Chapter 7

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And hello all you wonderful peoples! I'm sorry that I am taking so long! I have no internet! No computer! And I'm am still losing motivation on this damn story! I am trying! I promise! But I'm just not that proud of this story, and because I've already written it, it's hard. And I am trying my best. And to prove that here is a new chapter! And this one's for some flirtiness to it, so I think you guys will like this one! Let me know if you do! However this is not the best, because the best is yet to come!!! Although, I don't know how far we are from it, time wise anyway. But we will get there at one point or another! I promise you that! But for now, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Jungle_Spirit! She is a new voter! Yay!!!! And just so you guys know, I don't think I ever explined this, but I only dedicate people, who are voting, commenting, and following during the story I'm writting. I don't think I ever explained that part, and I'm sorry if I never dedicated you, because you were reading one of my other stories! Sorry. But Jungle_Spirit is a new voter on here so, love you Jungle_Spirit! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


The girls were pretty much literally dragging the boys up to the top of the hill.

"Tell me, why is it that we have to go all the way up here?" Natsu asked.

"Because we don't want to die." All the girls said in union.

"By who? Mirajane?" Gray asked.

"Yeah." Juvia said it like it was obvious.

"Listen, at first Mira may look like a sweet innocent creature, but deep down she's crazy." Lucy told them as they slowed down nearing their destination.

"Oh come on, she can't be that bad." Gajeel said, then the girls stopped walking and looked at him.

"Give it time." Levy said completely serious, which made all the boys worried. "Anyways, we're here!" Lucy cheered, the boys looked around but didn't exactly see anything spectacular.

"Is this is?" Gray asked.

"Of course not." Erza said, and walked over to some vines that were hanging, and Erza moved them aside that revealed a passageway. The boys looked suspiciously at the girls.

"You can't say anything about this place either." Levy said and started walking down the hole. And the rest of the girls followed next, but for a moment before the boys moved they looked suspiciously at the hole, until Lucy showed up at the entrance of the door shaped hole.

"Come on guys." She told them as she grabbed Natsu's hand, and pulled him through the opening, then the rest of the boys followed, and when they got to the end of the tunnel it was pitch black.

"Is this it?" Gray asked.

"You're just in the mood to be a dick today aren't you?" Jellal asked him, Lucy giggled as Gray shot Jellal a death glare.

"Of course it isn't Gray." Lucy said as she reached out and moved vines out of the way and it opened up to a large opening where the girls stood, but then they looked around and saw that one wall had multiple small cliffs on it, and next to it was a large waterfall that attached to a large spring, the walls were same way as the walls surrounding the city except the hole in the ceiling was smaller and not as far up.

"How many secret places do you girls know about?" Gajeel asked.

"To many to count with your fingers." Lucy said as she and the other girl started to pushing the boys towards the cliffs.

"What are you doing?" Natsu asked them.

"We want to see you guys jump, come on!" Levy said as Lucy took off her belt, Levy took off her bag, and they placed their things next to the cliff, and then started to climb. The boys shrugged and stripped down to their boxers, and then followed the girls up to the fourth little cliff. The girls turned to them to see that they were all half naked, which made them all blush intensely.

"What are you guys doing?" Lucy yelled as she covered her eyes with her hands.

"What?" Natsu asked, completely confused.

"Why are you guys half naked?" Levy asked while being unable to look away from Gajeel's abs, and he noticed and blushed a little.

"We didn't want to swim in our clothes." Jellal said, and the girls thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"Well that makes sense." Erza said waving off the fact that she had four handsome boys half naked in front of her.

"Alright come on boys, jump!" Juvia cheered.

"Why don't you go?" Gray asked her.

"Because we're going to go after you guys go." Levy said.

"You're going to show us up aren't you?" Gajeel asked already knowing the answer.

"Most definitely." Levy said clasping her hands together.

"Figures." Gajeel said and backed up a little. "Alright I'll go first."

"Why the hell do you get to go first?" Natsu asked him crossing his arms.

"Because I'm already going loser." Gajeel said and jumped off the cliff and fell straight down, landing feet first in the water.

"That was so boring!" Natsu yelled after Gajeel resurfaced.

"Alright let's see you do better!" Gajeel called back as he started swimming to the shallower parts of the spring that had multiple rocks that could be leaned against.

