Adding Characters

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I'm adding Wendy, Orga and Rufus by request of Lilyana9337. She's really nice, you should follow her. I'm adding Lyon as well.

P.S. Wendy is like 16-17 in this.

Finding you:
*Wendy's P.O.V.*
Carla and I were walking around when a woman ran up to us.

"Can you use healing magic?!"


"Heal my baby!!! Please!!!"

I saw the baby and set her down on the ground. As I started to heal her Carla yelled.

"Come back don't you want your baby?!"

I healed the baby who had scrapes and scratches all over her. I looked up to see the woman running away. She left her baby. How could she?

I looked at the baby and smiled, I decided to take care of her! 'I'll be the best mom I can be!' I thought determined.

"Are you going to take care of her?"

"Yes, I'll be her mom!"

"Are you ready to be a mom?"

"Let's find out!"


Bringing you to the guild:
*Wendy's P.O.V.*
I walked into the guild with (Y/N). I went straight to the master.

"Master, I have a baby. I wish to raise her myself."

"Are you sure your ready for this kind of responsibility Wendy?"


"Ok then."

"Thank you so much!"

I went over to team Natsu's table.

"Carla told us what happened, I'm happy for you Wendy. You now have a baby girl." Erza said.

Lucy nodded and the two offered if I ever needed help to look after her while I was busy that they would gladly take her. I smiled and looked at (Y/N). I hope I'll be a good mother, one that can take care of (Y/N)!

She finds out you have magic:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched your mother train. She had been training more and more often so that she could go on solo missions.

"Good job mom, your roar is so powerful!!!"

"Thank you sweetie."

You smiled then looked at her wing attack. She was so graceful, you wanted to be like her. You closed your eyes trying to imagine your magic and what it would be when it got really bright.

"(Y/N) your have crystal armor all over you!!!!"

You opened your eyes to see armor made of jewels. A sword was in your right hand as well. You thought of rubies when a ruby armor appeared on you.

"Is this like requip magic mom?"

"I think it's jewel magic."

"Cool! I have magic like you now!"

Your first word:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You were sitting on a bar stool watching the guild have another all out brawl. Wendy, Lucy, Mira, Erza and most of the girls were getting some supplies for the guild. You were in Natsu and Grays care. They were fighting.

A chair was sent flying right as the girls walked in. The chair hit you and knocked you off the bar stool.

"WHO THREW THAT CHAIR AT MY BABY?!" Your mother shrieked.

Everyone stopped surprised at Wendy's behavior change. She walked over to you and picked you up.

"N-Na-Nawu and Grway" you said slowly.

"Aw your first words!!" Your mother cheered as she checked you to make sure you were ok. She walked over to Erza who was beating up Natsu and Gray for not watching you and for letting a chair hit you.

"Thanks Erza."

((Sorry but I feel like those dragon instincts would kick in and she would be meaner because of someone hurting her baby.))


Finding you:
*Orga's P.O.V.*
I was walking down the street when a baby crawled out from and alleyway. I picked the kid up and saw a small basket with a bule blanket inside of it. There was nothing else I'm the alleyway.

I looked at the kid before sighing. I would have to keep the kid because someone obviously didn't want them. Scum. How could someone leave a baby?

"Let's go back to the guild kid. I think I'll name you.... (Y/N)! Like it?"

The baby looked at me and did a smile thing. 'Guess so'.

Bringing you to the guild:
*Orga's P.O.V.*
I walked into the guild and went straight to Sting.

"Sting I have a kid I'm going to raise."



He just stared at me in shock.



"He's surprised that you of all people would raise a child."

"What's that supposed to me girly hair?!"

"It means your to childish tribal beast!"

"Feather hat!"((idek anymore =/))

"Alright stop you two." Rogue said.

"Well, have fun oh, what's their name?" Sting asked.


"Wow you managed to not chose a stupid name."

"Oh shut it Blondie!!"

"Hey I'm blonde too!"

He finds out you have magic:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Sting was going to Fairy Tail and asked if you wanted to cone along. Your father said you could go so now you stood in front of Fairy Tail guild's doors. You were scared, you could hear all the yelling. Sting kicked the door open and yelled out a greeting.

"Master, why would you do that?" You said with your hands over your mouth in shock.

If you had done something like that your father would have been furious. He said that a lady should knock and that you never yell walking in somewhere.

"What?" Sting asked you.

Rogue sighed, "Show manners Sting, your the master so set a GOOD example."


"Who are you? Wanna fight?!" A pink haired boy asked/yelled while he was really close to you.

You jumped back and vines whipped out near him forming a barrier between the two of you.

"Who did that?" You asked confused.

Sting hugged you, "You did, you have magic now (Y/N)!"

Your first word:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched Yukino summon one of her spirts.

"Open gate of the two fish Pisces!"

"O-open!!" You cheered until you saw those big arse fish.

You shrieked when one of then got to close. You ran to Yukino and hugged her legs.

"It's ok (Y/N)."

~30 min later~

Your father walked out and grabbed you.

"Thanks for watching her and keeping her busy Yukino-chan."

