To Make A Guild Or Join A Guild, That Is The Question

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Au: Last Time, Y/n met two beings called kais. They told him that they were gods in needing assistance of taking down a threat to their universe. They are now heading to Mr. Satan's house to discuss strategy with the other Z fighters. Lets see what happens next.


Your POV

As you ar getting closer to your destination... you go into thought.

Y/n: *I wonder what how strong this threat really is.... I haven't gotten a good fight since cell.. Though it's a shame we couldn't fight for fun, he could have been a good sparring partner now... damn, how much stronger we'd be.*


Perfect Cell:  So, we gonna start throwing punches.... are you gonna keep staring into my perfect eyes.

Y/n: Hm? Sorry, I got distracted looking into you perfect blue eyes.

Perfect Cell: OH Just PUNCH Me you beautiful Saiyan you.


Y/n: What's so funny Cell?

Perfect Cell: It's just that.... ARE YOU LISTENING!?!

Y/n: Huh?

Perfect Cell: SLOW DOWN!!!

Flashback Over

You stop day dreaming and realize you flying to far ahead of the Kai's and Piccolo... you decrease your speed and fly next to the group.

Piccolo: What's on your mind? You haven't acted this way since the Androids.

Y/n: Exactly.... not gonna lie, I'm a bit excited to face a new enemy. Need some excitement in my life ya know? Guess it's the Saiyan genetics in me that makes me this way.

Piccolo: Chuckle, only you would see this as a good thing.

Y/n: Hey blame my Saiyan DNA for what I am.... not my fault It makes me live for battle, heh.

Shin: Excuse me Y/n, but I fear that you are being to cocky.... I do not wish for it to cost your life.

Y/n: I appreciate your concern, but I promise that I am no where near being cocky.... but let me ask you... what did you think of my power when fighting my copy and Piccolo?

Kibito: I know that your level is not even close to Buu's power. I'd be surprised if you'd last a minute against the thing.

Shin: Though it is true.... your current level is no Mach for Buu.... I must say I'm very surprised that are that powerful. I had no idea that any mortal had this amount of power.

Y/n: Thank you for your comments and opinions. I'm glad that you told me.... and I'm happy to tell you that what you saw wasn't even close to half of my full power. Not even half of my Super Saiyan State. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve's. 

With that Shin looks absolutely shocked while Kibito looked doubtful and rolled his eyes. You all keep flying for a bit until you arrive to your destination. You yell to everyone that you've arrived and descend in front of a mansion.

As you land you can sense the others Ki getting closer. After waiting a few moments, the Z warriors fully arrive.

(AU: Minus Goku and Piccolo)

Y/n: Hey guys.... glad you all could make it. Huh? I didn't know you were here as well Trunks, how's the future?

Trunks: Its pretty good Y/n, I just wanted to visit you all and see if I could learn to obtain the Super Saiyan 2 transformation from Dad.... what's up?

Y/n: Well you came in time to possibly fight back a new threat.... and hey, who knows, this threat may happen later on in your future. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Trunks: That is true.

Y/n: Oh, hey Android 18, 17, and 16! Didn't expect you guys to fly in either. What a great surprise, you wanna help us out?

Androi 17: Sure Y/n, we still owe you for taking down Cell and brining both me and 16 back. Happy to help take anyone down... plus I just got a job as a park ranger, wouldn't want to lose this job already.

Y/n: Heh. Amen to tha--

Vegeta: CAN WE GET ON WITH THIS! Don't tell me we came here for a drill! Y/N EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!

Y/n: Its best if we go inside. Come on guys.... and ladies.

You walk pass through the gate and knock on the door. A servant opens up and answers.

Servant: Ah.... sorry Hercule is not open for fans today, make an appointment to test out your skills against the mighty Hercule, or to have him sign your equipment.

Y/n: Oh no sorry, were not here for either of those, were friends of Hercule. Just tell him that--

Servant: I highly doubt that you truly know Hercule. Please leave.

Y/n: Sir, let him know where here.

Servant: I will do NO SUCH thing.... in fact I may just call the police. Just to get rid of you dumb, spoiled fakers. Who think that you can do whatever you like because your "strong". I bet Hercule's daughter could easily whoop you into shape. I will only count to three before I call the police and the guards.


Servant: Some dumb fake wanna be's that wish to be in your pres--


You then hear a couple of crashes as the mighty Hercule moves next to the servant and see's you all.

