Episode 2

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Rai woke up in his house, ate breakfast and went to the Fairy Tail guild.

"Hey Rai!" Someone called out to Rai.

"Hi Dante, how you doing?" Rai asks Dante.

"I'm fine, you?" Dante asks Rai.

"I'm good. We're getting a new recruit for the Guild." Rai tells Dante.

"Sounds interesting, looking forward to meet the person." Dante tells Rai.

"Cool." says Rai.

Timeskip to the Guild

Rai and Dante entered the guild and everyone was fighting.

"Dear God, again?" Rai asks.


"NOT NOW!" Gray shouts out.

"Let's go to a table." Rai tells Dante.

"Yes." Dante agrees and they went to the table "Hey there Blazer." Dante tells to the person who was reading a book.

"Hey there Rai and Dante." says Blazer.

"How did this happen? If not the..." says Rai.

"Yes." Blazer says.

"Wow." says Rai "Hey Lucy, here." Rai shouts out to Lucy.

"Hey there Rai." Lucy then comes over to the table where Rai is.

"Oh look." Blazer points out and there is a big shadow man.

"Will you stop bickering my children!!!" says the big guy with a menacing voice.

"He's huge!" says Lucy in shock and everyone stopped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still here master." says Mirajane.

"DID YOU SAY MASTER!?" says Lucy in surprise.

"Ha Ha Ha, man, talk about a bunch of babies..." Natsu was then stomped by the big guy.

"Well, she's with a new recruit." says the big guy, still with the menacing tone.

"Yes sir!" says Lucy still scared, something is happening to the big guy and Lucy is very scared to what's going to happen.

"Calm down Lucy." says Rai and then big guy got smaller and smaller until he was like...

3 foot 7.

"Nice to meet ya." says the master.

"He's tiny, this guy is really in charge here?" Lucy asks in wonder.

"Yeah, I actually couldn't that myself, but this guy right here, he's an amazing person." says Rai.

"Thanks Rai, but now, I've got some business to take care of." says the master.

"His name is Makarov." says Dante, Makarov then jumped to the second floor and hit the bar, but got his barings back.

"(clears throat)," it gets everyone's attention "you've gone and done it again, you bunch of clowns." Makarov then shows a pile of paperwork "Just take a look at how much paperwork the Magic Council sent me this time, this is the biggest pile of complaints yet."

~you remember the magic council? well they monitor all of the different wizard guilds~

"Have you lost your mind?" Makarov questions everybody "All you kids are good for is getting the higher ups mad at me!" everyone then isn't sure how to explain it and Lucy looks worried "However," Makarov then burns the paperwork "I say to heck with the Magic Council." Makarov then throws the fire to Natsu, and Natsu eats it "Now listen up, any power that surpasses reason still comes from reason right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power, it is a talent that works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic, one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus, it should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul, if all we do worry about is following rules then our magic will never progress, don't let those blow hearts of the Magic Council scare you, follow the path you believe in, CUZ THAT'S WHAT MAKES THE FAIRY TAIL GUILD NUMBER 1!" Makarov finishes and everyone cheers.

And then

"Hey guys, look, Mirajane gave me the official Fairy Tail mark." says Lucy.

"Welcome Lucy." says Rai, Dante and Blazer then agreed, Natsu, well.

"Oh yeah, that's cool, welcome to the guild." says Natsu and Lucy didn't look happy about it, but they were all facing a board, hey covinient narrator, explain to these great readers what is the board.

~this is the request board, the wizards can pick from any of the jobs listed on the board. Each presents a unique challenge and a different pay rate~

Back to the story.

"Make sure you pick the one with the big reward you four." says Happy.

"Wow, 160 000 jewel to get rid of some thieves?!" says Natsu.

"How about this one, we must defeat lots of Vulcuns for 200 000 jewels, that's more than the thieves one and more challenging." says Rai.

