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Sorry for the slow updates I'm really ill and I've git personal stuff going on, but enough about that I'm sure you want to get into the story. 😊
Wendy's point of view:
I was finally started to go back into my consciousness, although when I opened my squinted eyes I was greeted with a blurry vision of many different shades and colours. My body felt numb, like it could fall down onto the floor and I could feel my magic power running low inside me.As the numbness in my body slightly faded, I felt a tightening round my wrists. I turned my head feebly and weakly towards my shaking but otherwise unmoving wrist. My vision was still blurry but my other senses told me I was chained up to what felt a stone-cold metal wall. As I turned to my side I gasped in surprise and discomfort. Chained up beside me was Romeo. His body brittle and broken. His bones bruised and battered. If only I could heal him. I turned to my left and this time pure anger boiled inside me. This time I was shaking out of anger no I was furious, there chained up to the wall on my left was.........Asuka. Just like Romeo she was beaten and bruised and knocked out unconscious. How dare they! How dare they hurt a poor little 4 year old girl. I always refuses to get angry but this time I didn't push the anger away, they were going to pay for what they did to her and the rest of my family! I turned my head round quickly towards a faint clicking sound of someone opening a door. As I looked closer my surroundings my suspicions were confirmed,we were in a jail cell. A hooded female figure walked up to slowly. She took of her hood revealing a   women with brown hair and blood red dreadlocks. She had an evil smirk plastered across her face, her eyes squinting at me, glaring down at me judging me. At a time like this I would've usually been scared,fragile weak. But not this time. I stared at her straight on.
"So how has your stay here been?" She asked in a mocking sweet voice.
"Horrible." I snapped.
"Well then you better get used to it sweetie because you and the rest of your "family" are going to be here for a loooong time." She replied giggling madly.
"Do what you want with me I don't care, but leave my friends out of it."
"I'll keep that in mind." She replied grasping my knock tightly,squeezing it. Eventually she let go causing me to cough and gasp. She skipped away laughing maniacally but not until she turned around and said..
"I'm not worried about you sweetie, it's mostly your guild mates I'm after."
"What for?!"
"I want power and in the mean time I'll be able to torture and suffer them and make them live there worst nightmare!!!"
"BUT WHY!!?"
"Oh sweetie, I don't need a reason, this is just pure entertainment and I seek power from making you all suffer! Now any more questions?" She replied bitterly and sourly.
"Yeah...what's your name?"
"My name is Reverentia, I don't need to ask your name your Wendy the maiden of the sky hehe."
"Yeah that's right, remember that name because Wendy is going to be the name of the girl that ruins your plans."
"Oh I'm sure you will." She ran of madly laughing wildly and uncontrollably.
"Romeo,Asuka,Natsu,Gajeel and the rest of the guild I promise... I will protect you!"
So what did you think thank you for over 600 readers it means so much I love you all, I'm going to try really hard to update but no promises😊

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