Chapter 19

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Hello! See I told you it was going to be right away! And also welcome to my favoritest chapter in this book! I gotta say, I'm really proud of this chapter, and I hope you guys really enjoy it. And I don't really have a whole lot to say, other than we are almost done! Which I also said that in my last chater, soooooooooo. . . . . yeah. Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to lovetheworld5000! She is a new follower! Yay! Again I'm trying to catch up, I don't think I will be able to, and I'm sorry if I don’t get to you. But for now, love you lovetheworld5000! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


“No!” Juvia yelled as she cried, and all ther girls went back to their original clothing.

“I-I couldn’t.” Levy started to say but couldn’t seem to get the words out. “I couldn’t save her in time, this is my fault.” Levy said.

“No Shrimp don’t you dare say that, it was nowhere near your fault.” Said a male’s voice but none of the girls turned to face the voice.

“What do you mean it’s not my fault? I could have helped her! I could have saved her!” Levy said turning to the voice, as did the other girls. And they all gasped as they saw Gajeel, Gray, Jellal and Laxus.





All the girls shouted as they saw that the boys were standing there looking perfectly fine. Then they all tackled the boys surprising them quite a bit that they let out a scream like yelp.

“Hold on!” Erza said as she pulled away from Jellal, and looked at him.

“What?” He asked her.

“How are you guys alive? You should be dead right now.” Erza asked as she stood up from the ground and helped the very sore Jellal up.

“When someone joins our assassin guild, there’s a spell that’s cast on them that will keep you from dying by magic.” Gray said.

“Especially black magic.” Gajeel said as he stood up and helped Levy stand up as well.

“So you’re like, immune to magic?” Mira asked.

“Yeah pretty much.” Laxus said.

“Well that’s handy.” Levy said.

“Hold on.” Erza said.

“So much holding today.” Jellal said sarcastically, and Erza just looked at him annoyed and he laughed a little at her.

“Where’s Natsu?” Erza finished her sentence.

“Right here!” A voice yelled and they all followed the sound of the voice up into a tree, to see Natsu working his way down from the top of the tree.

“Why’d you land in the tree?” Gray asked confused.

“I wasn’t aiming for the tree dumbass! The blast pushed me up here!” Natsu yelled at Gray as he landed on his feet holding, a very alive, Lucy in his arms.

“Lucy!” The girls yelled as they ran at Natsu and Lucy, and ended up tackling both of them. Natsu on bottom.

“Why?” Natsu coughed out as he slowly slipped from consciousness.

“Hey guys!” Lucy said while laughing at Natsu.

“Now how are you alive?” Levy asked, as all the girls helped Lucy up from the ground, and then Lucy practically dragged Natsu off the ground.

“I grabbed her right as her barrier gave out.” Natsu said as he started to wake up.

“Yeah at least he’s smart enough to have been fast enough.” Gray commented.

“You want to fight?” Natsu asked him as he drew both of his katanas.

“Maybe.” Gray said as he drew his katanas as well.

“Not right now!” Erza yelled and bashed both their heads together and they fell to the ground limp.

“Oh my.” Mira commented.

“We still got business to take care of.” Erza pointed out to them as she turned to Megalodon who was watching them in disbelief.

“You should have died.” Megalodon said referring to both the boys and Lucy.

“It takes a little more to kill a mermaid.” Lucy said.

“And you’ve really got to try harder to kill us.” Natsu said.

“You know, you think you’re all big and scary.” Jellal said. “Yet, we’ve battled things that are way bigger, and way scarier.”

“I’m going to rip you in half!” Megalodon yelled, in irritation, and charged at them, and all the boys smiled.

“Let’s go!” Natsu yelled, and the boys raced forwards, and got ready for the last round. And everyone knew that.

Gray and Natsu both went straight for his arms before he could land a hit on any of them. Gajeel, Laxus, and Jellal went for his legs slicing as deep as they could into the thick skin. Megalodon yelled in pain and swung his arm back hitting both Natsu and Gray. Making them roll away from Megalodon, then they quickly got up.

