Bringing You to The Guild (Guys)

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*Natsu's P.O.V.*
I got up and woke Happy up then got ready. I got (Y/N) ready and started heading to the guild we were a 1/3 of the way to the guild when (Y/N) started sobbing. I ran to get to the guild so I could ask them what was wrong with her. Once we got to the guild I barged straight through the doors and ran to Mira.

"Why is she crying?!?!"

"Did you feed her?"

"I didn't know if I should have using formula or milk so I waited until I could talk to you."

"Here use some milk, I made some while you were talking"

Mira handed me a bottle filled with milk.


"Sure thing!"

"Why do you have a child?" Gramps asked.

I explained to Gramps and told him that I wouldn't give (Y/N) away, and that I would raise her myself. He sighed but let me keep (Y/N). I smiled and looked and (Y/N) happily. Lucy came up to me and smiled looking at (Y/N), soon all the girls were clustered around me trying to hold (Y/N) and look at her. I tried to get them to stop but none of them would give me back (Y/N). Eventually when (Y/N) started to cry I took her from Erza and growled at all the girls.

"Give (Y/N) back, I want to see my new niece." Erza said.

I glared at Erza and Gramps told her to leave me alone. (Y/N) had stopped crying once I was holding her again. Then the girls started saying how cute I looked holding (Y/N) and that she was just missing her new dad.

*Gray's P.O.V.*
I fed (Y/N) and started walking to the guild. 'Good thing I got milk and clothes for her before I went home' I thought. As I walked in the guild a barrel came flying towards me. I hit it knocked it to the side and right in to Natsu.

"You wanna go Ice Freak?!"

"Not while I have a kid stupid! You could get (Y/N) hurt!"

"Gray-sama has a child?"

Everyone strayed at me and I looked at Gramps, he had a questioning face as if asking why I had a baby in my arms.

"Yes, this is (Y/N) she was abandoned and I decided to rise care of her."

"Gray-sama is so AMAZING!"

"Gray, you do realise how much work it takes to raise a child?"

"Yes I do, I don't care. (Y/N) is my daughter now."

"If you think your ready for the responsibility then I'll let you keep (Y/N)."

"Thanks Gramps."

Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Levy, Evergreen, Mira, Cana, Carla, and Wendy all headed over to look at (Y/N). They all wanted to hold (Y/N) and kept talking about how cute she was. Natsu started to snicker when a sword landed right beside his head.

"Are you laughing at (Y/N)? The adorable little cream puff (Y/N)?"

"No ma'am!"

"Good, you had best not snicker at (Y/N)."

All the other girls were glaring at the flame brain. It was hard not to laugh at him.

"Gray you should probably wear clothes when you hold a baby." Mira said.

I looked down and I was in my underwear...... Yet again. Wait HOW DID I MANAGE THAT WHILE HOLDING A BABY?!?!?!?!

*Gajeel's P.O.V.*
I arrived at the guild and went straight to Shrimp.

"Shrimp, I got this kid now. Help me take care of it what do I do?"

"Why do you have a child Gajeel?!"

I explained and after I got done everyone was staring at me.

"Haha Tin Head has a kid!!!" Natsu yelled.

"You wanna fight charcoal for brains?!"

"Yeah!" Natsu yelled running towards me.

Then a hand crushed him down.

"Natsu, Gajeel has a baby. You need to realize a baby won't want to rough house."

I snickered the fool.


I sighed and gave the baby to Shrimp. Then all the girls rushed over to see (Y/N). I sighed again today was going to be a long day and on top of that I couldn't go on my mission. Then the baby shrimp ((reader-chan)) started crying and trying to get out of Levy's arms.

"Gajeel I think she wants you to hold her." Levy said.

I grumbled but took (Y/N) who immediately stopped crying.

"Wow you must have a way with kids Gajeel." Erza said smiling.

I sighed and sat down.

"Would someone go get some milk for the kid?"

*Laxus' P.O.V.*
Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen brought the stuff and I showed them (Y/N). Evergreen instantly snatched her up and hugged (Y/N) smiling and saying how cute she was. I sighed and looked at Freed and Bickslow telling them what happened. One of Bickslows baby's got to close to (Y/N). She grabbed it and wouldn't let go.

"Laxus get your kid to let go of my baby!"

I took (Y/N) out of Evergreen's arms. She let go of Bickslows baby grabbing my coat instead. She started sucking on it and I grimaced. 'Gross.' I took the coat out of her mouth and looked and Freed.

"Tell me you got a binki."

"I did, here."