"And you will!" Natsu said as he ran and jumped off the cliff and holding his shins, and then he hit the water making a very large splash, and after a moment his head popped up and out of the water.

"That's so lame!" Gray yelled, and jumped from the cliff and landed right on top of Natsu.

"Geez, you're such a pain in the ass!" Natsu said, rubbing his head as he and Gray joined Gajeel.

"Well then you should have gotten out of the way!" Gray said.

"You should have waited!" Natsu yelled back and then Gajeel yelled at them to shut up, and they did without arguing.

"You're up next Jellal." Erza said, and Jellal smiled.

"I sure am." He said, and dived off the cliff and landed with his hands in front of him, and then he resurfaced a few moments later.

"That was fucking retarded!" Gray, Gajeel, and Natsu said in union with each other.

"Oh shut up!" Jellal yelled at the three boys as he joined them and sat down looking at the cliff to watch the girls do they're jump.

"Well here goes nothing." Erza said as she ran and jumped off flipping once and then landed in the water.

"Very nice." Jellal said as he applauded her.

"Dude, she barely did anything." Gajeel pointed out to Jellal.

"Shut the hell up." Jellal whispered to Gajeel as Erza swam over with her tail and laid down near him.

"Alright here we go." Juvia said and jumped off with her arms out and spun head first multiple times before landing feet first.

"Nice!" Gray said as he applauded her and she swam over as well and laid down as close as possible to Gray, and Gray didn't want to admit it but he enjoyed her being close to him.

"My turn!" Lucy yelled as she did a backflip off the small cliff and landed in a cannon ball the same way Natsu did.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu called as Lucy swam up and spread out on the rocks that were under the water near him like the others did.

"And then there was one." Gajeel said as they all looked up at Levy, who was backing up.

"Go Levy!" Lucy yelled cheering her on, and she took a deep breath and then she jumped off spinning sideways and then doing a flip at the last second, only to land head first in the water with her hands together in front of her. Her head broke through the water as she resurfaced and everyone was clapping their hands.

"Yeah go Shrimp!" Gajeel cheered and that only made her blush, and then she joined them, and it was quiet for a while.

"So how do mermaids work?" Natsu asked breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked him.

"I mean like your age, your tails, how do you work?" Natsu repeated, explaining his question.

"Well every thousand years for us equals a year for humans." Levy said.

"And then our tails is something we can control, we can have them be tails, or." Juvia said as she lifted her tail up in the air above the water, and the scales glowed as they flattened and changed from blue to her tan legs. "We can change them to legs and walk around.

"So if you wanted you could live on land, like humans?" Gajeel asked.

"Yes, but not for long, if we were to stay away from the water for too long our legs could dry out and it would change back to a tail." Erza said.

"Why would it change back into a tail?" Jellal asked.

"Well our tails can take in water better than skin can so they would change back into a tail in order to hydrate our legs faster, and when we have our tail our gills are how we breathe so without water we would suffocate." Levy said and took a deep breath in a moved her head to the side to show off her gills and so did the other girls.

"Oh." The boys sighed, and it became quiet.

"Well, are we going to just sit here or what?" Lucy said after a while and started swimming out a little, all the girls looked at each other and smiled swimming towards the deeper end of the spring.

"Come on this is supposed to be a day to remember!" Juvia yelled to the boys while gesturing them to come over to them.

"It already is." The boys said together, and then looked at each other and smirked while walking out to meet with the girls.

"Let's play a game." Lucy said.

"Like what? And just so you know I'm not doing a race." Natsu told her.

"No, no racing." Lucy said as she, Juvia, Erza, and Levy met the boys in the middle to where the water was only up to their waists.

"Then what are we going to do then?" Gray asked.

"Turn around, and we'll show you." Juvia told him, the boys did what they were told and turned around; after they did there was a small splash and then there was a little weight put on the boy's shoulders, the girls were on their shoulders. Lucy on Natsu's shoulders, Levy on Gajeel's, Erza on Jellal's, and Juvia on Gray's shoulders.

"What are you girls doing?" Gajeel asked.

"We want to fight." Juvia said looking at Gajeel.

"While on our shoulders?" Jellal asked.

