Chapter 2

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A/N Hi guys! Here's the next chapter. Just to let you know from now on when words are in italics, it means it the character's thoughts. Hope you enjoy!!!

Lucy POV
I was walking down the streets of Magnolia with Plue. Well I was walking, Plue was doing his little dance down the crowded streets.
He's just so cute
I was yanked out of my thoughts when someone bumped into me.
"Hey!" I said slightly annoyed.

"Watch where your going," the man shouted," I'm late and I have important places to be!"

I rolled my eyes and continued towards the guild. Wait a minute. I looked at the sky and saw the beautiful colors of sunset.
Crap! I'm late to meet up with Natsu!
My lazy walk turned into a light jog. When the guild came into view I slowed my pace.

"Alright Plue," I started," are you ready for the job?"
Plue gave his cute little head nod and a sound that sorta sounded like "uh,huh." When we reached the courtyard I saw this wired looking rock thing.
A lacrima maybe?
I reached for it but, Plue already had it in his hands. He then started to dance with it. As cute as it was, I was already keeping Natsu and Happy waiting.
"Come on Plue, now is not the time to..." I started. Pure shock cut me off. The lacrima started to hover. I closed Plue's gate so he wouldn't get hurt. Everything happened so fast I honestly don't remember much. I remember a magic circle appearing and everything turning black....

I woke up laying on cold cement. I was awake but my eyes were not open.
What just happened? Where am I? Did I faint?
Why didn't someone wake me up I was just in front of the guild...
I suddenly heard it. The voice I wanted to hear just now.

"She's not waking up, Happy. What should we do?" He said
"Just wait a little longer" Happy said
"No way! I sick of waiting. Maybe a little fire will open her eyes" Natsu replied.
No way in hell!
I opened my eyes with a start.
"How stupid are you! Why would you set an unconscious person ON FIRE!" I screamed.
"Lucy! You're awake!" Natsu said with a smile on his face.
"Yah I'm awake. Awake an angry!" I retorted. I finally became aware of my surroundings.
"Natsu?" I asked," where are we?"
" Well," he started. He scratched the back of his head. " I dont... Exactly.. Know."
I looked around again. There were moving boxes with wheels. Buildings as tall as the sky, and everywhere I looked there was always someone with this weird rectangle thing in their hands. One guy even had these strings attach to his rectangle thing and it connected to his ears! Buildings lit up so bright, it was like a huge candle. I tried to find the guild but with no luck.
This is a dream right?
I slapped myself. Nope. Not a dream.
What the heck happened?

I screamed, not caring if people stared, "WHERE DID MAGNOLIA GO??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Thanks for reading! I know this was kinda a short chapter, but I will update this book every 2-5 days. Don't be afraid to comment! I love seeing your reactions!

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