He then grabs you and puts you in a big bear hug.


Y/n: Thanks bud.

You all walk in and you give the servant a smug look and walk into a room with a round table. You all find a seat and Hercule says that he'll be here to check on you in a hour or so.

Y/n: Alright guys.... so, these two guys here are Kai's. Meaning they have a higher authority then Piccolo, and he is a God to earth. Anyways, they are here because a "monster" that will be above their power level will soon be apron us and we have to be ready for it.

Tien: And what makes you think that this creature will come, sorry what are your names?

Shin: My name is Shin, and this is my guardian/assistant Kibito. The way we know--

Tien: Tien

Shin: Tien. Years ago an evil wizard named Bibidi created this monster which terrorized the universe and destroyed galaxies. Me and some of the other Kai's went to take down the creature name Buu along with the wizard.... in the end we were able to contain the monster in a ball. But not after it killed and absorbed some of my fellow Kai's. When it absorb them, it became even more powerful.... still we took it down and I vanquished Bibidi. We have now found out that the wizard has had a son, who is just as evil as his father. He's found the containment of Buu on earth and is now trying to gain enough energy to free him from his prison. We need your help to stop him from awakening his fathers monster and torment the universe once more....

Silence filled the room with the information you and your friend just got, until Vegeta started to speak.

Vegeta: What energy?

Shin: Huh?

Vegeta: I asked you, what. Type. Of. Energy. Does. He. Need.

Kibito: What kind of dumb question is that?! How dare you--

Y/n: Actually Vegeta is right.

Everyone looks at you, and you decide to speak before Kibito starts to scream at you again.

Y/n: Their are two types of major energy that is used in this world. One is Ki... which isn't used as greatly but is efficient and very powerful once you master it. We are the tierce that example of that.... well more like Kirillin and the other warriors here that aren't Saiyans...

Shin: What do you mean by that Y/n?

Y/n: Well Vegeta, Trunks, and I are all Saiyans. And Saiyans are born naturally with the ability to use Ki... sure we can learn to use it differently like anyone else. But the humans here have to try and train and learn how to use Ki from step 1. Ki is inside of everyone but is tremendously difficult to be able to use even a little bit of it. And looking at how much the guys can use.... they are definitely one of the strongest beings on the planets here... besides me and the other Saiyans. Just basic facts. Oh and our Android companions are in the same category as Saiyans... being able to use Ki was put into them, so they could control it easily.

Shin:.... and the other source of energy?

Y/n: That'd be magic... the easiest source of energy to gain and use but difficult to master. It is also very complicated to use. Kind of like Chakra--

Shin: What?

Y/n: Chakra is another form of energy... but it's even more difficult to obtain and control then Ki. With Ki once you have it, you can easily control it to make any part of you stronger.... the only struggle is to make yourself stronger and mastering. But with Chakra... you really have to train every fiber of your body and have learn to use it in various different ways. It's more complex then magic, and since it's the hardest to obtain... it is sadly not used a lot in this world. But... those who do use it, are a force to be reckoned with. Anyways, magic can be used in various ways as well.... that why people use it in different ways. Like elemental magic, shapeshifting, equip, celestial, etc. so Vegeta is asking if you know the specifics of the energy that Babidi is trying to take and use to free Buu.

Shin and Kibito were very silent for a few moments and the Z warriors became very worried.

Shin: Well to be honest.... we assumed it to be magic since the Grand Magic Games were coming up... so we put two and two together...

Y/n: That is a fair assumption, but what you didn't consider if people that used the other energy types were having a tournament of their own. 

Vegeta: Holy Shit.... shouldn't you know this? Aren't you in charge of the universe or something?!

Both Shin and Kibito reel back, the idea now coming across them and realized that they didn't even know about the other energizes, so the idea of other tournaments blew their minds. Shin looks down in shame, feeling disappointed in himself as Kibito gets angry at Vegeta but can't think of anything to say. You decide to speak up for them.

Y/n: Be nice Vegeta... we don't know how hard it is to be a god.--

Vegeta: Yet.

Everyone rolls their eyes as everyone gives off their own little smirk as the Kai's are just shocked and don't know how to respond to Vegeta's comments. You chuckled and spoke up again.

