Cinder(y/n) - Part One (Rogue)

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Heyo, I'm again...

So I'm having writer's block right now, and if anybody has any requests they can comment them, just keep in mind that I might not do all of them.  I'll try to do what I can.

This is kind of your version of Cinderella, but I tried to change it up a little.  See if you like it~

(F/c) = Favorite Color

Dareka = somebody

Tasukete = help me

Demo = but

Welp, onto them story.

"Imbecile!" your stepfather, Jiemma, yelled as he slapped you right across the face.  "How could you not follow such simple instructions?  I asked for coffee stirred counterclockwise, not clockwise, idiot." 

"I-I'm sorry," you apologized shakily, trying your very hardest not to cry.

Your stepsister, Minerva, only scoffed at your form.  "Pathetic.  Weaklings like you don't belong in our household.  You're lucky your mother left you with us." 

You desperately wanted to tell Minerva to shut up about your mom, but you knew that they would just starve you if you did.  Instead, you bit your lip and lowered your gaze to the broken glass cup on the ground, saying nothing.

Jiemma sighed in frustration, as if it was too much for him to handle to deal with such a fool.  "Clean up this mess and don't forget to do all of your chores.  Minerva and I are going out to have lunch with the duke's family." 

He walked out, but not before kicking the glass towards your direction, making some of it cut your fingers.  You yelped quietly, watching the blood drip from your cuts onto the stone floor.  Minerva smirked cruelly before leaving you alone in the kitchen.

There, you quickly washed your wounds and cleaned up the glass carefully, making sure not to leave any chipped pieces behind.  After you'd finished, you sat in your corner beside the fireplace and weeped silently.

Dareka, tasukete...


Time Skip brought to you by Cana's amazing performance of Fairy Glitter


*knock, knock, knock*

"Coming!" you called as you set your broom aside and quickly strode towards the front door, not wanting to keep anybody wanting.

You opened the door, expecting the angry faces of your stepfamily, but instead, you were greeted by the smiling face of a mailman.  You blinked, caught by surprise.

"Oh," you managed.  "G-good morning." 

"Hello, miss," he answered, and handed you a white envelope neatly sealed with red wax in the symbol of the royal crest.  "This is an invitation from the royal family." 

"A-an invitation?" you stuttered, your (e/c) eyes widening.  "F-for what?" 

He only grinned and waved at you.  "Read it, miss, and you'll find out." 

Staring at him for a moment, you finally were able to tear your eyes from his form and closed the door.  You were confused as to why you received a letter, and found your eyes now glued to the envelope in your hands.  Mentally debating on whether you should wait for Jiemma and Minerva to come home or just tear it open like what your instinct is, you decided to wait until the two came home.  You didn't want more punishment.

Still, as you placed the letter on the dinner table and walked across the room to reach for your broom, you wondered what was contained inside that envelope.


Time skip brought to you by Tamaki peeking in on this story from another anime


"The royal ball?" Minerva asked, looking truly interested in something for the first time in her life (except for torturing you).  "For Prince Rogue?" 

"Yes," Jiemma responded, his eyes scanning the page (OH WAIT, I forgot, he doesn't HAVE eyes...).  "Apparently he's looking for a bride suitable to be his queen in order for him to rule the kingdom, as the previous king, Skiadrum, had recently passed away, as you ought to know." 

Minerva placed her gloved hand on her waist.  "Well, that's easy," she boasted.  "I'll have the prince around my finger in no time." 

Jiemma nodded approvingly.  "It says that all the maidens in the kingdom may attend, but I believe you have more chance than any of them, Minerva." 

You knew that they would punish you for saying this, but you must ask.  "U-um...may I go to the b-ball as well?" you peeped nervously.

The two's attention suddenly turned to you.

"You?" Minerva laughed snottily.  "You have no chance, my dear (Y/n), so you might as well give up and not go.  Besides, you're going to die alone, so what's the point?" 

You frowned.  "D-demo, it says all the maidens in the kingdom may--"

"You will not be going, and that is final," Jiemma interrupted in a sharp tone.  "No more arguments about this, or else you get no meals for the next three days." 

Reluctantly, you nodded and backed off from the conversation.

What was I thinking? you thought to yourself as you scrubbed the mess Minerva had purposely created to give you more work.  They obviously wouldn't give me permission to go, no matter what I do to try and convince them...


Time skip brought to you by the author's laziness


Exhausted, you collapsed on the stone bench in the backyard garden, your hands tired and hurting.  You'd just brushed and re-brushed Minerva's hair, dressed and re-dressed Minerva's outfit, and applied and re-applied Minerva's heavy makeup.  It was like Minerva was handicapped or something and couldn't do anything for herself, and you had to help her through absolutely everything.  It felt worse than having to take care of a five year old kid, because this woman had an awful temper.