"(Y/N) said the word 'open' its her first word right?"

"Yup!" He grinned as he looked at you.


Finding you:
*Rufus's P.O.V.*
I walked to Melinda's house. She was an old friend and had asked me for a favor but, she wouldn't tell me what it was she wanted. She just told me to get here quickly.

"Melinda I'm here!" I said knocking on her door.

"Rufus, I need your help!" Melinda said as she opened the door.

She lead me to a room in the back of her house.

"You must take care if my sister's baby girl. She can't and I can't either."

I looked at the girl and lifted her up.

"Does she have a name?"

"You can decide her name."

I nodded to Melinda.

"I'll raise her."

She hugged me.

"Thank you so much Rufus!"

"Your welcome, I'll do my best to raise her right."

"I know you'll do a good job!"

Bringing you to the guild:
*Rufus's P.O.V.*
I walked into the guild with (Y/N) in my arms. I have no memory of a feeling like this. I felt like (Y/N) was my child and I hadn't known her more than an hour.

"Why do you have a kid?" Master/Sting asked.

"My friend could not raise her and asked me to do so for her."

"Oh, what's her name?"


"They chose a nice name for her, bet you couldn't have chosen a name like that." The tribal idiot said.

"Actually I named her."

"Yeah right."

"I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you."

"Why cuz you know you'll lose?"

"Because your to stupid to properly argue with. You can't even pronounce words correctly."

He finds out you have magic:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched your father practice in awe. You remembered that he would memorize things. You copied what he did thinking that's all there was to it.


Then you felt the spell, an ice one flood into your body. You instantly knew the spell.

"Ice shield!!"

Your father looked at you before smiling.

"Would you like me to teach you real memory make magic?"

Your 'ice shield' was the size of an ant. It should have been called 'ant ice shield'.


"Then let's get started."

Your first word:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched a member of the guild named Wessen ((idk its just a random name from a name generator)) flirt with a girl that wasn't in the guild. Wessen was known for bringing random girls in the guild then leaving and the next day he would have a new girl.

"Come on baby, don't you love me?"

You looked at your dad before who was arguing with Orga by the request board on what job they should take. The two formed a team and did quite well. You looked at Sting who was sitting at the table you were at. You pulled on his sleeve. He looked at you.

"C-come on ba-ba-baby, .............. D-don't y-you lo-love m-m-me" you said slowly repeating Wessen's words.

"Where the heck did you hear that?!?!" Sting said grabbing your shoulders.

Your father and Orga walked over.

"What's going on?"

Once Sting explained they all looked at you. You pointed at Wessen.

"H-he Sa-sway it"

They all glared at him. Your father looked about ready to kill since he had been trying to get you to say 'dada' for three months only for your first words to be flirtingish words.


Finding you:
*Lyon's P.O.V.*
I was walking around fuming at the fact that Gray got all of Juvia's attention and didn't care. He shouldn't be allowed to hurt her!

*insert a babys wail*

I looked around trying to find out where the noise came from. ((It came from a baby duh.)) I saw a baby in a basket hanging in a tree. The tree branch snagged on a piece of the basket keeping it from falling. However, the baby was about to fall out because of the way the basket was tipped. The baby stared to fall and I caught them. I turned to go back to the guild to ask about the baby when I saw a note.

'Please take care of my daring (Y/N). I let her basket fly free and hopefully you will be kind enough to take her in.'

I sighed and thought about it. I'll take her, I don't want her to be in an orphanage for all her childhood.

Bringing you to the guild:
*Lyon's P.O.V.*
I brought (Y/N) to the guild and showed her to the old hag.

"Can I keep her?"

"Sure why not."

"Thank you."

"Yeah yeah go away before I spin you!"

I walked over to Yuka and told him. He and toby both were there.

"Why do you have a kid?"

"He just told us stupid."


Jura came over and asked about her. I told him and a few others before leaving to go get baby supplies.

He finds out you have magic:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched the old hag spin Toby for some reason you hadn't really be paying attention why. You giggled grining from ear to ear. You smiled you had learned how to manipulate salt water. You used some to wet his clothes so water was flying everywhere. Everyone was backing up as you increased the water. Your father had been right behind you without you knowing.

"Knock it off, and where'd you learn to do that?"

You looked at your dad.

"I dunno I was just able to use salt water one day."

"Huh. You still need to go say sorry to everyone though."

"But what if the hag spins me? I don't want to know what its like."

"Then at least to Toby."


Your first word:
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched Toby use his long claws attck thingy. You grinned it sounded so long and yet it wasn't all that much.

"Welly!!" You said.

You had meant to say 'jelly' but, the 'j' wound up sounding like a 'w'. Your father looked at you and sighed.

"Sp-sp-spin!!!" Everyone looked at you.

You raised your arms up and waved them around. Your father grabbed you and took you home. As he unlocked the door you smiled. Your father had learned that if you raised your arms up you wanted to go to sleep.

He set you in your crib/bed/whatever you slept in at that age.

"Good night (Y/N)"

"N-nigh-night night."

Magic types

Wendy: Jewel


Rufus: Memory Make

Lyon: Ocean

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