Chapter Six ; An Odd Idea

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Jellal sucked in air, letting out slowly. He weakly pushed himself up on his elbow, blinking furiously, trying to clear his vision.

"J-Jellal!" Erza choked out, as she tackled him in a hug, which caused him to fall back on his back from the force of which Erza launched herself at him. Her cheeks turned bright pink as she realized she had done. She picked herself back up and brushed off her skirt. "I mean, Jellal... you're awake."

Jellal grunted. "I-I talked to myself. My younger self. My... innocent self?" He said the last part as if questioning himself.

Erza noticed the confusion radiating off of Jellal, and awkwardly shifted. "I'm sorry, you're really injured, and you're not okay, but I was just so relieved that you woke up and-" She cut herself off. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

Jellal smiled weakly at the scarlet haired mage, still looking very confused. "I'm fine?" Once again he phrased the statement as a question.

"You're okay." Erza confirmed. "Um, I should probably go get Wendy or someone to check you over, I'm not exactly the healer type."

"Can you ask for Meredy?" Jellal questioned.

"Sure," Erza responded, not at all surprised with his request. "Although you may want someone who knows how to deal with injuries?"

Jellal grinned at her. "Who do you think is the designated healer in our guild?"

Erza gave one last uneasy smile as she went to go find the pink haired mage.

Cana's loud voice broke through the chatter of the guild. "Hey, maybe someone should send for Porlyusica? She could help a lot of us here." She said, gesturing to the injured members of the guild.

Shouts of agreement chroused throughout the hall. The master nodded. "Jet! Droy! I will write a letter for Porlyusica, and the two of you will deliver it. And fast." Jet and Droy nodded in unison.

"Yes master! We will be back in no time at all!" Jet sped off toward the door, seemingly forgetting the letter which prompted the master to yell after them. Droy still trying to get to the door.

"Boys! The letter?" Jet and Droy look at each other, embarrassed.

"Oh yeah. Whoops." Mumbled Droy.

"What a pair of idiots we are." Jet said, shaking his head in disapproval for himself and his friend. As soon as Jet and Droy had left, letter in hand, Levy starts being bombarded with questions about the baby.

"So Levy, how long have you known?"

"Are you and Gajeel married?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Were you planning on keeping it a secret forever?"

Levy gave a strained smile. "Just a few weeks. No, we're not married, and I have no idea what gender it is. And no."

Lucy interrupted the next wave of questions before they were even given a chance to begin.

"Levy is really tired and worried, let's all talk later? She has to get her rest." Lucy announced to the crowd as she put her arm around the blue haired woman's shoulder, walking her to a secluded corner. Lucy smiled encouragingly to Levy.

"Don't worry! Soon Gajeel will be back, and Porlyusica is coming to help you and the child! Everything'll be fine." Lucy finished her sentence with fake look of confidence on her face.

Levy grunted, holding her stomach. "It still hurts a bit. I'm worried."

The blonde frowned. "I am worried as well." She looked around the hall. There were many makeshift beds all around, holding injured people. Jellal was in the infirmary, and Erza lead Meredy into that room quite a while ago. That gave Lucy hope that Jellal had woken up.

Soon after silence had occupied the table of the two best friends, Gajeel, Laxus, Mira and the rest of the team that had stayed behind entered the hall, looking tired and weary.

Levy, looking drained, climbed to her feet, her eyes meeting Gajeel's. Before Levy had a chance to even take a step toward him, he was already in front of her, talking to her in hushed tones. Mira walked toward the group, offering to walk them to the infirmary.

Laxus, looked as if he could collapse at any moment and fell toward Mira. The two of them stumbled toward the infirmary, with the worn-out group of mages stumbling behind them. Levy starts pulling Gajeel to the infirmary as well, much to his annoyance. He's much more invested in how Levy is than himself.

As soon as Levy and Gajeel reached the halfway closed door leading to the infirmary, Jet arrived at the main entrance. "Porlyusica is here!" And that is when the old mage entered through the door.

"I'm here for the patients, not the conversation."

Jet leads the way toward the infirmary, and Porlyusica enters with her head held high and her bag clutched tightly. Makarov stood behind the tall woman, his hands gripping each other tightly. They entered the first room, only to see Jellal sitting up in his bed with a small pink haired girl healing his wounds. "Looks like you've been taken care of." Porlyusica muttered with a slight nod as she left the room so she could see the next person.

