If me and Gilly swiched bodies

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Credits to K1415100 who had this idea first!

Me: *appears in Gilly's room.*

Gilly: ahh, what the in the heck!

Gilly: where'd you come from?

Me: I'm an author. I have the powers to teleport, duh!

Gilly: ... You know what? I'm not even gonna question it at this point.

Me: smart choice.

Me: anyway you and me are going to switch bodies!

Me: I already explained to my friends, so bye!

Gilly: wait wha-

---Gilly and Raegan have switched bodies---

Me (as Gilly): Hehe, this is gonna be fun.

Maxine: *comes into the dorm room* hey Gilly!

Me: Hey Maxine!

Me: I have an idea!

Maxine: um...

Me: what?

Maxine: nothing! It's just that your ideas aren't always the smartest...

Me: *under breath* curse you Gilly!

Maxine: what?

Me: nothing! And I promise this isn't a bad idea!

Maxine: ...

Maxine: this was a terrible idea...

Me: why?

Maxine: you just locked Raza and Tessa in the dungeon!

Me: they deserve it.

Maxine: what did they do to you?

Me: everything.

Me: but it's mostly because they faun over Jax.

Maxine: but you do that all the time!

Me: yeah but I'm his girlfriend, so it's different! (In this AU, Gilly and Jax are dating if you didn't know!)

Maxine: I mean I guess.

Me: also I'm helping them! Jocelyn was going to curse them anyway, for changing her dress to the color pink!

Maxine: Oh.

Maxine: that's true.

Me: Seee?

---with the crew---

Me: *telling everyone what happened*

Jax: you don't seem like yourself thief.

Me: why do you say that?

Jax: because you could never make such a good plan like that.

Maxine: actually, now that I think about it, you would never admit that you locked Raza and Tessa in the dungeon because they faun of Jax.

Maxine: you would just say some random made up reason.

Jax: Exactly my point!

Everyone else: yeah...


Everyone: *laughs*

Jax: *sarcastically* Wow, yeah must be.

Me: I know right!

Jack: *Says something that makes Jax mad*

Me: *in my head* I've wanted to do this forever!

Me: *out loud* Jack don't be mean to Jax, it's rude!

Jack: he started it!

Me: do you think I'm deaf or something? Jax didn't say anything.

Jax: *surprised*

Jack: *frowns and rolls eyes* *walks away*

Me: *under my breath* ugh, he's annoying!

Jax: ok now I know that's you Rae!

Me: no really? How'd you know!

Jax: *rolls eyes* because Gilly would never have said that Jack was annoying even if he was.

Me: which is why I did it!

Me: It annoys me that Gilly doesn't say to him that he's annoying!

Jax: true, though.

---In my world at school---

Gilly (as me): Oh My God! She's so annoying!

Jayda: *walks over to her* your Gilly, right?

Gilly: I'm assuming that you're Rae's friend?

Jayda: You call her Rae?

Gilly: yeah? What do you call her?

Jayda: her full name, Raegan.

Gilly: oh ok

---Julie and Ayesha arrive---

Julie: *to Gilly* are you the girl from the other world Raegan was talking about?

Ayesha: Raegan said the girl's name was Gilly.

Gilly: yep I'm her.

Ayesha: *pulls something up on her phone* Did you know that Raegan writes about you and your friends?

Gilly: *Looks at the phone* How does she know what's happening?!

Ayesha: I don't know! Other writing about it too!

Gilly: ...

Gilly: And Rae said the only magic in this world is people's imagination.

Mackenzie: *appears out of nowhere* the imagination is a very powerful thing. Though people don't use, it was much as they should.

Gilly: *sighs* that's true for both of our worlds.

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