Chapter 20

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Hello and goodbye! Welcome my peeps to the last chapter of this story! No pool. But at the same time, yes!!!! Because I can move onto a different story! Yay! And so for this last chapter I would like to dedicate this chapter to xBaconPancakesLoverx! She is a new follower! Okay, okay, I will let you read the chapter already, because I know most of you don't read the introductions. *sad face* But whatever! I don't read them either! So duck you too! Just kidding I love you guys! Anyway, love you xBaconPancakesLoverx! Love you guys! Enjoy the last chapter!


The rain stopped falling from the sky and the sun took its place, and for a few minutes after the explosion, everything was still.

“Is everyone alright?” Makarov yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, even though some were a bit deaf for the moment from the explosion. But everyone was able to let out some sort of sign that they were still alive and Makarov didn’t complain too much about the reaction.

“Luce you okay?” Natsu asked as he rolled off the top of her from protecting her from the blast.

“Yeah.” She groaned out, as she opened her eyes. “You?”

“Nothing sleep can’t fix.” Natsu said as he started to close his eyes. Lucy giggled a little and her giggle made Natsu smile.

“Are you okay?” Erza asked Jellal as she got up off the ground a bit stiff but alright as everyone else did the same.

"Yeah, what about you?" Jelall asked her in return.

"I've been better." Erza responded. Then there was a loud noise and they all oked over at the entrance to the city to see a large cloud.

“What was that?” Levy asked.

“That must be the sharks.” Gajeel said. “Before they blew up the entrance to keep everyone in, and now they're trying to get out.”

“Losers.” Natsu said as they looked around to are if anyone were seriously injured, and they had gotten lucky. Nobody had died, nobody was seriously injured, and the town's people were safe. But something was wrong, and they all knew it.

“Where’s Gray?” Jellal asked, as he looked around.

“And Juvia?” Mira added as they all looked around, looking for them.

“Is that them?” Gajeel asked as he pointed to a small pile a little ways away from everyone else.

“That’s really close to the explosion.” Levy said and then they panicked and raced over there as fast as they could and saw that it was just Gray completely unharmed.

“Where’s Juvia? He went back for Juvia!” Levy said as she started to panic even more.

“Wait, look.” Laxus said as he pointed to the slight blue that was surrounding every inch of skin.

“Is that, water?” Natsu asked, and then they realized it.

“Juvia!” They yelled and grabbed a hold of Gray and dragged him about a foot away from where he was before and low and behold there was Juvia as she reformed back into her body.

“Thank the gods.” Erza said as they both sat up.

“That was a weird sensation.” Gray said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Yeah sorry.” Juvia said looking at him. “I panicked when the explosion happened and since I’m was made of water and I could reform myself, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get hurt since we were so close.”

“Yeah and I guess I forgot you were made of water.” Gray said as he looked at her. But then Natsu started silently laughing really hard trying to contain himself.

“What’s your problem?” Gajeel asked him.

“Gray was inside of Juvia!” Natsu said as he busted up laughing out loud. After a moment and the information had set in they were all laughing, except Gray and Juvia who were as red as a Erza’s hair.

“You guys suck!” Juvia told her friends as she covered her face with her hands.

“But you love us anyway.” Levy told her and then Makarov walked up to them and gave them all a look telling them that he wanted to talk to the boys, so they all stepped in front of him and all looked at him.

“You boys sure have brought a lot of destruction to this city!” Makarov barked at them, and the boys looked down. “You have caused lots of my people to become injured, you are the cause of destroying practically the entire city, and the castle!” The boys looked over at the castle to see that he was right the castle now looked like it was soon to fall apart. “And there in the end I only have one thing to tell you!” Makarov said and the boys looked down thinking of the worst. “Thank you.”

“What?” The boys whispered to themselves as they looked up at Makarov, in surprise.

“You may have destroyed our city, but you did fix what you did, by helping us take it back.” Makarov explained to them, “And I thank you”

“You’re not mad?” Jellal asked.

“Well of course I’m a little upset, my city is destroyed!” Makarov said it like it was obvious, cause it was. “But in the end I’m still grateful to you, you boys fixed what you did, you saved us.”

“You’re welcome.” The boys said.

“I suppose we will have to be going back to the mainland, won’t we?” Gray asked.

