Bringing You To The Guild (Girls)

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*Lucy's P.O.V.*
I looked at (Y/N) and smiled. Natsu hadn't crashed my place yet so it was quiet for once. After a while I picked (Y/N) up and walked out of my apartment towards the guild. It would be the first time I showed the guild my new baby. When I opened the door I expected something to be thrown my way but, surprisingly the guild wasn't in an all out brawl. I walked in and Erza looked my way.

"Lucy, you had a child? Why didn't you tell me?"

She waked up to me while everyone was looking at me confused as to why I had a baby. I explained and Erza smiled. Master smiled and gave me a nod of approval.

"(Y/N) is so cute!"

"I want to fight, (Y/N) fight me!!!!!!"((Guess who.))

Natsu ran up two us before stopping when he saw Erza and me glaring at him.

"Don't touch (Y/N) Natsu, she is way to young to fight." I told him.

We walked over to Mira and the others who wanted to see (Y/N) leaving Natsu to pout behind us.

*Erza's P.O.V.*
I walked into the guild and straight to the Master. I told him what happened while everyone looked at me weirdly for having a baby.

"Erza, if you wish to keep the child you may. Just remember that having a child will be a lot of responsibility."

"I know, but now I will have a cake buddy!!"

I smiled and walked over toward Lucy holding (Y/N) close to me. Lucy, Levy, Juvia and Mira fawned over (Y/N) talking about how cute she was. She was an adorable baby, I'm sure when she gets old enough we will set out and travel the kingdom tasting cakes.

I smiled as I looked at my daughter, right as a barrel hit only a few inches away from my daughters head and my breast. It was from Natsu and Gray's fight. They could have hurt (Y/N), they will pay. They can't get away with hurting my cake buddy! I gave (Y/N) to Lucy and looked at the two of them requiping a sword.

"On your knees! You must pay for almost hurting my cake buddy!"

((Erza, reader-chan isnt old enough to have cake yet.... Don't worry, she didn't actually kill Natsu and Gray but they ended up with a bunch of bruises. I believe the lesson here is don't mess with reader-chan or you'll have to face Erza's wrath.))

*Levy's P.O.V.*
I went back to the guild with (Y/N), I was furious. How could they just leave their child? Why would someone be so heartless? I walked intot he guild and to Gramps. I explained what happened in a whisper while everyone looked at me. The guild was nearly silent as I whispered what happened to Gramps.

"How dare they?!?! I'll find who ever it was and hurt them! How could they leave thoer child?!" Natsu yelled.

I forgot about his dragon slayer hearing but, if he heard then Gajeel and Laxus heard as well. Masters expression darkened. He looked at me and I could see just how mad he was, he was furious. He told the guild what happened and the entire guild was fuming.

"I'm going to raise (Y/N), so theirs no need cause a fuss."

"If you say so Levy." Master replied.

I nodded and sat down with (Y/N) everyone was looking at her. I smiled, (Y/N) was better off with us anyway.

*Juvia's P.O.V.*
Juvia walked into the guild and over to Gajeel. She told Gajeel what happened and he spit our his drink and yelled:

"Why would a baby be part of a reward?!"

Everyone looked at us and I told them what happened. They all looked confused, Levy-chan seemed to be deep in thought.

"Where did he get the child? And why did he get rid of her?" Levy-san said thinking out loud.

No one seemed to know why he gave me (Y/N).

"Juvia doesn't care! She will love (Y/N) more than her darling Gray-sama! (Y/N) will be the best daughter ever!"

"If you feel that way Juvia than, you can keep (Y/N)." The master said.

"Thank you Master."

Everyone wanted to get a better look at (Y/N), even love rival! (Y/N) will be the best daughter, Juvia

*Mira's P.O.V.*
(Y/N) was asleep and I put her behind the bar in a makeshift cradle. I got milk and wrapped blankets around her. I woke her up and fed her, as soon as she was done eating she went back to sleep. The Master came in and I told him about (Y/N). He nodded amd let me keep her. I smiled, people were trickling in when Nastu burst though the doors. He and Gray instantly got in a fight and woke (Y/N) up. She started to cry and I picked her up trying to quiet her. I glared at Natsu and Gray who shank back under my gaze.

"Why do you have a child Mira?" Erza asked.

"I found her, the mother was dead and she didn't look like she had anyone to take care of her so I took her. I'll raise her and, she would have been peacefully sleeping if it wasn't for someone barging in here making a ruckus." I explained.

The girls all wanted to hold (Y/N) and I smiled. (Y/N) really was adorable!

*Evergreen's P.O.V.*
We got back to the guild after our job and Bickslow smiled and cheered.

"Finally, we're back! Now I can get away from Evergreen!"

I rolled my eyes and everyone was looking at me, well what I was holding. I was carrying (Y/N), I made the boys carry any other stuff I got for her.

"Evergreen why do you have a child?" The Master asked.

"We found her abandoned, I decided to take care of her and raise her."

"You realize how much responsibility it will take yes?"

"I do."

"Then you can keep...."


"(Y/N), a pretty name for a pretty baby."

I smiled and walked over to a table in the corner when the other girls swarmed around me wanting to see (Y/N). 'Take that Erza everyone is by me!' Even Erza wanted to hold (Y/N). Erza was holding her and with all the noise she stared to wake up. (Y/N) started crying and I took her from Erza. As soon as I was holding (Y/N) she calmed down and went to sleep, I mentally smirked, she liked me more!

*Minerva's P.O.V.*
I went to Stings office with (Y/N) to show him my new baby. As I walked in I saw Sting ....... Asleep. He was sound asleep. I sighed and he began twitching before he got up and looked at me then (Y/N) then back up to my face.

"Ummm Minerva you kinda have a ehem child there."

"I know, this is (Y/N) and she's my daughter."

"Oh okay. Wait....... Your going to raise her?"


"Where'd you get her?"

"At a dark guild, she was a prisoner."

"Oh huh. Wait a minute, a kid was a prisoner?!"



"She's my kid now so I don't care."

"Well then come on, we have to show the guild!! We have a new member!"

"She isn't a member yet smart one."

"I don't care! She's the daughter of a Saber so that makes her a future Saber!"

"*sigh* whatever."

*Yukino's P.O.V.*
I walked into the guild holding (Y/N), when I got there Sting ran up to me once he saw (Y/N).

"Yukino you have a baby?! When did you give birth and, why didn't you tell us that you were pregnant?!"

"I'm not pregnant, this isn't my baby but, her mom can't raise her so I will."

"Oh. You go Yukino! We now have a tiny Saber!"

I sighed when (Y/N) started to wake up and cry.

"Good job Sting, you woke the baby up." Rogue told him.

I grabbed the bottle I had bought and got some milk before feeding (Y/N). (Y/N) calmed down once she was eating.

"She was just hungry Sting, its not your fault." I said to the panicking Sting.


I smiled and Rufus came over to (Y/N) followed by Orga.

"You have a cute child Yukino."

"Thank you Rufus-kun"

"I like her but, when she gets older will she be able to sing?"

"I don't know Orga-kun but, I know however she sings I'll support her."

"Yukino-chan is going to be a great mom!" Lector cheered.

"Fro thinks so too." Frosh said agreeing with Lector.

I grinned, I hope (Y/N) will like it here as much as I do.

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