Savior (Sting)

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WE'VE HIT 3K VIEWS, CELEBRATE!! *plays upbeat music while dancing weirdly*

Also, this one does NOT take place in the Fairy Tail universe, just a heads up!

Warning: Slightly sad, bullying mentioned

(h/c) = hair color

Ano = um

Otou-san = dad

Demo = but

Urusai = be quiet

Baka = idiot

Chotto = wait

-san = Mr/Ms./Mrs.

"Pathetic freak!"

"Ew, creepy...!"


"Argh, stay away from me!"

"What the heck is she even doing here?!"


"Don't contaminate me!"

That was what people often called you when you were younger.  Shunned since birth, orphaned at age three, and a runaway since age five.

You're a neko.  One of those beings that are half human, half cat.  Two (h/c) ears poked from your soft hair, and a matching tail swished behind you.  You're mostly human, but you have a few cat-like tendencies, such as being attracted to milk and often relentlessly chasing red beams.

You used to live in the orphanage after your parents disowned you, but that place was no different from your home.  You were the only neko in the orphanage, so the children there, like your parents, enjoyed bullying and tormenting you.  Most of the time, it was verbal, but words had emotional and mental impacts on you.  Others would frequently steal or forcefully take your belongings.  A couple times, there would be people yanking your tail or your ears for fun.

After two years, when you were five, you secretly escaped that miserable place.  That was when you met him.

Sting Eucliffe.

The light that pulled you from your darkness.

You remember when you first met him when you'd escaped.

The rain is heavier than it has ever been.  You're completely drenched from head to toe, and there's barely anyone on the streets.  They're all probably taking shelter from the weather.

You're lost, and you know it.  You whimper as you cautiously proceed down the streets; perhaps this is a bad idea after all.  Maybe you should have never left...

You flinch as the wind howls and an owl hoots somewhere, frightening you further.  The rain patters against the stone ground as you quicken you pace, not wanting to be kidnapped.

You accidentally bump into someone, causing fear to rise inside of you and for your breath to hitch.  Your heart rate picking up immediately, you look up to see whom you had bumped into, hoping that they won't hurt you.

You see the face of a blond boy, who can't be more than two years older than you, and in his hand is a light blue umbrella, matching his eyes.  You're relieved that he isn't an adult, for most adults seemed to not like nekos, but at the same time, you instinctively back away, not wanting him to bully you like the others.

"I-I-I'm so s-sorry!" you apologize, cursing mentally at your stuttering.  "I wasn't l-looking, I-I'm--!"

"Huh?" the boy asks nonchalantly, a hand in his pocket as he holds the umbrella over the both of you.  "Oh, that's okay.  Don't worry about it...but hey, you look pretty lost.  Where are you headed, girl?"

You gulp, thankful for the umbrella, and answer tentatively, "A-ano, I'm not e-exactly headed toward...anywhere...s-specifically...why do you care anyway...?!"

The boy blinks, ignoring your last statement.  "What are you saying?  Everyone's got somewhere to go.  Where's your home?  I can point you in the right direction--after all, Otou-san taught me how to read a map!"

He sounds proud as he says the last part, and you nearly burst into tears at how kind he's treating you.

"I don't have a home," you murmur quietly, glancing away shamefully.  "I-I don't wanna go back there."

He stares at you for a moment in silence, but you can't bring yourself to stare back.  Instead, you choose to focus on the rain hitting the ground beneath you in a steady motion.

After the pause, he decides, "Yosh.  Ja, you can come with me."

Your eyes widen in surprise.  "E-EH?!" you exclaim as he grins toothily and grabs your wet wrist with his free hand.

"You can come to my house for now," he tells you, winking.  "After all, my parents aren't heartless enough to leave a small girl on the streets in the rain~!"

A blush overtakes your cheeks as he leads you toward his home.  For the first time in your life, your heart was quickening not from fear or anxiety, but from something else...

And that's that.  Ever since that day, you've had a humongous crush on the blond.  Though, you usually try to hide your feelings by becoming flustered and rude...but you're trying to not be too rude when doing so.  After all, you don't want to hurt his feelings.

He's your savior.  You'll forever be indebted to him...though, you'd never admit that to's not like his ego needs much boosting, anyway.

Meanwhile, Sting is the literal definition of a "dumb blond." This typically refers to a female, but you beg to differ.

Especially now.

