My Imaginary Friend (Natsu)

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I know I haven't updated the Wonderland story in a while, and that'll be coming up soon (hopefully), but I just had to do this one.

It literally came to me half an hour ago, and it was so cute that I couldn't resist doing it.  I really hope you guys enjoy!

Few hours later:

This turned out to be...MUCH longer than I expected.  If you enjoy long chapters, read on ahead!

(S/n) = sibling name

(L/n) = last name

Demo = but

Baka = idiot

Arigato = thank you

Urusai = be quiet

Mattaku = honestly

Ara = oh

Nani = what

NOTE: I'm sorry if you live in a country where the school system isn't like the US system--can, change it as you read?  Thank you, it's much appreciated!

As a child, you've been more of a loner rather than a social butterfly.

Your parents focus more of their attention on (S/n), considering how likable and outgoing he/she is (if you don't have a sibling, I apologize--maybe replace with cousin or imaginary sibling).  It's not like they neglect you or anything--they're good parents, reading books to you most nights and praising you on your creative, messy drawings.  (S/n) also makes sure you feel loved by complimenting you occasionally and giving you warm hugs every now and then.  All in all, they treat you as a member of the family.

But you can tell that (S/n) is the more likable one out of you two.  When your parents meet up with others, they speak of (S/n) more so than you.  When you two compare your drawings, it's often (S/n) who gets commended more so than you.  When it comes to privileges, (S/n) has slightly more than you do.

However, you don't exactly mind it that much.  Sure, you get annoyed when (S/n) gets the last cookie, or when your relatives remember (S/n)'s name but not yours, but it's not something that makes you overly emotional.

That said, you do feel lonely sometimes.

(S/n) is independent and likes spending time on his/her own, while your parents are busy with work; your (grandparent/uncle/aunt), who supervises you while your parents are at work, barely does anything other than feed you, so you frequently found yourself alone, bored out of your mind with nothing to do.

You've been so lonely that you create a being out of your imagination in order to keep you company during those painfully silent days.  Due to your childish and wild imagination, this character has pink hair, dark eyes, and a weird, white scarf hanging around his neck.  He's kind, friendly, funny, and energetic.

Because you've been watching some Japanese cartoon shows (AKA anime) on TV, and because you'd "created" this imaginary friend on June 21st, the first day of summer, you decide to name him "Natsu." It means "summer" in Japanese.  As for his last name, he insists that it's "Dragneel"--it has something to do with a dragon raising him when he was younger.

You swear he's the craziest and wildest person you have ever met.  He has the most reckless personality, the loudest mouth, and the cutest of smiles.

Natsu Dragneel is your best friend, and has been since day one.

Time skip

"Ne, Natsu," you murmur as you sit, cross-legged, on your comfy bed.  "Do you know?"

"Huh?" Natsu, who had been indulged in playing with toy dragons and cars, looks up at you curiously.  "What is it, (Y/n)?"

"Mommy says I have to start school tomorrow."

The pinkette abandons the toys he had been playing with previously and stands up, walking over to you.  "What's that?" he asks cluelessly.

"I'm not really sure," you admit truthfully.  "Mommy says it's where you learn new stuff and adults teach you things..."

"Eh?" he questions, sitting near you on the bed lazily.  "Sounds boring."

"Daddy says it's fun," you mumble, "but I don't really wanna go."

He blinks in surprise.  "Why not?  You don't even know what it's like."

You frown as you sit up straighter, leaning toward him.  "D-demo!" you protest abruptly, startling him and causing him to jump.  "I asked Mommy and Daddy if you can go to school, too!  A-and they said no, because people can't see you..."

Natsu lies down and puts his arms behind his head, sighing.  "Man, what a pain," he complains, rolling his eyes.  "This lame 'school'...who needs to learn new stuff, anyway?!"

"B-but Natsu, I don't wanna go without you."

