Your First Word (Guys)

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There is cursing so you were warned.

Age: like two, whenever you say your first words.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You were sitting in Natsu's lap while playing with a piece of wood sticking out of the table. Natsu grabbed your hands and moved them away from the table. After he started to talk to Lucy again you reached a hand out, he bumped his leg up slightly and you lowered your hand. You stuck your bottom lip out pouting. You began trying to move around and out of Natsu's lap. He held you still and looked down at you.

"What wrong (Y/N)? Is the ice freak bothering you?"

You glared at him and pouted. You were bored and wanted to sleep. You looked around and saw Laxus' coat. You struggled to get out of Natsu's lap. Eventually he let you down. You went straight over to Laxus. You grabbed his coat and pulled on it. Everyone in the guild looked at you. Natsu rushed over picking you up.

"C-c-co-coa-coat!" You said as Natsu was walking away.

"You can't have his co- YOU JUST SAID YOUR FIRST WORD!!!!!!!!"

Everyone was shocked that your first word was 'coat'.

"M-me coat! Coat!!" You struggled trying to get back to Laxus' coat.

You screamed in Natsu's ear wanting the coat. Natsu lightly hit your butt.

"No coat no screaming."






"You can't have it."

You began to cry and Lucy took you from Natsu holding you. You quieted and fell asleep.

"I think she was just tired." Lucy told Natsu.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You were watching Happy who was swinging his tail around. Gray and Natsu were fighting.

"Flame brain!"

"Jack a*$!"

"Natsu, don't say that while a child is around."

"She won't remember anyway."

"Jack A*$!" You cheered everyone looked at you then Natsu.

Erza glared at Natsu while Gray scooped you up. When you tried to say it again he put his finger to your lips shushing you. You looked at him for a second before trying to talk again.

"Da" he looked at for a second before encouraging you.

"Dummy!" You cheered pointing to Natsu.

"Dada!" You said pointing to Gray.

Gray grinned and looked at Natsu.

"She can already tell your a loser that's sad!"

"Oh shut it Elsa wannabe!"

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You sat by your father looking around. You saw Natsu and Gray fighting before getting their heads slammed together.

"Don't fight!" Erza scolded them.

"F-F-Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" You cheered everyone stared at you.

You pointed towards Erza, Natsu and Gray.


Erza smiled at you then looked at Gray and Natsu.

"It seems (Y/N) wants us to fight."

They both gulped.

"If you two continue to fight you will be teaching (Y/N) that fighting in the guild hall is ok. It's not ok."

They both nodded and looked afraid at the expression Erza had. She walked over to you and began speaking slowly.

"Fighting is B-A-D. Bad Bbbbaaaaaaddddd. Ok?"

"Fight bad!"

"Fighting is bad."

"Fighting bad!"


You smiled at her.

"They fight!" You said pointing at Natsu and Gray.

"It's bad."


"Are you all going to ignore that my (Y/N)'s first word was fight? She should have said Dummy if she was talking about them." Your father said.

"Dummy!" You said pointing at Laxus.

"Dummer!!" You said pointing at Natsu and Gray.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You were glaring at your father who had just taken the card you were messing with.

"Oi, stop glaring at me. You were messing up the card."

"F*cker!!" You heard Natsu yell at Gray.

"F*CKER!!!!!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs pointing at Laxus.

Everyone froze shocked you said that. Your father looked at you then hit your forehead lightly.

"That's bad, you don't say stuff like that even if the idiot said it." Laxus told you before shocking Natsu.

"Idiot!!" You said looking at Laxus.

Everyone was watching the exchange holding there breath waiting to see what he would do.

Laxus grabbed a piece of tape and put it over your mouth. You were about to take it off when he stopped you.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."

You glared at him and he glared back. You looked away before getting off the chair you were on and going to your great-grandfather or so they thought. You stalked away from Laxus grabbed some wine from Cana before pouring it on him. Then ripping the tape off.

Everyone was shocked then you grabbed your card from him hugged Laxus and went back to messing with your card.

"All that because of a card?!" He said looking at you.

"Yup." You told him.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Your father was filling out paper work and sighed you sighed with him. He groaned and you copied him. He noticed this and grinned. You grinned right back at him.

"My dad's the best!"

"My dad's the best!"

"I hate paper work!"

"I hate paper work!"


"Ahh F*ck!" Sting said falling out of his chair when Rogue appeared.

"Ahh F*ck!" You said.

"You taught her to copy YOU?!?!" Rogue said hitting Sting.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"She just cursed because of you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?! She just cursed because of you!"

They both looked at you and you smiled happily.

"Auntie Minerva told me to copy you daddy!"

"She did? Why wait YOU KNEW HOW TO TALK?!?!?!?!"

"Auntie Minerva taught me but said not to say anything until today."

Sting just stared at you in shock.

"Are you serious?!"

"My first word was: 'Auntie' if that helps."

"It doesn't, it wasn't even dada or daddy. I feel like a failure."

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You wanted to go with your father on his mission. You were never allowed to go with and you hated it. You held out a hand as Sting held you. Rogue was going on a solo mission. You began to cry and Sting used his light to make little swirls around you. That normally calmed you down but not today.

"D-d-don- don- Don't G-Go Daddy!!" You wailed before struggling more.

Sting held you but grinned, Rogue was staring at you. They had made a bet, Sting said that you would say your first words before he left and Rogue said you had a while to go before talking. Sting grinned while he turned you around to face him.

"Its alright, he'll be back and you can play with Lector for now if you want."

You nodded and hugged Lector while Sting held you and Rogue walked away.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
Ezel was towering over you and you had started to cry. Your father was gone and Ezel was about to eat you. He grabbed you with one of his arms and you started crying louder.

"Da-Da-Da- Daddy!!!" You cried out sobbing as Ezel was about to bite into you.

"Good thing I got back early, now what are you doin' with my kid?" Your father asked.

Ezel looked at him in shock.

"Your supposed to be gone. I was ridding you of a problem." He told your father.

Your father walked up to him and took you. You hugged him and cryed. He raised his hand and Ezel was sent flying backwards from the explosion.

"Come on, let's go (Y/N). I can't wait to tell the others daddy was your first word! Yes!!"

You looked at him confused he was grinning. He looked at you and you smiled at him. That was when Kyoka stomped up to him.

"Did you kill Ezel?! He's in one of the regeneration tanks."

"Yup, he was about to eat my kid."

You were lucky, all the other demons besides Ezel and Keyes liked you.

"How dare he?!"

Kyoka took you from Jackal and you looked at her smiling still.

"That's my kid you can't steal her! And on top of that her fist word was 'Daddy'!"

They had all had an argument and bet on what word you would say first. All the other demons wanted to be your parent they liked you so much. You were almost always smiling and cheering them up.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

"Say dada (Y/N)."

You just stared at him. You had been making noise that were almost words and your father wanted to see if you would talk. You smiled at him.

"Yes that's it dada"


"Come on you've got this."


"No! (Y/N) you were supposed to say 'dada'!"


"Yes good job (Y/N)!"

You smiled and lifted your arms signaling that you wanted to be picked up. Your father picked you up and you cheered wiggling around.

"(Y/N) stop moving so much."




"Huh? What? You really do like to move don't cha?"

"I like to move! I'll move it!"((Do any of you know where this is going?))

"Move what? What are you moving?"

You pointed to a rock smiling as you moved around.

"It? The rock?"

"I like to move it move it!!"

"What is wrong with this child?"
I hope you enjoyed sorry if its bad and bye bye!

Word Count: 1581

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