Cinder(y/n) - Part Two (Rogue)

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Ohayo, I'm sorry for not updating, some family stuff has been going on and I'm really sorry about not updating.  Anyways, here is thy update~

Urusai = Be quiet, you're too noisy, etc.

You huffed under your breath as you climbed what seemed to be the endless staircase.  "Seriously, why do you need so many stairs to get to the freaking ballroom?  Just seems like a waste of space to me.  Besides, wouldn't it be better to just install an elevator so the handicapped people won't have a problem getting up there?" 

You paused in your quiet ranting, and continued, "Wait, they don't know what elevators are.  Shoot.  Well, maybe just ask--what's her name--Mavis to "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" out an elevator so they know how it works." 

You finally--at long last--made it up to the ballroom.  You hastily wiped away the sweat that had gathered on your face, and hoped you didn't look like a baboon and smell like a hog.  Straightening yourself up, you gracefully--or what you hoped looked graceful--made your way down yet another flight of stairs towards the dance floor.

Suddenly, an abrupt silence swept over the crowd, and, much to your surprise, all eyes landed on you.  You flushed immediately, not used to this much attention all on you, and managed to catch a couple of gazes--some looked jealous, some were admiring you, and some looked interested in you.

The crowd parted for a certain someone to walk down from his throne and directly across the crowd.  You tilted your head questioningly, wondering what on Earthland this black-haired prince thought he was doing, until he reached you and held out a hand, along with a small, genuine smile.

Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared into his mesmerizing red eyes.  They seemed to pierce into your soul, staring and reading your mind, but they held a somewhat gentleness to them.  You felt yourself slowly getting lost in them.

Realizing you had been staring for much too long, you cleared your throat nervously and placed your hand in his.  He grasped your hand tightly, his warmth sending a shiver down your back, and he led you to the center of the dance floor with everyone else still staring at you.

After a short moment of silence, with just you and the prince just staring at each other with small smiles on your faces, the music hesitantly started again.  People snapped out of their trances, though still intrigued by this new maiden entering the ballroom, and began dancing with their partners.

"Shall we?" the prince asked, his voice making your heart go aflutter.

You smiled back, trying to hide your unease around him.  "O-of course, Your Highness." 

He chuckled as you two began swaying to the music.  "Don't be so formal, my lady, that name makes me sound much too old.  Just call me Rogue...and you are?" 

You almost said "Cinder(y/n)," but you caught yourself just in time and bit your tongue.  Quickly, you responded, "(Y/n)." 

"(Y/n)," he repeated, testing the name in his mouth.  "I like it.  It's beautiful, much like yourself." 

You blushed, and timidly hid your face as he laughed again.  For the rest of the dance, you two were practically in your own little world, talking and laughing with each other as your feet just subconsciously danced, matching perfectly with each other.  The stares and whispering from the others in the room were long forgotten--it was only you two that existed in this world at that moment.

By the end of the song, Rogue had one arm around your waist, the other holding your hand.  He smiled down at you affectionately, and your heart gave a great leap when you saw him leaning down towards you.  Your heart rate increased rapidly, and the blush on your face must have been like a bright red cherry.

Just when your lips were about to touch--


You two jerked apart, startled by the sudden sound and embarrassed you two had been interrupted during your--well, you know.  You turned to see a blond-haired boy, smiling brightly at the prince and holding a bottle of wine, along with two glasses in his other hand.

The smile on his face quickly faded when he saw the blushing mess the both of you were.  "Oh.  I'm sorry.  Did I, um, interrupt something?"

You squeaked in embarrassment, and waved your hands in front of you reassuringly.  "No, no!  Of course're perfectly fine, sir." 

Rogue, on the other hand, wasn't so pleased with his idiotic best friend's actions, and death glared at him with his piercing red eyes.  

The blond man didn't pay any attention to Rogue's scowl as he snorted and winked at you.  "Please, calling me 'sir' makes me sound so old...just call me by my name.  I'm Sting Eucliffe, and you are, my lady?" 

"(Y/n)," you answered, flashing a bright smile.  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sting-san." 

"You as well," Sting told you smoothly, setting the bottle of wine and the two glasses down on a nearby table.  "It's not everyday you meet such a beautiful lady with a kind personality.  Oi, Rogue!  Why didn't you tell me that you got yourself a girlfriend?!" 