He turns to you, only to find you with a miserable pout and small tears in your eyes; he scoffs.  "Baka (Y/n)," he chides casually.  "You really think I'd let you go to this...this 'school' without me?"

Your eyes widen.  "B-but Mommy said you can't go because--"

"Well, if she can't see me, how's she gonna stop me?" he interrupts, grinning toothily as he holds up a thumbs-up.  "Don't worry.  When you leave tomorrow, just pretend you don't see me--don't talk to me.  Hold the door open so I can sneak out with you without them noticing, okay?"

You blink for a while before a smile breaks out on your face.  Your features light up with joy and happiness as you capture Natsu into a bear hug, causing him to yelp as you squish him tightly.

"Thank you, Natsu!" you cry ecstatically.  "I don't know what I would've done without you!"

He chuckles arrogantly as he hugs you back.  "Exactly, you wouldn't last a day without me," he boasts.  "Besides, if what your mom says is true and nobody can see me, then I'm not going to let you hang out with those dimwits by yourself, or else their stupidity will rub off on you.  We're best friends, I can't let that happen to you!"

You laugh as you cuddle closer to him.  "Arigato, Natsu..."

Time skip toooo...*shudders* ugh, school...

You take a sip of water from the water bottle as you wait for Natsu to return, opening your lunch box.  You're sitting at the very end of the long table so no one will bother you.  It's lunchtime, and Natsu had gone to the bathroom, so you patiently sit and save him a seat next to you.  Well, it's not like anyone else would sit next to you anyway--


You blink, snapping out of your train of thought, and turn to find that a blonde-haired girl is smiling at you warmly.

"Um, hi," you answer uncertainly, shifting uncomfortably due to your shyness.

"I'm Lucy," she introduces, setting her lunch box on the spot next to you.  "Can I sit here?"

"Oh, erm..." you mumble quietly.  "M-my friend is going to...s-sit there...I-I'm sorry!"

She giggles.  "Don't be sorry," she reassures you, setting her lunch box in front of you.  "I'll just sit here.  Is that okay?"

You nod as you sigh in relief, glad that she wasn't rude or inconsiderate.  "Yeah, that's okay," you tell her as she beams and sits down.

"What's your name?"


"Ah, what a pretty name!  You have a friend on the first day already, huh?  How lucky~!  What's their name?"

You're hesitate on revealing his name, but as you open your mouth to say something, a voice interjects.

"Yo, (Y/n), I'm back!  Oh, who's this?"

A smile appears on your face as you turn, greeting your best friend.  "Natsu!" you exclaim excitedly.  "Here, I saved you a seat.  You can share my lunch since Mommy didn't pack you one...oh, and this is Lucy.  Lucy, this is...N-Natsu."

Natsu sits down next to you, raising an eyebrow as he stares at Lucy questioningly.  Lucy blinks and stares at Natsu before a tiny smile appears on her lips.

"Hello, Natsu," she greets, waving a bit.  "Nice to meet you!  I'm Lucy."

Your eyes widen, and so does Natsu's.  Him and you lock eyes, then turn back to the brown-eyed girl in disbelief.  Does this mean that...people actually CAN see him...?

You gulp and mutter, "C-can you s-see...Natsu?"

Lucy smiles at you and, to your disappointment and confusion, shakes her head.  "No," she replies.  "I can't, but I know he's there.  I have lots of invisible friends, too!"

Invisible friends.  Invisible.  Friends.  Invisible friends.

Nobody has ever used that term to describe Natsu before.

Subconsciously, a large grin breaks out on your face.  "But they're real, right?" you exclaim eagerly, practically buzzing in your seat.  "Your invisible friends, I mean.  They're real!"

Lucy giggles cutely, and nods.  "Of course they're real!  I'll introduce them to you if we ever see each other outside of school, because they're not allowed to come here."

Natsu grips your hand, and you squeeze back as you flash him a smile.  He grins back toothily at you, winking.