Just as the woman was about to enter the next room, Gajeel stepped in front of her. "Treat Levy first." Tick marks appeared on the woman's head.

"Excuse me?" She inquired with a harsh tone. Gajeel was about to speak, but a small blue-haired woman stepped in front of him.

"I apologize for his attitude. He's just worried about me because my stomach was hit with a powerful magic spell and we're not sure if the baby is okay." Porlyusica eyes widened slightly as she examined the woman's stomach.

"I'll take a look at you, now. Go and lie down in one of the rooms." She ordered the girl as she looked through her bag. She pulled out some type of liquid from her bag and headed after Levy and Gajeel. The liquid seemed to pulsate and the red color seemed to stain everything it touched. The gold bottle cap had an iridescent glow radiating off of it as if it was enchanted. The woman entered the room to see Levy, but Jet and Makarov were still following her. "Leave." She ordered the two boys, then sat down next to Levy.

The blue haired mage blushed as Porlyusica lifted her shirt and poured some of the peculiar liquid on her stomach. "Wh-what are you doing?" She squeaked, hoping Gajeel wasn't looking. She glanced at the dragon slayer, only to see his eyes wide and a large red blush covering his cheeks.

"Shh." The dragon counterpart hushed the woman as she grabbed something that seemed to be metal from her bag. She placed the seemingly metal ball atop her stomach. The ball started to glow a pink color mixed with a green color. "Your child is fine. Just make sure not to take another blow to the stomach." Both Levy and Gajeel sighed simultaneously at the relieving news.

"Thank god." Muttered a black haired dragon slayer. Levy sat up and took Gajeel's hand.

"I told you everything would be fine." She had a triumphant smile on her face as she let go of his hand and walked out of the room. Lucy rushed to her side and made sure no one bombarded the poor girl with questions.

"Oh! The team that was with Death and Skull? They're back and they brought the evil mages with them. Sadly, though, Gray just left and Juvia seemed to have a sad look." Lucy whispered to the Solid Script mage. "Do you think something is wrong?"

Levy shrugged. "I don't know. Nothing is really going well..." She placed a hand on the blond girl's shoulder. "I'm sure they'll work through it."

Lucy nodded and sighed as the pair sat down. "I just hope they're okay." She watched as Juvia left the guild, the rain following her. Juvia just couldn't stop thinking about what Gray had said when Tartaros had attacked.  She wanted to know his answer, but she didn't want to rush the poor guy. Her curly blue hair settled against her back, heavy and soaked.

Gray, however, walked through the city with thoughts running through his head. 'People really need to stop attacking Fairy Tail. Don't they know we'll kick their asses?' He shook his head, trying to think of something else. 'What am I going to tell Juvia?' A stressed look coated his features as he stopped at a bridge. He gazed at the moonlight in the river.

His mind was muddled with thoughts, some were serious and some were stupid. He could hear the small waves in the river, allowing it to calm his mind. "If only things could calm down." He whispered just as rain overtook him. He glanced around, confused by the sudden change of weather. He spotted Juvia walking through the streets with the same upset look she used to have when he first met her. He wanted to make her happier, but he thought everyone needed to be sad once in awhile. He watched as the Water Mage walked through the streets with a sad smile.

All the Fairy Tail mages were upset, no one really seemed happy. Someone had decided to hurt their family, after all! Porlyusica was getting through all the injured mages quickly, hoping to heal each wizard. Mira and Laxus were huddled at a table with bandages around their stomachs. The calm She-Devil was whispering something to the blonde wizard. He groaned and helped Mira onto the table top. "Hey! Fairy Tail!" She tried screaming, but she was overlooked, so she turned into the She-Devil and screamed again. This time, everyone shut up and listened to what she had to say. "We're going to get revenge for this. We need to avenge our family, but when we do, we all need to be there!"

Cheers erupted from the guild, agreeing with Mira. "Today, let's relax. Take it easy! In fact, all the girls are invited to have a slumber party with me!" She turned back into Mira and smiled. "Right here at the guild!"

The girls cheered, while the boys groaned. "What about us?" Yelled one of the boys.

Mira smiled with promise. "The boy's have all of Fairy Hills for a slumber party of their own!"

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