Y/n: Well I don't know if their is a Chakra tournament going on out their in the world, but I do know that in two weeks after the Grand games were having the World's Martial Arts Tournament, where many fighters who don't rely on magic will be. And some like us use Ki, so Babidi can choose either tournament.

Shin: Well.... Are you planning on participating in either upcoming events?

Y/n:.... Well I was hoping to participate in the Grand games by joining a guild called Fairy Tail, and all of us were already to fight in the Martial Arts one.

Kibito: Why don't you all just join a guild and be a part of the tournament? It's a pretty simple solution.

Y/n: But it's not an easy way do it.... We don't usually use magic... But the way we fight and power we used.... That could be explained as magic to keep it simple. But, if we join a guild, who knows if the guild gets put into the games, hundreds of guilds try out and only eight successfully get in every year. Who says those top eight would take us in anyway's? They want to use third most trusted and valuable members of their guild. We may not even get a chance to be close to the battle...

You start to ponder your options when Shin suggests an option.

Shin: Why not create a guild? I'm pretty sure you all could be unstable, you'd be the best guild.

Vegeta: What's the fun in that? We gotta enjoy the battles! Plus that'd be unfair to all the other guilds that have trained hard to be the best. 

Tien: It'd be unwise to draw too much of the attention on each of us individually anyway. Which would most likely happen every time we'd be in an event.

Android 17: Wouldn't also be weird that a whole guild is using the same quote on quote "magic".... We need someone to quickly explain it and have it make sense to the people.

Android 16: We need someone that the officials will take seriously as well as the wizards and citizens.

Yamcha:.... What about a sponsor? If we were supported by someone seen so great they'd outshine whatever we did?  Also being able to explain everything will be part of his or her job!

Y/n: That's a great idea.... But who will be our--

Hercule: I'LL DO IT!

Everyone's head turns to the door in shock and confusion, everyone sees Hercule at the door with two trays full of drinks and snacks.

Kibito: Human this does not concern you, leave now before we--

Y/n: wait.... Hercule may not be the strongest one in this room. But he is strong and very well known in the world for having the credit of beating Perfect Cell.

Shin: Who?

Piccolo: An android that wanted to destroy the world, using both incredible Ki and magic. He was beaten by Y/n, who gave the credit to Hercule for his own personal reasons.

Y/n: True, Hercule is a very big celebrity and connects the magic world to the Ki one. He is a goof man, and a very good friend.

Hercule: Aw shucks your making me blush. I am still grateful for all you've done for me, and I hate to ask you ask of this.... But I need your help.

Krillin: Do you think it can wait till after the tournaments Hercule. I mean you get the gravity of this situation right?

Hercule: I do Krillin, and what I'm going to ask you... If you say yes of course, will put you all in a guild and in the games immediately. You could go all our in every event an one one would bat an eye. Hear me out please?

Y/n: What's up Hercule?

Hercule: I've been invited to be a personal guest of the king, and spectator of the entire games. I'll be up in the stands giving my opinion of the events... Also I was also invited to create a guild that will participate in the games... But only Wizards that use Ki!

Android 18: Who's in the guild so far?

Hercule: No one except the leader.... My daughter.

Y/n: That so? This should be fun.

Hercule: please join my daughters guild.... She is a string fighter but doesn't use Ki. Anyone who tried to join left from her intense training. I know that y'all can handle it, and I know this could help you on your mission to save the world.

Shin perks up after Hercules explaination and smiles

Shin: That'd be a perfect cover for us all.... You must explain the rules of the games so we can join the tournament while investigating for any sign of Babidi's magic. Please Hercule, introduce us to your daughter and let's not waste anytime.

Everyone gets up and Hercule leads you into a workout area where we see his daughter Videl in the center of the room with sweat coming down her face which was most likely from her workout.

Videl: Who are these people dad? Don't tell me its more people thinking they can join our guild.

Vegeta: Please I know we can join your guild, and with Y/n joining his guild, I'd say I'll be in charge of this guild.

Videl: A cocky one huh? Let's see what you and the rest of your posse can do. I don't got all day, let's make this quick.

Vegeta: Sounds fine by me. We walk over to a punching machine 

and Videl says 

Videl: This is the new punching machine that'll be used in the World Martial Arts tournament, punch it and show me his strong you are. I'll go first.

Hercule: Honey trust me, you don't want to do this.

Videl: Relax dad, these guys ain't stronger then you, and as sure as he'll ain't stronger then me.