All day long, the teacher and your classmates have been ignoring Natsu, not sparing him a glance.  A few of the children stare at you funny when you whisper something to Natsu.  But this girl...Lucy...

Lucy Heartfilia is your non-invisible friend.

Skip through more time~

Throughout elementary school, Natsu, Lucy, and you have been inseparable.  There are, of course, a few classmates who occasionally hang out with you, but it's mostly been the three of you.  You've met a few of Lucy's "invisible" friends, and you can't see them, but you believe they're real, too.

You've described Natsu's appearance to Lucy already, and you often find yourself being the translator in between, informing Lucy what Natsu said or did.  You find undeniable joy during your elementary years, and you can't be happier.

Lucy beams as she strikes a pose.  "What do you think, (Y/n)-chan, Natsu?" she asks happily.  "Mama got me a new outfit yesterday!  Isn't it pretty?"

You smile and nod.  "It looks cute on you, Lucy-chan!"

However, Natsu appears to think differently as he stares at Lucy and deadpans, "It makes you look fat."

You stifle a giggle as you scold, "Natsu!  That's not nice."

"But it's true!" he argues, gesturing toward the blonde wildly as you laugh at his antics.  "(Y/n), look at her and tell me that's not true."

"It's not!" you counter with a chuckle.

Lucy narrows her eyes as she asks, "(Y/n)-chan, what did he say?"

You smile nervously and back away a little.  "I-I don't think I should--"

"If you don't tell me, then I'll tell Aquarius you tried to sabotage her date."

You shiver at the mention of one of Lucy's invisible friends.  Though you can't see Aquarius, whenever Lucy says Aquarius gets angry, you somehow end up getting wet, whether it's stepping into a large puddle accidentally or spilling your water bottle all over yourself.  It's scary to know that someone you can't see can cause you such misfortune.

"H-he said that it makes you look fat," you admit sheepishly.

Lucy's cheeks flush red with embarrassment and anger as she shouts on the top of her lungs, "NATSU!!"

The students nearby aren't even surprised by this anymore--Natsu has gotten Lucy angry so many times that this seems to be a daily occurrence.  They continue on their normal lives after sparing Lucy a quick glance.

Natsu flinches and covers his ears with his hands.  "Geez, calm down, woman."

"He said to calm down," you add, feeling a lot like Horologium, another one of Lucy's invisible friends.

"Don't tell me to calm down, you pink freak!  You have literally zero manners!"

"Ahh, urusai, blondie!"

"He said, 'Ahh, urusai, blondie.'"

"What did you say, baka?!"

"I said you're annoying, fatty!"

"'I said you're annoying, fatty.'"


You giggle in amusement as Natsu crosses his arms and looks away, muttering, "Tch."

"I don't even need (Y/n)-chan to know that you're saying or doing something irritating again," Lucy sighs, pressing her fingers to her temple.  "Mattaku, how is it that someone who I can't even see causes me such rage?  Geez..."

More time skip

But as time passes, things change.  Eventually, your happy elementary years are over, and you begin middle school.

Unfortunately, you're going to a different school than Lucy, causing you great disappointment and sadness.

"It's alright," she'd said during your last meeting.  "We'll be going to the same high school.  Just a few years, (Y/n)-chan, until we see each other again.  Good luck!  I'll miss you!"

So on the first day of school, you stay close to Natsu and you don't dare to speak to anyone, due to your painfully shy persona.

During lunch, you're talking casually with Natsu and laughing at one of his jokes before the two of you are interrupted by someone's voice.

"Who the heck are you talking to?"

You jolt at the sudden voice, and turn to find a black-haired girl staring at you with squinted eyes, her hands on her hips.

"O-oh, I'm t-talking to Natsu," you respond nervously, smiling sheepishly.  "He's my best friend.  Y-you probably can't see him..."

Natsu glances at Minerva with a raised eyebrow.  "So, who the heck are you and why did you rudely interrupt our conversation?"