“Well that’s one option.” Makarov said as he petted his mustache.

“What do you mean ‘one option’?” Gajeels asked.

“I will give you boys two options, leave Magnolia and never return.” Makarov said. “Or join us.”

“What?” The boys yelled, except Laxus yelled it for a different reason than the rest of the boys.

“Join you? You mean like become mermen?” Natsu asked.

“That’s right.” Makarov said.

“Is that even possible?” Laxus asked his grandfather.

“Why do you think I’m offering it to them if it wasn’t possible?” Makarov asked.

“So we could become mermen, and live here?” Gajeel asked.

“Yes.” Makarov answered with a nod.

“One moment please.” Gray said as he grabbed Jellal, Gajeel, and Natsu, and they huddled for a few minutes as they talked out their decision. A few minutes passed and the broke from the huddle with a very serious faces.

“Makarov, unfortunately we have to decline your offer.” Jellal said.

“I see.” Makarov said, a little sad that the boys didn't want to stay. And the girls behind them looked really sad, like they were going to cry, that really had wanted the boys to stay, hell they never wanted them to leave.

“To go home.” Natsu said smiling at their ridiculous joke.

“What?” Makarov asked.

“We have to decline you offer, for us to go home.” Gajeel said the completed sentence.

“So you all wish to stay?” Makarov asked, just to make sure.

“Yes.” Gray said nodding and so did the other boys. And then the girls really did start crying.

“Well, would you like to do this now, or later?” Makarov asked.

“Well we're already here, so now would be good.” Gajeel said shrugging.

“Alright.” Makarov said and held his hands out towards them, and then started speaking a spell in a different launguage, then he shouted the last line and four beams of light came shooting down from the sky and it struck down on the boys.

“What's happening?” Levy asked Makarov as the boys rose up into the air inside the beam.

“They are transforming.” Makarov said as they started to spin and light came from their bodies. Then their legs turned into a tail. Natsu's red, Gray’s a darker blue, Gajeel’s black, and Jellal’s was a blue.

“Do you think they'll have any magic?” Erza asked Makarov.

“I don't know.” Makarov said.

“Is there any way to know right now?” Juvia asked.

“I do not know, this hasn't been done for over one hundred million years, and there is no record of what happened while this went on or what happened afterwards.” Makarov said honestly. But stopped when a small stream of light came swirling down the beams of light. In Natsu's beam of light there was a mix of red, orange, and yellow. Gajeel’s there was black and grey. Gray's there was light blue and white. Jellal’s was a light yellow. Then the lights entered their chests and flowed into their bodies.

“Could that be their magic?” Lucy asked.

“Possibly.” Makarov said as the small light that had once been entering their chest stopped flowing and the boy’s tail turned back into legs and they were lowered to the ground. Once their feet touched the ground the light beam shot back up into the sky and everything was quiet.

“How do you boys feel?” Mira asked as she and everyone else walked over.

“I don't feel any different.” Gray said and the other boys agreed.

“Well concentrate on bringing some sort of magic to your hand, that way we can see if you boys did get some.” Makarov said as he walked up to them. The boys nodded and lifted their hands up a little and closed their eyes and After a few minutes Natsu's hand caught on fire.

“A Fire Dragon Slayer.” Lucy said.

"A lot like Laxus." Mira commented.

“Woah, my hands on fire!” Natsu said as he started to panic.

“Would you shut up?” Gray asked, as he continues to concentrate, and then Gray’s hand started to have condesation flow out of the palm of his hand..

“Ice.” Juvia said.

“Metal.” Levy said as Gajeel's hand and most of his arm turned into metal, with scales as well. "Iron Dragon Slayer, to be exact."

“And Heavenly Body Magic.” Erza said, as Jellal's hand flowed yellow.

“Looks like we got some more Mages.” Makarov said.

“Looks like it.” Laxus said.

“Well I don't know about you guys, but I sure could go for a party.” Mira said.

“Another festival?” Lucy asked Mira.

“Why not?” Mira asked, as she shrugged.

Well I don't see why not.” Makarov said.

“Alright!” Mira said, getting all excited.


Later that night at the festival the girls and the boys were now sitting on the dock waiting to watch the fireworks again.

“I couldn't ask for more.” Natsu said as he looked at Lucy.

