Episode 1

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This is the port town of Hargeon,

We cut to train.

"Excuse me sirs." says the conductor to two people.

"Wake up Natsu and Rai, we made it to Hargeon," says a blue cat trying to wake up two people who look like they have motion sickness "get up, get up." now the cat is shaking them.

"Are they alright?" asks the conductor.

"Yep, they're always like that when they travel." replies the cat.

"I'm never riding on a stupid train ever again." says the pink haired one.

"Ditto." agrees the blue haired one, and they both look like they're going to vomit.

"If our information is correct, then we should find Salamander and the God of lightning are somewhere in this town." says the cat, and both the pink and blue haired ones are outside the window vomiting.

"Just give me and Rai a second." says the pink haired one, referring to the blue haired one as Rai. The train then begins to leave, and the cat is outside, but Rai and the pink haired one are still in the train.

"No!" Rai shouts out and looks likes he's going to cry.

"Oh oh." says the cat

The Fairy Tail

Rai's perspective

Me and my brother Natsu finally got off the train, well we aren't exactly brothers, we are just long time friends that consider each other brothers, anyway we were walking down the alley way of Hargeon, and we both felt like we would rather cut our wrists then go on another of that ride.

"Ugh, finally off that train." I say.

"Yeah, we had to ride it twice." Natsu agrees.

"You two have to control your motion sickness." says Happy, who is the blue cat.

"I'm so hungry I could eat my hand." says Natsu.

"Too bad, we don't have any money left." Happy points out.

"You don't say. Also Happy, this Salamander we're looking for, is gotta be igneel, right?" I ask.

"Aye, its has to be because the only fire dragon I heard of is igneel." Happy replies.

"The same for the God of lightning?" Natsu asks.

"Aye." Happy replies.

"That's true." I agree. We then saw a crowd of people and girls saying something about salamander and the God of lightning, wait did I say?

"Salamander and the God of lightning?" me, Natsu and Happy says at the same time, we then run directly to the crowd.

"Well, speak of the devil, Happy, we're in luck today." Natsu points out as we're running.

"Aye." Happy agrees. We then run straight to the crowd and the girls are actually cheering to another salamander and a God of lightning, who lets be for real here, he looks more like a parody of Zeus, like if Zeus was not as cool as he's suppose to be.

"Hey Igneel." Natsu shouts out, and yes I'm correct the "God of lightning" looks more like a parody of Zeus "Who the heck are you?" says Natsu to the salamander.

"Me?" Salamander replies, like Natsu is suppose to know who he is "If I said salamander, would that ring a bell?" he asked "He's already gone?!" says Salamander in shock and wondered how's that possible, then a bunch of the girls dog pile Natsu "Now now, just leave it at that, its not like he meant any harm by it." then the girls get off Natsu and salamander apologized to him, then the God of lightning gives me his autograph, which by the way why would I want that?

"Here it is son, now you can brag to your friends about me." the God of lightning tells me.

"Oh jeez thanks Zeus parody, I so asked for it." I responded sarcastically then the girls pushed me into a bunch of crates.

"Rai, are you alright?" Natsu asks me.

"Ow, how about that for a response?" I responded and then salamander and God of lightning had to leave.

"Who the heck was that guy?" Natsu asked as he helped me up.

"What a scumbag." says a girl and its a blonde girl with a white and blue stripes shirt, and a blue skirt "Thanks a lot."

"Huh?" Me and Natsu wondered at the same time.

Happy: And then

Time skip to a restaurant, still in Rai's pov

Me, Natsu, happy and the girl are in a restaurant, because me and Natsu are hungry, why did I have to skip second breakfast? Anyway me and Natsu are eating, as well as Happy.

"I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you all." says Lucy.

"Nice to meet you too." I respond.

"Aye." Happy agrees, Natsu and Happy were eating like crazy, Lucy was all "how do these guys eat so much", and I was eating like... any other person in the restaurant.

"Natsu, Happy and Rai, was it?" Lucy asks if she's correct.