"Yeah." Erza said.

"So a chicken fight?" Gajeel asked.

"What's a chicken?" Levy asked.

"Nevermind." Gajeel said. "So why do we have to do this?"

"Why not, it sounds like fun." Lucy answered.

"Yeah it does, let's go!" Natsu yelled, grabbing a hold of Lucy's legs, which in turn made her blush a little.

"You're going down Natsu." Gajeel yelled, and the two ran at each other and the girls were prepared locking arm while trying to knock the other person off their partner's shoulders.

"Shall we?" Erza asked Jellal.

"Ladies first." He said looking at Gray.

"Your on" Gray said as the girls went at each other. Many minutes went by and Juvia had had used her water to knock Erza off of Jellal, and Lucy was able to knock Levy off of Gajeel's shoulders; so now it was Lucy and Juvia. And as they were about to start their match the sky started to glow orange.

"You're going down Juvia!" Lucy said.

"Don't count on it." Juvia said and their match began. Their hands were linked as Lucy tried to keep Juvia from using her magic to knock her off of Natsu. But then Lucy got a good idea she stuck her foot towards Gray's face and he backed up to not have her toes in his face, which made Lucy and Juvia's hands to break apart so then Lucy and Juvia's hands to break apart so then Lucy tried to keep Juvia from using her magic to knock her off of Natsu. But then Lucy got a good idea she stuck her foot towards Gray's face and he backed up to not have her toes in his face, which made Lucy and Juvia's hands to break apart so then Lucy quickly stood up on Natsu's shoulders and lunged at Juvia making her and Gray to fall over into the water.

"Yeah!" Lucy cheers as she bursted from the water.

"Good going Luce!" Natsu cheered as he high fived the blonde.

"Luce?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah it's your nickname, like it?" Natsu asked giving her a grin that made her heart melt, and she nodded in response.

"Guys!" Levy called in a panic.

"What's wrong Levy?" Erza asked.

"We still have do the last thing!" Levy said, and the girls gasped realizing that they had forgotten about the last thing on their list.

"Oh no!" They said as they all bolted for the shore, and started climbing the cliff again.

"Come on guys!" Lucy said as they hurried.

"What is it?" Gray asked as they started climbing as fast as they could after the girls.

"Just hurry!" Juvia called down to them and the boys went as fast as they could.

"We're not going to make it in time!" Lucy said.

"Juvia!" Erza said, and Juvia knew what Erza was telling her to do, and she dropped from the wall all the way down to the water.

"Juvia!" Gray called.

"She's fine Gray just wait a second!" Erza said, then all of a sudden there was a loud 'boom' noise and they all looked down, there was Juvia using the water to bring her upwards.

"Jump!" The girls yelled, while taking the boy's hands and dragged them off the wall, they all fell towards the water but before they fell all the way down Juvia grabbed a hold of them and then they were flying towards the opening in the top of the ceiling. When they got to the top Juvia set them down and as they looked out over the small island that turned into salt water. And next to them was a large mountain that stretched far into the sky, up above the one that they were on.

"There." Juvia said. "We made it in time." They all looked out over the water to see the most beautiful sunset that had to have ever happened.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Lucy asked as she and the other girls sat down with their feet hanging over the edge, all the boys sat down next to the girls, Natsu next to Lucy, Gray next to Juvia, Gajeel next to Levy, and Jellal next to Erza. All the girls snuggling into the boys, each of them holding hands.

"Yeah it is." The boys all whispered to the girls without each other noticing, but little did the girls know the boys weren't looking at the sunset, they were looking at them, the beautiful creatures, that a sunset could never compare to in their eyes.

"Is this a mountain?" Jellal asked, and all the boys looked around to see that they were on an island and in the very center was the large mountain that spread to where there was only a couple meter from the water's edge to the bottom of the mountain and they were on a small mountain next to it.

"It's an old volcano." Levy said.

"You live in a volcano?" Gajeel asked Levy.

"Yeah." Levy said like it was natural to live inside a volcano.

"Mermaids are very strange." Natsu said.

"So are humans." Lucy pointed out to him.

"We're not the ones that are living inside a volcano." Natsu said.

"Hmm, okay good point." Lucy said, and they continued to watch the sunset.

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