. I held my head up high and faced everyone.
"The guild...will be called Dragon Shield! Together we are as strong as a thousand dragons who will set out to protect their family!"
1773 words! I'm actually really proud of this chapter so I hope you like it because it's my favourite one so far. Just wanted to point out the scenes I used when Chelia died are from the anime I do not own them they belong to Hiro Mashima and the creators of fairy tail. I'll try to upload more as well. Tell me what you think of this chapter thank you for all the support you don't realise how much it means to me.😊

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