"What's the problem with thieves Rai?" Blazer asks Rai.

a couple of years ago

Rai was standing right in front of some thieves, these thieves have guns, swords, weapons, so, what's Rai going to do? Is he going to use one of his powers? Is he going to use his martial arts?

Rai then just flicks the thieves and they blasted off to a near by river, that works too.

Back to the present

"The vulcan one can work." says Dante.

"How come my dad hasn't come back yet?" a kid asks Makarov.

"You're starting to work my nerves Romeo. You're a wizard, son, have faith in your father and wait patiently for him." says Makarov.

"But sir, he told me that he'd be back in three days, and he's been gone for over a week now!" Romeo shouts out to Makarov.

"If I remember correctly, he took the job on Mount Hakabei." says Makarov.

"That's not that far from here! So why would somebody go look for him?!" says Romeo.

"Listen kid, your old man's a wizard and like every other wizard in this guild, he can take care of himself! Now go home, have some milk and cookies, and wait." said Makarov but he got a punch from Romeo.

"I HATE YOU ALL!!!" Romeo yelled out loud to the guild, and run away whilst crying.

"I feel sorry for h..." says Rai, but then Natsu punched the board very hard and he left to look for Romeo's dad.

"You guys can take the job." said Natsu to Rai, Dante and Blazer.

"Alright, but if you need us, you can call us." said Rai.

"I will brother." Natsu replied.

time skip

There are tons of vulcuns surrounding Rai, Dante and Blazer. Rai fired his lightning ball at one of the Vulcuns, Blazer used fire gun at a lot of them, Dante got his Holy Devil's Light Sabre and slashed at a lot of Vulcuns with ease, with some martial arts moves like the push kick thrown into the mix as well. Rai fired his lightning fingers at a vulcan, got close, karate chopped its neck, twisted its arm forcing the vulcan to the ground, and fired lightning bolts at a lot of Vulcuns, Blazer did a cross fire at 6 vulcuns and they blasted off, Dante then did a combo at those 6 volcanos with his sabre and it finished with Dante by punching them downwards with full force. Rai activated lightning fist and did rapid combos at volcanos, Dante came in and made combos of his own, and they both kept switching combos, sometimes even chaining said combos together, it ended with them doing a side kick at two vulcuns, finally Blazer did firefly, which sent green balls towards a group of volcanos, then did a cool pose and finished it all with fiery doll, which made an explosion of fire. Now there are three volcanos remaining, before Rai, Dante and Blazer did something.

"WAIT!" said one of the vulcuns "You three can't possibly beat us with out your magic." Rai, Dante and Blazer just went with it because they know it will be easy.


Rai, Blazer and Dante walked towards the three Vulcuns, Rai threw a jab to one of them, ducked so that Blazer can do a tornado kick onto all of the vulcun's faces. A vulcun tried to throw a quick jab, and Dante grabbed its arm twisted it and then did a basket kick to its face. Rai did a flip kick to vulcun, but it blocked Rai, and had him over head, but Rai punched the vulcun's face, grabbed the vulcun's arm, and forced him to the ground, and knocked him out. Blazer blocked a vulcun's punch with his hand and twisted, aikido style, hearing the loudest bone crack there is, he then push kicked the vulcun across the hall. Dante got the vulcun in a chocke hold and Rai push kicked the vulcun's head, but then the vulcun that Rai knocked out got up and punched Rai hard, but Rai blocked the punch and had the vulcun in a jiu jitsu choke hold, the vulcun was slowly losing breath, it couldn't break free, so then it died.

"Told you it would be harder than putting away some thugs." said Rai.

"Alright it was, let's go back to the guild, drinks anybody?" Dante replied.

"I can go for one." responded Blazer.

"Sounds good to me." Rai agreed, they all then left "But can I tell you all something?" Dante and Blazer paid attention to him "My attacks were...


And Blazer and Dante growned "That was awful." they said at the same time.

The End


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