Your First Word (Girls)

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You were watching Happy offer Carla a fish on your mother's lap while she talked with Erza. When Carla declined you were confused.


Everyone looked at you.

"Ca-Ca-Cat e-eat fwish!" You said pointing at Happy and Carla.

Carla looked offend and everyone just stared at you.

"My daughters first word was 'fish'." Your mother said in shock.

"Mamwa!" You said looking at her.

"And she didn't even say 'mama' right."

"Don't worry Lucy, even if her first word was fish that doesn't mean anything." Erza said trying to comfort your mother.

"Even so her first word was FISH. FISH for Pete's sake!"

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You smiled at you mother before saying something Gray said all the time.

"F-flame brain!"

She looked at you and right then Gray yelled at Natsu.

"Flame brain!!!"

Erza looked from him to you. She sighed and smiled at you.

"(Y/N) 'ma' say 'ma'."


"Now say 'mama'."


"Yay you said 'Mama'! That's now your first word."

"Mama!!!" You said smiling.

"I don't think that's how first words work Erza." Lucy said.

"Her first word will be 'Mama' not 'flame brain'. I don't want her first words to be an insult to someone nor have her first words be strange first words."

"Um ok."


*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched your mother cry over the death of one of the characters in a book she was reading.

"Why did Castella have to die?!?!" ((Fun fact Castella is a Japanese sponge cake :) ))

"Ca-Ca-Cast!!" You said she looked at you.


"Castwella!!" You said.

She smiled that your first word was one of her favourite characters in the book series 'Desserts Rebellion'.

"Castwella stay dead!!"

She just stared open mouthed at you.

"Why my child why?"


*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Juvia smiled and fawned over Gray.

"Gray-sama your AMAZING!!!!!"

"Gr-Grway-s-sama." You said as Gray panicked.

"Please tell me she won't be like her mom!"

"What did Gray-sama do to Juvia's baby?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Gray-sama hot!!" You said repeating your mother's words.

She glared at Gray.

"Gray-sama did something to (Y/N). Gray-sama will pay."

Everyone looked at you three when you giggled.


"Oh so Gray-sama didn't do anything that's good!!! Juvia knew Gray-sama was to amazing to do anything to Juvia's baby!"

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Your mother was serving people their drinks while you sat between Natsu and Gray. They both grabbed one of your arms and were fighting over you. Erza was gone and Lucy couldn't get them to stop. They weren't very loud so no one else noticed. Until you burst into tears. Mira raced over to you and scooped you out of their arms. She tried to shush you but you kept crying. Everyone was glaring at Natsu and Gray who were now arguing over who made you cry.

"Shhh its ok mommy will beat the mean boys black and blue."


"Yes they are."

She set you over by Laxus and the Thunder Tribe. You had marks on your arms because Natsu and Gray were unconsciously using magic. Laxus held you and your mother brought back a cookie. You ate the cookie while your mother beat Natsu and Gray literally BLACK AND BLUE.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You smiled as your mother picked out clothes for you. She and you both enjoyed shopping. You enjoyed shopping because you got to eat out, she enjoyed it because she's weird.

Your mother told you to stay there while she went to go ask a question. You waited a bit and looked at a few of the shirts. You saw three mean looking girls and moved away from them. They began walking towards you. They kicked you and covered your mouth. You bit the hand covering your mouth and screamed:


Let's just say your mother made sure they never touched you again.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You wanted a piece of cake since everyone else got some. Your mother was gone and basiclly no one else knew how to interpret what you were trying to tell them or, they didn't give you what you wanted because your mom didn't say if you could have any of whatever it was. You walked over to Sting and pulled on his pant leg. He looked down at you and picked you up by the armpits. He set you on his hip and looked at you smiling.

"What's up? You want something?" (Me: that entire cake duh!)

You pointed at the cake.

"Your mom didn't say you could have cake so I can't give you any cake, sorry."

You pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes. He shook his head.


He just looked at you.

"Fine one bite since it was your first word."

He gave you a bite of cake. You smiled happily. That's when your mother walked through the doors.

"Hey Minerva, (Y/N)'s first word was 'cake'!"


She raced over to you and held you.

"Say something."

"Cake!!!" You said pointing at the cake.

"Since she said cake and it was her first word I gave her a piece sorry if that-"

"Oh she can have cake I don't care."


You mentally smirked, you were going to eat that entire cake!

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Your mother was out on a job as was Rogue and Minerva and Rufus and Orga. She needed to get money so she could pay for food for you and couldn't wait. So she had to leave you with Sting. Not even the exceeds were there.

"What do you want to do (Y/N)?"

You just looked at him. Your stomach growled so he went and made 'food'. It looked like something a rat ate pooped out then a cat ate it and a dog ate the cat then barfed it up after the cat pooped it out in the dogs stomach. With a bit of blueish wierd color changing fluid.


"Yeah Im not a goo- YOUR FIRST WORD WAS YUCK?!?!"

When your mother got back he told her and she sighed.

"Sting-kun, why was my daughters first word yuck?"

"I cooked food!"

"Thats it?!?!"

Thats it Thanks for reading and Bye!

Word Count:1086

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