You stay quiet for a moment before speaking.  "Natsu asks who you are," you decide to say, choosing not to translate all that Natsu said.

"Natsu?" the girls questions, staring at the space next to you.  "I don't see anyone.  Say, are you insane or something?"

You blink.  "H-huh?"

"Oi, what'd you say?!" Natsu demands, glaring daggers at her.

"Maybe you're deaf, too," she sneers, lifting her head to glower down at you.  "What a deranged weirdo..."

With those words, she leaves while flipping her hair, making you stare into empty space and wonder what had just happened.

Before long, though, you feel a warm arm hanging over your shoulders, and look up to find that Natsu was grinning brightly at you.

"Ignore her, she's unbelievably ugly and disgusting," he mutters bitterly, causing you to giggle.  "Don't hang around idiots like her.  Man, if Lucy were here, she'd probably punch that moron..."

You sigh and nod.  "Yeah, I do miss Lucy-chan.  But you know what?  I think we'll make it through this, as long as you're by my side."

Time skip

But middle school proves to be more of a challenge than you expected.  No one talks to you because they believe you're some sort of witch that speaks to the dead, and teachers are concerned about you.

Once, a teacher contacted your parents because they believed that you speaking to Natsu was a "problem." They have a conference about it, and once your parents arrive home, they speak to you about it.

"(Y/n), sweetie, the teachers think that it's unhealthy for you to still be having...imaginary friends at this age," your father begins.

You frown at him.  "Natsu's not imaginary, Dad.  He's sitting right there!"

You gesture to the couch, where Natsu is currently lounging while watching the TV with mild interest.  (S/n) is sitting near him, eyes also glued to the TV.

Your parents smile at you wearily.  "(Y/n), he's not," your mother answers in the softest way possible.  "You should know this by now.  Natsu's never been there, he's just someone you created out of your imagination.  I suppose this is our fault--we should've spent more time with you so you wouldn't have been so lonely..."

You stare at your parents in disbelief.  "But--but I don't understand," you stammer, fighting back tears.  "Natsu--my best friend--is real.  He's right there.  Just because you don't see him, doesn't mean he's not real!  Lucy-chan said so!"

"(Y/n)!" your father argues, taking your hand.  "Lucy had a lot of imaginary friends, too.  That's why she would say that.  Nevertheless, I'm sure that she's gotten over them by now.  That's something you need to do, too."

You yank your hand away from your dad, shaking your head.  "I-I don't know what you want me to do," you murmur quietly.

"(Y/n), we want you to get over your obsession with Natsu," your mother tells you, frowning.  "You're too old for this!  You have no friends at school, and you're constantly talking to thin air.  Please, we're only trying to help you."

You remain silent stubbornly, still trying to process this.

"(Y/n).  Natsu isn't real."

"He never has been."

"He doesn't exist."

"Please, just...get over him."

Time skip

The next day, you don't dare to speak or glance at Natsu.  He constantly tries to strike up conversation, but you either ignore him or walk away, pretending you don't hear him.

He doesn't exist.  He's not there.  (Y/n), why do you still see him?

"Oh," the black-haired girl from before, now known as Minerva, snarls from behind you.  "The freaky witch isn't talking to the ghost today.  How odd."

You bit your lip as you keep your eyes sternly on your classwork.

Natsu, who isn't too far away, glares at Minerva.  "Shut it, you old hag!" he spits.  "Don't you DARE insult (Y/n) in such a way!  If anyone's a witch, it's you!  Have you looked at yourself in the mirror today?!"

You tighten your grip on your pencil, fighting back tears.  Natsu...

You quickly shake your head, resuming your work halfheartedly.  No, he's not real.  He's not there.  You're just imagining it, (Y/n).  Stop it.

Time skip

You're working on your homework while keeping your mouth shut--you haven't said anything all day.  Natsu had been trying to talk to you all day, but you forced yourself to ignore him, which was incredibly painful.