Vegeta:  Then by all means go first.

Videl walks over and punches the machine with the score saying 120.

Video: If any of you can beat that record, I'll let you join the guild.

Hercule and Videl walk to the side of the machine to watch you all punch.

You walk over and look back to the others saying

Y/n: Try to hold back guys, just go over 120.

You can feel Videl glaring at you but you psy no attention to her. You punch the machine and get a score saying 186. Videl looks in shock as you turn to her and say

Y/n: Vegeta isn't the only cocky one here, but he can back up his claims. Trust me.

A few others go and hit the machine. Krillin gets 192,  Piccolo gets 210, Tien gets 160, Yamcha gets 150. Then it's Android 18's turn and when she hits, she gets a score of a 772.

She starts blushing and 17 chuckles

17: Thanks for holding back for us Sis. You really know how to hold back huh?

18: Shut up...... Can I get another go to make my score lower?

She turns to see Hercule and Videl having their jaws dropped and in shock of all your scores. Even more from 18's remark.

Krillin: Don't worry about it 18, you did great. We can train together if you want? I can help you with holding back your power.

18 blushes a little more and just nods her head and walks back to the others.

Vegeta: My turn.

You watch Vegeta walk to the machine, he smirks at us and we all got a bad feeling about this.

Vegeta: This Videl.... Is the true strength of someone more superior then you, learn it, acknowledge it, face it.

Video was starting to speak but Vegeta doesn't wait as he punches the machine, immediately breaking it as flies towards a wall and crashes. You react by slapping yourself in the face next to Tien as he just mumbles to himself about Vegeta.

(Au: Just like this, the refs are Videl and Hercule.)

Vegeta turns away and walks over to the group with a smug look.

Y/n: Thank you Vegeta for that wonderful show of power.

Vegeta: Your welcome.

Y/n : Sorry about the machine, but I think by now you get the point Videl, all of us are strong enough to join your guild. Let us join.... Or I should say let my friends join. They'll make a good addition to the team.

Videl walks over to you and pokes your chest

Videl: And how come your not joining this guild, think your to good for it?

Y/n: No, I just have another guild I've had my eyes on for a long time, I hope you understand Videl.

Videl: I do.... But if I'm taking in your crew.... I'll do it in one condition.

Y/n: I'll take you on a date sure.

You give her a big smile as she gets taken back. Her face is very pink as she struggles to find the words to respond. You chuckle at her response as everyone kind of watches thus trying hard not to laugh.

Y/n: Sorry, had to do it to you. What's your real condition.

Videl: T-t-t-hat wasn't funny. I might make you take me on a date as an apology.

She says as she huffs and crosses her arms, but blushes harder realizing what she said.

Videl: A-A-A-ANYWAY'S, I want you to train me to be a strong as you. Can you do that?

Y/n: Sure, its a date. Tell me whenever you want to go out and I'll help you get stronger. 

Videl was struggling to respond but you just pat her shoulder give her a warm smile and walk to your group. With Videl close behind.

Y/n: Seens that you guts got yourself a guild. Under the sponsor of Hercule him self... Id say to make a banner for yourselves and a name. Also since its her guild.... Vegeta, Videl is in charge. You don't have to follow her direct orders cause I know you won't. But try your best to cooperate with her OK?

Vegeta: Tch whatever.

Y/n: Thanks best bud. Anywa-

As you are about to continue talking you sense a huge magical power emerge. You can tell that its far from here and sense nothing malice about it, but its still worth checking out.

Y/n: Something magical just came up. I'm gonna check it out, then I'll think I'm gonna go and try to join that guild I've been talking about.

Piccolo: Your learning how to sense magical energy? Good for you, well alright. Come check in on our progress with our training.

Y/n: Sounds good. Yeah. I'm gonna head out, train for the games and when you can help Video out with using Ki. Maybe Hercule to. If he wants. I'll be on my way, anyone want yo fly with me to give me support? I'm a little nervous. 

Everyone laughs a little with your last comment as Videl tries to get your meaning when yiy said fly. Trunks says he'll come with you, along with Krillen. The three of you head out and decide to talk on the way. Your all excited and nervous about the upcoming games, and the future threat that's around the corner.

AU: That's it for this chapter hope you've enjoyed. Hope you don't mind that I put Chakra in this world as well. I'm gonna do a little update on your character next chapter. Hope you've enjoyed.

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