“Damn." Natsu said.

"We need to cut deeper!” Gray said as they went back to cutting at his arms. He went to swing his arm at them again but a whip wrapped around his wrist and pulled it to Megalodons face, making him punch himself.

“Nice one Luce!” Natsu said as he cut a large amount of skin off of Megalodons arm. The girls were now back in their ‘She-Devil’ forms again and were ready to fight.

“We need to hit him all at once.” Erza said. “Let the boys do as much damage as possible and then we hit him, hard!”

“Got it!” The girls agreed and spread out surrounding the boys who were fighting the oversize shark, and started collecting as much of their magic as they could.

“Need some help?” Laxus asked as he joined the girls.

“Wait, Laxus you have magic too?” Gajeel asked.

“Yep!” He said while smiling, as he summoned his magic, and lightning struck down from the hole in the top of the volcano and Laxus started collecting as much as he could.

“Lightning?” Jellal asked.

“Yep.” Laxus answered.

“Come on, let’s hurry up and end this!” Natsu said, and the boys worked even harder on taking down the Shark King.

“Right!” Everyone said and concentrated even harder.

Levy was concentrating on making as big of word as she could, in oder to do the most damage.

Erza was summoned a Chakram and was concentrating on her aim in order to make sure that she was to cut his head off, in one shot.

Lucy summoned all of her Spirits again and was concentrating on equalling out her magic energy equally to her Spirits and keeping enough for her to do her spell again.

Juvia was ready with enough water to completely surround him, and Juvia was also concentrating on trying to squeeze the water into the tightest sphere she could to hopefully overwhelm Megalodon with the high amount of pressure.

Laxus was concentrating on gathering as much lightning in order to mix with Juvia’s water, and hopefully fry Megalodon.

Mira was concentrating on gathering as much of her dark energy and was adding some electricity so that it would mix with Laxus, Juvia, and Lucy, along with her Spirits. Laxus cause it’ll have more of the electrifying effect. Juvia’s to enhance the electricity. And Lucy and all of her Spirits because when light magic and dark magic mix together, it doesn’t do well and tries to separate causing an explosion to happen in order to do so.

As the boys continued to slice at Megalodon, the girls and Laxus were ready.

“On three!” Erza said, and the boys tried to get as many hits as they could in the last few seconds they had. “One!” Erza called as she and the other Mages got ready to launch their finally attack. “Two!” Erza then started to swing her arm forwards with as much force as she could. “Three!” Then everyone hurled their balls of magic at Megalodon.

First Erza let go of her Chakram at Megalodon’s head right as the boys got out of the way, and she hoped that it went all the way through.

"Solid Script: Lava!" Levy said as she flung both of her arms foward and a huge word of Lava appeared and slammed into Megalodon and made him scream as it burned him.

"Water: Nebula" Juvia said as she contained Megalodon in her water and condensed the pressure. Then Lucy spoke her spell, and her and her Spirits launched their magic at him. And as soon as their magic left their fingertips, they dissapeared and Lucy fell to the ground unconsious, due to the loss of magic energy.

"Satonic Blast!" Mira yelled and sent her magic at him.

"Lighting Dragon: Roar!" Laxus yelled and Lighting speed out of his mouth towards Megalodon.

Then all of their magic attacked Megalodon at the same time, and electrocuted the water and the Light and Dark magic combined together and fought for either dominance, the two magics that were battling started expanded and signaling that it was choosing to separate from each other.

“Get back!” Gajeel yelled as he grabbed a hold of Levy and started dragging her with him, and everyone else did the same trying to get somewhere safe. Natsu ran up to Lucy and swooped her up into his arms.

“Juvia!" Gray yelled as he turned back and saw that she was still standing there with her arms out, keeping the water in a ball around Meglodon. "Juvia, come on!” Gray yelled as he grabbed a hold of her and started running and the water sphere dropped and everything exploded.

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