A New Threat?! Grand What!?!

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Your POV

???: Mind if I cut in?

You both look up to see at the edge of the crater.... THE MIGHTY PICCOLO!

Y/n, Y/n clone: HEY PICCOLO, WANNA JOIN?!?... WE'D LOVE TO SPAR WITH YOU, IT'S BEEN A WHILE... LETS SEE HOW MUCH STRONGER YOU'VE GOTTEN!... You came just in time to, I was just finishing my warm up!

Piccolo: Hmph, not gonna lie, your mostl likely stronger then me, but I'll give you a run for your money.... but first no.. clone. I'll have enough trouble dealing with one of you.. your annoying enough with just the real you.

He then gives you a smug look

Y/n: tick... fine whatever meanie...

Your clone disappears but not after sticking his tounge at Piccolo.

Y/n: Alright, Piccolo.... here... I... COME!!!

You charge at Piccolo and you start to clash with each other, both punching and kicking but neither of you are landing hits. Though while Piccolo is powering up, you are in fact powering down. Piccolo notices this. With Piccolo blocking your hits and ends up tripping you, and you fly over him to recover. Afterwards he decides to speak up.


(Au: this was the clash. End at 0:18)

Piccolo: Oh Come On kid! You're really gonna just do me like that!? I've trained you better.... NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT.... Oh, and.... DODGE.

Piccolo hits you with 2 point blank Light Grenades, but as it carries you away, you use your right arm to smack it away from you towards the ground. 


(Au: Skip to 2:07, end at 2:14. You are Frieza and get hit by both)

(Blowing up on impact.... From the smoke you see Piccolo take off his extra weights. 

Y/n *Damn, guess he's not playing around, maybe I should—* Your thought process was interrupted as you hear Piccolo yell: SCATTER SHOT!!

You quickly fly up into the the sky dodging some of the blasts, and humming a tune. After a hot minute you stop and put arms in front of you getting ready to reflect some of these blasts... but then you realize none of them are being aimed for you, and some are just stopping and just.... standing their, menacingly... You start to worry and freak out

Y/n: *WEE WOO WEE WOO*(Au: I pray some of you got that reference) Hey um Piccolo... you realize I'm not even moving right *Why would Piccolo do this... somethings up*

Piccolo: Oh ho ho.... I know-

Y/n: If you know then-...Oh SHIT!

You see hundreds to thousdands Ki Blast surrounding you, and you knew it's be very hard to find a place to teleport to that Piccolo wasn't expecting... you were royally screwed.

Piccolo: Nowhere for you to run.... Hell Gernade

Y/n: Better name then that last attack you nam-


(Au: Skip to 0:24, you speak during 17's dialogue.)

You were interrupted by the shower of Ki Blasts. After the smoke cleared, Piccolo sees you in your Kaioken state, wearing your serious outfit, except it was already missing the over shirt

(Au: Like this)

Y/n: *That wasn't so bad.... now I'm sensing two other power signatures VERY close by. Their watching us... Piccolo is really trying to fight me, I wonder if he's trying to so off he's skill, or ours... oh well, either way, I guess it's time to get serious.*

Y/n: 'sigh' 

You then go super saiyan and punch Piccolo in the gut, you follow up to a kick in his hip, and finish with a Big Bang Attack. Sending Piccolo, screaming to the ground. And after a few moments you see him getting up.... you decide to get even with him.


Piccolo looks up to see millions of Ki blasts heading his way... and at first looks for a way to find a place to hide... but then realizes three things:

1. Those Ki Blasts were too close, he'd have to block them

2. It's too late to block

3. The Ki Blasts were NOT slowing down

Piccolo: YOU... YOU SO-

That was all he got to say before he got bombarded with the Ki Blasts with you laughing your ass off when he realized you weren't doing his attack. After you were done shooting, you just kept on laughing, you were laughing so hard you failed to notice the army of Piccolo clones surrounding until one shot a Ki Blast over your head. You then looked up and saw how pissed they all were.


(Au:  Skip to 1:18 end at 1:41, Piccolo is Vegeta and your Cabba. Also you don't see Piccolo get hit by the blasts or smile. You can smile if you want to.)

After a few glorious minutes of spamming Ki Blasts you decide it was enough, you stop blasting and put your hands to your side, waiting for a Piccolo to emerge from the smoke. Which he does, and flies up to you.

Y/n: snicker.... what you didn't enjoy my practical joke?

The Piccolos did not answer, he instead makes an army of clones. He and his army charge at you. You power up and started to fight them off...


(Au: Skip to 1:06, end at 1:10. THEN Skip ahead to 1:25 and watch to the end, it how the fight goes, stop at 1:48)

You realized you cut off the real Piccolos arm, but then noticed the Ki Blast coming behind you. So you ducked and let it hit Piccolo, but caught him as he started to fall. You gave Piccolo a big smile and he gave you a smirk. He regrows his arm and you both gently fly back down to the ground. As you land together you say..

Y/n: Hey Piccolo, tell the two guys who came with you that they can come out... I won't bite... maybe. I usually just punch, kick, and blast my opponents.

