Chapter 1

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A/N Hi guys! So this is my first time writing something on Wattpad! I wrote this chapter about a week ago and wasn't going to publish it, but then my friend literally forced me to put it up. So here it is!

Natsu's P.O.V.

Happy and I were walking to the guild to meet up with Lucy. Apparently she found a job that would be perfect for us to do. I just hoped it  was within walking distance, because trains.... blah i'm sick of thinking. I tried t clear my mind of transportation, until we reached the guild. When Happy and I got there, we sat down and got some food. Can't do a job on an empty stomach! I saw Mira and asked her for some food, and said she would get it in a minute. I don't have to tell her what type because Food is Food and Mira knows exactly what Happy and I like to eat. I started to think about the job Lucy picked. What kind of job did she pick again? Probably not a very interesting one because she freaks out when I even mention a dangerous job. I usually have to drag her along on those jobs or trick her into helping me. But she usually calms down a bit when I tell her that Gray and Erza are also coming.

"Here you go," Mira says with a smile. As she puts our plates down covered in food."Enjoy!" she says and walks away to ask what Wendy and Charle want to eat.

Even though Lucy's job might be boring,  she rarely picks jobs , so I just agreed to help her with....Help her with...Uh...Umm...hmmm.....................WAIT WHAT WAS THE JOB AGAIN?!?!

"Happy!" I said.

"Aye" Happy responded.

"What was the job Lucy told us about again" I asked.

" You already forgot! Come on, I was hoping you  would make it to the end of dinner before I would have to remind you. She literally told us what it was about at lunch. Did you even listen?" Happy said in between bites of his fish.

"Of course I was listening!" I reply.

Wait, She told us what the job was about? When? I don't remember that.

"Wait if she told us about the job this morning why didn't we just go on the job then?" I asked.

"Because, the client said to come at night! That's when the job starts. Geezz Natsu, I bet you don't even remember what your first question was." He retorted.

"What question?" I asked. My brain was starting to get a little dizzy with all these questions.

"I seriously worry about your lack of brain cells sometimes." Happy teased.

" Hey, I have brain cells!" I yelled," You are starting to sound like ice princess with your whinging about me forgetting one little thing!"

"Fine," Happy started," I'll tell you about the job. So there is this guy who wants us to find.....Blah.....Blah......Blah................... tonight because........blah.......blah....blah..........."

My mind was already bored of this conversation. I finished my food and left some jewel on the table for Mira.

"I'm bored," I said cutting happy off."Lets go outside and do something while we wait for Lucy. She might just be stuck in a crowd or something"

We walk outside the guild hall, and see the busy streets of Magnolia. People we huddled in crowds trying to get home from work in time for dinner with their families. As I looked at the streets I notice a small flash come from an alley way. I decide to ignore it. I continue to look at the streets looking for Lucy. "Lets see, hmm. Random person, random person, random person....." I think in my head. Again I see that flash from the alley way.

"Happy do you see that" I ask. Happy turns in the direction of the alley.

"Aye," he says," it looks like a rock that is reflecting the moon."

I walk towards the alley, trying no to run into anyone. I get to the alley and grab the rock, actually not rock, Lacrima! I sprint back to where Happy is flying.

"Happy look a Lacrima!" I exclaim.

"Cool," he says," do you know what kind".

"No" I answer.

"Throw it," Happy says," throw it as far as you can i wanna see if I can catch it."

"OK," I say," I'm gonna throw it so far, Its gonna hit the magic council straight in the face" I laugh as I throw the small lacrima. Happy catches it and throws it back.

"Lame, that throw barley went five feet," he taunts.

"Oh, yah" I say as I get ready to throw the lacrima again. Lets see him catch this. I toss the ball into the air and say, "Fire Dragon, ROOOOAAAAARRRRRR." The lacrima goes flying accross the Giuld's courtyard. Then it stops and hovers over the edge of the Guild. Happy bursts out laughing.

"You call that a throw!" He laughs," It barely went 15 feet!" I slowly walk over to the hovering Lacrima. It was just hovering there.

"Thats wier..." I start, But before I can finish, a magic circle appears in front of us and everything goes dark.

What happened to Natsu and Happy??? Comment what you think! As soon as this book gets some reads I will post part two. I want to thank Fairy_Tail_Maniac for making me post this. Go read her book Fairy Tail Texts!

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