You flushed red as Rogue rolled his eyes, annoyed.  "One, she's not my girlfriend.  Two, you're a huge idiot that I just happened to be associated with, and three, I don't have to report everything I do to you." 

"Mou~how could you speak to your best friend like that, Rogue?" Sting whined, his big blue eyes watery and adorable.  You'd nearly "aww'd" at the sight of the puppy-dog eyes.

"Because you're irritating me," Rogue replied shortly, his voice monotone and his eyes unwavering, completely unaffected by his antics.  "If you want to have a drink with someone, go talk to that Pyro Prince that you worship." 

"You shouldn't be talking when you were drooling over every mention of Gajeel!" Sting countered, crossing his arms childishly.

Rogue had a light dust of pink staining his cheeks.  "Urusai!" he hissed.  "Go annoy someone else!" 

"No way~!" Sting sang, slinging an arm over the black-haired prince's shoulders.  "We're best buddies~!  Of course I've got to annoy you day and night!" 

You giggled as a tick mark appeared on Rogue's forehead.  Angry Rogue was just so adorable in your eyes.

Rogue's eyes visibly softened at the sight of your smile.  He grabbed your gloved hand, shrugged off Sting's arm, and gave him one last glare before pulling you away from the "idiot".  You yelped in surprise when he gave a slight tug on your arm to quicken your pace, as if he was worried Sting would follow you two.  You looked back to see, however, Sting smiling and waving.  Shyly, you lifted your free hand and waved back.

"DON'T TRAUMATIZE THE POOR GIRL, ROGUE!" Sting shouted, his voice drawing the attention of many others surrounding him.  "SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE TAINTED BY YOUR PERVERTED WAYS, AND I DON'T NEED TO BE AN UNCLE NOR A GODFATHER YET!" 

"SHUT UP, EUCLIFFE!" Rogue demanded, his voice booming louder than Sting's as he blushed.

You felt your face heat up once you comprehended Sting's words, but you suddenly felt a cold breeze brush past you as soon as you stepped foot outside.  You shivered, and looked around to find yourself in the royal garden, where crickets chirped in the background and the moon shone bright--but the most important thing was that no one was out here.

Rogue sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair as he sat down on a nearby stone bench.  "I'm sorry about my foolish best friend.  He can be quite noisy sometimes...well, he's like this most of the time, as you can see, but he's extremely bothersome when there are balls or parties." 

You smiled, and nodded.  "I understand.  No worries.  It must be great having a friend, huh?" 

The frown on his face faded away, and a small smile instead graced his lips.  "Yeah," he admitted.  "Sting may be a whiny child, but he can be serious at times--no, I'm not joking--and he's always there when I need him.  He's like the brother I never had, and I can always rely on him." 

Your smile widened.  "Sounds lovely.  At least you know that he's not the kind of friend who would go behind your back and betray you or anything." 

Rogue snorted.  "Betraying someone means you have to plan out what to do.  Sting is too dumb and too lazy to even think about such things." 

You giggled, and looked up at the star-filled sky.  "Yeah, I suppose so..." 

Rogue turned to look at you, and smiled gently when he saw you looking in awe at the stars.  Your (e/c) eyes sparkled beautifully, and your pink lips were slightly parted in amazement.  Your (h/c) hair looked perfect in every way, and your dress sparkled along with you.

Rogue lifted your hand and brought it to his lips, causing you to blush and shift your gaze from the night sky to him.  "(Y/n), I have to ask you something." 

You tilted your head, curious.  "What is it?" 

He opened his mouth, and then closed it in hesitation.  He opened it again, and was about to speak before--


Maybe that's just Jiemma snoring? you thought to yourself, but winced when you spotted the large clock nearby.

It read twelve o'clock, midnight.

And then Mavis' words came ringing back to you.


So I decided to have a Part Three.  I'm a huge jerk for not updating.  My sincerest apologies.  You guys are allowed to fly to Mars and tell me what a horrible author in person if you would like to.

I'm also really, really happy about the 100 reads.  Most of them are probably just misclicks on the first preview I posted called "Yo, Minna-chan!" but then again, I'm the kind of person who gets my hopes up.  A lot.  So until someone tells me otherwise, I'm going to be happy about my 100 reads~.  YATTA! *celebrates in the background*

Until next time~!! <3

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