You twitch in irritation as Sting fawns over his classmate, Natsu Dragneel.  Natsu is a pretty cool guy, and you're friends with him, but Sting is a huge fan of him (for some reason--Natsu's not the brightest guy) and practically worships him.

Tell me...WHY am I in love with this baka again?!

Natsu looks a little creeped out as Sting gushes, "Oh, Natsu-san, you are so amazing~!  Especially when you fought those Phantom jerks, so cool!  I thought I was gonna--"

"OKAY, Sting!" you exclaim, laughing nervously as you grab his arm and forcefully pull him off of the pinkette.  "Get off of him.  Apologies, Natsu-kun, he can be a little clingy."

Natsu laughs as he scratches the back of his head.  "Ah, don't worry about it, (Y/n)!  I can't blame him, I'd worship myself, too!"

You sweat-drop.  "And I see that it's getting to your head, Natsu-kun.  Anyway, I need to talk to Sting, so we'll see you later!"

He nods curtly with a smile before leaving, Sting whining childishly, "Demo (Y/n)-chan~!  I wasn't finished talking to Natsu-san~!"

You roll your eyes as his immaturity.  "Urusai, Sting," you chide.  "You were scaring him."

"Demo (Y/n)-chan~!!"

You sigh exasperatedly.  "Mou, you really are a big baby, aren't you?"

Sting smiles cutely, causing you to avert your eyes elsewhere with a blush.  "So, (Y/n)-chan, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asks.

You blink in confusion before realizing the excuse you had told Natsu.  "Ah, that was more of an excuse to pry you off of Natsu-kun," you admit, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly, "but there actually is something I've been meaning to ask..."

Sting perks up, alert, as you slowly become embarrassed and the swishing of your tail becomes faster.  "What is it, (Y/n)-chan?" he inquires.  "You can tell me anything."

A blush spreads across your cheeks as you poke your fingers together, your ears flattening against your hair nervously.  "Well..." you mumble, nearly inaudibly.  "I was wondering'd...l-like to...erm..."

He doesn't interrupt you as he patiently waits for you to finish your sentence, which you are both grateful and surprised about.  Usually, he would probably tease you to no end.

"...would you...just..." you mutter, then sigh in frustration.  "JUST GO OUT WITH ME, DAMN IT!"

Sting's eyes widen, taken aback by your sudden outburst.  "Eh~?" the blond drawls, smirking.  "Does (Y/n)-chan have a crush on me~?"

You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment.  "U-urusai, BAKA!!" you shout, huffing.

"(Y/n)-chan is so cute when she's shy~!"

"Tch.  If you don't wanna go, then you could've just told--"

Before you can finish, Sting grabs you by the arm and tugs you forward, causing you to emit a yelp.

"C'mon, (Y/n)-chan!  LET'S GO~!"

"Ch-chotto!  STING, I'M GONNA TRIP!"

Time skip brought to you by "Frosch thinks so, too~!"

You and Sting are sitting on the rim of a beautiful fountain, giggling like two idiots.  People walking by will either think you've both completely lost your sanities, or you two look like the ideal couple.

Your fingers are laced with Sting's, causing the butterflies in your stomach to go even crazier, and you're smiling the widest you've ever smiled as the stars glisten beautifully above the two of you, faint lampposts illuminating the streets with the crescent moon shining brightly above you two.

Now, you two are reminiscing on funny stories that Sting's telling you, all about his school life.  You have never gone to school before--you've only hung out with Sting's friends outside of school--so you haven't exactly experienced it firsthand.

"Shut up!" you giggle.  "You did NOT plant hot sauce in Gray's lunch!"

"Oh, but I did," he answers, grinning and winking at you.  "Natsu-san and I laughed and rolled on the floor while Gray drank his water bottle dry~!"

You laugh as you place your free hand on the side of your cheek.  "You're evil and cruel, you know that?"

"Yeah," Sting agrees with a cocky smirk, "and irresistibly handsome~!"

"Oh, shut it," you sigh, rolling your eyes.  "I can't even imagine his horror and surprise during your 'harmless' prank..."

"Well, I can be pretty surprising~!" he sings, nudging you playfully.

You smirk back at him.  "Oh, yeah?" you tease.  "I bet you can't surprise me!"

His smirk widens considerably as he leans in.  "Oh, but I can, (Y/n)-chan~..."

Your eyes widen in disbelief as the blue-eyed male presses his lips against your own, kissing you gently under the twinkling stars and moon.

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