Chapter 5

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Hello everyone! And I'm so sorry, I know you guys don't want to hear excuses, but really the only reason it's been forever, is because I'm simply just not into it. The reason for that is because, I have already written this story, I am not as excited like usual. Just like when I read, as it gets more and more exciting, I get more and more excited. It's weird. But any way, I have the next chapter right here! So I would like to dedicate this chapter to drewxgrandes! She is a voter! Yeah! Love you drewxgrandes! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


"We're here!" Juvia called, as she stood in front of a small, old building, that was extremely worn down; and it was on the very of the rainforest, and at the base of a large hill

"And where is 'here' exactly?" Gray asked her.

"You'll see." Lucy said, and then she started to pull on the heavy door with the rest of the girls. Once the door opened it lead to a staircase and the girls started walking down it.

"Alright, nothing weird about some girls leading us down a dark creepy staircase." Gajeel said as he tried to look around but couldn't see anything because of how dark it was. "Nothing creepy at all."

"Is this better?" Levy asked as she opened her hand and the word 'light' appeared and it started glowing in the middle of her palm and Gajeel nodded, as the light filled the dark hallway.

"How do you do that?" Gray asked.

"There are a few mermaids who were trusted by the gods to possess magic, I have Solid Scrip magic," Levy started to explain.

"I have have Water magic!" Juvia said happily.

"I have Celestial Magic." Lucy said.

"And I have Requip Magic." Erza said.

"And all of those who posses any form of magic, become a Mage," Levy finished.

"What's it like to be able to use magic?" Natsu asked, and the girls thought for a moment up until they arrived at a door.

"You know, it's to hard to explain." Lucy said and the girls pushed open the door. At first it was dark up until Levy created more of the word 'light' and threw them around the room, and when they hit the wall they stayed there, and they glowed brighter.

"Wow." The boys said in amazement. In the room there was a large training mat in the middle with many weapons on the walls, and in one corner there was multiple bookshelves filled with books, scrolls, and lots of other things.

"What is this place?" Jellal asked.

"This is our secret training center." Levy said. "We come here all the time to train."

"And you girls are the only ones that know about this place?" Gajeel asked.

"Including Mira and you guys now too." Levy said. "So you want tell anybody!"

"If we were going to tell anybody anything about this Magnolia, the first thing wouldn't be this place." Jellal said.

"What would be the first thing?" Erza asked as she looked over her shoulder at Jellal, he then blushed and got real quiet and Erza giggled at him.

"Aww!" Lucy whispered to Erza and the redhead gave her a warning glare.

"I'll pummel you." Erza whispered back to her blonde friend.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do your magics work exactly?" Gray asked.

"Well, how about you take a seat and we'll show you." Erza said as she walked over to one side of the mat.

"Here's some of mine." Lucy said as she waved her hand in the air and a few people appeared, and started helping out some of the things, on the table, away.

"Guys, these are some of my Spirits." Lucy said. "This is Virgo, Aries, and Leo."

"Spirits?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, they're part of the Zodiac's." Lucy said as she placed some books on the shelves, along with the Spirits that Lucy summoned.

"Show off." Juvia said.

"Who's going first?" Levy asked as she walked over to the table that was surrounded by bookshelves.

"Lucy didn't you go first last time?" Erza asked.

"Yeah and I'm still sore from that." Lucy said as she stretched her arms above her head.

"I think I'll go first." Juvia said as she opened a large barrel that had water in it.

"Are you sure about that? Last time you had your ass handed to you?" Levy said as she sat down at the table.

"It's good practice." She said, putting her hands on her hips, as she walked on to the mat.

"Does anyone want to set some bets?" Lucy asked as she walked over to a blackboard and erased a chart that had the girls's names on it, with tallies under Erza's name only. Then she created a new chart.

"I think I'm good." Gray said and sat down at the table, Levy was sitting at.

"What can we even bet with?" Natsu asked.

"Hmm, you could bet that you'll fight the winner." Erza said, smiling evilly, already knowing how this match was going to go down.

"I think I'll pass." Gajeel said, and Natsu nodded.

"I'm down." Jellal said, and the girls looked at him in amazement.

"Really?" Lucy asked him and he nodded. "Well, you're obviously not afraid to die." And he laughed a little.

"You'd be surprised." Gajeel said, then he sat down next to Levy and Natsu on the other side of the table and Lucy sat next to him.

"Your friend is going to die, just so you know." Lucy told Natsu.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked.

"You'll see." Lucy said, "Ready?" Then Erza summoned a sword and Juvia raised her arms and the water came out of the barrel. "Start!"

Then Erza charged at her opponent and Juvia lunged her water at her. Erza swung her sword at the water splitting it enough for her to get through. Juvia jumped up and over Erza, to which Erza swung her blade behind her, missing Juvia by centimeters. When Juvia landed, she spun around and turned her water into whips that were attached to her arms. She swung her arm at Erza, and it wrapped around her ankle and Juvia threw her to the other side of the room, making her drop her sword and it dissapeared.

"You're doing, very well Juvia." Erza said.

"Not to bad yourself." Juvia responded as Erza rolled out of the way of Juvia's next hit and summoned a sythe. She twirled around, swinging the blade at the bluenette. The blade went straight through her torso. Erza's eyes widened as she saw what she had just done and Juvia fell to the ground.

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