"Yep." I respond and got back to eating.

"You're really nice." Natsu complements an gets back to eating.

"Thanks, sure... Just take your time and I'm kind of in the splash zone." Lucy tries to say "And there goes 1000 joules I saved with my looks..." Lucy thought to herself (just pretend like Rai didn't say it.) "See, that Salamander guy was using a charm spell, a type of hypnosis spell. That kind of magic can make people attracted to you, but its sales were banned years ago, also he seems to have made it so people were attracted to him and the God of lightning, But they'd go that far to be popular? What a creepy jerk. But thanks for baring in the charm was lifted, so this is my way to say thanks." Lucy explains.

"I see." I say.

"I know that I don't seem like it, but I'm actually a wizard myself! I haven't joined a guild yet, though." Lucy says about herself "Oh yeah, guilds are places where wizards gather to share information and take jobs. You can't be said to be a full fledged wizard unless you've joined a guild." Lucy says sadly "But, but... there are guilds all over the world, and its really difficult to get into the popular ones, see!" Lucy says i think in a excited tone "The one that i want to get into, see, has like a ton of amazing wizards, and oh what am I going to do? I want to join up, but I bet its really tough..."

"Uh..." Natsu begins.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just babbling on about the world of wizards and stuff, this is all gibberish to you all isn't it? But I'm totally going to join that guild. I bet that I could get a bunch of big jobs with them." Lucy  talks so more, but what's the guild she wants to join?

"Y-You think?" I ask.

"You sure talk a lot." Happy points out.

"Oh yeah, you three seems to be looking for someone." Lucy wanting to know what me, Natsu and Happy are doing.

"Aye! Igneel and Thur."Happy responds.

"We'd heard that a salamander and a God of lightning had come to this town, so we came to check it out, but I think it turns out to be someone else." I told Lucy.

"He didn't look a salamander." Happy points out.

"They're fire dragons and lightning dragons, so we thought it would have been Igneel and Thur." Natsu explains.

"What kind of a human would look like a dragon?" Lucy wonders.

"They aren't humans, they are actual dragons." I begin, Lucy then looks confused.

"Aye, they are real dragons." Happy points out and Lucy is more surprised.

"Even in this world of magic, dragons are extremely rare creatures that are hardly ever seen." I explain.

"SOMETHING LIKE THAT WOULDN'T BE IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!" Lucy shouts and me, Natsu and Happy are just all don't speak out loud "You all just realized this, NOW?!" Lucy then stands up and pay the lunch "Anyway, I have to get going, so take your time."

"Thank you, come again." I heard the person at the entrance say to Lucy, I then say Natsu and Happy just saying thank you to Lucy.

"We appreciate your kindness!" says Natsu.

"Kindness." Happy tries to echo, and there I was face palming.

"Stop it already, you're embarrassing me!" Lucy says out loud "its fine, okay? You two saved me back there, so we're even now, 'kay?"

"But we weren't trying to save you or anything..." Natsu tells Lucy and she face palms.

"Aye! No payment needed." Happy agrees.

"That's it! Rai gave me the autograph." Natsu tells me and I just give it to him.

"Just take it, I didn't even want it." I tell Natsu.

"You can have this." Natsu hands it to Lucy.

"Who'd want that?!" Lucy shouts questioningly.

Timeskip to night

Me, Natsu and Happy are just seeing an amazing view, and I'm eating.

"What a meal!" Natsu shouts.

"Aye!" Happy agrees.

"Wait, isn't that the ship that Salamander and The God of Lightning's party is at?" I pointed out, wait what "i'm gonna hurl!"

"Me too!" Natsu agrees.

"Stop getting queasy from thinking about it you too." Happy tries to comfort us.

"Look at that! That's Salamander and The God of Lightning's ship!" I hear a girl speak.

"I wish I had gone!" another girl wishes.

"Salamander? The God of Lightning?" another girl says.

"You don't know them?" says the same girl from before "They're the famous Fairy Tail wizards that came to town!" wait, what did they say?