A tear slipped down your left eye, and then your right.  "H-huh?" you murmured, your slightly swollen fingers touching your cheeks.  "Why am I crying?" 

It's not like someone had just died...but at that moment, you realized why you were crying.  You hadn't noticed that you had been looking forward to the ball so much.

You remembered your mother telling you stories about how she and your original father had met.  She was at a ball, and she'd met a knight there, who had dressed as a regular gentleman attending a dance.  They talked and danced and fell in love.  Your mother eventually married him, and they were happy until he was taken away due to war when you were two years old.  They received a letter three months later, informing them that he had died.

Not wanting you to grow up fatherless, she remarried to that big dumb block of abomination that you now call a father.  Unfortunately, she died a year after the marriage from disease.

You'd always dreamt of finding true love, but it was obvious that wasn't going to happen if you were stuck in this prison cell all day long...but there was nothing you could do.  After all, nobody knew who you even were in this entire kingdom other than the people who abuse you day and night.


You let out a little scream, and backed away immediately, almost falling off the bench.  There, standing in front of you, was a short girl with light blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a light pink dress.

Caught off guard, you managed to squeak out, "U-um, hi..." 

"I'm Mavis!" she chirped cheerfully, smiling warmly at you.  "I sensed that the former Sabertooth idiot Jiemma was giving you a hard time, so, as first master of Fairy Tail, I decided to show you into the path of light!" 

At this, she struck a dramatic and determined pose with sparkles surrounding her.  You raised an eyebrow--was this girl okay?  Did she need to see a doctor?

"Um, little girl--er, Mavis, are you feeling all right?" you asked tentatively, stepping closer to the glowing girl and placing a hand on her forehead.  "You're not feeling warm...where're your parents?  Are you lost?  Would you like me to help you find them?" 

In a flash, she was sitting in a corner, sulking.  You heard her mumbled, "Ne, Tamaki, you grew too many mushrooms the last time you were here." 

Question marks popped above your head.  In all honesty, you had no idea what she was talking about.

"A-ah," you began.  "Gomen, I didn't mean to offend you." 

Perking up, she spun around and faced you--before you knew it, you two were an inch apart.

She had the biggest grin on her face yet.  "No worries!  Anyway, I'm here to help you go to the ball, you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy as I create your carriage!" 

She took out a strawberry cake out of nowhere, and muttered, "I hope Erza doesn't get too mad once she realizes her cake is gone..." 

With the flick of her wrist, the cake was gone and, in its place, stood a beautiful white and red carriage, shimmering in the darkness.

Your eyes widened as you stared at the carriage incredulously.  "I-impossible...!" 

Then, the girl--ahem, Mavis took two blue fish from her invisible pocket.  "Happy would need to get new fish from Mira, too..." 

The blue fish transformed into two light blue horses, almost white, and they whipped their heads around majestically.  Your mouth was agape, you trying to wrap your mind around all of this.

"And now for the fun part!" Mavis exclaimed, turning to you and giggling.

Oh, no, you thought to yourself as you began to inwardly panic.  Is she going to turn me into a rat?  A coach?  A footman?  An ANT?  No, no, I won't allow that to happen...

However, before you could get a word out, you felt a tingling sensation around you.  Looking down instinctively, you gasped in surprise.

You wore a lovely (f/c) dress made of pure silk that flowed down around you beautifully.  The (white/black) gloves covered your rough hands and fit you very well.  On your feet, you wore comfortable (glass/plastic/aluminum/charcoal) slippers.

You looked up at Mavis.  "What's up with the shoes?" 

Mavis stared back at you.  "What about them?" 

You opened your mouth to explain, but instead, you said, "Forget it." 

Excitedly, you stepped into the carriage, closing the door behind you.

"I should tell you that by midnight's final strike, all of the magic will disappear," Mavis warned you, "so I would advise leaving the ball by midnight." 

"Why midnight?" you questioned.

"Because, according to the Oracion Seis, midnight is when Midnight creates all the illusions~" she replied in a mystical voice, sending shivers down your back.  "Anyways, have fun!" 

As if on cue, the horses took off by themselves with no driver, as if already knowing where to go.  You just sat there, in the strawberry cake carriage, wondering what on Earthland Mavis meant by "Midnight creates all the illusions", and finally settled on the thought that she was a bit wrong in the head.

That's all for now.  I'll come up with Part Two soon enough.

Until next time, my lovely readers!

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