“I’m glad.” Lucy said while smiling at him, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

“Well I guess there's one more thing I could ask for.” Natsu said and Lucy looked up at him.

“And what would that be?” Lucy asked curiously.

“A kiss?” Natsu asked her and she looked shocked at first but then smiled and nodded. Then their faces slowly for closer together.


Levy and Gajeel were sitting next to each other and Levy sat swinging her legs over the edge of the dock, while Gajeel sat there cross legged.

“So how does it feel?” Levy asked him.

“How does what feel?” Gajeel asked.

“How does it feel to not be human anymore?” She asked completing the thought.

“A little weird.” He said.

“Yeah?” Levy asked. “How so?”

“I don't know.” He shrugged. “I mean I don't feel any different, but knowing makes me feel different.”

“I'm sure you'll get used to it.” Levy told him as she smiled up at him.

“Yeah.” He said and she looked back out over the water, while Gajeel sat there not knowing what to do. Then he decided that he wanted to do something that he knew would make the next couple thousand years, and then some, the best years of his life. He grabbed  hold of her small face in his big hands and made her face him and started to lean in.


Gray had been sitting next to Juvia and she was snuggling up into his side.

“Thank you.” Gray told her and she sat up a bit to look at him.

“For what?” She asked him.

“For saving my life.” Gray said. “Again.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” Juvia told him.

“I feel like I should though.” Gray said shrugging.

“Well you shouldn’t cause we’re even.” Juvia said, in a matter of factly tone, as she turned her head to him.

“How’s that?” He asked.

“I saved you, then you saved me, then you saved us again, and then I save you again.” Juvia said going over the details again.

“Yeah I guess so.” Gray said as he looked out over the water.

“But.” Juvia said thinking but didn’t continue as she continued to think.

“But?” Gray asked looking down at her.

“And you also got me this.” Juvia said touching the silver cross that was hanging around her neck. “So I still owe you for that that.”

“Oh no, you don’t owe me anything for that, that was a gift for saving me.” Gray told her as he shook his head.

“But as many times that you saved me, and I saved you, were even.” Juvia said as she smiled at him and started to blush. “But I still owe you for this.”

“No you don’t -.” Gray started to say but stopped as Juvia leaned in close to him.


Mira was sitting on the dock, and Laxus was lying down with his head in her lap. She didn’t know it but he was staring up at her and was memorizing every feature of her face, but then she looked down at him and he looked away.

“Were you staring at me?” Mira asked him, as she giggled.

“No!” Laxus lied. But Mira saw right through it.

“Why?” She asked him as she smiled down at him.

“Because it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, and I was just seeing that you haven’t changed that much.” Laxus said looking back up at her.

“How so?” She asked him.

“Well you still have those squishy baby cheeks.” Laxus said as he reached up and pinched her cheeks, and she laughed, “And I bet that you’re still ticklish on your neck.” He said and touched her neck.

“Stop!” She laughed as she tried to smack his hand away.

“The only thing that’s really changed is that you’re taller, you’re hair’s longer, your personality has calmed down.” Laxus started listing things.

“Hey!” She said.

“It’s true!” Laxus argued. “And you’ve gotten prettier.” These words made Mira freeze and she started blushing. Not knowing what to say, she looked away.

“Umm, thank you.” Mira said.

“Mira.” Laxus said And she looked at him as he sits up. And then slowly leaned in and Mira leaned in as well.


Erza and Jellal sat next to each other, not really touching or talking, by the didn't feel the need to. Then all of a sudden Jellal had a nice thought a laughed a little.

“What?” Erza asked him.

“I just remembered that you still owe me a favor.” Jellal said.

“Oh yeah, that's right.” Erza said, “Did you think of something?” Jellal nodded as he continued to smile. “What is it?” She asked him and he turned to her.

“Will you do me a favor, and kiss me?” Jellal asked and Erza looked at him a bit shocked. But then she nodded, and he leaned into her.

Then all at once all the couple's kissed, and fireworks exploded. Literally.

And they all lived happily ever after!


Look at this!!! We did it! Another story down, lots to go! I will put up the summaries a little later, and please pick!!!! But before you go, I just want to say thank you! And that I love you guys so much! So bye bye, for now I hope!

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