He's probably moping and watching the TV now, you think as you scribble random answers.  Or perhaps he--

A hand slamming on your table jolts you out of your deep thoughts, and you look up to find yourself staring right into the eyes of Natsu Dragneel.

Your eyes widen as he leans in closer with furrowed eyebrows.  You lean back and nearly fall out of your chair as you avert your gaze.  Natsu's warm hand is quick to move forward and grab your shoulder to stabilize you and keep you from falling.

"(Y/n)," he mumbles lowly.  "Look at me."

You find it difficult to do as he asked, but you reluctantly raise your head until your eyes meet his onyx ones.  The moment you look into them, you feel the great sensation to cry.

He moves his hand from your shoulder to your cheek carefully, a tinge of anger in his expression but mostly concern.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" he inquires gently.  "You haven't said a single word at all today, not even to me.  If there's something bothering you, just tell me.  I promise I won't judge or make fun of you...and I'll do my best to solve it!"

Suddenly, his eyes darken, and the hand on the table curls into a fist.  "It's Minerva, isn't it?" he growls furiously.  "She said or did something, right?  That freaking stupid toad, she deserves to get eaten by a dragon, that's okay (Y/n), I'll protect you!  You don't need to be afraid of that demon--"

"Stop!" you cry, tears already trailing down your cheeks.  "Stop it!"

He stares at you with wide eyes, startled by your abrupt outburst.

"Why?!" you exclaim as more tears fall, a few of them falling on Natsu's hand, which is still resting on your cheek.  "Why are you still here, Natsu?!  You shouldn't exist!  You don't exist!  Nobody can see you but me!  My teachers say so, Mom and Dad say so, and so does the rest of the school, so why...?  Why do I still see you...w-why are you still here...?"

A sob escapes your lips and racks your entire body as you trail off, unable to say anything.  You can see the hurt and disbelief written all over his face, and you feel a pang of guilt and regret hit you, but you can't bring yourself to speak.  The two of you exchange a moment of silence, the only noise filling the air being your quiet sobs.

His hand leaves your cheek, and curls into a small fist as he gently knocks you on the side of your head.  "Baka," he states bluntly.  "You let the idiots rub their stupidity off on you, didn't you?  Stupid school.  You should be homeschooled."

Your eyes widen and you stare up at him; he pushes all the pain he felt from your words aside and shows you a bright, heartwarming smile, as if there is nothing in the world that matters more than you.

"You are you, (Y/n)," he reassures you, petting your hair.  "Never let anyone else change that.  Never let anyone else define who you are.  You be you.  Those idiots can be idiots.

"If you can see me, and if you believe that I exist, then that's all you need.  I know you believe that I'm real, I can feel it.  We're best friends, remember?  We're not supposed to let anything come in between us.  So don't listen to them, because what do they know?

"If I don't exist, then how come you believe?  How come Lucy believed?  Lucy never referred to us as a duo.  She referred to us as a trio.  Three people.  If people don't accept who you are and insist on trying to change you, then you shouldn't pay them a sliver of your attention.  We're best friends, (Y/n).  Nothing is ever going to change that.  Okay?"

He presses his lips against your forehead softly, comforting you and telling you everything is going to be all right.

This is when you realize that there's no chance of you ever letting Natsu go.

Time skip brought to you by Happy's, "Aye!"

Middle school is finally over.

The torture is done.


At long last.

"Natsu, Natsu, wake up~!" you exclaim as you shake the sleepy pinkette, who is clinging to the bed relentlessly.  "First day of high school!  LUCY WILL BE THERE~!"

"Demo, (Y/n)~!" he whines childishly.  "I wanna sleep~!"

"Okay, I guess I'll just go to school myself...with Minerva there..."

Natsu jumps up from bed with wide eyes.  "I'M UP."

Time skippity skip!

"Bye Mom, bye Dad!" you call as you wave to them, holding the door open so that Natsu can leave first.