With tha you walk to the crater you originally made with your clone, and you point your arm to it and start powering up and making a Ki Blast. As you are doing that you see Piccolo with two people behind him, as they are coming to speaking distance you release your blast. The blast lands in the center of the crater and actually restores the crate to how it originally was, as you turn around you raise your hand up saying

Y/n: Destruction Resurrection Blast

With that, Ki Blast shoot out of your hands heading to anywhere you caused damage and restored it back to what it was. You look to see Piccolo rolling his eyes and mumbling, most likely calling you a show off as he puts his weighted cloths back on. While his friends are a bit taken back. Possibly even speechless.

(Au: You are Super boo, the aura is yellow since your a Super Saiyan. Replace Popo and Dende with the Kai's. Doesn't matter  which replaces which)

After all the damage was undone, you put your hands down and turn to the two Piccolo brought to you.

Y/n:....Welp, what can I do for you folks this fine day... you interested in a sparing match or something? 

You turn to look at the guys Piccolo brought, as they are silent and shook from seeing your power and skills.

You chuckle to yourself at their faces but then find yourself on the ground looking up at the sky. Your body feels like it's burning, and everything is sore.

Y/n: OOOOWWW.... PICCOLO, I have boo-boos, kiss them and make it feel better. You look up to him with puppy eyes, but he just scoffs and looks away.

Piccolo: You really went and outdid yourself, you took a lot of unnecessary damage from both your clone and I. You could have each powered up to your Suoer Saiyan 2 state... unless you ca—

Y/n: Oh No! I've mastered that form now, I just thought it'd be better if I make my base form stronger, since the Super transformations multiply my base form power. So the more damage I get now, the more powerful I'll be if, and when the occasion arises for me to transform... which I'm guessing may be sooner then I expected.

You say the last line with looking towards the newcomers, still now knowing who they are. With you looking at them, they realize they've been staring and the shortest of the two starts to speak.

Shin: Hello, my name is Shin, and this my dear friend Kibito. I am known as the Supreme Kai, and we are in need of your help and power.

Y/n:..A Supreme what? Sorry, I'm not sure I know what that is... are you related to King Kai? Or do you both just have the same last name or something?

Kibito then yells at Y/n for being ignorant and stupid for not giving Shin proper respect. Then yells at him and try to give an explanation of why you need to bow to Shin... that's when Piccolo steps in.

Piccolo: Y/n you know how I'm basically god? Well these guys are Gods as well. Except in this case they have more of an authority over me. With Shin being a Supreme Kai, he's one of.... big guys, or bosses. Like in a mob boss, you get it now?

You put a hand on your chin and think for a second...

Y/n: I think I get it, are these the Bosses, or you sure their not actually Captains  and they got someone else that has a higher authority though?

Kibito: Their are beings that have power over us, why?

Y/n: Makes sense, no offense but either you guys aren't that strong, or your just really good at just hiding your power levels....

Everyone looks shocked and don't know how to react with what you just said.

Y/n: OH.

you walk up to Shino and Kibito and then bow. 

Y/n: Apologizes, power level isn't  the sole role of what determines the strength of an opponent. It is an honor to mee beings that Piccolo see's as.... higher level of Gods. I do feel that you both have good intentions, and do need help. What exactly do you need of me... also.

You stop bowing and stand upright to face Piccolo.

Y/n: Wouldn't it be good to get the other Z fighters? Even if their not as strong as you, Vegeta, and I Piccolo, you never know when you need support.

Shin:.... Apologize accepted, well first I want your opinion and also want to know how much you know. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Grand Magic Games?

Y/n: The Grand Wha— OH yes, I hoped Tom participate this year with a guild.

Piccolo: You know MAGIC!? I never taught you that? Are you for real?

You smile and wink at Piccolo, which confused him. 

Y/n: I'll tell about it later, so what about the games, something going down? Like another Cell game but with someone else?

Shin: Actually no, you see.... I have reason to believe that an evil magician will use take the magic used in the games to awaken a beast that has the ability to wipe out galaxies. I need your help tracking him down, and taking him and stopping the ride of this monster.

Y/n:... We should let the others now, the numbers will help. Plus none of us really use magic so it'll help... why don't we head over to a place I know to have this meeting. Piccolo call  the others.... and don't worry about this magician and his.... creation... Lets not call it names, words hurt.


Y/n: Destroy the galaxy.... I know. But what you don't know, is that it's not the only one with the ability to destroy galaxies, or destroy planets. You need a beast or monster, theirs two I know right here on this planet. One of them Is me.... Plus, you know what's it done. NOT what's been done to it. Don't fully judge a person until you know the whole story.... by all means have your opinions, but you should always be ready for them to change.

You then fly up into the sky and with you still in Super Saiyan, you yell and your power skyrockets. Well beyond the point of just sparing.

Y/n: That should get everyone's attention, Piccolo, tell everyone to head to Satan's house. Lets go guys.

You power down to your base form and start to head into the direction of Mr. Satan's house, with Piccolo and the Kai's flying to catch up.

Au: their you have it. Chapter 2, hope you've enjoyed.

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