He gave me a binki that was pink with green and blue flowers. I showed it to (Y/N) and put it in her mouth((I read that and laughed, I'm so dirty minded.)). I sighed and looked at them.

"Just put everything except for a bottle and blanket on the counter."

Freed nodded and put the stuff kn the counter. We all started to walk to the guild. I wrapped the blanket around (Y/N) before leaving though. We walked in and I walked straight to Gramps before telling him what happened.

"If I were you Laxus I would keep her. You can have a daughter, besides Whats so bad about raising children?"

I sighed but nodded and that's when flame idiot decided to scream out: WHY DO YOU HAVE A BABY LAXUS!!!!

(Y/N) started to sob and I began shushing her, while zapping Natsu. Gramps grinned.

"Besides, you look like you can handle being a parent just fine."

*Sting's P.O.V.*
I walked to my room in the guild though the back entrance. Lector came back with the clothes, bottles, diapers and milk I had asked him to get. I washed (Y/N) four times before she stopped stinking. I dressed her and sat on my bed. I fed her and after that she was almost asleep and I could hear slight noises from downstairs, defiantly not a good time to take a baby down there. I layed down Lector beside me and (Y/N) on my chest, I started at my ceiling and sighed.

~3 hours later~

The ruckus died down a little while ago. I took (Y/N) down stairs and everyone looked at me in shock.

"Hey Sting, you have a baby. Are you babysitting?" Orga asked and took a drink. ((Cue drink spitting))

"Nope! (Y/N) is my baby!"

He spit his drink out and everyone just stared at me.


"You'll make a great parent Sting!" Yukino said.

"You'll kill that baby Sting." Rogue said.

"I will not! I'll care for (Y/N) and love her to the farthest star and back!"

"Whatever you say, have you fed her yet?"


"Well you're not as hopeless as I thought, good job Sting."

I grinned, I knew how to take care of a baby!

*Rogue's P.O.V.*
I cleaned (Y/N) up and feed her, she went to sleep as soon as I fed her. I walked over to Sting who just stared at (Y/N) like an idiot.

"Thus is my new kid, her name is (Y/N)."

"So I get to be and uncle? Cool! How did you get her though?"

I explained and he nodded before yelling to get everyones attention, 'this is going to be bad.' I thought.

"I'm an uncle now you guys! We now also have a baby saber! Everyone meet (Y/N)!"

I really wanted to facepalm at his antics. 'Why does this idiot have to be the guild leader?'. Soon everyone wanted to know why I had (Y/N). As I explained again Yukino smiled.

"Have you fed (Y/N) yet?"

"Yes and bathed her."

"You'll be a great dad Rogue!"

"I will be her uncle right?"

"Sure Sting you can be her uncle."

"Yes! Yukino, you'll be her auntie right?"

"Um s-sure."

I sighed at this rate Sting would wake (Y/N) up. 'Too late' I thought when (Y/N) started bawling. I shushed (Y/N) trying to get her to stop sobbing.

"Sting, you need to learn when to be quiet!"

*Jackal's P.O.V.*
I walked into the room when all the others were with Tempasta following me.

"Jackal, why do you have a child?" MardGeer asked.

"I'm going to raise her! She'll be strong and powerful too!"

"Do you even have any of the supplies to raise a baby?" Seilah(or Sayla) asked.

"Uhh, what all do you need to get?"

"*sigh* come on, I'll show you what to get."


"Wait, why do you even want a child in the first place? Do you know how much of a hassle they would be? Just eat the kid." Ezel told me.

"You touch my kid I'll rip those arms of yours off. She's. My. Kid. Don't. Touch. (Y/N). Is that clear Ezel?"

"Whatever, you'll see. When you have to get up in the middle of the night to take care of her you'll wish you just eaten her."

"Awww Jackal already loves the little human baby." Kyoka teased.

"Shut up!"

"Lets go. Or do you not want to get the stuff?" Sayla asked me.

I nodded and we turned to leave. (Y/N) was my baby, I wouldn't let them touch her.

Since he doesn't have a guild I can't really do him sorry. So I'll just write a bit about when he gets to his cave.

I arrived at my cave with (Y/N), I set her down in a dip that served as a way to keep her in one place and walked outside. I went near a dead tree and picked up branches. I put them in a stack while throwing a couple into the fire I had going. I picked up (Y/N) and sighed. I wondered how (Y/N) even got to the island. It was very confusing. Whoever left her was very stupid though, she's adorable why would someone want to get rid of her? They were probably fools and didn't realize the how valuable the adorable baby they gave up was. All life is precious.

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