When They Find Out You Have Magic (Girls)

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Age: 6-8

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You looked at your mother watching by your aunt Levy as she, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla left.

You wanted to go with them but until you had strong magic you couldn't. You aslo couldn't go on missions. You ran into the library looking for a book on magic. When Lucy left you always ran to the library so it wasn't anything new. You had tried to learn others magic and it never worked.  You saw a strange book, it was glowing a blueish flamey look. You picked it up and opened the book, it was about a freezing fire called Frost Fire. It would freeze and burn enemies at the same time. It mixed Ice and Fire.

A few hours had passed and you could use seven different spells now. You weren't in the library anymore, you were in a field practicing. You didn't know how you had gotten there you were just there. You were suddenly back in the library with the entire guild in there. Lucy was hysterical screaming that the guild lost her baby.

"My (Y/N)! You lost (Y/N) how could you?!?!?!"

That's when she saw you. Natsu Erza and Gray had been holding her back. They hadn't realized you were there. She pushed past them and ran to you.

"My baby!!!"

She hugged you and was sobbing in your shoulder.

They had told you that you had been gone for 6 days and that Lucy had gotten back three hours before you did. On top of that, you never saw that book and they said they had never had a book like that. But, YOU HAD STILL LEARNED MAGIC!!!!! And yours was special!

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You watched you mother practice outside the guild, she was so graceful as she requiped new armours and weapons. She had taught you how to fight but you wanted to learn more, you were just to afraid to ask.



"Would you like me to teach you Requip magic?"


She motioned you over and began to teach you some of the basics.

You were about to requip a dagger Erza gave you when Natsu was sent flying out of the guild and straight into you. He crashed into you and the dagger you requiped was sent under you. It was going into your stomach.

"Mom! It hurts!"

Erza threw Natsu off of you and rolled you over. She saw the wound and looked to Natsu.

"Go get Wendy! NOW!"

He raced off and she took the dagger out. Wendy came running and healed you.

"Thanks Wendy-chan."

"I told just call me Wendy and your welcome."

Erza glared at Natsu and Gray, the ones how had been fighting.

"You hurt (Y/N) you must pay!"

Everyone even Laxus looked slightly scared. Erza was in her Heavens Wheel armour. Her swords all around her.

"Mom, its ok I'm fine!"

She looked at you and after some mental debating she nodded and the swords went away. You looked at Natsu walked up to him and whispered while passing him 'You owe me'.  You then turned back to your mother and asked if you were going to continue training.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You and your mother sat beside each other reading. Gajeel was staring at both of you in shock/horror. You two turned the pages at the same time and made the same facial expressions. That's when you got mad at a character died and set the book down. You were two pages ahead of your mother who had just scolded Gajeel for staring. She read it and looked just as mad as you. A greenish purple fluid began swirling around you. You glared at Gajeel and yelled at him while the fluid shot out towards him hitting him.


He began getting a weird purpleish glow where he had been hit and Wendy ran over.

"It's poison, (Y/N) you used poison to attack him."

"I use magic?"

You grinned and cheered completely forgetting about the characters death.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You and your mother were walking along when Natsu thrown towards you to because of a fight in the middle of the road between him and Gajeel. Out of instict you threw your hand up and a huge pink flower appeared keeping Natsu from hitting you.

"Juvia's (Y/N) used magic!" Your mother cheered.

You grinned, sometimes you talked in third person like your mother and sometimes not.

"I did!"

Purple flowes bloomed all around you.

"Good job kid." Gajeel told you.

"Why's kind of magic is that?" Natsu asked.

"Flower Magic!!" You cheered.

Now all sorts of flowers were every where, they were in the air on the ground and on you.

"Mom let's go tell the guild!!"

"(Y/N) can tell Gray-sama!"

You both started towards the guild ignoring Gajeel and Natsu's fight that started up again. Flowers continued to bloom around you as you walked. The ground by the side walk was covered in gorgeous flowers.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
You were watching a cat outside the guild when you felt your body shrinking. You grew hair and before you knew what was going on you were walking around on your hands and feet which had become paws.  You went over to a puddle to see that you were a cat. You didn't know what to do so you decided to go to your mother.

You tried to go to inside but, the doors were in your way. You yowled and Mira walked outside to see you. You jumped into her arms. You began transforming once again when you looked at her. Soon you were back to being human. She looked at you and gasped.


"I was looking at a cat and soon I was one."

You heard a squawk and looked up to see a bird before you realized your mistake, you were a bird. You looked at Mira and changed back to a person. You looked at some grass then a flower and nothing happened.

"Oh my, your magic must be like some Animal Transformation."

"That's cool."

"You'll have to be trained you can't be randomly transforming every time you see an animal."

"This'll be fun!"

"Don't get to excited, it'll take a lot of hard work."

"I'm ready!!"

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You sighed, it was hot and it seemed like no matter where you went it was hot. You walked over to Gray and layed across his stomach. You smiled at the cool sensation.

"(Y/N) get off, its hot."

"Your cool though."

"(Y/N) come up here." You mother said from the second floor.

You got and went up to her. You sat next to her hot and annoyed, you couldn't get out of the heat. You imagined nice cool snow all around you and smiled when it got cooler.

"(Y/N) your making it snow?!" Your mother said shocked.

It was snowing all around you. You smiled and looked at her.

"It's cold, I'm happy."

Soon the entire guild had snow in it cooling everyone off.

"Hey Ice Princess, why didn't you make ice everywhere huh?!" Natsu yelled.

"Because I was to hot!"

You were getting tired and wanted to stop. You rested your head on the table when you mother pulled you into a hug.

"You can stop now, I now your tired."

You nodded and the it stopped snowing. You were so tired you barley heard everyone asking why it stopped snowing.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You watched Sting, Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Yukino and your mother train. Lector and Frosh watched with you.


"Yes mother?"

"Do you wish to train with us?"

"You can't ask a kid that! She could get hurt!" Sting protested.

"She has to learn to fight at some point."

You got up and decided to prove that you weren't some weak kid. You had read up on a type of Lava magic, you had learned three normal spells and one very powerful one. You practiced every chance you could.

'What shakes the ground,
Makes people run around,
Remakes the land,
With its hand,
The volcano erupts and consumes all,
It will crush anything that stands tall.
It will devour all.

Rogellan Eruption!' You whispered.

Lava crashed around and you used your hands to control where it went. The others all jumled away trying to doge the attack. You moved the lava around a bit before letting it leave.

"I'm not weak!! I know lava magic!!" You said glaring at Sting.

"She's my daughter Sting, would you expect any less?" Your mother said smiling.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

You smiled twirling your finger around watching as the air formed a small cyclone. You had always been able to do that as long as you could remember but, you had never tried to do anymore than that. You tried to make it go all around you and before you knew it you had a cyclone around you. You tryed to make it stop and after a bit it did. You ran to find your mother and tell her about what had happened. You saw her and told her grinning. She asked you to show her and you did, Sting walked in and thought you were going to attack Yukino. He was about to hit you when you stopped and told hin you were just showing her something.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was you (Y/N)!!!" He said hugging you.

You hugged back and he grinned.

"Wanna fight against me? I want to see what you can do!"

That was when your mother stepped in.

"No Sting, let her train up a bit before you go trying to fight."

"Ok. But if you do ever want to fight you know where to find me!"

You smiled and looked at your mother.

"Will you help me get stronger??"


"Thanks mom!"

Magic types for each scenario:

Lucy-Frost Fire




Mira-Animal Transformation




Word Count: 1706

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