Chapter 6

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Hello peoples! How is it going with you guys, sorry it's been sooooooooooooooooooooooo long! I have been busy with getting back into school, we're finally moved into our house! And it's been a busy few weeks. And by the way, did I mention that the house we bought got broken into? Yeah, it did. And we have all been stressing out here. And seriously I'm sorry! But you guys have to roll with me here! And just so you know. I should be getting a new computer soon, for school, (HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right.) so I can write on Wattpad with that much easier than my phone! And at the moment my thumbs hurt since that's all I got to type with  . . . . . . YAAAAAAAAY! Not really. Anyway, I'm sorry for the last couple of crappy ass introductions. Hopefully they will get better and more funny, maybe even emotional. . . . . I don't know if they will. . . . . . we'll have to wait and see! I guess. Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to lemonie_martinie! SHE IS MY 100TH FOLLOWER!!!! Can you believe it? 100!!! Holy shit! I'm pretty sure that when I started writing that I had maybe 3 followers! This is fucking amazing! Thank you guys so much for supporting me, and it really means a lot to me. In such a way that I can't explain using words! And I know that most of you don't live anywhere near me, cause unfortunately, that's how life works. Some of the best people you will ever meet, will always be far away from you. And for me, it all of my followers! So thank you guys so much! Here's a big cyber hug! *CYBER HUG* I love you lemonie_martinie! And I love everyone else who is reading this! You guys are awesome! And I will never stop loving you guys, until the day I die! Even if for some reason I stopped writting on Wattpad, I will never forget the love and support that you have all given me! Well I guess we don't have to see for the moments, cause this just got better. So again, love you lemonie_martinie! Love you guys! And I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!


"Juvia!" Gray yelled at the redhead as he ran up to the bluenette, who laid on the floor. Everyone ran up behind Gray, as he held Juvia's shoulders and looked to see how bad her wound was only to find that there was no blood coming from her body, in fact there was no wound at all. "What the hell?" Then all of a sudden the girls started busting up in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Gajeel asked. Then Juvia started to laugh as well.

"How are you okay? You just got slides in half!" Gray asked as she sat up.

"I possess Water Magic, which means that I can turn my body into water, although it takes a lot of concentration, see?" She said as Erza summoned a sword and held it up as Juvia pushed her arm down onto it and the blade went straight through, leaving no scar or cut. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You scared the living hell out of me!" Gray yelled at the still laughing bluenette. "Did you guys have that all planned out?"

"What do you think we were talking about on the way over here?" Levy asked him.

"You girls are a pain in the ass." Natsu said.

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack." Gajeel said.

"Does this mean, she loses?" Jellal asked.

"Yep, you're up." Erza said as she stood up, and stood on the mat. "Choose your weapon." Erza said pointing to the table and wall that had multiple knives and many other small weapons on the table, while the wall was filled with swords and much larger weapons.

"You might want to go with a sword." Lucy said as she marked a win for Erza and added Jellal to the list.

"Actually I think I'll go with this." He said as he pulled a halberd off the wall.

"Alright, your funeral." Lucy said as she sat down at the table again, and so did everyone else.

"This is going to be good." Gajeel said.

"No he's going to die." Levy said giggling to herself.

"Then it's going to take awhile for that to happen." Natsu said.

"How's that?" Lucy asked him.

"How skilled is Erza?" Gray asked.

"The best, no one has ever gotten passed her." Juvia answered.

"Well what you don't know is that Jellal is a skilled assassin." Gajeel told the girls.

"What?" They said in response, except for

"We all are." Natsu corrected Gajeel.

"That's right, ever since we were kids." Gray said as Jellal walked out onto the mat across from Erza, and it was dead quiet.

"What do I get if I win?" Jellal asked Erza.

"If you win, I'll buy you dinner." Erza offered, a bit teasingly.

"We're going to have to do that anyway Erza." Levy said. "They don't have any money here."

"Hmm, that's right." Erza said holding her chin as she thought for a moment. "Well how about we owe the other person a favor."

"Deal." Jellal said and they shook on it.

"This should be interesting." Natsu said.

"Ready!" Lucy asked once more. "Start!" And that's when the fun began.

Erza charged at Jellal and was swinging her sword down, he didn't even move until the very last second, he stepped to the side and was immediately behind her. She looked behind her to see him standing there holding the halberd behind his back, smiling at her. She swung her sword towards him and he back up just enough that the blade almost caught his shirt.

"Your stance could be better." Jellal said as he passed by Erza fast and tripped her at the same time; she fell to the ground.

"He's gonna piss her off." Levy said.

"That's the point." Gray said.

"That's not a smart idea." Juvia said.

"Just wait." Natsu said.

Erza switched out her sword to an axe and swung it upwards, while jumping at him. Jellal then went passed Erza again, grabbing a hold on her ankle and shoved it over her head, making Erza land on her back.

"You should never take both feet off the ground." Jellal told her. She turned to look at him and now she was seriously pissed off. He was winning and he hadn't even used his weapon yet.

"Now, she's pissed." Juvia said.

"Now is, where it gets interesting." Gajeel said correcting her, resting his chin in his hand, as he watched the match finally begin. Erza changed the axe back into a sword and swung hard and fast at Jellal and now he finally made a move by placing the halberd between himself and Erza's sword.

"I like this side of you." Jellal whispered to Erza, they're faces only inches apart.

"What do you mean?" Erza asked, more like demanding.

"I mean this." Jellal said and side stepped and Erza fell on her face, again. "The way you're fighting now; the fire in your eyes; your determination, it's all so . . . . mesmerizing." Erza got up and looked at Jellal.

Then he slowly walked up to her, and he slowly leaned in close to her face, they're eyes never looking away from each other making her face grow red. Then he smirked at her.

"I win." Is all he said, and Erza snapped out of her trance.

"What?" She asked, then she realized what she did. Jellal then squatted down and swung his leg, hitting her's, knocking her back onto her back, and Jellal held the halberd close to her throat. She looked at him in surprise.

"Never let down your guard." He said and he offered her his hand, as she smiled at him and took it; helping each other get up off the floor.

"How are you so calm?" Lucy asked breaking the silence in the room, and also ruining the moment that they were just having.

"What do you mean?" Erza asked. "He won fair and square."

"Exactly, if it was us, you would have ripped us a new one." Levy said, getting a little angry. Juvia then grabbed her and Lucy and pulled them into a small huddle, whispered a few things over the table and then they separated.

"What was that about?" Erza asked.

"Oh nothing." Juvia said and smiled at Erza and Jellal as Lucy and Levy were smiling at the two with creepy smiles plastered on their faces.

"Well now it looks like you owe me a favor in the future." Jellal said to Erza as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yes, it looks like I do." Erza said smiling at him.

"Well how about we move onto the next place?" Lucy suggested. "We should probably leave now if we want to make it to the last spot on time."

"Yeah your right." Erza said. "It must be getting late."

"That and we don't want to be late to the festival, if we do that Mira will be pissed to hell, and back." Levy said and all the girls shivered, the boys laughed at them, and Jellal put the halberd back on the wall.

"Well come on guys." Lucy said as she pulled Natsu out of the chair he was sitting in and pulled him towards the door, and the rest of the girls did the same. But before they closed the door Levy stuck her head through the crack in the door, and snapped her fingers and all the lights went out, and they set off for the next location.

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