Stained Love ♥

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Hey, look, listen!
I'm updating today YAYYYY


Lucys POV (First person POV)

What is Laxus doing here! Is he the brother that my father is talking about? Why does it have to be him of all people!
"Father can I talk with my brother outside."I asked my father.

"Of course Lucy it would be nice if you got to know him." Father said looking down at his work without giving me a second glance.
I frowned does he not care about mother anymore?
I stormed out if his office with Laxus trailing me from behind.
As soon as we were out of his sound range I turned toward him and ask with rage.

"Do you think It's just okay to storm into my life and just accept you as a brother? "

" No I don't Lucy in fact my mother very much loves your father." Laxus said as if it was just a matter of fact then lives.
I was about to speak when he interrupted me.

"Anyways little sister or would you prefer to be called Lucy-Chan?"Laxus purred.

"What I don't like either options I would rather you call me Lucy because that's the name my mother gave to me." I said with a strong voice.

Laxus stepped closer.
"I think I'll join Sting and Natsu for the competition of your heart. And I think I might win as well. "

" Just because your my brother doesn't change anything! I'll avoid you!" I said my voice wavering.

"Hahahhaha do you think It would be that simple? I have lots of aces up my sleeve Lucy and I'll use all of them to get what I want." Laxus grinned.

I ran upstairs to my room and jumped into bed. What do I do? Someone please help me. I thought tears slipping through my eyes.

Buzz buzz

I looked up and I saw my phone on the table buzzing.

I stood up and started to walk over to the phone.

Rouge: Hey Lucy are you alright?

Lucy:I'm fine thanks for asking Rouge :)

Rouge: Are you sure? Because I had this feeling that you weren't alright :/

Lucy laughed a bit.

Lucy: Seriously Rouge I'm 100% okay

Rouge: Wanna go to the Plaza later? We could get slushies because I know you like strawberry slushies :D

Dang it Rouge he knows me to well!

Lucy:Sure I'll be out in a few see you there!

Rouge: When you mean a few you mean an hour right -.-"

Lucy: Touché Rouge

Rouge: Don't be late idiot!

Lucy: Don't worry Rouge I got this!


Well there you have it the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and all dat stuff!


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