My Loyalty (Laxus)

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Sending many thanks and love to my consistent readers who come back every time I update *cough, which is, like, once in a blue moon, considering what a HORRIBLE author I am, cough*

Hope you enjoy this one~

(F/c) = favorite color

Gaki = kid, brat

Damare = shut up

Baka = idiot

Yamete = stop

Sugoi = amazing

Ji-ji = grandpa, old man

With your (f/c) back slung over your left shoulder, you walked down the streets of the beautiful town of Magnolia, which was bustling with energy.  You smiled as you spotted all of the cute little shops that captured your attention quickly, but not once had you stopped to enter one.

You clutched your bag a little tighter with anticipation upon spotting the legendary building that was located on just the edge of the city, at the end of the stony path you walked on.  Your eyes widened as you stared at the building in awe, your steps quickening as you hastened to arrive sooner.

Once you'd gotten close enough, your excitement skyrocketed as you read the words "Fairy Tail" elegantly embedded on the sign at the entrance.

Finally, you thought, grinning with a racing heart.  I've found Fairy Tail, the guild of my dreams...

You straightened yourself up and took a deep breath before entering the guild, anxiety eating away at you.

The very first thing that greeted you when you stepped into the guild was the most deafening yelling you have ever heard.







You blinked, taken aback, as you stared at the pink- and navy-haired kids, who were fisting it out with one another.  They couldn't have been much younger than you, only two or three years younger, but there was an unbelievable amount of energy coming from the both of them.  Their eyes were blazing with rage and fury, and each punch they delivered was packed with immense hatred for the other.

Suddenly, a girl with peculiar red hair interrupted their fight by stepping in the middle fearlessly and whacking their heads away harshly from each other.  "Yamete, fools!  Stop fighting in the guild, you're embarrassing yourselves."

The two boys fell onto the ground with bumps on their heads.  "Erza..." they grunted weakly.

Another girl, who had long, white hair, was laughing loudly at their misfortune.  "You guys never learn, huh?!  So weak, to have mere Erza beat you up."

The red-haired girl, Erza, flashed her a dangerous look.  "What was that, Mirajane?" she growled, pressing her forehead against the albino-haired female.

"You heard me, weakling!" Mirajane spat back. Fairy Tail, you thought, and you couldn't help but allow a small smile to appear on your face.  Wow...what a rowdy guild...

Your eyes widened as you looked around the guild, eyes scanning for that one person you had traveled all this way for.  But wait, where is he?!

Of course, you had to play the pronoun game and not reveal who it was you were searching for.

Your eyes settled on a blond-haired male, and you narrowed your eyes as you took a few steps toward him.

That light blond hair...the lightning scar...his sharp has to be!

You gulped down your hesitation as you approached the male, tapping him on the arm and looking up at him.

"Excuse me," you said once you had effectively caught his attention.  "Are you Laxus Dreyar?"

He blinked as those around you stopped in their actions, now staring at the two of you curiously.  "Yeah," he muttered lowly, raising an eyebrow.  "What's it to you, gaki?"

You smiled so widely that you were sure you looked stupid like that.  "Sugoi~!" you exclaimed as you rocked back and forth on your feet in excitement.  "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Laxus-san, and I promise to do everything in my power to help you with anything you need, from this day forward!"

Time skip brought to you by this question: how did Laxus even get his scar?  WAS IT VOLDEMORT?! *GASP* IS IVAN ACTUALLY VOLDEMORT--

Your magic wasn't powerful at all; it was mostly informative.  You could see anything that was happening at the moment, even if they were cities away.

You liked your quirky, unique magic, because you could see the grand parades and celebrations that occurred in the capital city while just sitting on your bed.  But there was one aspect that you didn't like about it.

You couldn't aid Laxus while he was fighting.

Speaking of the lightning mage, you two were really close.  It's been two years since you had joined the guild, and you had tagged along on all of the missions he went on.  You were, in short, his biggest fan, considering you had heard stories of him from cities away, and you always tried to help him to the best of your abilities.  You often told him the plans of the enemy he planned to subdue during jobs, allowing you two to keep one step ahead of them.

Over time, Laxus had managed to open up to you.  You never lied to him, and you were trustworthy, so he started telling you more things.  He even occasionally offered vague, tsundere compliments to you, to which your heart was race faster than ever when he did so.

You listened about the pressure and his anger at his grandfather for expelling his father from the guild, and you listened about his insecurity about not being his own person.  He was "tired of being known as the grandson of the master." You tried to console him the best you could.