"Fairy Tail?" I question, wait, does that mean...

"Come on!" Happy begins to fly and carries Natsu.

"Alright. LIGHTNING SPEED!" I then blast off to the ship, when I got there I just need to wait for Natsu and Happy, and yeah its going to take awhile, and here I am waiting at the roof for them.

Short timeskip

Natsu then crashed into the celling, and I jumped in as well.

"Woah, you were really dropping by." I say to Natsu jumping in and then, come on, then me and Natsu began our motion sickness status.

"As I thought, no use..." Natsu points out.

"LAME!" Lucy yells.

"Lucy, what are you doing?" Happy asks.

"Happy!" Lucy's shocked that Happy can fly "I was tricked. They said that they'd help me get to Fairy Tail." now Salamander and The God of Lightning knows that they are screwed "Wait, since when did you have wings?"

"Leave that for later?" Happy asks "Run away!" Happy then is carrying Lucy out of the ship.

"After her! It'll be trouble for the council gets wind of this!" God of Lightning orders his minions "You think you can escape? Mighty Tornado!" The God of Lightning then creates a big tornado from the sky and it sucks Happy and Lucy in and throws them away.

"Hey!" Me and Natsu gets their attention as we stand up, then a big wave came out of nowhere and it is making the ship go back to shore, oh great now my motion sickness is now worse.

To shore

Me and Natsu then get up, now we're serious.

"Natsu! Rai!" Lucy yells.

"Are you two Fairy Tail wizards?" I ask them in a serious tone.

"And what's it to you two?" Salamander asks.

"Get'em boys." The God of Lightning orders his minions.

"Right!" says the minions.

"Look at our faces." Natsu says arrogantly and takes off his jacket, and two minions are coming to us.

3rd person perspective

A minion was going to punch Natsu, but Natsu countered with a karate chop. Rai avoided a minion's kick and used a push kick.

"I'm Natsu of Fairy Tail!" Natsu points out.

"And I'm Rai of fairy Tail!" Rai says the same thing about himself "And we never seen you two before!" Natsu and Rai begin to walk.

"We dunno if you two are good guys or bad guys... But we ain't gonna let you all get away pretending to be from Fairy Tail!"

"And what do you two plan to do, boys?!" Salamander asks "PROMINENCE TYPHOON!"

"MIGHTY THUNDER!" The God of Lightning then shoots lightning from his hand.

"Oh great." Rai says randomly, the tornado hits Natsu, but Rai just ate the lightning.

"Really, lightning wizards, I know how to take you guys down." Rai says when he finished.

"A fire wizard? I can't believe how gross this fire tastes." Natsu is eating the fire "Thanks for the meal chump." 

"Now that we've eaten, we're ready!" Rai says, Natsu then smashes is fists and gets ready o attack, for Rai, lightning is circling around him.

"Here it goes! Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu then puts his hands in a circle position and breathes fire.

"Boss, I think they are the real deal, its them, the actual Salamander and God of Lightning respectively." says one of the minions to fake salamander and God of Lightning.

"My turn." Rai then has his fists with lightning around them, he then jumps up to the God of Lightning and Salamander "LIGHTNING FIST!" Rai then punches the God of Lightning to Salamander and they are punched to the middle of town, Salamander then makes a big beam, but Rai and Natsu avoided it, the God of Lightning does a big lightning bolt, and Rai ate it with no problem.

"Is that all you two got?" Rai asks "THUNDER BOLT!" Lightning then comes down and hits Salamander and the God of Lightning.

"Here I come. FIRE DRAGON FIRE FIST!" Ants then jumps to Salamander and the God of Lightning and punches both of them, both Salamander and the God of Lightning hit a bell. The army is coming, and ants grabs Lucy's hand, and all of them are running to Fairy Tail.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here!" Natsu tells Lucy.

"Where are you all taking me?" Lucy asks.

"You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail, so come with us." Rai tells Lucy.

"Alright!" Lucy says happily, and Rai, Natsu, Lucy and Happy are running, though Happy is flying.

The End

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