Your mother and father smile at you.  "Bye, sweetie," your mother replies, but she glances past you at something or someone else.  "Ara, who's your friend?"

Both you and Natsu blink before glancing outside, only to find no one else on the streets.  "Nani?" you ask in confusion.  "What friend, Mom?"

"Don't play dumb, (Y/n)," your father says, smiling warmly.  "Is he here to pick you up?"

You frown deeper.  "Dad, I seriously don't know what you're--"

"Oh, shoot!" Natsu interrupts, glancing at the clock.  "(Y/n), we're going to be late for school!"

You look at the clock, and, indeed, it reads that you'll be late if you don't hurry.  "Ah, darn," you murmur, pretending you had cut yourself off instead of Natsu interrupting you earlier.  "We're--I'm gonna be late!  See you later, Mom, Dad!"

You usher Natsu out and close the door behind you, leaving behind two very confused parents.

Time skip


You turn instantly, your eyes lighting up upon seeing your blonde-haired friend running toward you.

"Lucy-chan!" you exclaim joyously before engulfing her in an embrace, smiling wider than you have in years.  "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too!" she responds, leaning back to look at your face.  "Oh my goodness, you look so pretty!  So beautiful!"

"You do, too!" you agree, taking in her appearance as well.  "You look the same, just more matured and more stunning!"

She giggles.  "Thank you!  Is Natsu here?"

You beam at the fact that she still remembers the pinkette, and you nod enthusiastically.  "Natsu's right here!" you declare proudly, gesturing to where he was standing.  "Natsu, say hello to Lucy-chan!"

Natsu smirks and shoves his hands in his pockets.  "So, the blondie has returned, huh?" he asks.  "Nice to see you again."

You giggle giddily as Lucy stares at Natsu.  "Eh?" Lucy asks, puzzled.  "But I thought Natsu was--"

A new, chilling voice interrupts Lucy's question.  "Well, well~, if it isn't the freaky witch."

Just like a dark, angry cloud intruding on an otherwise pleasant day, Minerva strolls in with a cruel smirk plastered on her face.  "You're not talking to your little ghost, Natsu, anymore, (Y/n)~?"

You scowl at her, but you bite your tongue and refuse to say a word as you glance away.

"Oi, pig face," Natsu calls, even though he knows that she can't hear him.  "Why don't you shut up and go eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside, yeah?"

Instead of ignoring Natsu as Minerva always does, she snaps her head around to stare directly at Natsu.

Directly at Natsu.

"Huh?!  Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?!" she seethes, narrowing her eyes dangerously.

Both you and Natsu widen your eyes at the sight of someone actually reacting to Natsu's presence.  This has never occurred before--you're the only one who can see him...right?  Moreover, Minerva has never showed any signs of seeing Natsu before, so why the change?

"...y-you..." Natsu breathes, his eyes wide in disbelief.  "You can...see me?"

Minerva sneers coldly at him.  "Of course I can, do you take me for an imbecile?" she spits.  "Now, take back what you said and I'll consider forgiving you for your crimes."

Natsu continues staring at Minerva, slack-jawed and shock written all over his features, but he attempts to snap out of his daze as he counters, "The only crime here is your face."

His words arise a few murmurs from nearby passerby, who have rarely seen anyone stand up to Minerva before.  This only causes more confusion to flood your mind--people other than you and Minerva can see Natsu, too?!

Minerva twitches as her face twists into that of pure rage.  "You...!" she growls heatedly.  "Who do you think you are, scum?!"

Natsu takes a moment to reply to her.  He stands there, silent, for a short moment, then walks up to where you are and wraps an arm around your midsection, which isn't uncommon, considering the two of you are close friends.  However, due to the fact that everyone can suddenly see Natsu now, you begin to feel insecure and self-conscious as your cheeks grow warm, mind still dizzy and reeling at the sudden change in events.

"The name's Natsu Dragneel, (Y/n) (L/n)'s best friend."

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