Nevertheless, you could tell that this was eating away at him.  Even after the Thunder Legion was formed and they pledged their allegiance to him, Laxus was never content with the power he had and always wanted more.  He had also begun to despise his own guild, often dubbing them as "weak" and "pathetic."

He had somehow gotten into his head that becoming guild master was the only way to turn Fairy Tail into a better guild.  You'd tried telling him that he was wrong, but he refused to listen.

"Laxus," you spoke up one day during a mission.  "Do you really think this is the right choice to make?"

He hummed lowly.  "(Y/n), this is the right path to the criminals' headquarters.  We mapped it out, remember?"

"No, I meant what you're planning to do after we return to the guild."

Laxus paused in his steps, causing you and the rest of the Thunder Legion to halt as well.

"(Y/n)," Laxus began, eyeing you.  "What are you saying?"

"Battle of Fairy Tail," you mumbled, staring back at him as you tried not to waver.  "Challenging and forcing your grandfather to give you the title as master of the guild.  Hurting your own family.  Are you really willing to go that far to prove yourself?"

"It's not just about proving myself," he spat, his eyes filled with anger and irritation.  "The guild's falling apart.  They're trash.  I'll make it better."

"But this is not the right way to go," you reasoned pleadingly.  "Don't you see?  The guild, and you, don't need any fixing."

"(Y/n),"  Freed warned, stepping forward.  "That's enough."

You paid him no mind.  "Fairy Tail is the strongest guild I know, and you're the strongest wizard I know.  You shouldn't go to such extreme measures--"

"'Extreme measures'?"

His voice was filled with so much venom and distaste that you flinched at the sound.

He turned his head toward you, his eyes dark and hollow.  "I'll decide how extreme it'll go," he stated, glaring at you.  "If you disagree with my choices, you are free to leave.  I don't need you in my new guild."

Your eyes were wide as you stared back at him, disbelief shining in your eyes.  Your fingers twitched before you moved your hand to where your guild mark was, touching it gently.

The two of you shared a tense moment of silence, the Thunder Legion remaining quiet and merely watching to see how this will play out.

You turned away from him, conflict evident in your eyes.  "Between you and Fairy Tail, you know very well in your heart that I'd choose you, Laxus.  You're the reason I joined the guild in the first place, after all."

His expression was unreadable, so you couldn't tell what he was thinking, but you continued anyway.

"I admire you, Laxus, and I'll listen to what you say, but don't think I don't know what people say behind my back.  They often forget that I'm a sightseer, that I can see things when I'm not there.

"Did you know that people call me 'Laxus' puppet'?  Yeah.  Just because I do whatever you tell me and I follow you everywhere.  That's all they think I am.  A puppet.  A robot.  A mindless being.

"It hurts, you know?  I'm not mindless, and certainly not emotionless.  I can feel sadness, too.  I listen to you because I respect and admire you, not because I do it for no reason.  And for that reason, I'll follow through with you on this 'Battle of Fairy Tail' idea.  My loyalty lies with you, and you only.  But please, don't have any regrets if you're going to do it."

Time skip

"(Y/n)'s already out there, somewhere in the city, ready to pluck some fairy wings," Laxus announced, grinning lazily at the guild members.  "She may not have, as you losers say it, 'powerful magic,' but she's plenty strong, I'll give you that."

"If you want to turn these girls back to normal, you will have to defeat us first," Evergreen announced, a hand on her hip confidently.

"There's five of us, and close to a hundred of you!" Bickslow commented, laughing boisterously as he held out his hands.

"Of you!" the floating puppets repeated.  "Of you!"

"You have three hours," Evergreen continued with a smirk, holding up three fingers.  "Take any longer and these girls will turn into sand."

"All of Magnolia will serve as a battlefield," Laxus told them.  "Once you find us, the battle begins."

"Laxus..." Master growled furiously, then proceeded to transform into his larger form.  "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!"

"Dakara--just simmer down," Laxus interrupted his grandfather's rage, grinning sinisterly.  "It's entertainment for the festival.  Let's enjoy it!"

He chuckled, but, within the blink of an eye, his attitude changed from amused and taunting to dark and resentful.

"Oh...and one last thing..."

He lifted his head and stared down at all of the members of Fairy Tail with a bitter and enraged glower.

"If any one of you calls (Y/n) a mindless puppet again, you'll have hell to pay."

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