The performances.

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  *Comes in and pretends like this counts as a Christmas special.* "Hi y'all!"

Also, Sheena won't be in this chapter. She moved into a dorm with a friend she made!

This chapter may or may not be like all about Mara and Elise.

Oh, Mara and Elise are gonna kill me in this chapter...

Everyone is sitting in Professor Seb's class room looking at him as he talks.

"Now, " He says. "Someone is going to come in here and talk to you guys about the upcoming Christmas performance."

Whispers flooded the room.

"Who do you think it is?" -Maxine

"We already know about the performance. What more do we need to know?!" -Gilly.

"Would you all shut up?! Whoever it is will show up soon!"

That last remark was, of course, Jocelyn.

Before anyone could respond, there's a puff of multicolored smoke as I appeared.

There's a chorus of groans as I come into view.

Well, except for Mara and Elise, who both smile and wave.

"Ok, so about the performance. I'll be selecting people to sing, after all the announcements and the band." I say, a sly smile spreading across my face.

Mara looks at me wide eyed.

"Don't you -" She starts, but I cut her off.

"The people that will perform are Jax, Gilly, Elise, AG and Mara."

AG and Jax look perfectly calm.

Gilly and Jocelyn look mildly annoyed.

Elise just looks surprised.

Mara is speechless.

"I- wha- why- Wait. WHAT??!!" Mara studders.

I smile at her. "You heard me! You guys can choose what songs you want and your friends can help. Good luck!!" I said and with that, I teleported back to my world.

~Lunch, Mara's POV~

"Great, just great!" I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.

Ollie eyes my food. "You gonna eat that?" He gestures to my lunch.

I push the tray towards him and cross my arms again.

I sigh and slump down in my chair.

Elise walks over with a tray in hand and sits next to me.

"I need help to figure out what song to sing." I said to Elise. "Or how to get out of singing altogether!"

Elise laughs and comments, "I've heard your singing, Mar. You're great."

My face flushes with color and I mumble, "whatever."

I sit up only to rest my head on Elise's shoulder, closing my eyes.

~POV switch, Elise POV now~

I feel I weigh on my shoulder and look to see Mara leaning on me, eyes closed.

Only then did I realize how much makeup she must have put under her eyes to cover up that face that had dark rings under her eyes.

I could only see them from this viewpoint, because normally her glasses masked it a little. But here I could tell how tired Mara probably was.

"Aww!" Kayla and Maxine said as they came over and saw the scene.

I feel my face heat a little.

I never enjoyed being the center of attention, and I like even less how annoying my friends are sometimes.

"Shush! She's asleep." I hiss before turning to Jocelyn, who had been watching everything with mild interest.

"Jocelyn?" I ask.

She looks at me.

"Can you teleport Mara and I to our dorm? I don't wanna wake her."

Jocelyn shrugs. "Sure." She says and then waves her hand.

~In Mara and Elise's dorm, third person~

Jocelyn teleported the two so they were both on Elise's bed in their dorm.

Mara was still leaning on Elise so Elsie decided not to move, for fear of waking the girl.


When Mara woke up, she definitely felt better than she had before.

Elise was still asleep, even though they had been asleep for quite some time.

"El? Wake up. We still have to figure out our songs."

Elise mumbled something Mara couldn't hear and opened one eye.

"Elise, you need to wake up." Mara tried again.

"Sorry." Elise said, sitting.

Mara smiled. "It's fine. I'mma guess that I fell asleep?

Elise was only half awake so she could only say a few things, but she said a soft, yeah, before getting out of her bed and realizing it was the next day.

"Oh!" Elise said, frowning.

Mara stood up and walked over to the clock.

"Oof." Mara says. "We were asleep for half of yesterday and all of last night!"

"Well," Elise says eying Mara. "We probably both needed it."

Mara coughed, obviously knowing what Elise meant.

"Did you think that covering it with makeup is gonna help anything? Elise says, narrowing her eyes at Mara.

"No, but-" Mara starts.

"But nothing! You can't go days without sleeping!" Elise looks at Mara, her eyes sad.

Mara looks away saying nothing.

Elise sighs. "Just please promise me you won't stay up so late that you're not getting any sleep? And if you need more sleep, you need to tell someone!"

Mara finally looks Elise in the eye and smiles. "Promise." She says.

Elise smiles too. She hugs Mara and then grabs her hand. "Come on! If we want to get any patty cakes, we have to get there before Ollie does!" Elise pulls Mara out the door.

~the cafeteria~

"Why weren't you and Mara in the last couple of classes yesterday?" Jax asks Elise.

Elise shrugs. "Mara was tired, so we went to our dorm and I fell asleep, too."

Jax nods, understanding.

Mara comes over with two plates of food and gives one to Elise.

"Thanks!" Elise says smiling.

Mara smiles and nods.

After Elise finished her food, she went out onto the balcony to write her song.

She hums as she writings.

"Never look back and say 'that could have been me'"

That was the first line of her song.

~Meanwhile, with Mara~

Mara sat in front of the piano, fingers hovering over the keys.

She played one note. And then played more and more notes.

Her song was the opposite of Elise's song, though no one knew that yet.

The song started off slowly and steadily, got louder and faster.

~With Gilly~

Gilly already knew what her song would be.

She just had to add the keyboard to it.

~with AG~

AG was having a hard time thinking about what song to write.

So she writes about a girl like her.

About all the hate…

~with Elise~

(Could have been me)

Elise looks down at her song and smiles.


~With Mara~

Mara plays the last note of her song and then grabs a notepad, quickly writing the song lyrics that had come to her.

~With Gilly~

Gilly jots down the notes she just played for the song.

Gilly smiles and then walks out of the music room.

~With AG~

AG nods as she looks at her work.

A smile spread across her face as she practically skips out of her castle.

~With the whole crew, plus Jack, in the lounge room~

Gilly looks at Jax. "Are you gonna do a song?"

Jax shakes his head. "Nope! Rae said that I didn't have to do one."

Gilly nods. "Ok."

Elise leans against Mara and scrolls on her phone.

"AG, are you done with your song?" Mara asks.

AG smiles and nods.

"I think we all finished just in time!" Elise said, looking up from her phone.

She's talking about the fact that the performance is tonight.

Everyone nods or says their agreement.

~A little while before the performance~

"We look so good right now!" Kayla squeals.

Kayla's outfit >>>

Gilly's outfit >>>

Maxine's outfit >>>

Mara's outfit >>>

Elise's outfit >>>

Jocelyn's outfit >>>

AG's outfit >>>

~that night at the performance~

Flora finishes her speech and then announces that there are going to be some people performing songs.

"First up we have, Alison Grace!" Flora announces.

AG walks up on to the stage and says into the mic, "This is a song I made called, 'The Best Way To Deal With Hate.'"

Everyone claps for AG as she bows and walks off the stage.

"Gillian Cobbler! Please enter the stage!"

Gilly walks onto the stage and says, "This is a song I made called Thumbs!"

Everyone claps as Gilly smiles and walks offstage.

"Now Mara Magic, come to the stage."

Mara walks onto the stage, and a keyboard appears.

"This song is called 'My Way'"

Everyone claps, and Mara walks off the stage.

"Elise Heel, please come onto the stage!"

Elise runs up onto the stage.

"This song is called 'Could have been me!'"

Everyone claps this time for everyone who performed.

Elise walks off the stage and to her friends.

They all hug and laugh.

Mara and Elise sing 'Team' and the whole crew dances.

Mara and Elise dance along with the words. The rest of the crew does the same, some girls singing along too.

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