HERO'S TRIALS OF LOVE (Part 3:Troublesome Thoughts )

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Hey guess what? I'm not updating! This is just an Authors note so it's not very important A/N.
So have fun this week my readers.
I'm actually serious


DISCLAIMER:I don't own Fairy Tail and if I did the things happening in the Manga would be worse than it is now. >:3


Third person POV

"Laxus Gray. . . . what are you doing here? "
Sting asked with a confused look on his face.

" What can't two guys just go to the mall?"
Laxus asked with a serious look on his face.

Gray burst out laughing behind Laxus. Trying to hide his facial expression from Sting.

"Anyways we'll see you both later" Laxus said nonchalantly dragging Gray behind him.
Before leaving he looked at Lucy and blew her a kiss.
"Oi what'd ya do that for!?" Sting yelled.

Laxus stopped and turned to Sting.
"That was for her. " Pointing at a blushing Lucy. Then turned to Sting." Not you."

Damnit Laxus Gray why did you have to show up! I bet all Lucy is thinking of is you two idiots! I'll get you both back!

Sting turned towards Lucy with a defeated look on his face.
"A-anyways let's go have fun today Lucy! "
Sting said putting on a confident smile.

" Alright Sting! "

After lots of shopping and nosebleeds from Sting we now return to the front of the mall.

" Thank you so much for today Sting it was great! I had lots of fun! " Lucy exclaimed.

But I want to be closer with him next time and maybe we'll even ki- what am I thinking!
Bonking herself on the head a bit gaining a strange look from Sting.
Why am I thinking like this? I only met him a week ago! So why? Putting her hand over her heart, blushing a bit.
Why does my heart race?

"Thank you Sting for driving me home to you're way to nice! " Lucy said with a smile.

Sting's expression paled.

" What's wrong Sting?"

She's happy that I was so nice to her today. That makes me feel great! I hope our next date will be twice as good as this one! And without the interference of those idiots!

"it's nothing Lucy!I'll see you tomorrow!" Sting says as he waves goodbye.

*Lucy's Third person POV*

Lucy entered her quiet home and slowly closed the door behind her.

"Lucy! Come to my office I have news for you! " Lucy's father said.
"Coming father!" Lucy shouts while taking her boots of.
Walking slowly to her father's office she freezes at the door handle and pushes the door open.

"Lucy I have great news for you! I'm getting married!"
Lucy froze. How could he forget about her mother so easily?
" and. . . "he slowly started." you're getting a brother. "

" Hello Lucy-Chan"

A firmilliar voice said from behind her.


I am 1000000% sure that non of you fell for that April fools prank in the beginning of the story.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I'll try to make it longer next time.
I love leaving in suspense dont question me. I've done this a lot.
Leave yo suggestions in the comments so I can make this story better than it was before.


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